Added A Specialized Stringdictionary To Project?

Jun 10, 2009

i added a specialized stringdictionary to my project. i can save to it, + on form_closed it has the correct count, but when i reload my project the stringdictionary is always nothing.i read somewhere on the internet that i need to make the setting serialize as binary, but i can't see how i should do that? heres the Settings.Designer.vb file. where should i specify serialize as binary?


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Added It To Project But After Running That Project It Displays?

Mar 3, 2011

My problem is with Splash screen I added it to my project but after running that project it displays forever until I clicked on my main forum. please help me how to give a particular time to splash screen i.e., 2 seconds.

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VS 2008 .net2.0 StringDictionary Versus Control.Tag?

Jul 21, 2009

I am having trouble. My string dictionary saves a controls.tag value then saves another value to that key(controls.tag)for example I store to my string dictionary like this:
StringDictionary.Add(txtSAP_Phasing.Tag, "YES")

How can I match the values even if they are not the same problem is im trying to match each controls.tag with the proper key in the dictionary.But the dictionary saves the string of the txtSAP_Phasing.Tag value as all lowercased, and the Tag value is actually all uppercase... and this is causing my IF THEN statement to not trigger when I try compare the two strings.

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Added The Dll To The .net Project And Tried Calling?

Feb 2, 2012

I have written a program in VB6 which i have subsequently put into a dll so i can write a VB.Net front end.I have added the dll to the .net project and tried calling it but it is throwing up a security exception.Imports Sbank_Dll_v2

Class Page1 Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Editing Databases After They've Been Added To The Project -VB 2008

May 12, 2010

Not sure if I'm posting this in the right area, but here goes anyway. I've been working with sql databases for practice, but can't seem to get around one thing; after I add it as a data source, I can't go back and add tables.

I start off by going through the project, then add item, choose the service-based database, and go from there. I add the tables, then go in and add it as a data source.

After I've added it as a data source, I can go back into the .mdf form and add lines and edit properties, but it wont update in the data sources. So, I can't add it to the form.

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IDE :: Large List Crashes When Added To Project

Apr 12, 2011

I have a very simple class that crashes the VB.NET IDE when I added this list. Granted this is a list with 10,000 items but it crashes when I added it to the project. When I delete it with a text editor outside the project does not crash. I have not installed SP1 based on the comments not sure if this is a know problem or not. I can post the project its fairly small as its just text.

Private Shared ReadOnly _mdmCodes As List(Of [String]) = New List(Of String)() From { _
"AAAE-24422", _
"AAFP-02872", _
"AAGG-25572", _
"AAGN-16807", _..........

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VS 2008 Use GIF Image That Was Added To Project For Texture Brush

Nov 14, 2009

In the project I'm working on I've been using some gif images to define one or more texture brushes. I have the images in a folder and I know how to define the texture brushes as follows.


Let's say I add the images as image files to my application using "Add Existing Item". Is there a way I can define the texture brushes with the images that have been added to the solution in that way and if so could you show me the exact code.

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Displaying Newly Added Records Without Exiting & Rerun Project

Jun 28, 2011

I've created a database in Access 2007 and connected it to Visual Basic 2008. My database have tables Coachee and Coach. Details of Coachee are displayed in one form and there's a button that when clicked will show details of the Coach of that particular Coachee in a another form. If the Coach is not in database, user will be prompt to insert a new Coach record. Problem is, when saved, the newly inserted record will not be displayed and i have to exit and rerun the program, only then the record will be displayed.

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Execute A Batch File Using A Relative Path Added To The Project

Aug 25, 2010

i have created a batch file and have added it to the project using add items. Basically what i am aiming at is to execute this file on a button click action. I am using System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("hello.bat") command to run this file i have changed the build action to resource for this batch file. But when i run this program, it is not able to locate the batch file. I am required to give a relative path as the path my vary from machine to machine. how can i make this file accessable using a relative path?

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Server Path - Added New Project Class Library To Make Dll File

Jun 14, 2009

I am just added new project class library to make dll file. when i write the first line i got this problem

Dim objStreamReader

name 'server' is not declared

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Make Specialized/overloaded Generics?

Jan 26, 2012

I tend to loath repetition in code, so when I come across a problem where the only different is types I tend to use generics. Coming from a C++ background I find's version to be rather frustrating, I know C++ has template specialization and I guess does notso what I have is a set of routines that do the exact same code regardless of type being passed.something like this

Public Sub decision(Of T)(ByVal a As T, ByVal b As Integer)
If b > 10 then


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Add Item To System.Collections.Specialized.String Collection When It Is Not Already There?

Dec 29, 2010

How can I have it so that you can add items to a System.Collections.Specialized.String Collection but only if it is not there already? I have already found the code, but deleted it and cannot remember it. It is something like[code]....

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Populate System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection Object From A Text?

May 6, 2010

Say I have a text file I want to load it to a System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection

object dim a as System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection

set a = a contains many systems System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection object.

Each line in text.txt go to an element in a.

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C# - Is There A Difference Between StringDictionary Class And Dictionary<String,String>

Mar 20, 2011

System.Collections.Specialized contains StringDictionary


What's difference with Strong Typed Dictionary in Generics?

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2010 - Published A ClickOnce Deployment Package - Specialized Hebrew Font In The Application

Sep 29, 2011

I've developed a database application in VB.Net 2010 Express and published a ClickOnce deployment package, the only choice in the Express version. The installation is supposed to create a listing on the Start menu but this isn't happening. Also, I'm using a specialized Hebrew font in the application that is not carrying over to the installation. what I'm doing wrong or if the ClickOnce publishing method is not capable of working in this way?

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Block Specific Websites By Adding Them To A System.collections.specialized.stringcollection In My.settings?

Nov 7, 2010

I'm trying to block specific websites by adding them to a system.collections.specialized.stringcollection in my.settings, where i use

GetBrowser() As


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'ConfigurationManager' Is Not A Member Of 'Configuration' Even When A Reference To System.Configuration.dll Is Added To Project?

Nov 16, 2010

Receive 'ConfigurationManager' is not a member of 'Configuration' in VS2008.I read all of the topics in the forum about this error Tried adding areference to System.Configuration.dll to the project and an "Imports System.Configuration" to the vb file.Still get an error

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Control Added On The Fly Is Added To The Wrong Location Of An Auto-scroll Panel?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a program that adds controls on the fly to an auto-scroll panel. When the panel is scrolled (viewing the bottom of the panel for example) and a control is added, it looks like it is added assuming the top left corner of the panel is still at 0,0 when in fact it may be 0,500. To see what I am talking about, create an empty "Windows Forms Application" project and insert the below code into it.

Friend WithEvents Panel1 As System.Windows.Forms.Panel
Friend WithEvents btnAdd As System.Windows.Forms.Button
Dim ButtonCount As Integer


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LAME.dll - Keep Getting An Error That Lame.dll Can't Be Added To The Project?

Nov 8, 2010

is there a possible way, without using Invoke, to call lame.dll inside a .net project? Attaching it has a resource? I keep getting an error that lame.dll can't be added to the project, I guess thats because it's built in c++.

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Dynamic Added Textbox To Status Bar And Added Event

Jun 10, 2009

i have multiple forms in a project and all have statusbar. there is no way to add textbox on status bar but in my previous thread i got the help to add the text box. i created a function in module so that i call that function from all the forms on load and add the textbox on status bar and also add the event on textchange. the function to be called on event change is in individual form (at present)[code]

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.net - Save System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection Instance To Hard Disk And Load It Back As An Instance?

Jun 24, 2011

I have following instance of System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection:

Dim UserSelection As New System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection
UserSelection.Add("D_Color1", "Black")
UserSelection.Add("D_Color2", "Green")
UserSelection.Add("D_Color3", "Purple")

I need to save this instance to hard disk and then load it back from hard disk as an instance. How do I do that?

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IDE :: Set Project Default For Winforms Projects S/ Default Modifier For Controls Added To Winforms Is Private

May 28, 2010

Is it possible to set a project default for VB.NET winforms projects so that the default Modifier for controls added to winforms is Private (not Friend)?I know there's a "modifiers" property in the properties window so I can set it for each individual control however I would like to change the project so from now on myself and other developers have to specifically decide to change from friend to private. (Which I would strongly discourage them from doing).I believe there is no way of doing this, but on another forum a while ago someone mentioned it would be possible with an add-in (but didn't name the add-in or where to get it).

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Original DataTable Object Has Columns Added When Variable Has Columns Added?

Oct 6, 2011

I have a datatable property called prpParametersTable in a class called clsBatch. I have a procedure that sets a datatable variable called dtP equal to prpParametersTable at the beginning of the procedure. I then add three new columns to dtP.Here is my problem. When I add the three new columns to dtP my original table prpParametersTable also gets those columns added to it, why? I only want to add the three columns to dtP and not prpParametersTable. How can I do that?

Private Function prvfnc_InsertBatchParameters(ByRef cnn As SqlConnection, ByRef trans As SqlTransaction) As String
' set new columns that have BatchID, Insert DateTime, and UserID for the SQLBulkCopy method below
Dim clm As DataColumn
Dim dtP As DataTable = clsBatch.prpParametersTable


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In-project Components Fail If Project Is Opened With In-project Component Used On Initially Open Form?

Dec 20, 2010

Public Class ExtendedDateTimePicker Inherits DateTimePicker

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System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection Vs System.Collections.Generic.List(Of?

Feb 5, 2011


What's really the point in using the former?It's hard to use linq if I used the former. I have to convert that to an array first which is difficult because there is no (asarray) function.I think I would change all of my code that's using System.

Collections.Specialized.StringCollection to System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)

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VS 2008 - Timer - Project A References Project B So Can Open A Large Form In Project B

May 5, 2010

For reasons that are beyond my control, I have three Projects. Projects A and B reference project C. Project A references project B so that it can open a large form in project B. I now need to open that large form from project C, but VB won't allow me to add a reference from C to B because that would create a circular dependency. I found a way around it, though. I created a Timer in A, and when I opened C from A, I passed in that timer. When the user performs a certain action, I enable the Timer from A, and this causes C to open B for me.

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Include Contact Project Into Another Project / Add More Items To Database / Forms In New Project?

May 6, 2009

I have a project that I have created, it something like a contact database.It is complete with its own sql server database, and controls and forms.I kinda of understand that I can include this project into another project.This is the tricky part,Can I include my contact project into another project and add more items to the database and forms in a new project?What I'm after is like using classes.My contact database would be like the base class, and the new project would be adding more features to that project.

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Add Project Setup Project For Project For Visual Studio 2008?

Nov 15, 2010

i was developing Voice Chat Application in visual Basic .NET 2008 i try a lot methods to make installer for it :

1- i add Project Setup Project for my Project for Visual Studio 2008 Deploy & setup Type Projects and make it with output option and detect dependices

2- i try make it with Setup Factory 8.2.1

3- i try with MSI Factory 2.0

4 i try with Setup Factory 6.0

and after making installer copying it to my test virtual Machine or my friend lap and install it i get this error when try to run my application :


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Added A Toolstripmenu And Added Some Text In The Toolstripmenu?

Dec 18, 2009

so i made a from with in it a WebBrowser now i added a Toolstripmenu and added some text in the toolstripmenu how can i make it that when i click in the toolstrip menu to go to an web browser

Private Sub World30ToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles World30ToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub

i thought it was something like call webbrowser but it didnt work out

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Move Item/project To Other Project/computer VB 2005 Express

Feb 21, 2009

VB 2005 Express Visual BasicI want to move (part of) projects to different projects/ computer.I used File - export template- and was able to save templates of whole project or item(s).They saved nicely in a subdirectory called "templates" as zip files.How do I import to 1/ other project on same pc?2/ To a different computer?I tried copy zip files into corresponding folder on new system. No luck.

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