Ajax - ASP.NET MVC Structure And Use The Actions And Controllers?

Oct 5, 2011

I am developing an application in ASP.NET MVC structure.I was wondering, I am trying to create a site that only has one page, it has a navigation bar on the left (Which is a list of user input), and then the main content in the middle.My question is, can I make the navigation bar (The user input list) static, and make the main content change, based on the user input, with an asynchronous AJAX postback? I would have multiple controllers which would set different results to the main content, based on the user input. How would I go around doing so, partial views and calling actions with asyncpostback's?

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.net - Proper Structure Of AJAX Handler?

Jun 1, 2011

My .NET project handles AJAX requests. There are no UI controls at all, it simply responds with text to every AJAX post.

This is my current structure:
SynchLock DBNull.Value
End SynchLock


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Asp.net - Preserve Data-structure On AJAX Postback

Dec 29, 2009


The first time the page loads my structrure is filled correctly. After an AJAX postback all the structure fields are setting to nothing. (It seems that the Dim OldPInfo As New PInfo is called again), but i should better ask the SO Experts.

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Access Usb Game Controllers?

Mar 18, 2011

How can I access a usb game controller button, etc. with VB.net? Is there an api call or a library? How a sample piece of code. Can you access any usb connected device via the same calls?

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Forms :: Coming From A VB6 And C In Micro Controllers?

Oct 4, 2010

I know it will sound like a dull question, but, coming from a VB6 and C in micro controllers it might be quite reasonable:


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PS2 Buzz Controllers - Display A Picture Of The Buzzer When Key Is Pressed

May 27, 2009

I have decided to make a set of old PS2 Buzzers useful. I have been working on a VB.Net project in visual studio that will display a picture of the buzzer and when the actual key of the buzzer is pressed it will light up on the picture. I have added the USBHIDDRIVER into my project but have no clue on how to get this going.

The buzzers have 5 buttons, on the top is one big red one that has a light. There are four buzzers which are linked into a hub and streamed to one usb cable. When plugged into the computer they are recognized as a HID compliant device.

I have worked out the codes to make the lamps light up and have found the code for every key from Simple Hid Write. To make the lamps come on the code is WR 00 00 01 01 01 01 00 00 That turns on all the lamps. I would just like to know how i could make the happen. I have a checkbox that when ticked i would like it to send that code the the Buzz controller!

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LDAP Authentication - Cycle Through The Local Domain Controllers Listed On The Machine?

Jul 6, 2010

Our company is developing software projects that use a users windows username/password for program authentication. Our programs encrypt the username /password, send them to a web service. The web service decrypts the username/password and authenticates the user against our LDAP using the System.DirectoryServices namespace. This works well. There are two methods, one that validates the user and passes back the user's LDAP info in a datatable, the other passes back a boolean that indicates the user is on the domain. This is working just fine. Over the 4th of July weekend, our domain server hung. While it slowed down the login process for windows while it re-routed to a secondary domain server across the country, all our programs could not validate the users because our local domain controller was down.So I have been asked to update the web services to include a list of domain controllers that can be used if the local one is not available. Below is a snippet of code I use to validate a user:


The getinfo function uses the directory services to create an LDAP entry, then do a search based on the account name (windows username) and populates properties for common LDAP information. How can I extend this function, or re-write it, to run down a list of domain controllers found on the network to validate a username? I was thinking of putting the domain in a database, but that requires administration as they change. Is there a way to cycle through the local domain controllers listed on the machine?

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Using Serial Ports - Take The Communication From The Software And Redistribute It To THREE Eurotherm 3216 Controllers?

Sep 7, 2009

I'm reasonably proficient with VB but never had any expirence with communicating with hardware. I have a piece of software that communicates with a Eurotherm 3216 process controller via RS232, but its use is fairly restricted what it can do.What I want to be able to do is take the communication from the software and redistribute it to THREE Eurotherm 3216 controllers, so my software would intercept the comms and effectively emulate the Eurotherm.

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Structure Inside Another Structure Receives Null Reference Error?

Jan 5, 2012

Module Module1
Public Structure structure1
Public TRANS() As structure2
End Structure
Public Structure structure2
Public X() As Integer
End Structure
End Module

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Class Structure - Large Structure That Has Lots Of Properties ?

Jan 5, 2010

I'm new to VB 2008 after having spent a long time with VB6, so I apologize if this is a stupid question. But I'd really like to have this straightened out.

Let's say I have a pretty large structure that has lots of properties.


Now say that I want an internal database with about 10 instances of this structure total, describing, say, 10 different products that a store sells. When these values are loaded from a database, they remain totally static. (However, they can be different each time a program loads)

Now say that I have a class. Each instance of this class is a type of that BaseProduct structure. Meaning, each instance of the class pertains to one of the 10 types of products that the store sells. However, this class has additional properties that pertain specifically to each instance, which are not static.


Now, the problem here is... If I have 200 different transactions, each one contains an instance of BaseProduct. BaseProduct is HUGE, and is largely redundant (only 10 types possible), so I think it's a little silly to include a whole copy of it with EVERY transaction. However, the Transaction class really needs information regarding the base product it pertains to. Is there a way to, instead of declaring a New BaseProduct in the Transaction class, to simply make one of the properties of the Transaction class a pointer to a BaseProduct variable?

In VB6, I would accomplish this by making a BaseProduct(10) array, and then giving each Transaction an ID number referring to an entry in that array. But in VB 2008, using class structure, this is impossible. I can't define the BaseProduct(10) array outside of a class in a namespace, and if I define it in the actual application's form, then the class loses modularity since it relies on the application that's using it.

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Converting Structure Within Structure To Byte Array For Socket

Aug 29, 2009

I am trying to communicate with an external device and i am trying to send a byte array to the external device via sockets but i am always getting a response the message size is too small so i am not sure what i have done wrong. Between the data type there should be no alignment present and all numbers are represented in little endian format. The char array is not null terminated as mentioned in the protocol specifications.

I have to send data based on a struct that embeds 2 other struct. So here's my vb.net code for the struct used to convert to byte array and the sending part.

Public Structure MESSAGETYPE_OIP_Login
Dim UserName() As PSTRING


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Codes For Picture Box Actions ?

Feb 17, 2011

Writing codes for a school project I have to do. Basically I need to make a program that when you click a picture box it replaces the picture with an image in a second picture box on the same spot on the form. I am not sure how to do this. Right now I have the two pic boxes side by side and when I click one the other disappears as it should, but I can't get it to reappear so one can click between the two alternately.

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Overload Of Actions In The Controller?

Mar 12, 2012

I'd like to do a kind of overload of the actions in the controller.

Is it possible? 'Cause I havn't found any info about it. And when I tryed, I got this error.

The current request for action 'Create' on controller type 'InterviewController' is >ambiguous between the following action methods:
System.Web.Mvc.ViewResult Create() on type


I've tryed few things to get what I wanted. The last one was to copy what was done in the "Edit" action, but for an empty rank. (so I created an empty rank in my DB). I don't think it was a good idea (imagine someone wants to update the DB where idOpportunite = 5...)

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Start Program With Certain Actions?

Oct 4, 2009

I am making a file viewer, and I would like to have the option to open each folder in a new window, but how would I go about start my program and making it open in the correct directory? This is the function I have to open a directory into my viewer: openDir("path", "*"), All I need is to start the program so that this will activate after it's start up.. Is this possible to do?

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Stop All Actions Of App After Closing

Feb 24, 2012

I have just published an app i was making. However whilst testing i noticed when i close the app using the Exit button which contains the code below


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[VB 2008] - Using The Browser And Actions

Jan 29, 2010

I want in my VB application launching my Browser (or displaying in a WebBroser Control) a Website. But my php website has an authentification page, so i wish my vb code write the login, the password, and press enter (or click onto an image that run an Ajax function).

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Invalid Structure Size When Marshalling C Structure To .NET

Apr 14, 2012

I'm experiencing a problem with the following c-structure:

typedef struct tagTEXTUREPROP
DWORD dwSize;


The Marshal.SizeOf obviously calculates a size of 76 and it works with the DLL function, but it leaves me with some bad feelings.

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VS 2008 Convert The XML Structure Into A Class Structure?

Apr 25, 2010

I'm having a problem that's driving me crazy; I can't understand how to convert the XML structure into a class structure (that I want to use to hydrate a XML document).

The XML document looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<artists xmlns:opensearch="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/" xmlns="http://www.spotify.com/ns/music/1">


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A Better Way To Group Actions Of Similar Buttons?

Nov 24, 2010

say I have a Button1 subroutine


I have a lot of such buttons in my main form. They all do the same thing like this. get the text and pass to some other routine. If i have 20 buttons, then i will have 20 such subroutines. Is there a better (or standard way) to do this without creating that many subroutines?

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Automating Actions With WebBrowser Control?

Mar 30, 2009

I'm trying to use WebBrowser to remotely log into a site and perform a basic action on the site.

The first step is logging in to the site. Here's the form code for the login:

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How To Perform Different Specific Actions After Every 5 Seconds

Jun 27, 2010

I want to do the following:

msgbox("Welome to this app!")
*5 secs later*
*5 secs later*


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Javascript - Launch Two Actions In One Button ASP.NET?

Jun 12, 2010

I'm developing a comment page in asp.net, this my page :

<form action="#">
<p><textarea id="textArea" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea></p>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />


Until then, everything is fine, but I want when the user clicks the submit button, the button will trigger another action that will save the comment in the database.

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Make Timer For Events Or Actions?

Aug 18, 2009

I want to make a timer .. which control events ... or actions .how can i write it's code ..FoeExample : if I want my computer to shutdown in 3:30 AM , or any other action of my program .. How can I write the code .. ?

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VS 2008 Allow Multiple Actions Before Assignment?

Oct 27, 2009

So Im doing this calculator and i got everything working well. The only thing Im having trouble with is getting it to allow multiple actions before assignment. What i mean by that is . Instead all i can do is (number * number=) does not let me do another before assigningCalculator

Public Class Form1
Dim abp As Boolean
Dim number1 As Double


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VS 2008 Detect 'tab' Event And Do Actions?

Apr 5, 2009

I have roughly 20 text boxes on my form,When you press tab, it naturally selects all text in the box (highlighted in blue), so you can press any key, and it replaces it with that,That result is what I want, unfortunately, if you click into the text box, and tab back to it, it no longer selects all the text.I'm wondering how I can detect the tab event properly,I've tried adding a 'KeyDown' event to each text box, and then selecting the text, but the sub never runs, also tried detecting the tab event in my Main Form, thinking that perhaps the parent handles it and will receive that event, but.. No.I've thought of using an event like 'Activated' however, it will also run when the mouse is clicked.

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VS 2010 Accessing Same Form But For Different Actions?

Jun 12, 2012

I have a datagridview on a form and this shows up my list of suppliers. I have a textbox which when i click shows up the supplier list and from there when i double click on a row, the supplier's name is shown in the textbox. The thing is i have to do same on the same page for search purposes which got its own textbox. But the cell double-click event already contains code that will display it in some other textbox like i mentioned previously. What i thought is to make another form with a datagridview. So this datagridview will be used to display the supplier's name in search textbox. But what if i have to access this form several times. Do i have to create several forms everytime?

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Avoid Repeating Actions When Designing WinForms?

Apr 24, 2011

For every form I create, I do the following [code]...

What are my options for avoiding such repetitive actions?

Is there a "best-practice" for such a scenario?

Note: the reason I'm doing changes 1-3 is that the application's GUI is in Hebrew, and the application isn't required to support further localization or internationalization.

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Order For 2.0 Client Service To Perform Actions?

Jun 24, 2011

Would I need it in order for my VB.NET 2.0 client service to perform those actions? Is the Azure SDK only for web development?

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VS 2008 Custom File Association Actions

Jun 3, 2010

ive got a custom archive type, which i have all the associations set to me application for, when the users double clicks these files i want them to auto import, but im a little stuck on my next step.[code]the tomove string would need to point at the file which was double clicked/ran, and the textbox1.text replaced with the file name of the file that was ran.[code]And the code runs, but i need to replace the "test" (previously it was textbox1.text) withthe name of the file which was ran, is that possible?

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VS 2010 Applying Actions To Multiple Controls

Oct 8, 2011

I'm very new to VB and am struggling with a problem! I have a form with mutiple (100) textboxes and buttons. I have set the properties of some of the buttons so that the text is draggable, but I want to be able to drag it to every textbox. I have posted a snippet of code below that allows me to drag ot to box 1 and 2, but is there any way that I can set it to drag to all boxes without having to individually specifying them? The same goes for dragging text between boxes...i'm sure there must be some way of specifying multiple drag and drop locations without the laborious task of specifying each as an individual sub? Code below


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