Type Literal Binary In .NET?

Sep 13, 2009

How do you type binary literals in VB.NET?

&HFF // literal Hex -- OK
&b11111111 // literal Binary -- how do I do this?

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Convert From Binary To Image Type?

Dec 21, 2009

convert binary image to jpg or png one.i've saved some types of images in my database but now i want to display them but i can't do it

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Save A Custom Type As Binary Data In NET?

Sep 26, 2011

I'm creating something that has save files. For the most part, it's just saving objects with 4 values.[code]...

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Should Change File From Binary To Text Or Another Type

Apr 20, 2011

i am currently doing a project for my course. My project is creating a system for a mechanical workshop, this includes customer information, car information, expenditure ect. I am not allowed to use access to store the information as this will decrease my overall mark on difficulty hence i am going to use files to store the information. I am using VB 2005. I have tried with binary files, this was good at first as it stored data in a record but then when i tried to create a algorithm to search the data it failed.

1) Should i change my file from binary to text or another type?

2) Anyone have any ideas to search within a binary file? If you do can i get some code please.

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Read A Binary File By Formatting A Record Type?

Apr 26, 2010

I used to read a binary file by formatting a record type and then using the Get command to get the data. What is the equivalent in VB.net?

'In Module.bas
Public Type recordtype
dist As Single


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Create An Application That Allows User To Type In A 32 Bit Number Using Binary System

Jul 13, 2011

Can anyone help me to break down the instructions for this assignment.Create an application that allows the user to type in a 32 bit number using the binary system, and convert that number into the decimal numbering system.For example, the user types 000000000000 0010 (where there are 30 leading 0's, 1 then 0 from left to right), and the output would be 2.The user will type a string that is 32 characters in length.A For loop 'reads' each character using the x.substring(i,1) where i is the current character we are reading and 1 means one character only,and x is the entry the user typed (use a Textbox to get the entry but Inputbox is also ok).When you start at the first character (from the right) then that value is to be * 2 ^ 0 then the second character is to be * 2 ^ 1, then the third character is * 2 ^ 2, hence:( x.substring(i,1) converted to Integer ) * 2 ^ j represents the decimal value of the current number (0 or 1) we are reading.A variable is needed to accumulate all those values.After the loop is done, display the accumulated value.To test this code on a simple version, enter a 4 digit binary number, where 0010 is decimal 2, 0110 is decimal 6, 0111 is 7, and 1000 is 8.

My understanding is the user must enter 32 digits into a textbox. The textbox should place limitations that only allow the digits "0" and "1". This error could be displayed to the user with a messagebox that then asks to reset the value orginally inputted into the textbox. My understanding is I should continue creating the formula of the position of each character where the third character is *2^2, fourth is *2^3, fifth is *2^4 and so on? I don't understand the formula and how it works.

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.net - XML Literal With Linq Statement?

Oct 7, 2009

I am going to be performing an XSLT transformation, transforming XML to an HTML table. It's tabular data, so that's why I'm not using div's.


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C# - Anchor Control In Literal?

May 2, 2011

using System;

namespace WebApplication1
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page


I have the above code sniplet. I am trying to bind the anchor within the literal to a function in a following manner:

onserverclick = "Download"

But the event is not firing. The requirement is that anchor is rendered through literal only.

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C# - Multiline String Literal In .net?

Sep 14, 2011

Possible Duplicate: Multiline strings in VB.NET

How do you specify a multiple line string literal in Visual Basic .NET?

You can do it in C#: Multiline String Literal in C#

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Use Array Literal In A Condition?

Aug 2, 2011

I just learn how to create an array literal in VB.NET. [code]...

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Using FindControl To Target Literal

Jan 5, 2012

I have a ListView called "orderReceiptTable" which I am able to properly access from the Code Behind. Within it is a literal called "orgName" which I obviously would like to populate with an organization's name. After much searching it was determined that FindControl was the right course of action. Perhaps I am using FindControl improperly but I am unable to actually have it "find" my Literal control. The code block is being called in the Page Load.

My code looks as such:
Dim orgNameString As String = getOrganizationName.getOrgName(organizationID).ToString()
Dim myOrgName As Literal = FindControl("orgName")
myOrgName = CType(orderReceiptTable.FindControl("orgName"), Literal)
If Not (myOrgName Is Nothing) Then
[Code] .....

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.net - Escape The # Character In A String Literal?

Dec 10, 2009

If I needed to escape a double quote character within a string literal I'd use two consecutive double quotes as follows:

Dim name = "Chuck ""Iceman"" Liddell"

However, it doesn't seem like consecutive # works the same way. The compiler is expecting a compiler directive to follow the # character, even when its enclosed in double quotes. How can tell the compiler that I want a # character in my string?

EDIT: as a few of the answers below point out, # is not a reserved character. I closed my solution in Visual Studio and re-opened it and no longer got the compiler squiggles warning me.

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.NET XML Literal Expression Expected With Linq To XML?

Jun 9, 2010

I have the same problem as stated in this question, but the accepted solution there was a "works on my machine" answer.


And I receive the error: BC30201: Expression expected.

Does anyone have a more detailed idea of what could cause this?

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Asp.net - XmlTextWriter Not Working In My VB .ASP Page Literal?

Mar 7, 2012

In an older thread i was looking to read data into a temporary datatable, Now I think I have gotten this working, but i am not sure how to connect the temporary data set (if needed) to access the data from this.

Again here is my code


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Asp.net - XmlTextWriter Not Working In VB .ASP Page Literal

Jan 27, 2011

I'm getting the error below when I try usign the XmlTextWriter in my VB aspx page


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Assign The Literal Text As URL Redirect?

Jul 29, 2011

I'm trying to assign the literal text as a URL redirect as follows:

Dim l As Literal = CType(sender, Literal)
l.Text = "<a href =""~default.aspx?tabid=65&itemid=" + id + """>Results</a>".ToString

The problem I'm having is with the ~

Without the squigly (does it have a proper name?) I don't get the full proceeding part of the URL.

With the squigly it displays the URL perfectly but with the squigly still there.


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Comparing An Object To A String Literal?

Feb 2, 2011

This might just be a matter of taste, but I'm wondering if there's a "recommended" way to compare a variable of type Object (which might be Nothing or have a different dynamic type than String) to a string literal in VB.NET. The following options obviously won't work:

If myObject = "Hello World" Then ... -- won't compile
If myObject Is "Hello World" Then ... -- tests for reference equality, which is just wrong
If myObject.Equals("Hello World") Then ... -- throws an exception if myObject is Nothing
If DirectCast(myObject, String) = "Hello World" Then ... -- throws an exception if myObject is not a string

Thus, the only (simple, single-expression) solution I could find is to use

If "Hello World".Equals(myObject) Then ...

which looks a bit clumsy to me. Did I miss any obvious alternative, other than doing type checks or explicit checks for Nothing?(Of course, we're talking about Option Strict On.)

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Declare A Char Literal In Program?

Jul 30, 2010

With Option Strict On:

Dim theLetterA As Char = "A"

returns an error about converting the string "A" to a Char.

What is the syntax to enter a Char literal?

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Extracting Literal Values From A Xml File?

May 25, 2011

how to capture the 'ID' literals from the following xml file example using VS and VB 2010. I plan to assign it to a temp variable for later use.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Row Sortorder="1">


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Pass An Array Literal To A Sub Routine?

Apr 2, 2009

Isn't there a way in VB to pass an array literal? Say the subroutine ask for an array of integers and you have just one. Can't you do something like

instead of
Dim MyNums as Integer() = {MyNum}

I'm thinking I'm just missing some adornment to the array literal inorder pass it.

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String Must Be Literal. Not A Constant Or A Variable?

Jun 12, 2011

Public Class Form1


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Define A String Literal Containing Non-ASCII Characters?

May 19, 2010

I'm programming in VB.NET using Visual Studio 2008. I need to define a string literal containing the character "÷" equivalent to Chr(247). I understand that internally VS uses UTF-16 encoding, but when the source file is written to disk it contains the single byte value F7 for this character.

This source file is processed by another program that uses UTF-8 encoding by default, so it fails to interpret this character correctly, attempting to combine it with the following single-byte character. What encoding would correctly interpret the single byte F7 as the single character ÷?

Alternatively, is there a way of expressing a non-ASCII literal that uses only ASCII characters - like using some kind of escape sequence?

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Embed A Variable Css Style In Xml String Literal?

Sep 20, 2010

I would like to add a variable data to a string literal WITHIN the HTML tag[code]....

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Get A Reference To Resolve And Then Concatenate With A Literal In App.config Key?

Sep 9, 2010

Has anyone ever tied to get a reference to resolve and then concatenate with a literal in an app.config key? I am trying to point to a resource, which in this case is a PDF file, and want to make the path to the resource configurable.[code]What I get is a string with the embedded double quotes I want but the Application.StartupPath reference does not resolve.

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Set Color And Other Controls For A Literal Control In Code In Asp.net?

Mar 26, 2012

I am coding a dynamic asp.net page in which i want to have text boxes in a page and the number of text boxes depend on a previous user input. Since the number of text boxes are decided dynamically, I am going with designing them in code rather than in the aspx page.Now I need these fields to be mandatory and so want to indicate a RED asterisk symbol in front of the label corresponding to each text box.I am really new to working in .net and I couldn't figure out how to set a specific color to a labelcontrol.[code]....

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ASP.NET Custom Control - Template Allowing Literal Content?

Jun 16, 2010

I want my User Control to be able to have Literal Content inside of it. For Example:

<fc:Text runat="server">Please enter your login information:</fc:Text>

Currently the code for my user control is:

<ParseChildren(True, "Content")> _
Partial Public Class ctrFormText
Inherits UserControl[code]..............

And when I put text inside this control (like above) i get this error: Parser Error Message: Literal content ('Please enter your login information to access CKMS:') is not allowed within a 'System.Collections.ArrayList'.This control could have other content than just the text, so making the Content property an attribute will not solve my problem.I found in some places that I need to implement a ControlBuilder Class, along with another class that implements IParserAccessor.Anyway I just want my default "Content" property to have all types of controls allowed in it, both literal and actual controls.

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ASP.NET: Handle A Click Event From A <a> Element Within A Literal.text?

Feb 9, 2012

I'm creating <div>'s and appending them to a literal's text property. I have added a <a> element to the text so that the user can click on a specific element. How can I tie that to a function to handle the event in the codebehind (vb.net) ?

Example of my Literal.Text ...

For Each row As DataRow In oDataTable.Rows
MyLiteral.Text &= "<div style='font-size: 8.25px; text-transform:uppercase; padding:3px; background: #FF8C00; border: 1px solid #000; margin: 0 5px 0 5px; display:inline-block; float: left;'>" _
& row.Item("LastName") & " | <a href='#?"& row.Item("ID") & "' style='color: #000;' >X</a></div>"

So the above code I want to somehow allow the user to click the X link and then it would remove that person.

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Empty Namespace In Inline Xml Literal - How To Remove Xmlns

Jul 31, 2010

I am trying to use xml documents to store data for a movie database, but am having an issue

here is the code I am using

Imports <"...movies.xml">
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click


Why do I get that xmlns = "" in the movie parent node?

Of I remove the parent node from the movieAdd variable it puts xlmns = in all the nodes

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ORA-01704: String Literal Too Long When Updating A Record?

Mar 17, 2011

I am trying to update an Oracle Database record and i keep getting this error:

ORA-01704: string literal too long 5

I looked up that error and it seems that i have a limit of 4000 charters since i am using Oracle 10g. However, the prgblem is that its the same exact data i am putting back into that record so that is why i am unsure as to why its giving me that error for the same amount of data i took out of it.

Here is my update code:

Dim myCommand As New OracleCommand()
Dim ra As Integer


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Asp.net - Show Error Message In Literal If No Record Found In Database?

Jan 14, 2011

how to show error msg in literal if no record found in database according to the text entered in textbox1 and textbox2 else if show record in gridview if the text entered in textbox1 and textbox2 will be found in database ...

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