Books/websites Out There That Incoprorate Databases With .NET Programming?

Jun 4, 2010

I would really love to work on some .NET programming and SQL(what my job will consist of). You can never learn too much programming .I've finished the VB book I had in class last semester and would like some either websites or book recommendations. I would like the website/book to have a problem and have me make the program however I see fit. Also, Are there books/websites out there that incoprorate databases with .NET programming? I'm having a hard time finding that.

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Why Does C# Have More Books About LINQ Than Vb

Aug 24, 2011

I'm starting a new project to handle info from some text files, a kind of sorting module so I'd like to give it a try using LINQ but looking for a book I realized that there are more c# books than vb, so I wonder if c# have better support or if it is more suitable than vb.

You think there is some advance on use c# or vb.

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Books On VB6 And Access 2007?

Jun 26, 2010

I have an Access 2007 database connected to SQL Server 2005. I want to use VB to create an application that will retrieve and manipulate data in our SQL database. I'm familiar with VB and I'm familiar with Access. What I don't know is how to get started creating forms in VB that's accessible through Access. Are there any books out there that will help me get started?

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Pattern Books For C# Developers?

Apr 23, 2009

What would you recommend as the "best" VB.NET and C# books for learning Design Patterns?eferably books that actually give examples of when to use the patterns. I need torecommend some books to a group of C# and VB.NET developers.

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Using Excel Keeps Adding Books?

Nov 12, 2009

while creating Excel files in, all is fine, except when I want to close my PC and there are many popups to save or delete "bookx.xls". How do I prevent these blank books from being made??

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Any Good Books On Crystal Reports?

Oct 7, 2009

I never touched the crystal reports topic before but i hae been through certain articles and found that i't not hard as it sounds. however, i need names of some good books on this topic..

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Books / Links For Controlling MS Office

Mar 15, 2011

Are there any books written with the focus on how to control MS Office (Excel, Word, Powerpoint) through applications? I only have checked the book Professional Excel Development that shows a little bit on automating Excel from I would need a much more comprehensive book (or links to web learning pages) on the issue.

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C# - Barcode Lookups For Games, Books, CDs?

May 15, 2011

I am looking to write my own media library and was wondering are there any free .Net APIs out there to identify a product based on a given barcode? As a secondary point are there .Net APIs to return cover art for books, CD, games etc based on a barcode.

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Some Good Object Oriented Books?

May 21, 2009

I'm looking for some good quality OO books, if any exist for VB .Net

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VS 2008 Is Msdn Where All Books Stored

Feb 21, 2011

im tring to switch to i guess thats the only way im going to learn how to make phone apps.when i bought vb6 i thought ms would send all the books involved , maybe in pdf formate.

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VS 2010 Windows Application Books?

Mar 28, 2011

It has been nearly 4 years since I have started developing with .NET - mostly with ASP.NET and SQL Server. I rarely got any time to work with Desktop application but now I want to get lower level knowledge of windows application - I mean hows window application works (Hows form is drawn, what kind of lower level objects are being used, how user control detect keystroke and up to what hierarchical level etc.)

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Best Programming Language For Programming Windows Applications?

Jan 28, 2012

I have recently taken a liking to programming, and have programmed a few games in C#,my friend has asked me to program an application for him to use in his shop. But I have no idea of what language is best suitable?

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Books Which Can Teach Sending Sms Through 2010 Application

Mar 1, 2011

I have tried a lot to search a book which has good discussion about sending SMS through vb2010 application.I have tried in Google,Bing, Google Books etc. but couldn't find any book which can teach me how to sent sms through WEB API..

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Stop Excel Creating Extra Books?

Nov 20, 2009

it seems that every Excel workbook I create in Vb, Excel automatically creates a ghost book with the name Bookn.xls where the n is incremental. After a lot of processing, I could have 20+ blank books open and running in taskmanager!

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VS 2010 Good Books On Application Architecture?

Jul 15, 2011

I'm creating a rather large and complex application and was wondering if any of you had any recommendations for good books on application and project architecture. Multi-user - database - heavy interaction with windows api for shell extensions.Not the standard maintenance or reporting app I usually write!

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Access Excel Worksheet Pre Defined With Name Books.xlsx Through .net?

May 6, 2010

i am new to programming i am trying to access excel worksheet pre defined with name Books.xlsx through i have taken a form with one command button i wrote below code in that:Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices


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Books - Language Specification (Dead Tree Version)

Mar 19, 2011

I can download the 10 Language Specification from Microsoft here 600+ Pages is a lot to print out. So I want to know is there a Dead Tree version (A book)? If so, where can it purchased?

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Building A Program That Calculates The Number Of Books By Points?

Oct 16, 2011

I am building a program that calculates the number of books by points.Ex: 1-3 books read are worth 10 points, 4-6 are worth 15 and > 6 are worth 20. The issue I'm having is getting it to calculate the the first 3 books, the 2nd 3 books and then the > 6.Ex: User inputs 8 books read. It should display 115 in the label.

1. I'm using an If statement (should I be)
2. Could I use a decimal for the > 6?
Ex: intTotalNumberOfBooks = (intTotalNumberOfBooks * intFirst3Books) *#D

I know this is something simple and it's out of VB 101, but it is my very first programming class and my professor uses a copy paste method during class.

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Recommend A Good Book (or Books) Out There That Can Help As A Frontend For Access?

Jan 17, 2012

I begain in 1971 learning TRS-80 Model III Basic language...later taught myself Lotus 1-2-3 and then DBase. Later, graduated to Visual Basic Stopped at VB 6.0. Now I need to move up to VB 2010...I have been programming for our company for sometime and use VB 6.0 as a front end for numerous Access DB applications.Can you recommend a good book (or books) out there that can help me with using VB 2010 as a frontend for Access?..just need the basics to be able to make connections, query the tables, return the data, update data, etc.

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Shopping System - Selecting Print Or Audio Books

Jan 25, 2012

The user can select from either print or audio books and add to the shopping cart. The list box shows all items in the shopping cart. There is a 6%. sales tax on the total cost of the items in the shopping cart and a 2 dollars shipping charge per item in the shopping cart. to remove an item from the shopping cart, the user selects it in the list box and clicks the remove button. the subtotal, tax, shipping, an total fields should be adjusted accordingly.

To add one of the items in the list to the shopping cart, the user selects it and clicks the add book to cart button. to cancel the operation, the user clicks the cancel button. I am using a standard module to declare global variables. My file is attach I have the problem that everytime I add a new item, it will just add 2 and then I add another item and it add 2 it does not show the subtotal or the tax and shipping and the real total....

Module PriceCalcModule
'constants for Print
Public Const g_decDID_YOU_KNOW As Decimal = 11.95
Public Const g_decHISTORY_SCOTLAND As Decimal = 14.5
Public Const g_decLEARN_CALC As Decimal = 29.95
Public Const g_decFEEL_STRESS As Decimal = 18.5
[Code] .....

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VB Datasets - Create A Lookup Program For Library Books

Jul 2, 2009

I want to create a lookup program for library books using VB6 or

I have created a Form1.VB with two listboxes :- Listbox1 Listbox2.

Im using an Access Database with a Library Category Table
Field1: Category

Library Title Table
Field1: Category
Field2: Title
Field3: Author
Field4: Publisher

Using the Data Adapter ConfigurationWizard Ive created


And from the Library Category table Ive created Dataset1 attached to Listbox1


And from the Library Title table Ive created Dataset2 attached to Listbox2.

Both Datasets fill using the Preview Data function. I then load Variable CategoryString with Listbox1.text,
and I would like to know how to search Dataset2 and retrieve all titles linked to that category and display Title, Author, Publisher in listbox2.

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Wpf - Effective Books For Learning The Intricacies Of Business Application Development?

May 24, 2010

I am a self taught "developer".I use the term loosely because I only know enough to make myself dangerous. I have no theory background, and I only pick up things to get this little tool to work or make that control do what I want.

That said, I am looking for some reading material that explains some of the theory behind application development especially from a business standpoint. Really I need to understand what all of these terms that float around really talk about. Business Logic Layer, UI abstraction level and all that. Anyone got a reading list that they feel helped them understand this stuff? I know how to code stuff up so that it works. It is not pretty mostly because I don't know the elegant way of doing it, and it is not planned out very well (I also don't know how to plan an application).

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Access Excel Worksheet Pre Defined With Name Books.xlsx - Exception From HRESULT: 0x800A03EC

May 6, 2010

i am new to programming i am trying to access excel worksheet pre defined with name Books.xlsx through i have taken a form with one command button i wrote below code in that:


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Any Good Tutorials / Books / Blogs That Show A More In Depth Tutorial On Managing Memory

Sep 13, 2009

I probably confused memory usage issues with the UI sharing same thread as the processing (as pointed out by MusiGenesis below). However regarding the Memory usage. I am still not able to find specific syntax, although people have pointed out some great .Net and C# information below (and if I were more versed in those technologies, one could adapt to make work with general concepts are working fine, however I am having issues where the Mem Usage on Task Manager keeps growing as the program is used to load more and more files.On Startup, before doing anything, the VB application has 27,000 K.Once the file is parsed and even after I dispose of the File handle as well as the the data increases a lot. I strip out everything in the code and it still seems that memory in Mem Usage remains captured. There is no rhyme or reason as to why the Mem Usage is growing (i.e. sometimes it can grow by 20 mb when reading a 7mb file, however other times it does not increase at all, when reading a 3mb file). Sometimes, it appers to release some memory when the parsing is complete and other times it just holds.I have looked at .Net Memory Profiler and have not really been able to make heads or tails from that.I have read a lot on internet regarding Memory Management on .Net in General about Dispose and "Nothing" and DataSets, etc, however have not really found anything regarding VB.Net specifically.My General Question is: Are there any good tutorials/books/blogs/etc that show a more in depth tutorial on managing memory in a VB.Net application (i.e. how/when to dispose/close, etc), or does anyone have some specific tips from there experience.

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ASP.NET - Interaction With Other Websites?

Jun 30, 2010

I was wondering if it is even possible to interact with other websites using my own.Here is the scenario: Lets say I have a Lockerz account, which is a place where you do daily tasks to earn points. Once a month you can redeem those points to get prizes such as an ipod, macbook, or other items. I know that sounds rediculous, but stay with me.

For someone to gain membership to this website they must be invited by a member. So I get your email address then log in to my account, then send you an invite from there.What I want to do is create a website where a user enters their email into a textbox and presses a submit button. From there the program, behind the scenes, sends my login information, and the users email address to lockerz and sends the invite. All without ever leaving my site.I have worked with ASP.NET with VB codebehind for a while now, so I understand the basics of that. I am just wondering if what i want to do is even possible.

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Get A Websites Icon

Aug 4, 2010

have dragged out a "webbrowser from toolbox.

how to get a websites icon like msdn have this blue thingy.

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Get A Websites IP Address?

Apr 11, 2010

I have a console application for getting a local IP address. I want to be able to get the application to get the IP addresses of websites aswell.

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Get Websites Keywords?

May 19, 2009

Get web sites keywords

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Reading Websites With .net?

Mar 8, 2010

I do quite a bit of copying and pasting into spreadsheets right now and then use the data with to update my databases. I have figured out how to read a website within using the following code:


The problem is that this reads all of the HTML tags as well. Ideally what I want to do is get rid of all of the unnecessary information such as ads and table headers, but want to preserve all of the data so that I can update my DBs with the click on a button. Is this possible? I have heard I may need to use Regular Expressions, but am confused how they'd work in my problem.

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Uploading Pictures To Websites?

Jan 14, 2011

I just can't seem to figure out how to automatically upload a picture to myspace, facebook, any of the social sites in .NET. I always have to do it manually through my web browser control. There just isn't any code out there to help me with this process that I can find.Does anyone have an example of an automated picture upload to a social website?

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