Auto-deskew An Image Of A Book With Solid Edges

Apr 1, 2010 doesn't do very much for images without text. I am specifically trying to auto deskew an image of a book with solid edges, but minimal text.

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VS 2008 Choppy Font Edges When Transfering Image From A Bitmap To A Graphics Object?

Jun 3, 2009

i am drawing a string to a graphics object in the eg below and then transfering it onto a in the paint event of a panel... when doing this the font edges appear dodgey...

Here is some

Dim b As New Bitmap(100, 100)
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(b)
g.DrawString("Bla Bla Bla", New Font("Comic Sans MS", 18,FontStyle.Bold), New LinearGradientBrush(g.ClipBounds, Color.Red,


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Load Data (Book) To Text Box When User Just Enter The Book Code?

Oct 28, 2009

how to load data (Book) to text box when user just enter the book code?how to load data (student) to text box when user just enter the student id?how to write the code when user click the save button , the book quantity(Book) will reduce 1 and the all the data in textbox will save in database(Issue)the interface is like


the database is show at


the code is

Public Class frmIssue
Dim dt As New DataTable()
Dim rowIndex As Integer = 0
Dim rowIndex1 As Integer = 0


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Can't Get A SOLID Line In .NET, Just Hashed

Oct 14, 2010

I'm trying to draw a solid line if VB.NET the way I can in VB.What I WANT to do is set the pentype to solidcolor, but it says pentype is read only and you have to instantiate the brush as the pen type that you want, SO ... I do this:

Public myBrush As New SolidBrush(Color.Red)Public p1 As New Pen(myBrush, 5)

And what I get when I draw a line is a pen type that is hashed. It's a bit weird, too. The line I'm drawing is between captures of the mouse position and if I move the mouse really fast, I get an almost solid line, but if I move the mouse slowly, I get a hashed line.

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Component To Write Solid FTP Client?

Apr 1, 2012

I failed finding a really simple Windows FTP client that any user could use, that would just prompt the user for the host + login + password, then use OpenDialog to select one or more files to upload, and just let it go. Since this tool could be used to upload files up to 10GB, it must have solid support for resume. I checked a bunch of them, and found them way too complicated.So it looks like I'll have to write my own in VB.Net but I'm no stellar programmer.Does VB.Net provide a solid FTP client component? If not, are there other (free/affordable) controls I should know about?

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Make A Color Transparent Does Not Solid?

Jun 9, 2011

I want when I color a shape ,that color does not wipe the background picture.I want it be transparent not solid :S I tried Opticity property :-/ but it is just for the whole form :icon_sad: ,it does not available for the color.

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Making A Solid Effort To Upconvert?

Feb 13, 2010

I am making a solid effort to upconvert myself from VB6 to VB 2008 Professional. My current issue is with querying and updating to SQL 2008 Express. In VB6 this was a simple matter of adding an ADODC to the form and creating set queries in DataEnvironment that you reference in the code.Now, I don't suppose there is anything like that method in VB2008 (if I'm wrong and there is, then yippee!) so if possible I'd like a link to a straightforward methodology of querying and updating data in a SQL Database.

Please note, I am not yet down with alot of the abbreviated code references that generally gets used in VB2008 for dealing with SQL connectivity.

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Replace Dashes With A Solid Line?

Feb 23, 2012

I am using word 2010 VBA to clean up a "dot matrix" looking report. One thing I want to do is replace a row of dashes with a solid line. I think the code would look something like this:

count strings = "-------------------"
for each strin (i)
select string
delecte selection
move up
insert solid line
next (i)

Or if it can be done as a find and replace all that would be even better, but I cannot find how to replace a row of dashes (text) with a line object.

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.Net Code To Auto-size An Image?

Apr 23, 2012

I have several images that are going to randomly display in a picture box on a form. My question is, is there a way to auto-size the picture so it "fits" into the picturebox?

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VS 2010 Auto-cropping An Image?

Jan 20, 2012

In my code I am taking a screenshot of a CAD screen. The image consists of various colored entities on an all-black background. I would like to find the extents of the non-black pixels in all four directions & crop the image to those extents or maybe a few pixels beyond.

View 9 Replies

Interface And Graphics :: Have A Solid Border Around A Series Of ComboBoxes?

Aug 23, 2010

I need to have a solid border around a series of comboBoxes. The properties for the control do not have a border. Is there a way to create one?

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How To Draw Curves Along Edges

Aug 23, 2009

I did not really want to create as what i am showing in the second picture. What i actually wanted is to draw a curved (maybe a porsche, ferarri , or a lamboghini). Can i know how to draw curves along the edges ?

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Rounding Off The Edges Of A Form?

May 19, 2011

is it possible to make the edges on a form rounded rather than a sharp edge?

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VS 2005 : Auto-size Image Of A Button?

Feb 15, 2011

Suppose if the user selects an image which is bigger than the size of the button, then i want it to autosize the image so that it fits the button I am providing an OpenFileDialog to the user to select the image for the button

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WebBrowser - Image Resizing And Auto Login

Jul 16, 2010

I don't have code because I don't know if its possible. I need to make a webbrowser for work that will auto rezie images like internet explore does when it is to big for the browswer, I have done it with vb6 b4 by parsing it into ram and then displaying the image, but I don't know how to do it in cause the code will not convert. Also I need to have auto send user name and password to the website its navigating to. The website uses a standard username and prompt window that pops up once you navigate to the web address.

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Windows - Auto-sizing Zoom On An Image In .NET

Jul 16, 2009

I'm considering a personal learning project. Using .NET(preferably VB) I want to build a simple desktop app that's only function is to display comics, like CDisplay, but with more advanced navigation. I want to be able zoom in by clicking on certain areas of an image, individual panels for instance, and have the zoom area automatically snap to the panel and blow it up. The images are usually in a standard format like .jpeg, .png, etc..

Something like this is what I'm going for: [URL]

I'm not even sure what this is called? Image mapping? Tone mapping maybe? Is it possible to do this within .NET or would it require some kind of outside library? Code samples would be nice, but obviously this is pretty vague request.

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Cause An Event - Draw A Solid Black Line 25 Pixels From The Top Of The Form?

Jan 31, 2012

I see that the Line method is replaced with DrawLine, however; it seems like DrawLine must treated as an object as follows:

Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e _

As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Paint

Draw a solid black line 25 pixels from the top of the form.[code].....

When I attempt to use this code (call it), I must somehow bring about an event, but I haven't found how to do that.How do I "call" this sub?

View 13 Replies

Programmatically Reset Form Background From A Picture To A Solid Color?

Nov 13, 2009

How can I programmatically reset my form background from a picture to a solid color. I have no trouble changing it to a picture or even changing it to another picture, but when I try to change it back to a solid color, it won't work. 'OK 'OK
me.backgroundimage=(none) 'error
me.backgroundimage=my.resources.none 'error

How do I reset it back to a color? It's stuck in a picture mode.

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Find The Edges Of An Application Window?

Jun 26, 2010

I'm trying to make a program that runs programs using image analysis. It will Recognize images on screen so that they can be clicked. Well when i was working on it i had an ideal. I could get the edges of the screen/window i'm using. Make a calculation to grid off areas of parts of the screen. Making the program not have to process the entire screen every time. So that it only has to call to process a grided off zone.

How every i dont know how to get the edges of the screen/window. Could some one link info on how to do it or give some code snippits. Thx for an info that you give.

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Auto Resize Form / Image And Controls On Different Resolution

Aug 5, 2009

How to auto resize form, image and controls on different resolution using visual basic dotnet code.

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Interface And Graphics :: Blend Edges Of Photos ?

Feb 9, 2009

I'm trying to do for a website. I've got a header banner that is 900px wide, and I want to display 4 random images across the banner. (I've got about 20 photos at this point, and I want the header to select from them.) I can get the code for the random selection, but what I'm looking for is a way to blend about 10 pixels near the overlap. If I have each picture exactly 225px wide, I get a "hard" line between the images. I'd like to make the images a little bit wider and soften the edge by overlapping and blending the images together. I have figured out how to get the image back to the web browser, but I don't even know where to start on trying to figure out the blending. Graphics really aren't my thing.

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Make A Custom Form, With Shaped Edges?

Jan 24, 2011

how I could make a custom form, by setting the FormBorderStyle to None, and making it transpatent without setting the TransparencyKey to a color...

Because when you set the TransparencyKey property to, let's say 121; 121; 121, and it got a button which got the same color on the ForeColor, and then it disapears...

Here's an example of how it looks like when the form is transparent:


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Skin My Form - Shadow Edges Are Choppy

Nov 23, 2009

I tried to skin my application and failed. I can get it to work if I don�t have semi transparent pixels on the outside of my form. But I want to use a skin I found on Deviant art that was made for Miranda. It is really nice but and it has a shadow around it. To get it to work in (I�m using 2005 btw) I have to fill around the main picture and take out the initializing (I think that is what it is called). But then the form�s edges are choppy. How does Miranda allow the shadows but I can�t in

I first tried to do it the easy way. I set up some transparent panels with transparent pictureboxes in them and put my corners and middle fills as the backgrounds. I made the form with no border and set the transparent key to transparent. That didn�t work, so I made the form magenta and the transparent key magenta. The outside of the for where the shadow is was drawn on the magenta and the magenta bled through. So I edited the png�s to be magenta all around the form (eliminating the shadows) and it worked, but the corners were choppy.

Then tried some code I found on the net that tried to make a new control as a transparent panel. It was overriding the paint events and drawing to an off screen bitmap. I really didn't understand it and it just showed up as a blank screen. There has to be a way to do this.

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Zoom Picturebox With Static Edges (for Report)

Jul 8, 2011

My report is an image in a picturebox. I want it so if the user clicks on it it will zoom larger --- while the picturebox remains the same size. That's important. The examples I've found for picturebox zooming cause the picturebox to get bigger and smaller. I need it to be like an Access report. Click on the report and it gets bigger. Click again and it goes back to the full image. Of cours when you're zoomed in, the perimeter of the report is not visible. So I'd like to be able to drag the image as well so the unseen portions can be seen.

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Achieve A Drop Shadow Effect Around All Edges Of Form?

May 19, 2009

How would I achieve a drop shadow effect around all edges of my Form?

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Move Controls To The Outer Edges Of A Maximized Form?

Jun 2, 2012

I have been working on a windows form over the last couple days and I have hit a brick wall when trying to move my controls.

I think I have basic understanding of anchoring and docking but I'm not getting the results I'm hoping for so I have attached some screen shots of what I'm trying to do.

It's not about re-sizing more about moving the controls to the outer edges when my form is maximized.


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VS 2008 Forms Inside Form, Snap To All Edges?

Sep 9, 2010

I have multiple forms within a form, typically up to 16, and I want these "inside" forms to snap all edges between eachother or the parent form edges, when a form is resized or moved, and edge comes within x pixels of any other edge.How should I approach this? What I can think of is to raise an event on the form that is moved/resized which calls a parent form handler method that loops through all the forms, check the edges and then keeps fixing (repositioning) the active form if any of its edges is close to any other form edge

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Rounded Edges Or Drop Shadows Of Transparent Form Layouts Turn White?

Feb 24, 2011

I've wanted to know the answer to this question for a long time but I never really took the time to ask anyone. My question is, why do rounded edges or drop shadows of transparent form layouts turn white. Take a look at the following image to know what I'm talking about.

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Color.FromName To Return A Solid Black Color When The Function Doesn't Recognize Any Text In The String Passed To It?

Jan 29, 2012

[URL] That way if the string that is not recognised that is passed to Color.FromName it returns a SolidColor of

Color.Black = Color.FromARGB(255,0,0,0)

That way, Forms and controls that only support SolidColors are supported.Installing VB6 on Windows 7?

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How To Draw A DASHED Line Instead Of A Solid Line

Aug 22, 2010

I am graphing using Visual Basic graphics and it works. I would like to know how to draw a DASHED line instead of a solid line. Could someone help me with this?gphFormGraphics.DrawLine(Pens.Green, pt2, pt1)

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