- XmlTextWriter Not Working In VB .ASP Page Literal

Jan 27, 2011

I'm getting the error below when I try usign the XmlTextWriter in my VB aspx page


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ADVERTISEMENT - XmlTextWriter Not Working In My VB .ASP Page Literal?

Mar 7, 2012

In an older thread i was looking to read data into a temporary datatable, Now I think I have gotten this working, but i am not sure how to connect the temporary data set (if needed) to access the data from this.

Again here is my code


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C# - Prevent The Conversion Of & To &amp Using XmlTextWriter?

Feb 1, 2010

The '&' in the text gets escaped and gets converted to & when creating the xml file using XmlTextWriter but i dont want the conversion to take place how to prevent it?

Is there any other way besides using WriteRaw func of xmltextwriter?

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Remove char's While XMLTextWriter?

Jan 23, 2009

I try to write the XML using XMLTextWriter but at the start some invalid char's like

are appeared ...what can do to remove it?

View 2 Replies - Looping Checkboxlist And Create XML Using XMLTextWriter?

Nov 21, 2011

I am a beginner developer with xml and .net. I have series of checkboxlists and I want to produce an xml file depending on the user select. I want xml file to be like this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<FILTER xmlns:x="urn:1">
<CATEGORY Name="Year">


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Copying Stream From XmlTextWriter To A FileStream?

Jan 11, 2010

I have an HTTP Handler that is binding an XmlTextWriter instance to Response.Output like so...

Sub GenerateXml(ByRef Response As HttpWebResponse)
Using Writer As New XmlTextWriter(Response.Output)
' Build XML


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XmlTextWriter.WriteFullEndElement Tags On The Same Line?

Mar 19, 2010

I am using an XMLTextWriter to create an XML document dynamically (in VB.Net).I want empty tags to appear like this - <Tag></Tag>and not this - <Tag /> So, I am using WriteFullEndElement to end the element tag. But it is writing out the tag as -


i.e. with a newline character between the tags. The web service reading this XML rejects it due to the newline character.How do I avoid the newline, and have both the start and end tags on the same line?

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Xml - XMLTextWriter To XMLDocument - It Gives 'The Stream Does Not Support Reading?

Oct 29, 2009

I've got an XMLTextWriter writing to a Stream of a WebRequest. Everything works as it should:

Dim wr As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create("")
With wr[code].....

How can I intercept this XML that's being written as an XMLDocument type? I tried snagging it from the stream but that gave me a 'The stream does not support reading.' exception

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.net - XmlTextWriter Responds With System.InvalidOperationException During Creation Of Second Element?

Sep 8, 2009

I am having trouble with XMLTextWriter.WriteStartElement throwing an exception:


when trying to write the second element in my XML document. This error comes back as "The Writer is closed". I have not closed it, so I am guessing it has fallen out of scope?? I have created a class to write an XML file using XMLTextWriter as an object within my class. Below is the relevant code. I have found one other post on codeguru that was never answered with the exact same issue.

Function CreateXML()...
_listDocument = New XmlTextWriter(_xmlDI.FullName & "\" & currentFilename, Nothing)


I am calling these functions after instantiating a dimension from ListXML (the name of my class) with the following code:

Dim xmloutput As New ListXML
xmloutput.AddListMember(xmloutput.ReturnWhiteList, currentItem.SenderEmailAddress, xmloutput.ReturnAddAction)

View 1 Replies - AutocompleteExtender Not Working In Master Page?

Jul 3, 2010

I have a problem regarding the autocomplete extender in ASP.NET - it works fine in all pages I have, but NOT in a master page and i don't know why.

Here is my code:

<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtSearch" Width="200px" CssClass="TextBoxClass"></asp:TextBox>
<cc1:AutoCompleteExtender ID="txtSearch_AutoCompleteExtender" runat="server"


The problem is that GetCompletionListOggetti is never called. I repeat - it works fine on content page!

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Responce.redirect() Is Not Working In .net To Go On Next Page?

Jun 27, 2009

responce.redirect() is not working in to go on next page?

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IE8 Back Button Stops Working On ASP.NET Page?

Jul 29, 2010

If you do a search for "ie8 back button disabled" you'll see a number of blogs with people having difficulties with the Internet Explorer version 8 back button becoming disabled. This now happened to one of my ASP .Net pages. The page uses a user control, aspx page, and a master page. It uses no redirects and seems to be happening when I click the back button and then the forward button (after the forward button is clicked, it does not fire the Load event and the back button becomes disabled).

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Print In VB 2010 Is Working But Page Missing?

Jun 8, 2011

I'm trying to print my form which I created with Visual Studio. I'm using power pack printing. All goes really well but I'm missing 2cm on the right side of my printout. Page on printer is set to A4.

This is what i try to do but no luck:

PrintForm1.Print(Me, PowerPacks.Printing.PrintForm.PrintOption.ClientAreaOnly)

Whatever I change, it is always printing the cropped page. I'm using xps printer at the moment and there is no zoom option. Can I set the form to zoom to fit the page?

The borders are also too big. Thats why my printout gets cropped, but I have no idea how to change it.

The size of my form is 711 x 1034 pixels, it's a desktop application.

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.net - JQuery Trigger Click On Aspx Page Is Not Working?

Jan 20, 2012

my ASPX Markup is as below

<a id="lnkLogin" href="javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$LoginReg1$lnkLogin','')">Login</a>

And my function is as below

function LogOut() {

for some reason this trigger click is not working?I have also tried to do this from code behind like this

If Request.UrlReferrer IsNot Nothing AndAlso Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri.Contains("32088") Then
' Define the name and type of the client script on the page.
Dim csName As [String] = "ButtonClickScript"
Dim csType As Type = Me.[GetType]()


View 1 Replies - Exporting Rendered HTML Page To Word Is Not Working In IE

Mar 17, 2011

I have a rendered HTML page that I am exporting to MS Word and downloading on a button click. Here is the code snippet in the button click.


View 2 Replies - Why The Links Are Not Working When Moving A Page Outside The Root Directory

Sep 5, 2010

My website is in the root directory, which is [URL]. I am using this:

Dim appPath As String = HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath
Dim directory As String = appPath & "/upload/" & Left(TableName, 2) & "/"

to get the path and it's working very well. But when I create a new sub-folder and copy some pages from the root directory into the sub-folder, my images are not displayed because the path has changed. This is the link from the page in the root directory:


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ItemCommand Event Of FormView Control Not Firing/working In ASP.Net Page

Jun 5, 2009

ItemCommand Event of FormView control not firing/working in ASP.Net Page

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.net - HTML Input Not Working Correctly With AJAX Update Panels Used Else Where On Page?

May 20, 2010

I have some update panels on my page that do some asyncpostbacks to keep some dropdownlists correctly populated. My problem is that on my page i have an HTML input that is handling some file uploads. With the AJAX on the page with asyncpostbacks, and while i step through my code behind, the files arent being uploaded. Using a postbacktrigger (non-async) is not possible because of my layout.

Here is my code:

<div id="divFileInputs" runat="server">
<input id="file1" name="fileInput" type="file" runat="server" size="50" style="width: 50em"
onfocus="AddFileInput()" class="textbox" /></div>


When I put a breakpoint in at the declaration of service and then check the value of "files", the count is 0. I am expecting it to be 2 when i have one file uploaded.

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.net - XML Literal With Linq Statement?

Oct 7, 2009

I am going to be performing an XSLT transformation, transforming XML to an HTML table. It's tabular data, so that's why I'm not using div's.


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C# - Anchor Control In Literal?

May 2, 2011

using System;

namespace WebApplication1
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page


I have the above code sniplet. I am trying to bind the anchor within the literal to a function in a following manner:

onserverclick = "Download"

But the event is not firing. The requirement is that anchor is rendered through literal only.

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C# - Multiline String Literal In .net?

Sep 14, 2011

Possible Duplicate: Multiline strings in VB.NET

How do you specify a multiple line string literal in Visual Basic .NET?

You can do it in C#: Multiline String Literal in C#

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Type Literal Binary In .NET?

Sep 13, 2009

How do you type binary literals in VB.NET?

&HFF // literal Hex -- OK
&b11111111 // literal Binary -- how do I do this?

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Use Array Literal In A Condition?

Aug 2, 2011

I just learn how to create an array literal in VB.NET. [code]...

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Using FindControl To Target Literal

Jan 5, 2012

I have a ListView called "orderReceiptTable" which I am able to properly access from the Code Behind. Within it is a literal called "orgName" which I obviously would like to populate with an organization's name. After much searching it was determined that FindControl was the right course of action. Perhaps I am using FindControl improperly but I am unable to actually have it "find" my Literal control. The code block is being called in the Page Load.

My code looks as such:
Dim orgNameString As String = getOrganizationName.getOrgName(organizationID).ToString()
Dim myOrgName As Literal = FindControl("orgName")
myOrgName = CType(orderReceiptTable.FindControl("orgName"), Literal)
If Not (myOrgName Is Nothing) Then
[Code] .....

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.net - Escape The # Character In A String Literal?

Dec 10, 2009

If I needed to escape a double quote character within a string literal I'd use two consecutive double quotes as follows:

Dim name = "Chuck ""Iceman"" Liddell"

However, it doesn't seem like consecutive # works the same way. The compiler is expecting a compiler directive to follow the # character, even when its enclosed in double quotes. How can tell the compiler that I want a # character in my string?

EDIT: as a few of the answers below point out, # is not a reserved character. I closed my solution in Visual Studio and re-opened it and no longer got the compiler squiggles warning me.

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.NET XML Literal Expression Expected With Linq To XML?

Jun 9, 2010

I have the same problem as stated in this question, but the accepted solution there was a "works on my machine" answer.


And I receive the error: BC30201: Expression expected.

Does anyone have a more detailed idea of what could cause this?

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Assign The Literal Text As URL Redirect?

Jul 29, 2011

I'm trying to assign the literal text as a URL redirect as follows:

Dim l As Literal = CType(sender, Literal)
l.Text = "<a href =""~default.aspx?tabid=65&itemid=" + id + """>Results</a>".ToString

The problem I'm having is with the ~

Without the squigly (does it have a proper name?) I don't get the full proceeding part of the URL.

With the squigly it displays the URL perfectly but with the squigly still there.


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Comparing An Object To A String Literal?

Feb 2, 2011

This might just be a matter of taste, but I'm wondering if there's a "recommended" way to compare a variable of type Object (which might be Nothing or have a different dynamic type than String) to a string literal in VB.NET. The following options obviously won't work:

If myObject = "Hello World" Then ... -- won't compile
If myObject Is "Hello World" Then ... -- tests for reference equality, which is just wrong
If myObject.Equals("Hello World") Then ... -- throws an exception if myObject is Nothing
If DirectCast(myObject, String) = "Hello World" Then ... -- throws an exception if myObject is not a string

Thus, the only (simple, single-expression) solution I could find is to use

If "Hello World".Equals(myObject) Then ...

which looks a bit clumsy to me. Did I miss any obvious alternative, other than doing type checks or explicit checks for Nothing?(Of course, we're talking about Option Strict On.)

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Declare A Char Literal In Program?

Jul 30, 2010

With Option Strict On:

Dim theLetterA As Char = "A"

returns an error about converting the string "A" to a Char.

What is the syntax to enter a Char literal?

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Extracting Literal Values From A Xml File?

May 25, 2011

how to capture the 'ID' literals from the following xml file example using VS and VB 2010. I plan to assign it to a temp variable for later use.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Row Sortorder="1">


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