Changing The Look Of A Windows Form?

Aug 24, 2009

What is the best way to go about changing the look of a Windows Form.

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Changing The Color Of All The ToolStripMenuItem On A Windows Form

Dec 24, 2011

How do you change Color of all the ToolStripMenuItem on a Windows form. It seems as though you can't.

Here is the code that fails

For Each a In Me.ToolStripItems Then
a.BackColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle(InterfaceColor)
a.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle(LabelColor)

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Using A Scroll Bar Not Connected To A Richtext Box So It Scrolls Without Changing Anything On Windows Form?

Jan 12, 2010

My question is regarding a scrollbar in visual basic adding it the "picture way" in the ide and i want to be able to have it so that i can change the number of scrolls it does like pages, but with the scroll bar changes data depending on it's position. I have the following code to try and get the scroll bar to have 6 positions starting at 1With frmIndashone

.vscPage.min = 1
.vscPage.max = 6
.vscPage.value = 1


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Changing Background Windows XP

Apr 8, 2010

I am making a desktop wallpaper manager but i can't get it to work on Windows XP.[code]It works on Vista and 7, but when i try on XP it just removes the current background and replaces it with a blue color?

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Changing Windows Sound Volume?

Jun 21, 2010

Maby ive been going about this the wrong way. Im attempting to change the system volume using I dont want to use the mediaplayer stuff because i dont want that to be open the whole time. if someone could point me to a working API or something for changing system volume and getting the current volume id be great full! plus.

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VS 2010 Changing Windows Volume Etc

Feb 10, 2012

I want to be able to change (Increase or Decrease) the computers bass, Main volume, view connected audio devices (Output Devices) and finally display the computers volume with a progressbar.

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Does Windows Service Need To Be Rebuild After Changing Config File

Aug 1, 2010

I changed config file of the windows many times. Before changing config file I stopped the service and after changing config file, started again. Every thing worked fine.

But last time when I made some changes in config file of the windows service and started it - It didnt worked, I even tried reinstalling the service but in vain.

As a last resort I rebuild the service with new config file and copied newly build files on the server and installed the service. To my surprise the Windows service worked perfectly this time.But I have only made changes to config file and the code of the windows service was untouched. My question is, do we need to rebuild the Window service if we change the config file many time?

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IDE :: Changing Language Of Windows 7 To Coincide With Non-unicode Applications?

Aug 23, 2011

I want to know if it's possible to change the display language of Windows 7 ( in Spanish) to English and if so how to do it.

I'm having conflicts with non-unicode applications and showing error codes. This is a new computer with everything in Spanish, I'm attempting to put all possible in English.

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Windows - Changing The Working Directory For A Process Remotely

Mar 29, 2010

I've got an application that has a bug right now, but we're unable to update the end-user to get the fix out. What a possible workaround would be is to change the working directory to the application's install directory, but from what I can tell, there's no way to do that outside of the program itself.

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Trackbar1 Slider Is Not Changing Windows Media Player Volume

Nov 23, 2011

I tried to implement Trackbar1 with Windows Media Player. The volume stays at the same sound level no matter how much I move the slider. Here is the code.


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.net - Windows.Forms.Listbox Selected Item Font Size Is Changing?

Jan 4, 2011

I have inherited from a Windows.Forms.Listbox so I could override the OnPaint and OnDrawItem methods in an effort to highlight specific items and alternate backcolors. I am also skipping some DrawItem events to prevent flickering.Everything is working fine, however when I select items in the listbox, it looks like the font is shrinking or becoming more compressed.Then when I mouse leave, the font goes back to its normal size and appearance but the same items are still selected (which is correct). During debugging the font never changes nor do any of its properties, but it does end up looking different when the item is selected and the mousedown event just happened.

Public Sub New(ByVal relativityHighlightColor As System.Drawing.Color)
_relativityHighlightColor = relativityHighlightColor
Me.SetStyle( _
System.Windows.Forms.ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer Or System.Windows.Forms.ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw Or


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VS 2008 Populate Object With List Of Windows Users Without Changing Datatypes?

Jul 25, 2011

PROJECT TYPE: Windows Forms Application

LANGUAGE: Visual Basic
IDE: Visual Studio 2008

I need to populated a ComboBox and a CheckedListBox with a list of the Windows Accounts on the host computer. I also need to the user to be able to apply settings to the users individually. Thirdly, I need to find a way to add a startup registry key in the CURRENT_USER for a different user than the "Current User" (For example: User1 is an Administrator. User2 is a Limited Account [can't modify registry]. User1 needs to add Registry key to User2's "CURRENT_USER". This is a parental control application so the Admin accounts need to be able to access the registry from all users without affecting all users at once. I do not have any code to paste because I still have not the foggiest idea of where to start. I think it probably has something to do with an array (I have no experience with arrays whatsoever) but I am stumped from there. I'm a new, self-taught programmer so I speak idiot at times,

Summary of Questions
1) How do I retrieve a list of Windows Users?
2) How do I populate the objects above with such a list?
3) How do I interact with the items on that list (specific user accounts)?
4) How do I modify another user's CURRENT_USER Registry key?

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Won't Combo Boxes Update Correctly When Changing Datasource In Windows Forms (VB)?

Sep 27, 2009

In a windows forms project, I have several combo boxes. The first combo box contains a list of objects. Those objects then have several lists which are used as the datasource's for the successive combo boxes, depending on which item is chosen in the first.


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Display Different Windows Form In One Main Windows Form?

Aug 15, 2010

I had created a windows forms application in It contained several windows. Now the users of that application are telling me to display all in one main form. They want to see all the details in one form. I had implemented MDI but they want something like tabs. On different tabs different forms should be displayed. How shall I implement this.

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Changing The Icon In A Form?

Feb 15, 2009

how do you change the Icon in the top left of a form? I tried to change it and it couldn't find any of my pictures. Do they have to be a particular size or file type?

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Changing From Menu In Form During Runtime

May 11, 2010

I have a forms application and I have multiple localizations for it. I've figured out how to add a button to a form, to change the localization and then read all the labels/etc and change them to the other language.What I would want to do instead now is click a button and it changes to the other language the current form but also the entire application so that any other windows opened while the application is open open in that other language.[code]This is the code I use when a button is clicked on a form to change it to Hindi the current form. However I want to when the button is clicked, change application to continue to run on that localization instead for the remainder of the time it is open.[code]

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Changing From Menu In Form During Runtime?

Mar 8, 2011

I have a forms application and I have multiple localizations for it. I've figured out how to add a button to a form, to change the localization and then read all the labels/etc and change them to the other language.What I would want to do instead now is click a button and it changes to the other language the current form but also theentire application so that any other windows opened while the application is open open in that other language.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Present <> OriginalCulture Then


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Changing Multi-langauge On Form?

Feb 14, 2009

I cannot get my application to display in English, it always displays in French I have an application that uses 2 languages. The default language is en-GB and the second language is French For setting the text of the buttons and labels. I have set the localized property to true and changing the language to fr-FR on the form. So setting the default languages controls by choosing the default the language property, and then switching to French language to set the French controls. So I have the following files:

And for message boxes and other strings I have added these 2 resource files

So if I want to switch to different languages I have changed the cultureInfo as follows:

Code:If My.Settings.Default.Language = "fr-FR" Then Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = New CultureInfo("fr-FR")Else Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = New CultureInfo("en-GB")End If

And for string I use the following:


I also an address book form that is a child of the formMain. Which I have used the same method. However, the address book works as normal, but the formMain never changes to the language I want. Even though tested by explictly setting the language to en-GB in the form constuctor before the inializeComponent() it will always default to French.Not sure why the address book (child) work correctly, the parent form (formMain) will always display in French, no matter if I have set this to en-GB.I am 100% that my method is correct using what I have show you above.I was thinkng about deleting the formMain and creating a new one. But that would mean doing everything again and would take too long.

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Changing Size Of Form Using Up / Down Button?

Jun 9, 2009

I have a problem with my program. I have a form with 2 buttons UP and DOWN. I use this buttons to change the size of the form. The first step works fine. If I press the down button I get MsgBox ("Go Down", vbYesNo,) if I press Yes the form resize from 300 to 600 and if I press no it stay 300. The problem is, if the form is already at 600 everytime I press the down button I get the MsgBox ("Go Down", vbYesNo,) if I press Yes it recycles it self the form goes to 300 and then back to 600 and if I press No it stays 600. What I want is if the form is already 600 and I press the down button it skips the MsgBox ("Go Down", vbYesNo,) and the form stay at 600.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub ButtonUp_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonUp.Click
Dim answer As String
If Val(TextBox1.Text) < 0 Then
answer = MsgBox("Go Up", vbYesNo, )
If answer = vbYes Then
For x = 300 To 600
[Code] .....

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Changing The Pixel Color In A Form?

Apr 29, 2012

How would I change the colour of individual pixels in a VB.NET form?

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Forms :: Changing The Time Looks On Form?

Dec 3, 2011

after adding 3 hours from the local for the 3rd timer, how can i get it to look like timer2 once i debug?PrivateSub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Label1.Text = TimeOfDay.UtcNow.ToString("dd/MMM?yyy HH:mm:ss")

Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
Label2.Text ="dd/MMM/yyyy HH:mm:ss")

below once i debug, it gives me, 07:07:15 AM i don't want that, i want it to show like the others?PrivateSub Timer3_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer3.Tick
Label6.Text = Now.AddHours(3)

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VS 2008 Changing Form Shape?

Jul 14, 2009

I want to change the form shape. like round corners.

using designed images as form but are transprant.. like this

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VS 2010 DLL's For Changing Form Controls?

Aug 17, 2010

What I am trying to do is have a Form which can dynamically change the controls which are on it and their properties; this allows my main GUI to be more fluid and not have tons of groups and controls on it which I must hide and show when needed. To make this as extensible and reusable as possible, however, I want all the control additions/subtractions/edits to occur through a separate DLL which I write. The problem is, I can't seem to instantiate any controls in the Class Library because I cannot import 'System.Windows' or any of its children ('Forms').

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Change The Background Of The Form To Look Like That Of Windows Mobility Center In Windows Vista?

Apr 10, 2012

How can I change the background of my form to look like that of Windows Mobility Center in Windows Vista?

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VS 2008 Create Windows Service Using Windows Form Common Control?

May 3, 2012

It is possible to create windows service using windows form control in give me the url or links. The windows forms control such as, Timer control, list-box, notify-icon control etc.

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Form Controls Changes From The Windows 7 Format To Older Formats On Runtime While Running .net Windows Application

May 15, 2012

I have seen this happen before but am not sure how I resolved it in the past. On runtime the controls of my form change from the windows 7/vista format to an older version format as shown in the attached image.

How to display the controls in the format on the left (new windows format)

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Changing Background Image By Shaking The Form

Apr 24, 2011

is there a way to change the background image of a form by just shaking the form? i'm using vb 2010.

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Changing Font Size At Form Load?

Sep 13, 2009

I have this code which run at form load event:

' Fuente
Dim tamano As Integer = Val(INI_Read(Application.StartupPath + "FSTM.ini", "Options", "Font size"))


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How To Get Full Screen Without Changing The Form's Layout

Nov 23, 2009

I have finished my winform project. And now, i want to setting my application full screen mode. I tried, but my layout was not is the same as mode is before full screen.

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VS 2008 - Changing The Form Interface When Running

Jul 10, 2010

This might be a stupid question but I cannot figure out how to do it. I am making an application used as a touch interface. What I want is to make a form in, ie buttons and a browser window and possibly some images. When I press a button such as next page etc. I would like it to be a new interface ie different buttons maybe a picture instead of the web browser etc, pretty generic. I can see how I can do using multiple forms but I am wanting it to be one application/one window.

Am I missing something as I thought this would be a pretty normal thing to do, ie having different UI's so when you click a button it takes you to the next page. Should I been using multiple forms and then get the form2 to replace form1 etc?

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