Changing Or Updating App.config At Runtime In Wpf Projects?

Nov 10, 2011

How do we overwrite config file at runtime. I have four config files for DEV, TEST, UAT, PROD. Based on user selection I need to overwrite the default config file completely with one of the selection specific config files. These config files not only have appsettings section, but also has complex cutom sections and subelements with lot of attributes. I need to overwrite and refreshsections dynamically at runtime. I know there are so many articles on editing appsettings sections. But I want to completely overwrite the entire file.

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Implementing Config File That Multiple Projects Can Read?

Mar 7, 2011

I am using VB.NET 2010 with a solution that consists of class libraries and winform projects.

Each project has an app.config for it's specific needs. There are however, several settings that are common across all projects. I would like to implement a common config file to hold those, but that effort hasn't been very successful.

After much searching I developed a test program to play with and it was working until I moved the Globalsettings into a separate file. Below is a paste of my code along with the config files I've been experimenting with. I've added the references to system.configuration and made sure my config files are set to always copy to the output directory.

The code compiles, but GlobalSettingsLookup is never set to an instance of NamevalueCollection. I'm guessing it's because the ConfigurationManager can't load the section "GlobalSettings"(?) That's just a guess

My Code:

Dim GlobalsettingsLookup As NameValueCollection = CType(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.GetSection("GlobalSettings"), System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)


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Updating Another Applications App.config Key Value Pair

Jan 14, 2011

I'm trying to modify an app.config file that is not part of my .net application.My key needs to be unique and appear under a static key (Server1 or Server2) as the other application reads these values line by line, associating the database(n) value with the server(n) value.I cannot see a method of using the standard app.config methods against an external .config file, so I'm using the Xml Document class.[code]But cannot find a method of retriving the Key to check if it exists and more importantly increment the value?

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C# - Changing Connection String In DLL That Is Included In Executable Projects?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a project that is executable and I created a dll, which includes commonly used datasets among projects (DLLforApp and App). [DLLforApp]a separate project from App but in the same solution.this is a class library project which creates a dll file this has aconnection string which is LforApp.Properties.Settings.Default.ConnectionString[App]another project in the same solution.this project includes a reference for a set of datasets.. which is DLLforAppThis project also has a connection string which is the same as DLLforApp

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Changing Config File After Installation?

Aug 12, 2009

I'm using app.config to store database connection strings.My question is. Is it possible to manual change configuration file on the user's computer after installing msi file. for example if I decide to change to the dev database vs live.

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Changing Connection String In App.config?

Dec 31, 2010

For example i have form within the application which shows the connection string in a text box so the user can change it to there database but i cant work out how to save the new string to the connection string within the app.config file

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Changing Connectionstring Area Of App.config?

Feb 6, 2012

Changing connectionstring area of app.config in

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Updating The Non-VSHost Exe's User.config File?

Apr 25, 2012

I have a program that runs fine in the debugger. I started on the project in x86 mode this January and I've always been able to run it outside of the debugger, but this is the first time I've seen this error.The error says "ConfigurationErrorException was unhandled: Configuration system failed to initialize."The InnerException of the error said that the error was in the user.config file, and it gave me the directory of the user.config file that it was using. So I clicked synchronize in the project settings thinking that it would overwrite the current user.config file and that would probably fix the error. When it showed the confirmation dialog that it would delete the user.config file, I noticed that it had "vshost" in the directory.

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Load App.Config At Runtime?

Jan 17, 2012

I am creating a test project using IBM's Rational Functional Tester(RFT) tool(we are using the VB version of it and it only supports till .net 3.5).In this project I am making all database queries using the entity framework.The problem is entity framework retrieves "Metadata", "Connection String" etc from the App.Config file,and RFT won't let me add a App.Config to the project(I guess it is designed that way -- I googled adding an App.Config file to an rft project and came up with nothing), and the Entity Framework requires you to have the app.config file at the entry point.I was building the string to pass to entity framework in code, but my boss really does not like that. So looking at my options I think any of the below 2 solutions should suffice

Is their any way to load an App.Config during run-time. Is their any way to add an App.Config to an RFT project(should really be my first question).

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Write To Appname.exe.config At Runtime?

Dec 15, 2011

I need to allow my end users to update configuration settings, such as the location of a data file. I am storing this in app.config - which is referenced as .exe.config in a deployed situation. The problem is in Windows 7 the user doesnt' have write access to that file. How do i allow the users to write to this file, or optionally prompt for administrator access only when writing to that file? Also open to moving the configuration to another location.

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.net 1.1 - Start-up Window Changes Based On App.config Setting - Changing ?

Feb 24, 2009

I have this VB.Net 1.1 project that I have to make some changes to. There is a flag in the App.config file. If it is false, the page just loads a splash screen and runs the program normally. If it is true it first opens a login window. VB.Net is not something I've ever worked with before. I can't for the life of me figure out where the logic for the picking the startup object is. In the property pages, Main.vb is always set as the startup object, but that's not even the window that loads up when the flag is false, it always comes after the splash screen.

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C# - Changing Values In Web.config With A Batch File Or In .NET Code?

Mar 19, 2009

I have a web.config file on my computer.There are alot of things i need to change and add in the file. (I am actually working with my SharePoint web.config file)Can i do this with a Batch file, if so how would i do it. Or how would i do it using VB.NET or C# code? Edit: i need to create a program to alter a web.config of lets say i web.config laying on my deskop and not the actual web.config of my project

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Does Windows Service Need To Be Rebuild After Changing Config File

Aug 1, 2010

I changed config file of the windows many times. Before changing config file I stopped the service and after changing config file, started again. Every thing worked fine.

But last time when I made some changes in config file of the windows service and started it - It didnt worked, I even tried reinstalling the service but in vain.

As a last resort I rebuild the service with new config file and copied newly build files on the server and installed the service. To my surprise the Windows service worked perfectly this time.But I have only made changes to config file and the code of the windows service was untouched. My question is, do we need to rebuild the Window service if we change the config file many time?

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Modify Contents Of App.config File At Runtime After Starting Application?

Mar 29, 2011

Is there a way to modify contents of app.config file at runtime after starting application?

View 8 Replies - Updating Placeholder During Runtime?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a repeater and within that repeater, I have an item template. Now this template is formatted with a couple of tables, but for this question I have removed them to make things easier to read:

<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" OnItemDataBound="R1_ItemDataBound" runat="server">
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="phAnswers" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>


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Updating SQL Database By Changing Values In DataGridView?

Aug 18, 2011

There are 2 subs. First one populates a DataGridView with data from a SQL table:

Dim SQLCom As SqlCommand
Dim myDA As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim myDS As DataSet = New DataSet()


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Changing App Icon In Runtime?

Nov 2, 2009

Is it possible to change the icon of my app in runtime?

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Changing Connectionstring At Runtime

Feb 18, 2010

Im writing a app using, which has multiple front ends e.g a windows service and a windows forms app. Ive got all my business logic and database stuff compiled into 1 project (producing a dll) then the different front ends as different projects calling the dll.

In the backend / dll project Im connecting to 2 databases using app.config to store the connection strings and DataSets / TableAdapters. This all works fine .... Until

When I deploy the windows app, it deploys the exe and the dll produced by the backend project. when its installed on a client PC, Im need to point the app at a different db server and therefore need to change the connectionstring, but its packaged up in the dll.

is there any way I can use a settings file within my windows app (therefore deployed with my windows app) where I can define the connectionstring, which onload gets passsed through into my dll, so the backend connects the correct database. I know how to pass standard settings through (strings etc) but the my.settings.connectionstrings seem to be readonly.

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VS 2008 - Updating Database File After Changing Value In DGV Control

Jul 23, 2011

I have been trying desperately to update a data base file (Microsoft Access file) through a DataGridView control. The form is very simple, containing only a button and the DataGridView control. Whenever I change anything on the DataGridView control and press the Update button, I get an error saying ""No value given for one or more parameters". Below there's a picture showing both my form and the whole code , along with the error message. In case it is not possible to update a data base file through a DataGridView control.

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Changing Background Image During Runtime?

Dec 9, 2010

i have a program i've made a while, and one of the users wants to be able to load his own images to the background instead of the plain grey that is there now. i've searched and searched, and basically can get this working

BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile("C:UsersMeFileName.png")

i just slapped that onto a button just to get it to work as i was experimenting. but that only works for a file of that name, on my computer, in that folder. what i'm looking to do is get it so a user can browse his own directories for images and upload them as the background on the form. and be able to save the settings as well. but so far i have only seen different ways to load preset images that you can load. if it's even possible? i'd assume that you'd use the openfiledialog command, but i'm not that well versed in vb as of yet.

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Changing Forms Title At Runtime?

Oct 9, 2011

I'm trying to change a forms title at runtime where it = my textbox's text. But I can't even get it to change to "test". When I try to google it, it comes up with vb6's
.caption = "test".
When I try to search it on the forum, it gives me a error message saying:
"Error 502 Bad gateway"

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Changing From Menu In Form During Runtime

May 11, 2010

I have a forms application and I have multiple localizations for it. I've figured out how to add a button to a form, to change the localization and then read all the labels/etc and change them to the other language.What I would want to do instead now is click a button and it changes to the other language the current form but also the entire application so that any other windows opened while the application is open open in that other language.[code]This is the code I use when a button is clicked on a form to change it to Hindi the current form. However I want to when the button is clicked, change application to continue to run on that localization instead for the remainder of the time it is open.[code]

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Changing From Menu In Form During Runtime?

Mar 8, 2011

I have a forms application and I have multiple localizations for it. I've figured out how to add a button to a form, to change the localization and then read all the labels/etc and change them to the other language.What I would want to do instead now is click a button and it changes to the other language the current form but also theentire application so that any other windows opened while the application is open open in that other language.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Present <> OriginalCulture Then


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Changing Multiple Controls During Runtime?

Mar 15, 2012

I need to change size parameter of OvalShape, I have about 100 of them, named like OvalShape1, OvalShape1...... OvalShape100

This example works for Label, but throws error for OvalShape, following is my modified code that giving error;
For Count As Integer = 1 To 100


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Changing ReportViewer BindingSource At Runtime?

Feb 17, 2012

possible Changing ReportViewer BindingSource at Runtime? in visual basic 2010

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VS 2008 : Changing .txt Files At Runtime?

Jun 4, 2009

I am working on a project that uses a .txt file to store data for my arrays. Everything is working correctly i.e. I can read the file and write to the file, my issues when I exit out of runtime I get this msg



This file has been modified outside of the source editor. Do you want to reload it?I understand what it means, what I would like to know - is there a way to stop it from popping-up?

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VS 2008 : Changing My.Settings Value During Runtime?

Sep 4, 2009

How do I change my code so that it will change the Value of the My.Settings.* to what TextBox1.Text is

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If RadioButton1.Checked = True Then
My.Settings.Acc1 = TextBox1.Text And My.Settings.Pass1 = TextBox2.Text


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VS 2008 Changing DGV Fonts At Runtime

May 9, 2009

I have 2 Comboboxes on my Form which also has a DataGridView. One ComboBox is populated with Font Names and the other is populated with a range of Numbers (Font Sizes). On a button click I've added this code


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Access DB - Column Created At Runtime Is Not Updating?

Sep 19, 2011

My program creates columns at runtime with the following code:

Cmd = New OleDb.OleDbCommand("ALTER TABLE [Parent] ADD [" & ColumnDate & "] int", con)
objCmd = New OleDb.OleDbCommand("ALTER TABLE [Parent] ADD [" & ColumnDate & "] int", con)

I add data into the newly inserted column with the following code:

da.SelectCommand = New OleDb.OleDbCommand(sql, con)
Dim cb As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(da)
cb.QuotePrefix = "["
cb.QuoteSuffix = "]"
ds.Tables("SchoolMaticsDatabase").Rows(inc).Item(ColumnDate) = Hours * Num
da.Update(ds, "SchoolMaticsDatabase")

All of the above works fine; the issue arises when I try to edit the information originally placed in the newly added column. These are the approaches that I have taken. (None of them give an error message; it simply won't update within the database.)

da.SelectCommand = New OleDb.OleDbCommand(sql, con)
Dim cb As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(da)
cb.QuotePrefix = "["


I added a column to the table manually via opening the access database and all the above approaches work for editing data stored in that column. So I believe it is something to do with the fact that the columns are created at run time.

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VS 2010 Updating Resources (.txt File) During Runtime

Oct 23, 2010

I'm trying to create a program that will append a new line of text in a text file embedded in the programs resources.... this is what i've tried:


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