Change This Php Array To .net?

Oct 14, 2011

i am currently looping through this with and writing on the console:

fruits orange
fruits banana
fruits apple


however, i would like to store my values like this this:

array (
"fruits" => array (
"a" => "orange",
"b" => "banana",


then when i get this, i would like to loop through each

array (
"fruit" => "orange",
"b" => "banana",
"c" => "apple"

and check for certain values.i can do this easily in php, however, leaves me?

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Array Dimensions - Error Message 'ReDim' Cannot Change The Number Of Dimensions Of An Array?

Oct 20, 2011

I'm upgrading my VB6 project to VB.NET and I found one of the problem below relating to dimensional array.Here's my VB6 coding :

Private Function ConvertMatrixToBase0(ByVal MyMat() As Double) As Double()
Dim i, j As Long
Dim ConvMat() As Double[code.]...

When i port it over to VB.NET, i encountered error message 'ReDim' cannot change the number of dimensions of an array. for the line highlighted in red. And I suspect that VB.NET need to always define the exact dimension of the array during the declaration. But for the function above, for the array of 'MyMat()', I do not know what is the exact dimension every time it runs, and that is why i need to check the dimension of the array.My question is do we have any solution in dealing unknown dimension array in VB.NET? As in VB6, we can just define Array() instead of Array (,) in VB.NET.

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How To Change One Element In Array

Aug 30, 2011

I am trying to read a comma delimited text file to an array, then change just one element in the array and write it back to the text file. An example of what the text file would look like is:


I want to change data in the last line at the last postion , data3, for example. I am reading the file in with no problem. I am stuck on how to change the data and write it back to the text file.

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Numbers Change When Put Into An Array?

Jun 2, 2011

I have a datagrid in my form and numbers are input it. I then loaded one of the columns into an array. This is the piece of my code that loads the array:

Me.dgv.CurrentCell = dgv(1, 0)
For i = 0 To (Me.dgv.RowCount - 1)
Receipts(i) = Convert.ToSingle(dgv(1, i).Value)
Next i

The first value is -2912895.29. I put the program in break-mode and it keeps loading the first value as -2912895.25. I checked and it loads all of the values a few cents off.

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Change Size Of A Byte Array?

Jun 12, 2009

My app is receiving data in blocks but I don't know what size data will be received until it is finished, unlike file reading. So my app loads the data in chunks of 1024 bytes and then stops when there is no data to read. My question is, is it possible to keep increasing the size of a byte array as the data is being received?

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Change Text Box Properties In An Array?

Jan 5, 2012

I'm trying the Text Box array suggested in a previous posting and getting only partial success. Here's the situation.

I want to change a control's back color based on a specific situation.

I have defined the array at theclass level for the form that I am working on, as[code]...

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Change The Forecolor Of String Array?

Jan 11, 2012

how can i change the forecolor of may variable str2 and str1 if they are not equal. my idea hear is have a Typing master like to check the error.str2 change the forecolor to bluestr1 have a underline like a red line wrong spelling.

this is my code

Dim Str1 As Array
Dim str2 As Array
Dim x As Integer


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Change The Upperbound Of An Array Once It Has Been Instantiated?

Jun 15, 2009

Is it possible to change the upperbound of an array once it has been instantiated? I want to change the upperbound in an array so it matches the number of items that hold a value.

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'ReDim' Cannot Change The Number Of Dimensions Of An Array

Jun 30, 2009

I have an array declared:


This statement works fine in ASP, but when I switch to ASP.Net, it give errors 'ReDim' cannot change the number of dimensions of an array.

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Apply Change To Instance Of Structure Within Array?

Nov 5, 2011

So I have an array which holds instances of a structure. The structure contains various string properties.

I'm looking to modify each instance of a structure within this array by doing the following:

For Each stuInstance As StuInstance In arrStuInstances stuInstance.strCarName = "Benz"

But I found that this in fact fails to really change it permanently. If I do the following loops in the given order:For Each stuInstance As StuInstance In arrStuInstances


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Change A Line In A Listbox Build Up As An Array?

Jan 14, 2012

I've got a listbox in visual basic 2008 with lines that look like:

item 0; item 1; item 2; item 3

How can I select that line and change within that line the value of e.g. item 3? (by default it's set to 0 and should be set to a value > 0 when entered by the user.

After that I need to calculate the total price based on the price in item 2 and the new value of item 3 (being >0)

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Change Color Of A Button Created From An Array?

Mar 4, 2009

I have created 3 arrays of buttons for a form which manipulates the value in a combo box or 2 by the name of the button ( buttons named 2 through to about 70 )

This works great but the problem is, now that the buttons are in, I want to be able to change the color of the buttons when another button is clicked

ie. The first bunch of buttons is a list of locations all with unique text.the second bunch of buttons is events that happen, sign on, sign off, beach open and beach closed.

What i want to be able to do is change the color of the button clicked "before" i click sign on, sign off, beach open or beach closed.

I do not know how to reference these buttons in my code as for starters, they are numbers, which is a big no no apparently. Also, even if i change the name from just a number to something like cmdBeach(i) when creating them, i still can't refer back to cmdBeach5 in my code as the button doesn't exist yet

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Change Variables In An Array Without Knowing Their Index

Jun 10, 2011

This may sound quite basic, but i was wondering how to change the value of a variable in an array, not knowing the index value but knowing what the variable is.

For example, I have an array and I want all strings within it that haven't got a value to say "Stretched". here is what i have tried:

For Each stl As String In Me.stl
If stl = "" Then
stl = "Centered"
End If

My array is called stl(), and the size of it is always changing, so i can't just change the specific variables within the array

Also, is there some way to show/change etc all variables in an array? e.g. msgbox(stl(all))

I know this won't work, but what will?

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Detect Update/change To All Screens Array?

Jan 11, 2012

VB 2010

Is there an event generated when you plug in or remove screens/monitors. I know you can keep checking but wondered whether there was an event generated.?

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ReDim Cannot Change Number Of Dimensions In An Array

Apr 11, 2010

I have this recently converted application from vb6 to 2008. One of the errors stated is:'Point' is not a member of 'System. Windows. Forms. PictureBox'.I have searched and not found an alternative to this.Also, it says ReDim cannot change the number of dimensions in an array.

View 8 Replies

Change .Text Property Of TextBoxes In An Array Of TextBox

Jun 19, 2012

I have an array of textboxes. Lets say this one:[code]What i want to do is set the .Text property for each of the textboxes of the array.I have tried this: [code]

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Change The Variable StrLettersGuessed Into A Single-element Array?

Jul 12, 2009

How do I Change the variable strLettersGuessed into a single-element array

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Make An Array In A Loop Change Picture Box Locations?

May 24, 2011

I have made a For next loop with an array. I want all my picture boxes to follow each other within the loop. I have currently been using old code, but not in a loop or array format. The old code works. The array code only makes the 2nd picture box follow the FIRST one. It doesn't loop the rest. I have checked the code and cannot determine any mistakes, else I'm missing out on something I haven't been taught.[code]...

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VS 2010 - Change A Single Element Of One Of The Elements Of The Array

Jun 8, 2012

I haven't managed to find it and it is driving me nuts! If I have a structure such as


If I want to change a single element of one of the elements of the array, for example the DayHi field of the 0th element, then the code ATRList(0).DayHi = 4 causes the error: Error3Expression is a value and therefore cannot be the target of an assignment. Now I could get round this by reading all the items out of the 0th element into newATR, changing the field I'm interested in and then doing a "ATRList(n) = newATR" but there must be an easier way?

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ASP.NET Page Change Causes An Object Array In Session To Be Unable To Cast To It's Own Type?

Nov 11, 2009

I am storing an array of a custom serializable class in session on my site. When a page on the site changes, suddenly it renders them invalid, and tells me that it can't cast the type to it's own type. I assume the class version numbers are changing or something?!

I'm not trying to redesign this whole process.

Unable to cast object of type 'ShipmentPackages[]' to type 'ShipmentPackages[]'.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'ShipmentPackages[]' to type 'ShipmentPackages[]'.


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Change Function To Build Byte Array Rather Than Concatenating String For TCP Sockets?

Jan 5, 2010

I've been trying to reuse my bosses buildpacket code which he has successful used for Serial programming eg. SerialPort1.Write(buildpacket(useraddress,252,"0006","0") for the function listed below.My challenge.Create equivalent functionality for Socket BeginSend() which requires a byte array.Whether modifying the below or getting a c# equivalent to work, it has been repeatedly recommended to scrap the string concatenation approach for which I have to use Encoding.BigEndianUnicode.GetBytes() and then getting rid of extra bytes with zero values.

I'm lacking in imaging something different which would work for socket programming directly and allow me to eliminate all the hassles that c# integer conversions into string value that can be encoded trouble free.I would need to call the equivalent of the following that would return a byte array rather than a string with the following arguments

1. Source address (0-255)
2. Destination address (0-255)
3. Function code ("0001" through "0100")
4 Packet Data Unit (pdu - some integer value


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Game Programming :: Error - 'ReDim' Cannot Change The Number Of Dimensions Of An Array

May 4, 2008

The code below is the entire class that has the error in it... the errored code is highlighted in red. The error is,'ReDim' cannot change the number of dimensions of an array.

Public Class clsMap
Dim SR As System.IO.StreamReader
Public Width As Integer
Public Height As Integer


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VS 2005 : Put Existing Labels Into An Array (to Loop Through And Change .text Property)?

Jun 23, 2011

I am writing an app to be a single button failover of a set of mirrored SQL servers. The app has to handle several other functions (enable/disable and start/stop of services, writing to local registry, copying files from server A to server B, initiating stored procedures, etc.)I have a collection of labels that indicate the status of 4 services on 2 servers, I wrote a function to check the services when passed the machine name, and the service name. Originally I just called the function 8 times (4 services, 2 machines) and populated the labels 'manually'. I have all of this within a timer so that the service status is refreshed every couple seconds. Id like to clean up the code to a single for/next loop that operates on 2 arrays (an array of service names, and an array of labels) such as:

'**Fetch_Status is the function that gets service status, it accepts 2 strings, machine name
'**and service name and returns status "running", "Stopped", as my_status
Dim Services() As String = {"Service1", "Service2", "Service3", etc.}


The only reason I want the control array is to be able to use the .Text and .BackColor properties of the labels in the loop. If I make an array of strings with the label names it doesnt seem to pick that up.

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VS 2008 - 2 Dimensional Array - Error: Redim Can Only Change The Rightmost Dimension

Sep 22, 2011

I have a gridview in my website that and I use vb for the code behind. Each time a row is bound an even called the Gridview_RowDatabound event is fired. So what I am doing is looping through all the cells in that row: [Code]

Problem is I get an error saying redim can only change the rightmost dimension. It would suit my needs to change both dimensions here as my final result will be to total each column in the array. what other method can i use if arrays don't suit this task.

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Change Base 1 Array To Base 0 Array

Jan 31, 2012

I'm retrieving data from Excel and would like to keep my arrays 0 based but Excel returns 1 base. Is there a fairly simple way to return change the array from 1 to 0 base? Or do I just need to create a loop? Here's an example code right here:


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VS 2010 : Copy This Array To A Temp Array So That The Temp Array Has All The Same Values As The Original Custom Array?

Jun 19, 2011

I have an array of people stored in a custom structure array... how can i copy this array to a temp array so that the temp array has all the same values as the original custom array?

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How To Find Repeated Values In One Dimensional Array And Change The Values

Jul 14, 2009

I am using Visual Basic express edition 2008.I am trying to know if a value in a single dimensional array is repeated in the array. If yes, then multiply one of them by 100. For example:

MyArray (14) = 12, 15, 18, 15, 18, 11, 15, 18, 16, 14, 18, 8, 12, 17, 10
In the above example:
MyArray (1) = MyArray (3) = MyArray (6) = 15
MyArray (2) = MyArray (4) = MyArray (7) = MyArray (10) = 18
MyArray (0) = MyArray (12) = 12


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Offset The Points In A Polygon Without Having To Change Each One Individually The Points Are In An Array?

Apr 20, 2010

is there a way to offset the points in a polygon without having to change each one individually the points are in an array

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Seaching An Array - Store In A 1d Array A Set Of 5 Place Names And In 2d Array The Distances Between Places

Jul 28, 2010

I am trying to create the following program Store in a 1d array a set of 5 place names and in a 2d array the distances between the places. Ensure that the order of the places is the same in both arrays. When the names are places are input the distance between them is displayed. If they are not both in the table a suitable message is displayed

Dim town(1 To 5) As String

Dim Dist(1 To 5, 1 To 5) As Integer

Dim First As Integer


I think the best way forward is pass a parameter to the function findnumber.

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Change A Drop-down Menu In VB From Click-to-change To Just Change When Selected?

Feb 4, 2012

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 / VB / dot net 4.0, and I have a drop-down menu in my left column that switches resource languages for the end user. It reads like this:

--------English ------- <<- Engish is always the default top language option
French |
Spanish |


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