App Not Listed In Open With Dialog In Release Version

Sep 7, 2009

I managed to create an application that is listed in the 'open with' list only in debug version. Means, when I right click on a file extension and select "open with..." I get the 'choose program' dialog and can browse for my app, nothing impressive. The weird part is, that when I enter the path to the debug version of my program is works, and when doing the same to the release version my app is not even listed, it is simply not shown...

Does anybody know what it needs to make a simple app be listed here, any fancy debug/release setting?

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Open A Cmd.exe Process With The 8 Arguments Listed?

Dec 31, 2010

I am attempting to open a cmd.exe process with the 8 arguments listed At this point all this does is open a command window in the correct directory

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
What I want to send to the command window is:
F:Python26> python.exe 17 32.123365 -95.938098 32.266846 -95.789143 F:Python26process_test.txt


I have even tried this with a design Process from the toolbar and set the File, working directory and start info arguments and I get the exact same results. I am not understanding the Argments function or I am doing something wrong and not sending them correctly.

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Cannot Get VS2010 To Compile Release Version?

Mar 14, 2011

I just updated to VS2010 SP1, but I cannot be certain this problem didn't exist prior to the update.When I build my project the version in /bin/debug builds, but nothing builds in /bin/release. I do not remember making any changes that would affect this, but nothing I do now will get the release version to build.

In the Application settings under "Compile" I have Configuration set to Release and the Build output path is "binRelease For Debug I also have Configuration set to Release.

There doesn't seem to be anything else left to change/adjust - but no matter what I seem to do nothing builds in the bin/release folder.

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Different Results For Debug And Release Version Of Vb Dll?

Apr 17, 2012

I created a vb dll using class library in visual studio 2010 [URL]... I have accessed this Dll in Excel VBA by referencing it through (Tools>>Reference)...I obtain different results when i run my program from Excel and when I run it from Visual Studio during debugging (here the debugging starts Excel as an external program). The results are exported by the dll function as a structure array ( The required values
are in double format in a constituent 1D array). The difference is as high as 5%.

What might have caused this difference? Could someone please help me with this?

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Release Version VB2008 Application Won't Run On Windows 7?

Jan 20, 2011

I changed my VB2008 Express development system from Windows XP to Windows 7.After installing Windows 7 I installed VS2010 with VB2010 Express.Tried that and had issues so I installed VS2008 with VB2008 Express.The application I was developing with VB2008 on my XP system will compile and run in the debug environment with VB2008 on Windows 7 but the Release build (double clicking the .exe in the Release directory) will not. An information box pops up stating the application stopped working. No application Form ever showed up on the screen. I can run a simple application I start from scratch on this new setup.The release .exe compiled on my old XP system fails in the same way.What could be the problem? The application of interest uses an SQL Server CE database. A reference forSystem.Data.SqlServerCe is included in the References. What could be different about running in the debug environment vs running the

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IDE :: Incorrect Assembly Version After Compiling New Release Build?

Sep 21, 2009

Every time I compile a new release build in 2009, the file version number of my main exe is correct, but the assembly version number is the same as the last build instead of the current version even though I manually change the file and assembly version in the design studio to be the same prior to compiling.The only way I can get the assembly version to be correct is to close Visual Studio and delete the obj folder. Then if I open the solution and recompile, all is well.

Here is the information copied from the About box in VS:

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Version 9.0.30729.1 SP
Microsoft .NET Framework


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IDE :: Difference Between The Dll Or Exe File From The Debug Or Release Version Or Bin Or Object Folder

Jun 10, 2012

if you are debugging or releasing a projet , vs writes exe or bin files to the bin and obj folder in a release and debug version, are ther differences bewteen these files with the same name in 4 folders ?, eg myproject.exe

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Return To Already Open Application When User Tries To Open A New Instance If Same Version?

Nov 27, 2011

I want to open up an existing instance if my program is already running only if its running the same version.I noticed that this question was asked for only if the name exists, but what if the version is older, I just want to notify the user that an older version is still running, "please remove older version before starting this version."The other link is this one:Return to an already open application when a user tries to open a new instance but they don't talk about closing an instance if an older or newer version is detected.

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How To Release An Open File

Apr 16, 2009

I'm opening a file called tempImage.jpg and showing it on a form in a PictureBox. I then click a button called Clear and the file is removed from the PictureBox using PictureBox2.Image = Nothing, however I'm unable to delete the file as it is locked open. How can I release it so I can delete it? I'm using VB.NET and a forms app.

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C# - Return To An Already Open App When A User Tries To Open A New Instance If Same Version?

Nov 28, 2011

I want to open up an existing instance if my program is already running only if its running the same version. I noticed that this question was asked for only the the name exists, but what if the version is older, I just want to notify the user that an older version is still running, please remove older version before starting this version. The other link is this one: Return to an already open application when a user tries to open a new instance but they don't talk about closing an instance if an older or newer version is detected.

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Can't Get The Build To Build A Release Version In Vb

Jun 17, 2009

I was able to build both debug and release versions of my VB code before now I no longer have the option to build a release version. How do I turn it back on

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Specify Version Of Excel To Open?

Apr 17, 2012

I have two versions of Excel on my desktop: 2003 and 2010.[code]This works, but it always opens Excel 2003. How can I tell it I want 2010 instead?

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Specify Which Version Of Access To Open?

Jun 11, 2011

The company I work for has old databases that were built in Access '97. They've since upgraded to Access 2003, 2007 of course, and are in the process of upgrading to 2010, but a couple of databases still only work in '97.

I'm tasked with trying to find a way to make sure the database is only opened in Access '97. I can easily open up an instance of Microsoft Access using VB and I know how to check which version is open in the code as well, but I'm wondering if there is a way to specify which version I need to open in the code. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and would be willing to use C# or C++ if it's "easier to do"/"only possible" in one of those languages.

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IDE :: Assembly Version, File Version And Publish Version In ClickOnce In VS 2008

Mar 31, 2009

How they relate and differ from each? What are the best practices for version control? Is there a primer about publish online? Or a good book?

And is it possible to make ClickOnce and a msi in one solution of VS 2008? If so, is there any conflict or pitfall?

BTW I am using VB if that makes any difference.

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.net - Choose Which Excel Version To Open?

Jul 30, 2011

I have several excel sheets which I'd like to work with different Excel versions using VB.NET Basically, I want to choose which Excel version I will open certain worksheet using VB.NET. Is there any way to know which Excel version is installed in the machine and how many versions with VB.NET? And how do I choose which Excel version I will open it?

I'd like to know it through programming, I know that this can be done if you take a look at the registry keys in the machine. Although, what I need is to create a software that asks the user for the Excel version he want to open

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The Dialog Won't Open

Sep 1, 2010

I want to open a dialog from another one's menu, but when I do this, the second one wouldn't open. The code is the following one:[code...]

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App Name Does Not Show Up In Open With... Dialog?

Jul 29, 2009

After deploying and installing my application I use the app to create and save a file with my own file extension. After the file is created I right-click on the file and select Open With.. so that I can associate this file extension with my application. In the Open With dialog I use the Browse button to find my application and select it. In the Open With dialog the application icon is shown, but the name of the app is blank (looks like an empty string). Can anyone tell me why this might be happening? I've looked at the Registry, which shows the correct app, but every time I open the Open With dialog only the application icon is displayed, no name.

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How To Close And Re-open A Dialog

Sep 3, 2009

I'm developing a WinForms app in VB.NET, that handles sets of style data, and when the user clicks on another set's label, it prompts through a dialog "You are leaving this style preset to edit another one. keep changes on this one? [Yes] [No]".But, I'm facing the problem that, when the user clicks either option, and the dialog closes, everything has to be refreshed, and loading the form again seems a good option.[code]But as soon as that sub is called from the prompt, it crashes the application. (doesn't show an error in debug, simply crashes) How should I, from a given dialog, close the dialog, it's parent, and re-open it's parent? (which triggers all the Dialog_Load() code of the parent)

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Make An Open Dialog?

Mar 6, 2009

Firstly, how can i make an open button, so i can open saved html pages.Secondly, how can i save html pages in my browser.

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Open A File Dialog?

May 22, 2010

How do i make it that when i hit a button file dialog opens and i can select a text file from my computer

then output the text file into listbox1.text

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Utilize Open With Dialog?

Feb 20, 2012

I'm having the reverse problem as this thread.We save off data in several formats, one of which is .XLS, however, some users may not have MS Office installed already, so I want to allow them to use the OS's "open with" dialog to associate with notepad or something so they can open the file.[code]...

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VS 2005 Keep The First Dialog Open?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a form that I am calling by using showdialog(). In that form, there is a button that will call another form by using showdialog(). When I close the second dialog box, it also closes the first dialog box. Is there some way to keep the first dialog open?

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VS 2008 Open Dialog With A Specified Value?

Jan 10, 2011

I have built a Dialog which contains a TreeView. Now, when I invoke this Dialog, I need passing a value based on which a node of the TreeView will be selected. I need help in knowing how do I pass a value to the Dialog?

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[2005] Open File Dialog Box In VB 2005 To Open Up An Existing Txt

Jan 9, 2009

I am trying to use the open file dialog box in VB 2005 to open up an existing txt, or rtf file from a directory into a rich text box. I am able to get the Open file dialog to appear and the directories, but when I try to open the file it doesnt import it into the text box. Here is the code I am using


View 3 Replies - Getting Jquery Dialog To Open Up And Show?

Jun 2, 2011

I have the following javascript function

<script type="text/javascript">
function ShowAlert(id) {
alert('I am here' + id);[code].....

In my gridviews item template for my edit button I have the following to call the function. Which works to show an alert but can't get it to show the dialog? Is it because possibly the postback happening on the grid causing it to close?

<asp:Button ID="ButtonEdit" runat="server" CausesValidation="false"
CommandName="EditMember" OnClientClick='ShowAlert("#editPerson");'[code].......

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Default Directory For Open Dialog Box?

Jan 27, 2010

I am retrieving some pictures from the images in my Picture Box on the form I added my "images" folder to the bin/debug folder , and used the code for retrieving images from this directory.

Dim myDir As String = Application.StartupPath & "images" '-- my folder for images

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Detect Whether A Dialog Is Open In A Mdi Environment?

Oct 3, 2011

I have some code that loops in the background of a form and triggers action if the form is active (this is in a mdi forms application). I use the following to check this:

Dim frmActive As Form
frmActive = Me.MdiParent.ActiveMdiChild
If frmActive.Name = Me.Name Then
'Do work
End if

The problem comes when that form starts another form running in dialog mode i.e. form.showdialog. I need the above code not to run while this is the case, but it still returns true when the dialog form is active and the other form is in the background.

Is there any way to detect whether a dialog is open in an mdi environment?

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Look At Other Forms While Dialog Form Open?

Jun 2, 2010

At one point I have a dialog form open, but in order to process it, the user might want to access information on other (open) forms. This would necessitate the ability to move/resize/scroll the other forms, but obviously everything is frozen during the dialog. I don't suppose it's possible to achieve this "semi-modal" state, where other forms can be browsed, but no other actions taken?

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Open A Dialog Box To Select A File?

Aug 31, 2011

I am trying to open a Dialog box to select a file. I then need to drop that value into a FileStream StreamReader to read it so the combo box will show a list of values in the selected .ini file. I've got pieces of it but I am not sure of the glue that will connect the two. I am posted what code I have below.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim FileParser() As String


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Open Connection Dialog For VS 2010 .Net 4.0

Jul 21, 2010

Is there one out there? I try to include this and it says something about the Oracle connection not being compatible with the target framework. Any ideas? Or how can I change the target framework of the project without breaking the visual studio power packs?

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