Boolean From A Form Insert Into A SQl DB?

Apr 18, 2011

How,in 2010, a checked checkbox(boolean) from a form to insert as a string in an SQL database like a character "T" or "F"

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Insert Command With A Boolean Field?

Jul 21, 2009

If I need to set the value of a checkbox (threestate) inside of an INSERT command, what would the syntax be? I've tried 'True' but that fails and I can't think of another way to do it.

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VS 2008 What To Name Boolean Data Member And Boolean Method

Nov 17, 2009

From what I read it is a good convention to name a method that returns a boolean value with the prefix of "is" or "has". So in keeping with this convention I am trying to name a method in my program with this prefix but I am running Specifically I have a class called Day. It is a simple class with a few data members and one method that returns a boolean value of true or false. The name of the boolean variable is isSpecialDay. This class has a method called isSpecialDay which takes the date of the day, applies some criteria to the date and then sets the variable isSpecialDay to true or false. My problem is that the boolean variable is named isSpecialDay and so it the method. What should I do?

Public Class Day
Private TheDate as String
Private DayName as String


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Using Boolean And Conditionals To Enable Button In Form

Mar 27, 2011

I have created a DEMO project to illustrated what I am referring to. I have a simple form, the button is set to Enabled False in the property inspector. When the user complete the form controls(fields) the button is Enabled. Everything seem to be working except the following:
When the user completes all the field, they must type twice in the MaskedTextBox for the button to be Enabled.

Even though there is no actual characters typed in the box because of it's restrictions, why do I need to type twice in the MaskedTextBox before the button is Enabled. Here is my code:
Public Class frmActivateBtn
Dim blnCheckName As Boolean, blnCheckPet As Boolean, blnCheckColor As Boolean, blnPhoneCheck As Boolean
Function turnTestButtonOn()
If blnCheckName = True And blnCheckPet = True And blnCheckColor = True And blnPhoneCheck = True
[Code] .....

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Make Boolean Column Editable ( VB GridView Filled By DataTable That Has Boolean Column) ?

Oct 27, 2011

After Filling a DataTable in GridView's DataSource . A column with check box Type appears but it created as read only column and I can't enable it or make it editable... even i tried .readonly = false and still can't be edited

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Difference Between Boolean And [Boolean]?

Mar 5, 2010

I ran some code through an automatic translator for C# to VB, and it translated some code like this:Public Property Title As [String]How is this different to Public Property Title As String

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How To Insert Loading Bar Into Form

Aug 10, 2009

How I insert loading bar into form? I want insert loading bar with information that step in loading. I want to show info like when we install new program, in install program we will see progress installing.

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Insert A Calendar On My VB Form?

Nov 24, 2009

I wanna insert a calendar on my VB form. I can drag it to the form from the toolbox, but I don't understand how I can creating to do list on different dates.

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Insert A IFrame Into My Web Form?

Nov 30, 2011

I am trying to insert a iFrame into my web form.And i have a list of data from my database.It uses a sql data source to retrieve the data in the data base.I would want to bind it to the src of iFrame is that possible?I tried doing it but it doesnt give me a way to bind it.

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Insert A Line Into A Form?

Dec 28, 2010

I wanted to put a straight, black line into my form, but I can't figure out how.

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Insert An Image Into A Form?

Dec 28, 2010

I want to insert an image into my form. The image is a JPEG. I wanted the picture to be pasted into a panel, but if I copy the image, I can't click "Paste" in my form. Is there any way to put in it my form?

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Insert Record From Form?

Mar 11, 2012

I am learning MS Access by reading books and i have no formal education on computers. I am trying to insert one record from a form (not bound to any table) by using VBA - Class Module. When following codes are run, the dialogue for parameter value of A and B are opened instead of using the value of variable A and B which is the value of txtbox1 and txtbox2 respectively .

Dim MySql as string Dim A as string
Dim B As String A = me.txtbox1.value B = me.txtbox2.value
MySql = "INSERT INTO tblcom (fieldA,fieldtB) VALUE (A,B)"

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Insert Sound To Form?

Jul 12, 2010

i have two forms ..

i want the user can insert any sound file he wanted to first form ..

and display it in the second form ..!

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Getting An Error With The INSERT Command From A Form?

Jun 22, 2010

I'm using a form to throw info straight into a database. i know it isn't the best way but i'm new and all other implementations have confused me (i've been reading and watching tutorials for 2 weeks) but anyway i'm going to take the info straight from the form.

mports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient


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Having Insert, Delete And Update In One Form?

Oct 7, 2009

I am not sure if I can do update, delete and insert in one form. The problem is that in this one form I have 3 textbox and 1 combobox which the user have to enter each column and click on the submit button which is for insert. So how can I do this with delete and update.

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Hot Ti Insert Script In An ASP.NET Form On Run Time

Jun 7, 2011

I am saving Visualizations in a database, title, description...etc and CODE field, in the Code field I save the "code" that will generate the visualization, it may be as simple as a URL for an image hosted somewhere, or something like:[code]I am saving this as an nvarchar(max) in my database, now I have a page that should display the visualization I call on run time, so what is the best way to do so?! a div for example?

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Insert Excel Worksheet On A Vba Form?

Dec 15, 2009

I want to insert worksheet object on a VBA form for AutoCad. I had done it before. But now I can not recall which object was used for this.

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Insert Form From Existing Project

Feb 7, 2011

How can I add a form from one project into a new project, I dont want all the code just the form layout.My form has alot of textboxes and labels and I dont want to have to recreate it. I see the insert from existing item but not sure how to get just design and layout?I am going from 2005 to 2008 express if that makes a difference

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Insert In A Form A ProgressBar (Max Value 1000)?

Aug 5, 2011

If I insert in a Form a progressBar (Max value 1000) and I write this very simple example

For x = 0 To 990 Step 10
ProgressBar1.Value = x

If I run the code with Windows7 setted as Windows Classic I can see the progress bar value go to the max value and after few time the Form Closes (same with Windows XP).But If I run the program with Windows7 setted as Windows7 Basic the progress bar value ONLY goes to the HALF max value and after half time the form Closes.

The code is the SAME, the PC is the same, Seven is the same (only personalized with different theme) but under Windows7 Basic it seems that For x = 0 To 990 Step 10 becomes For x = 0 To 550 Step 10..The INCREDIBLE thing is that if I insert in the For... Next a row like:

Debug.Print(ProgressBar1.Value.ToString)I obtain right values until 990... but for my eyes the progress bar only goes to half value in half time, then the Form closes.

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Insert The Title Form And Put On The Middle?

May 3, 2011

1.How to insert the Title Form and put on the Middle.

2.How to replace the logo Form with JPEG

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Insert Values Into Database From Form?

Apr 15, 2012

Having abit of trouble with inserting values that i have in my form into my sql database.Basically it supposed to calculate a customer who borrowed a DVD or CD. I select the date that the customer brings the returned item by selecting a datepicker. The calculation works fine, but i want to insert 3 values into my database under column names that i already have.

The table name is Trnsaction. it has the following coloumn names: Trnsaction_id Member_id Album_id issue_date return_date members_date days_delayed fine The last 3 coloumns(members_date ,days_delayed ,fine) are values i wish to add to my database. The values days_delayed and fine only pop up when i have selected my date (thats members_date) form the datepicker and selected the calculate button

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Refresh Bound Form After DB Insert?

Jun 12, 2009

My environment: VS2008/VB using Data Sources (datasets, binding sources, table adapters) to interact with MS Access 2007 database.

My application: A Master form displaying a 4-level hierarchy of data using listboxes instead of grids. Data source for each listbox is a query containing child table data and a stub (foreign key provided by a cross-reference table) to parent record.

Processing: User double clicks Listbox on the Master form to call a popup form bound to child table (to enable data entry). When popup SAVE is clicked, new data is saved to Child table and a new cross-reference record is created to enable future Parent-Child connections. Changes are posted directly to the underlying Access 2007 database.

Problem: On return to Master form, impacted Listbox does not refresh even though I've done another tableadapter.fill on the control. I have been unsuccessful over the last week in finding ANY way to refresh the set of queries that supply data to the Master form or the form itself. When I close/reopen the Master form, Listbox includes the new record.

Need: a way to refresh the Master table without closing/reopening.

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Insert Data From Form Controls Into A SQL Database ?

Nov 14, 2009

I have a form with a series of text boxes to accept user input and a button that should basically run an INSERT statement to a SQL database.I'm baffled at why I cannot figure out how to code this. All of the samples posted on the web are for VB 2005/.NET and the syntax is definitely different in 2008 because attempting to copy+paste to just test some of their source is just littered with errors.

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DB/Reporting :: Insert Picture Into Mysql From Form

Apr 9, 2012

i am creating an application that will upload a picture into a mysql database. I currently am able to add normal records with text and integers into other tables and get the data in the table to display in listview etc, however, i am wondering how i could insert a picture into the mysql database.I know the field needs to be blob type and have that set.The table i want to upload to is "picture" and contains only 3 fields, "ID"; "pic"; "caption".

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Form Load - Insert Or Update Data

Nov 10, 2009

I have a project in which i have a form in which there is add button to add pages. In form load the last entered page populates all the fields. Now thing is if user edits the values in controls it has to update the db with those fields and if the page doesn't exist in db it has to insert.

Here is my code
Private Sub inserting()
Dim cn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
'Dim selectquery As String
cn.ConnectionString = ""
Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
[Code] .....

I initialized a global variable x and set its value to 0 in page load and in add button click to 1. Depending on x value it either inserts or updates the db in form closing and add button click. Now whats happening is If the user clicks on add button the page increments but if user doen;t enter any values and tries to close the empty form, value of x =1 and it tries to insert but as there are blank fields cmd.executenonquery throws an error.

"The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data."

What should I do so that it doesn't give an error. I am using access db.I even checked in db Except for primary key(pageno) all other fields have "allow zero length" as YES & "required" to NO.

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How To Insert Data Using Datagridview In Windows Form

Jan 9, 2012

how can i insert data to database using datagridview in i want to use the datagird as input filed. i dont want to bind the gridview.

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Insert HTML Code To Program Form?

Apr 12, 2012

I have a flash clock html code and i would like to insert it to my form to be able to show that clock on it

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Insert Item Into Form System Menu?

Feb 26, 2012

my test:

Public Class Form1
Public Const WM_SYSCOMMAND As Int32 = &H112
Public Const MF_BYPOSITION As Int32 = &H400


and i get an error:

PInvokeStackImbalance was detected
Message: A call to PInvoke function 'WindowsApplication1!WindowsApplication1.Form1::GetSystemMenu' has unbalanced the stack. This is likely because the managed PInvoke signature does not match the unmanaged target signature. Check that the calling convention and parameters of the PInvoke signature match the target unmanaged signature.

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Insert RadioButton Value Into SQL Database Using VB Windows Form

Jan 6, 2011

I would like to insert Radiobutton text value to my SQL database. I'm using Radiobutton for gender selection. I tried the code femaleRB.checked but it return a true value on my database. I want the text "Female" shown on my DB.

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Insert The Details Of A Selected Row Into Another Form To Update?

Apr 26, 2009

If i have a DataGridView is it possible to insert the details of a selected row into another form to update?

I have 2 forms frmMain (where the datagrid is placed) and frmCustomer (this is where i want the selected Row details to be inserted, so i can update them)

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