Adding Numbers From A Datagridview?

Feb 17, 2012

I have a datagridview named Partcotdatagridview. In this datagridview, I have two columns. The first column has a combo box with some names in the data source such as John, David, Alex. The second column is designated for amounts. Each person will have different entries in the datagrid I will select a name and enter an amount for that person. I would like to display the total for each person in 3 different labels in a different form.

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Sort DataGridView Numbers (when Clicking The Datagridview Column Header Text)

Mar 11, 2010

A datagridview is sorting numerical values (when clicking the datagridview column header text) in the wrong order based on the initial digit:


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Adding Numbers In Textbox?

Jun 21, 2010

ok the problem is that when a button is click I want it to add 1 (+1) to a textbox. This process will keep on going on till I tell it not to...How would I just keep a running total of whats happening in the textbox...What I mean to say is that if I pressed the button 10 times, instead of it showing:111111111 I want it to automatically add the numbers up to show 10 instead.

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Adding Numbers In Textboxes

Jun 27, 2011

i have the following piece of code: txtGrandTotal.Text = Val(textbox1.Text) + Val(textbox2.Text) + Val(textbox3.Text) If the numbers entered into textboxes1,2 and 3 are positive integers it all works fine, but if for example the following happens i get unexpected results textbox1 has the number 3, textbox2 has -1 and textbox3 has 6. I expect the result to be 8 (3-1=2 + 6) = 8 Instead I get 14. I understand the concept of precedent but how do I set it if I don't know if the number entered into textbox is positive or negative?

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VS 2008 Adding Up 250 Numbers

Oct 30, 2009

I have about 250 numbers in a list box and how can i add them all together and make it appear in MsgBox.

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Adding A Range Of Numbers Efficiently?

Dec 16, 2009

I'm making a program as part of a college assignment that requires my to add up the contents of an array. Now the array has 20 places, and the only method I know of atm is:a + b + c + d + e etc...They are all different numbers so I can't just do a * 20, I need a more code efficient way of adding all these numbers up, is this possible?

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Adding Numbers To Text (for-next Loop)?

Jul 11, 2009

I have a text file (*.txt) with a name in each line, like this:


Now I want each name added with a number from 1 to 99.

Like this:



I have folowing code:

For n As Integer = 0 To (numbernames) - 1
strContents = objReader.ReadLine()
For i As Integer = 0 To 100 - 1


With this code all happens ok and a new text file is created with the desired name-list with added numbers.The only problem is that the last name doesn't get a number added from 0 till 99 but for example 0 till 17.

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Adding Specific Numbers From TextBox?

Jun 3, 2011

I'm trying to add certain numbers together from a textbox full of numbers from 1 to 10. This is my

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub[code]....

When the button is clicked, it gathers the list of numbers from the test.txt file and displays it in the textbox. Now what I want to do is make a label so that after it streams the data and displays it in it's multi-line text box, is for every 10 and 1 displayed on one line, it will subtract 1 from the number in the label. For every 2,3,4,5,6 I want it to add 1. For every 7,8,9 it will not add anything.For those who can tell I'm a blackjack fan and I was curious on how to keep a running count in a label from a multi line list of numbers.

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Adding Up Numbers Inside Of Listboxes?

Jan 10, 2010

I am trying to add up numbers in a listbox.I know how to add them up and make them display on a messagebox but what I cant do is add the numbers in one listbox and then add the numbers in another listbox and subtract the total of the numbers from 2nd listbox from the total of the 1st BUT instead of displaying them on a message box how would I output those results into a label?This is the code I have for outputting the totals of a listbox onto a message box:

Dim intTotal As Integer = 0 'Running
Dim intX As Integer = 0 ' Index Position
For intX = 0 To lstDebitsBalance.Items.Count - 1


btw the name of the second listbox I want to sum up is lstCreditsBalance

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Get Running Total(adding Numbers)?

Oct 28, 2010

how to get running total(adding numbers).

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Adding Numbers From List Table Data?

Nov 30, 2010

how to add together integers from the end of a list array based on certain criteria. example: a list of students assignments and grades, and im trying to add all of the grades from a certain student up based on the student id from the user.

the student table looks like this:
111 H1 09/12/2010 17
111 P1 09/14/2010 42
111 H2 10/02/2010 18


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Adding Numbers From Repeater (Weight Field)?

Apr 20, 2010

I have a Repeater... And it has a Weight field. the weight it displayed in a textbox. I have this piece of code:
lblTotalWeightCalc.Text += NewDV.Item(i)("Weight")
This will get the Weight and display it in my label. But when I select more than one item (which will have two weights) it will show: For Example:
Item #1 : Weight = 20
Item #2: Weight= 50
The total Weight= 2050 (it doesn't add them together) I need them to be added together....

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Function For Adding All The Numbers In An Array And Calling This

Oct 18, 2011


I have tried a million times to gt this funtion working and i cant.

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VB6 Adding Random Numbers To Numeric Data

Apr 5, 2010

I have an issue in VB6 that is giving me a major headache. When using a variable defined as a single data type, VB6 will add random numbers to the number i assign to it.

For instance I have a single variable that is manually set to 0.3. Then i create another single variable and set it to 0.25. I have the program add 0.01 to the second variable until it equals the first. But they never equal. I couldn't figure out why when both were showing they equaled 0.3.


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VS 2005 Adding Up Numbers In ListView Column?

Dec 29, 2010

I found this from a Google search and I need the VB.NET equivalent to Martin Liss' code

Dim lngIndex As Long
Dim lngTot As Long
For lngIndex = 1 To lv.ListItems.Count
lngTot = lngTot + lv.ListItems(lngIndex).SubItems(1)


Value of type 'System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem' can not be converted to 'Integer'Basically, I need to total up a number column in a ListView.

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Adding Numbers From A Datagridviw Based On A Combo Box Selection?

Feb 22, 2012

In my below forms, the user select a name from the combo box list and enters an amount for the name selected. The user can enter as many entries. Every time the total button is clicked, I would like the total for each person to be display on the labels.

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Sorting DataGridView Column With Numbers

Nov 9, 2009

I have a datagridview with a column called "Total Price". This is set to a string value type because I need to always show 2 decimals. For example:
must be in the datagridviewcolumn:

So I use string.format for this. However, now I have a problem with sorting because the column is a string value type and numbers get sorted like this:
How to override the sort method or something that is called when a user clicks on the column header and the most effective way to sort it programmatically?

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DataGridView - Sum Of Numbers In Column Shows In TextBox?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a DataGridView1 where I have 6 columns and 0 rows (they are added additionaly in the application) and also have a TextBox1. How can I calculate all data from the second column to the TextBox1? For example, I'll run the application and add rows, where the text in the second column will be: (4, 8, 9, 1)... it means 4 rows...

So how can I make the value of those numbers (22) show in the TextBox1, so that it will calculate the numbers and show the sum in the TextBox1?

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Datagridview Can Not Get Rid Of Scientific Notation Style Numbers?

Feb 19, 2009

I can not column 4 of my Datagridview1 to display numbers as ###,###,### with not decimal places it seems stuck in Scientific notation mode, even though I have set it several different ways in the menus.How do I set it in the program like I set the column width.

DataGridView1.Columns(2).Width = 80This is in VB ExpressGary

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Show All Numbers In DataGridView That Are Smaller Than The One I Gave?

Jan 16, 2012

When put in ComboBox a number,and click on button Find, I want the DataGridView to show all the numbers that are smaller than the one I put in Combobox

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VS 2010 Datagridview Colum : Getting A Total Of All Numbers, Place Into A TextBox?

Nov 14, 2011

i have a DatagridView, with a Colum " KG".Into the Colum, i place numbers.Now i wants a total of all numbers, place into a TextBox, using a code.

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Adding A New Row To A Datagridview?

Jun 2, 2011

I using vs2008.

I have a datagridview and two datatables. I am comparing the information in the two datatables. Now, if the data exists is datatable2 but does not exist in datatable 1 I would like to add a row to the bottom of the datagridview and fill in the necessary information.

Can someone give me an idea of the necessary syntax that I will need to accomplish this goal? Also, I know this post is a little vague and if more information is needed to answer the problem I can give it.

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Adding New Row To A DataGridView?

Dec 31, 2010

I have an application in wich I have a Datagridview. At one moment in time I press a button for populating DGV. Bellow is the code for populating.

Public ConPubs As OleDb.OleDbConnection ' for database connection
Public DatPubs As DataSet 'miniature of your table - cache table to client
Public AdaptSql As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter ' adapter is use to update the dataset and datasource


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Adding Row To DataGridView?

Oct 13, 2009

I would like to add a row into a DataGridView: The first column is a string All of the middle columns are of integer type (for sorting) The last column is a string All the values above are passed to the Sub by a array (currentRow) of type String. However, the middle values have to a go through a type change to type Integer for sorting The following Sub works perfect except: The number of items in currentRow (the columns) may vary Then the hardcoded dgProduction.Rows.Add() code at the bottom with not work properly because it is fixed with a total of 6 columns. note that the length of currentRow() will not vary during the population of a single population event. Instead it may vary once I have cleared the grid and click on a different date. So all the rows within the grid will have the same number of columns.


Public Sub addRoll2prodGrid(ByVal currentRow() As String)
Dim rowCount As Integer = currentRow.Count - 2
Dim allCounts(rowCount) As Integer


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Adding A ComboBox To DataGridView?

Nov 17, 2009

I have datagridview connected with sql datebase and i want to add combobox to datagridvew (example:Time1 column)

Option Explicit On
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient


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Adding A Record To A Datagridview?

Oct 19, 2010

i have created an add button in my datatgridview.when the user clicks the add button i would like the cursor to be positioned at the first cell of the new row.i created a new add event, and can get to the last row, and select it.but how do i set the focus onto the first cell ?this is the code i am using:

Private Sub TestButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TestButton.Click
Dim RowCount As Integer = Me.grdAccountTypes.RowCount - 1
Me.grdAccountTypes.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = RowCount
Me.grdAccountTypes.CurrentCell = grdAccountTypes.Rows(RowCount).Cells(0)

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Adding An Image To A DataGridView?

Aug 7, 2010

I have a DataGridView that is bound to a DataTable. In this DataTable is a column that contains an image path location, ie; c:imagesmoon.jpg. In the DGV, I'm only displaying 2 columns, the "Name" of the image and the "Image" itself, which basically is the path information. how do I get the image to display in DGV Column? Because even though it's data comes up when I run the app.

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Adding And Updating From A DataGridView?

Apr 24, 2012

I am trying to add and update data in a db from a DataGridView. I have a save button that runs this code. The code works fine. It figures out which rows are new and add it into the DB and which rows are updated and updates them in the DB. BUT if you press the button again it will add the new row in again. it does not mark the new row as one that needs updating when the button is pressed again

Dim recall As New stLib.clsRecall
Dim rulesRow As DataGridViewRow
For Each rulesRow In DgRules.Rows


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Adding Data Into A Datagridview?

Jan 19, 2010

i want to add data into a datagridview line by line.for example on a point of sale window where you pick item by item and populate the grid.ode. i also want to know if the datagridview is the best for this. can i achieve the same with another control and still be able to go back to each line to edit.

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Adding New Row In The Middle Of A Datagridview?

Jul 11, 2011

I'm trying to add a new row underneath the highlighted cell in a datagridview rather than at the bottom. I can't figure it out

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