Bind Events Dynamically To Objects Within A List<of T>?

Dec 9, 2010

I have a List<of T> with certain objects. Every individual object has 3 events. How can I bind those events dynamically to methods?.

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Bind A List Of Custom Objects To A Listbox Control?

Jun 25, 2010

vs2010 WPF project

This is an experiment to learn something.

I have a class called logitem

it has a datetime property, and a message as string property

I have declared myLogEntries as List(of logItem)

I have a ListBox.

Ok now what?

I have searched but i am getting lost in all the examples.

I have set the ItemsSource=myLogEntries

I think i need a datatemplate or maybe to specify binding source.

I am doing all this in the wpf form loaded event.

I guess i need a sample code for binding a list of collection to a listbox.

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List Of Objects And Shared Events

Dec 8, 2010

Okay so I've created a list of objects from a class like


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Child Objects Raising Events In Parent Objects?

May 1, 2009

long story short, I have created a ListView type control, using UserControls for the parent control and the ListViewItems. Most the of the control is written and works fine, right up to the point where I tried to replicate the 'Control.SelectedItems(0).Index' property and the 'SelectedIndexChanged' event.

Each child object knows its index value, and could pass this value via the SelectedIndexChanged event (assuming this is how it works in a normal ListView control -- user clicks on an item, and that item fires an event updating the selected index value in the parent object).

How does the child object raise an event in the parent object? I have a feeling this could be done with Delegates, but I'm still learning about their usage.

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Bind Objects With Nested Objects?

Jul 21, 2009

I am tring to bind a class to a form where the class contains other class variables. For example:

Class Character
Private _name as String
Property Name as String


View 5 Replies - Bind To Textbox's Events?

May 8, 2009

I am populating a textbox (txtFileNature) with a value from a popup window. The textbox has an onfocus handler set to


The problem is that I want to do some calculations based on the value of txtFileNature and want to display the result below it. In which event can I can use my VB code. I can't use the textchanged event since I am not typing in the textbox.

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Bind Database To Objects?

Mar 2, 2012

I don't know if this is even the correct terminology but I was wondering if it is possible to bind a row (of data) from a database to an object. I am working on a school project and we have decided to create this application to track a user's BMI/BMR and compare it to the amount of calories they have input. The program doesn't go too in depth so it does not store the calories consumed in the database.

So here is my problem. I have a row in my database:

First_Name -- Last_Name -- Height_Inches -- Weight_Pounds

And I guess what I am thinking I want my program to do is if I have an object with properties for FirstName, LastName, HeightInches, WeightPounds, is to somehow query the database for one row and put the values into the object. All we have learned so far is binding the data with controls which doesn't really help in my case since the work is going to be done behind the scenes.

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Bind Keyboard Keys To Events?

Mar 30, 2012

How do I bind a keyboard key to an event? Everything I have found so far is related to using the keyboard for shortcuts to buttons on the form. I guess you could say I want to do the opposite.

For example: This is just basic code I did while learning how to use the xBox controller with my windows forms.

If currentState.Buttons.LeftShoulder = ButtonState.Pressed Then
tbLB.Text = " Pressed"
tbLB.Text = " Released"
End If

Instead of changing the text in my textbox I want to have the left shoulder button or maybe my Dpad act as the "Tab" (let me worry about the controller I've got that handled, as not not confuse anyone) key on the keyboard in order to navigate through my form by tabbing upward or downward through a menu. Then maybe use the "A" button on the controller as the "Enter" key.

Where in: Replacing "tbLB.Text = " Pressed"" with code that would press virtually press the "TAB" key.

Of course using the xBox controller is dealing with XNA, but at this point I have figured out some basics of using the controller with my forms, just need to know how to mimic the keyboard keys.

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Forms :: Datagrid Bind Using Objects?

Jan 7, 2010

i created a class i invoke the class as object in vb.forms i want bind object(parameters) to datagrid when return as arraylist from methods in form_load. i want to bind arraylist to datagird in will bind, the grid show all the parameter from arraylist.but i want few columns to bind from arraylist is convert from list from method.

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Access Objects On A Dynamically Created UserControl An A Dynamically Created Tab Page?

Dec 5, 2011

I can usually find the answers to most of my questions via the Google Gods, but not this time.I have a form that has a TabPageControl and on that page a collection of labels and text boxes via a usercontrol.

On the form I have a button that allows the user to create a new tabpage, when the code adds a new page, it automatically adds the UserControl collection. I can't get my head around how to access the objects on the newly created tabpage.

What I need to be able todo is take the index of the tabpage that has focus and translate that against the UerContol name, but I havn't a clue how to do it!


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Bind/update Two ListBoxes To Nested Objects?

Apr 21, 2010

I have two nested objects, and the form has two ListBoxes, where I want the last to respond to the selection of the former. It can even be some times deeper than 2 levels, which can make it a bit cumbersome. I solve it by raising events in any method that makes an add/delete/rename of these objects, and the form listens for these events, and when fired, clears it's lists, and loops through these objects to populate the lists again. binding lists, but this seems to introduce a few issues. First I need to keep a set of extra lists in the main BLL class, but more importantly, I feel I'm violating the layered structure between the BLL and the form, as in this case, the BLL needs to keep track of the current selected indexes of the listboxes in some variable. So that doesn't feel right, as it makes the BLL vulnerable to what the form does, and I assume is simply principally incorrect.

Following is example of object structure, where two ListBoxes should display "Company Names" and "Employee Names", and the Employee name listbox obviously change according to the selection in the Company Name listbox.

Public Class Form1
private _main as New Main
End Class


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VS 2010 Dynamically Bind Datasource To ReportViewer

Jan 19, 2011

I have a ReportViewer showing a report that is bound to a dataset. The dataset gets its data from a Access database backend. I have a separate form that allows the user to add/update/delete data. My problem is when the user makes changes to the data using the data entry form, the report does not reflect those changes. I have to close the entire program and reopen it before the changes take effect on my report. This piece is used to bound the report to the dataset


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Bind A WinForms TreeView Control To Some User-defined Objects?

Oct 16, 2011

I'm trying to bind a WinForms TreeView control to some user-defined objects. In particular, I'd like to bind aTreeNode.Text property to myObject.Name. My strategy is to create xTreeNode, a subclass of TreeNode, add a DataBindings collection, and expose its Text property. This would allow me to write some code like this:

Dim oBinding as Binding
Dim bs as New BindingSource
bs.DataSource = myObj


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Interface And Graphics - Add Late Bind Control To Form Dynamically

Oct 14, 2010

Using VB 2008. We have an app with a third party grid on it works well enough. This is a small utility within a bigger suite, and adding/updating it involves a simple EXE copy. The issue I am trying to address is that not all customers will have the 3rd party controls on their systems, and we want to avoid deploying them if we can.

Can I build the app so that if the controls are present, the app uses them. But if they are not present, I use a simpler control? I picture using a 'launcher' form that tries to load Form2 with 3rd party. if it errors, then just load Form3 with common controls. But can I even get to that point? With missing controls, will the app even load? I understand Late Binding for objects, but this is a control right on the form. Can I late bind a control and add it to form dynamically perhaps?

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Events In Nested Objects?

Oct 17, 2010

I can't seem to find a lot on how to use events in nested objects. I suspect that I should have access to the events in the nested objects through intellisense if I had done things right. I have many objects with 50 or so properties and I would like to access them with out adding handlers for each one and additional events in parent objects.

Public Class Form1
Dim WithEvents myCombinedClass As New CombinedClass


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How To Create / Add Events Dynamically

Nov 23, 2010

I have a form with a textbox to enter a number and a button called "Create". When a user enters a number and clicks create the form gets populated with the number of buttons entered in the textbox and the title of the buttons are labeled by consecutive numbers. For example if you enter 5 the form will populate with 5 buttons labeled button1, button2, ...button5. When you click on these newly created buttons a messagebox will popup stating the buttons name. Basically I need to know how to create events and populate them with code I guess dynamically.

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.net Creating Objects In An Array With Events

Jul 25, 2011

I'm having a problem at the moment developing my application. What i need to do is find out how many modems they are connected to my system and send data to each one in turn. I have the programme working for one modem at the moment.

So I can send data to a modem that i specify, for example a modem on COM port 1. I have functions already that will give me a list of COM ports that I need to open.My problem is that i want to dynamically create a new modem object along side existing modems and store them in a collection.


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Catch Events On Runtime Objects?

Mar 5, 2009

I'm creating a form with a few buttons and a combobox at runtime.dim f as new form

(blah blah)
then the buttons acceptDescription and rejectDescription are set up...
then the combobox descriptionCombo is set up...


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Catching Events In ArrayList Of Objects

Jul 22, 2009

I have an ArrayList that is populated with Objects. These Objects raise events at certain times. How can I capture these events from the ArrayList? i.e.
I want something like this:
Public Sub MyRaisedEvent(ByVal obj as MyObject) Handles MyArrayList.MyEvent
End Sub

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Getting Events To Bubble Up In Nested Objects

Oct 16, 2010

If you have a class that is a combination of other classes how are you to get the events to bubble up to the parent class?


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IDE :: Handle The Events For This Type Of Objects?

Jan 15, 2009

I created a Class which inherits Combobox and the listview is added . Now what I need is once the user click listview, the listview has to close and the clicked item has to added with combobox text. simply can say combobox1.text = listview.item(0).textFor closing & displaying the listview I need to handle the events. For

My Codings :========Public Class Combu_lstviewInherits ComboBoxPrivate treeViewHost As ToolStripControlHostPrivate Shadows dropdown As ToolStripDropDownPublic mylistview As New ListView
Public Sub New()mylistview.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Nonemylistview.View = View.Detailsmylistview.HeaderStyle =


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Add Events For Dynamically Created Buttons?

Jan 14, 2010

My process is as follows:I access a database table to determine what questions to ask (20-100 questions).Each question is display along with, possibly, a "done" button.My code to do this is as follows:

If datareader("Who_Second").ToString = lbl_Your_Position.Text Then
Dim b1 As New ImageButton
b1.ID = "btn_second" & datareader("QCC_Q_ID").ToString


What I need to do for each button is strip out what the "QCC_Q_ID" is for that button and insert information into another table of the DB.My partial code for this is as follows:

Sub btn_done_clicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs)
Dim MyDate As Date
Dim QCC_Q_ID, Position As String


Two problems:1. My sub is never being called, so I can only assume that my "addhandler" is not working.2. QCC_Q_ID = e.ToString.... That doesn't seem right - is it? What I need to do is get the name of the button (btn_second13) and get just the number out of that (13). Is there any easier way to keep track of that ID?

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Adding Controls And Their Events Dynamically?

Oct 1, 2011

I'm developing a website in visual studio 2008 using ( have to allow registered users to build pages and add controls that are already defined by the same userMy problem is how to build this page dynamically?In other words, I'd like to make like any CMS (e.g. Joomla). CMSs allow us to make new pages and add our controls then save them..

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Attach Events To A Control Dynamically

Oct 25, 2009

I have code that reads file paths froma text file into my application for an mru list on my apps main menu. The menuitems are added programatically from each line of the text file. How can i attach events to these menu items?

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Events For A Dynamically Created Button?

Aug 17, 2010

I have made an click event for a button which creates buttons dynamically and I added events to the dynamic buttons by using addhandler but it says it the button is not declared. Here is the code for dynamic buttons:

Private Sub MenuBtnNew_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuBtnNew.Click


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.net - Handling Events For Late-bound Objects?

May 7, 2009

I would like to use MS Office automation and have event handlers that fire for user-triggered events. For example, if the user clicks the save button in Word, I want to intercept that event and execute code in my program.

I don't want to be bound to a specific version of Word because I don't know what version my user will be running, so I instantiate a reference to Word using late binding. The problem is that the AddHandler and the Dim WithEvents commands require specific references to an object that is known at design time. Given this, how can I define an event handler without having an early bound reference to a specific version of the Word library?

I can try to a reference to an earlier version of Word with the expectation that newer versions of Word will be backwards compatible, but this seems kludgey and risky.

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Handle Events For Objects NOT Created In The Design Tab?

Jan 10, 2012

I have created a PictureBox array to hold 104 playing cards that are all visible at the same time.I did this with this line in the declarations:Shared Card(104) As PictureBox

And with these lines in the Form_Load module:

For I% = 1 To 104
Card(I%) = New PictureBox
Card(I%).Name = String.Format("Card{0}", I%.ToString)
Card(I%).Size = New Size(71, 96)


I have been successful in creating the array, positioning each and entering the images for all 104 PictureBoxes, but now I want to add code for the event "MouseDown.I copied the code for this event from my VB3 program and VB10 automatically updated the list of parameters, but nothing has linked the objects (Card) to the code.

I have tried to append "Handles Card.MouseDown" as well as several variations with brackets to indicate that it is an array.Auto-complete doesn't include "Card" as an option, and of course, since the array was never an object added to the form design, I can't create the empty module from there.

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Referencing Dynamic Objects To Create Events?

Nov 20, 2010

I have a tools strip menu item with dropdown items that are created dynamically.

For Each file In files
Dim newMenu As New ToolStripMenuItem(FileNameOnly(file))

So how would I go about setting up or creating events for these items? I need to have a check event and click event for each of the items.

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Dynamically Create Objects Using A String As The Name?

Aug 7, 2010

Is there a way to dynamically create an object using a string as the class name?I've been off VB for several years now, but to solve a problem in another language, I'm forced to develop a wrapper in this one. I have a factory method to dynamically create and return an object of a type based on input from elsewhere. The provided input is meant to be the class name from which to create an object from. Normal syntax means that the entire class has to be explicitly spelled out. To do it this way, there could literally be hundreds of if/then's or cases to handle all the available class/object choices within the referenced libs:

If c_name = "Button" then obj = new System.Windows.Forms.Button
If c_name = "Form" then obj = new System.Windows.Forms.Form


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Dynamically Creating And Referencing Objects?

Mar 17, 2009

I would like to dynamically create an object (in my case a thread) and then be able reference that object. Simplistically put, I would like to read from a text file and then process each item using a thread (so that I don't have to wait for each item before starting the next). The problem is that I cannot think of a way to create a new thread dynamically ie. thread name so that I can then wait for all created threads before doing something else.

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