Check Focused TextBox In Winforms?

Apr 12, 2011

I have multiple textbox in a form. How do I know what textbox the cursor currently is? Trying to do something like this:

If TextBox2.Focus() = True Then
MessageBox.Show("its in two")
ElseIf TextBox3.Focus = True Then
MessageBox.Show("its in three")
End If

But I think its not working.

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Check If Focused On Multiple Textboxes?

May 31, 2012

I have my menustrip with the standard edit items. I know I can do this:

If TextBox1.Focused = True Then
ElseIf TextBox2.Focused = True Then
'Ect. Ect. Ect.

End If until I type out every textbox. However, I have like 30 textboxes and don't want to type out every textbox to see if they have focus. Is there a work around for that?


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Auto-caps Lock On When Textbox Is Focused?

Jun 3, 2011

i want to automatically turn on the caps lock when the cursor is focused on a certain textbox

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Listview Hide Selection - Row To Stay Focused While Editing A Textbox

Jan 4, 2009

I have a listview that is populated with data. When I select a row the data is added to my textboxes for viewing editing etc. I want the row to stay focused while I am editing a textbox. I have set the property Hide selection to false for my list view but I still lose focus of the row.


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Add Unbound Check Box Column To WinForms DataGrid?

Apr 23, 2009

How to add unbound check box column to databound DataGrid (WinForms .NET 1.0, 1.1)?

I cannot add fake column to the data source because it is data view coming from elsewhere.

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Windows - Check Music File Rating With .NET + WinForms?

Dec 22, 2011

I'm developing an application for editing the MP3 tags, such as title, album, But I wanted to make possible to edit the file rating, with the file URL, just like it is when you use the windows properties dialog or the windows explorer.

However, I have looked in the web, searched in StackOverflow, but I have found nothing.

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Winforms - Check If A DataGridView/BindSource Have Changed Data?

Jan 16, 2009

I have a WinForms app with a datagridview and a bindingsource. I want the user to confirm changes before I save them to the database. don't want to pop up the confirmation dialog unless I know the user has made changes. So I need a way to check if changes have been made.

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Check In WinForms App When User Exists Belongs To Active Directory Group?

Aug 3, 2009

I am developing a WinForms Application and have to check if a user belongs to an Active Directory Group.

I tried this snippet of code but i always get the error "object not referenced ..." at line[code]...

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WinForms - How To Lock Textbox

Apr 17, 2010

What is the code to lock a Textbox? The following code throws an error:
txtVNO.LOCKED = True
The error is : 'Locked' is not a member of 'System.Windows.Forms.Text'
Then how to lock a textbox?

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.net - Winforms Textbox Focus With TabControl?

Aug 22, 2011

VB.NET Windows Forms Project, VS2010.I have a tabcontrol with several tabpages and on each tabpage there is a textbox. I want the focus (and insertion point) to go to the end of the text in the textbox when the tab is selected. If I make a junky project with the following code in each tab, it works fine:

Private Sub TabPage1_Enter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TabPage1.Enter
With TextBox1
.SelectionStart = .Text.Length
End With
End Sub

However, the same code is not working in my actual project. I am having trouble debugging, because if I step through, the breakpoints and IDE mean the focus events don't fire in the same order.

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Creating Numeric Textbox (.Net 4.0 - Winforms)

May 12, 2012

I'm trying to create my own numeric textbox that will handle decimal as well as whole number values. The concept is, unlike the regular textbox, this one will accept a value of 'Double' data type and show it with proper formatting e.g. Leading Digits, Digit Grouping etc. When the textbox value is called, it returns the actual 'Double' data type value. The entire thing is done through the 'Text' property; wherein the regular 'Text' property is shadowed and one with 'Double' data type is used.


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Creating Numeric Textbox (.Net 4.0 - Winforms)?

May 12, 2012

I'm trying to create my own numeric textbox that will handle decimal as well as whole number values. The concept is, unlike the regular textbox, this one will accept a value of 'Double' data type and show it with proper formatting e.g. Leading Digits, Digit Grouping etc. When the textbox value is called, it returns the actual 'Double' data type value. The entire thing is done through the 'Text' property; wherein the regular 'Text' property is shadowed and one with 'Double' data type is used.The problem is, in the designer properties window, the Text property always remains readonly and its value says 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object'. What's my mistake?

My code follows:

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices


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Print WinForms TextBox With Tab Formatting?

Jun 20, 2010

I have been working on some code that prints a textbox that lists contact information. When I try to print it, it doesn't print out the tabs that I used to format the text. Here is my code:

Private Sub PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal ev As PrintPageEventArgs) _
Handles prndoc.PrintPage
Dim fnt As Font = resultTextBox.Font


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Winforms - Auto-complete Textbox In .net?

May 13, 2012

I implemented auto complete in textbox , but there is an issue that when user types something in text box the auto complete suggestion list blinks and disappears like if the focus changed

here is the code:

Dim Bl As New ItemBL
Dim suggestions = DAL.DisplayLikeNameList(Trim(MyTextBox.Text))
Dim MySource As New AutoCompleteStringCollection()


I believe the problem in Mdi form because it has timer code executed after the above code :

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
LblDateAndTime.Text = Now
End Sub

Note: the auto complete code is executed in a child form not in the Mdi Form , what do you suggest to keep suggestions list "sticky" as the user writing in the text box ?

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.net - Enabled Scrollbar In A Disabled Textbox For WinForms?

Jun 3, 2012

I'm trying to allow scrolling in a Multiline-TextBox even if the TextBox is set to

textbox.Enabled = False

This is not possible, as the Scrollbar is disabled with the Enabled-Command, too.The default solution here is to set

textbox.ReadOnly = True
textbox.Enabled = True

but this doesn't really do the trick for me. With ReadOnly I can still select the text of a TextBox as well as place the cursor inside of it. But as I have normal (non Multiline-TextBoxes) and other controls on the same form I don't want that to happen. I want to have exactly the same behavior as all the other disabled TextBoxes.

For everything else, like mimic the color of a disabled textbox and so on, there is a legitimate workaround with the ReadOnly-Property, but I coudn't find any for selecting text and placing the cursor.

UPDATE:I tried to use WIN32 API but it didn't work as expected:

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class TestTextBox


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C# - Equivalent Of WinForms TextBox.Validating Event In WPF

Sep 11, 2009

In WinForms I could handle the Validated event to do something after the user changed text in a TextBox. Unlike TextChanged, Validated didn't fire for every character change; it only fired when the user was done.Is there anything in WPF I can use to get the same result, an event raised only after the user is done changing the text?

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Winforms - TextBox Validation In .NET And Windows Forms?

Mar 5, 2009

I'm using the following code to validate the text entered by user. It works perfectly fine. But I want to add the backspace feature so as to allow the user to delete the wrongly entered number.I have tried a couple of things and they worked but before last digit (after the decimal point) i.e. it does not allows to delete after the number has been completely entered.number is being entered in the format: 12313213.45

What shall I do?Private Sub TextBox5_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox5.KeyPress


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Change Textbox Border Color And Width In Winforms?

Dec 30, 2011

how do I change the border color and border width of textbox as something shown below

If it is mouse hover I need to display one colour and on mouse down I need to display another colour.

detailed process with the source if available.

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Winforms - Allow Only A Decimal Point After An Input Of Three Digits In A Textbox?

Nov 9, 2011

How do I allow only a decimal point after an input of three digits in a textbox in VB.NET?

Let's say I inputed "123" after that I can only put a decimal else it wont allow any other input. So the result would be "123."

Dim KeyAscii As Integer
KeyAscii = Asc(myE.KeyChar)
Select Case KeyAscii


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WinForms - Insert CheckBoxes In DGV To Display Data Into Textbox

Jul 10, 2009

I am working on a project. Part of my project requires me deal with datagridview in windows form. I used 'Choose Data Source' wizard to display data from Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and into the datagridview. In my windows form, I have a datagridview with the columns - Email , CustomerNam e and Select. I also have a Add Contact button.

I have 2 questions which is:-
1) How do I insert checkboxes in the Select column
2) Upon inserting checkboxes in the Select column how do I display the rows, that I have selected using checkboxes in the Select column, to display into the textbox in another windows form?

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WinForms - ListView To Select Same Data Entered In Textbox

Jan 16, 2012

If I enter a data in a textbox, I want my listview to select the same data entered in the textbox. Example: I have a StudentNumber column in my listview and it has data on it (ex. 123456)
I will enter 123456 in the textbox. The ListView must select 123456?

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Winforms - How To Have Colored Single Border Line For Rich Textbox And Buttons

Feb 21, 2011

For rich textbox in i want to have single border line. Fixed single and Fixed 3D are having some dimensional effect which i do not want. And i would also like to change the color of the border.

And same thing with the button, for them how to have single line border and specified color.

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Retain TextBox Line Breaks In Winforms After Assigning Text To A String Variable?

Oct 3, 2011

I have a WinForms app with a multi-line textbox. This displays and retains (after loading from the DB) line break characters fine. However if I assign the TextBox.Text value to a string variable and then re-assign the variable back to the TextBox.Text property, the line break characters are lost and replaced with a square character (can't past them here as they just paste as a line break!)


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Get Name Of A Focused Control?

Mar 29, 2010

How do I retrieve the name of a textbox that has the focus? I have many textboxes on my form and when the user right clicks anywhere in one of the textboxes I want my code to store the name of the textbox in a string variable such as NameOfSelectedTextBoxString as string.

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.net - Focused Row Not Working - Gridview?

Nov 4, 2011

I am using Dev Express to develop a form in which i have a GridControl with a View inside a View.It looks like this:

I am then trying to use the event ValidatingEditor to validate the user input.I tried to do that by doing:

Private Sub grvObsAM_Artigos_ValidatingEditor(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.BaseContainerValidateEditorEventArgs) Handles grvObsAM_Artigos.ValidatingEditor
Dim row As Integer = Me.grvObsAM_Artigos.FocusedRowHandle

This, however always returns me something like -99999.. I poked around and tried this other solution using the sender from the event:

Private Sub grvObsAM_Artigos_ValidatingEditor(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.BaseContainerValidateEditorEventArgs) Handles grvObsAM_Artigos.ValidatingEditor
Dim grv As DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView = CType(sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView)
Dim row As Integer = grv.FocusedRowHandle

And using this second solution i managed to get the focused row handle. Even though this worked this time (because the event was triggered by the view itself and i had access to the sender) this doesn't solve my problem as there are other events where the sender is not the view and the problem persists.Usign Me.grvObsAM_Artigos."insert anything here" doesn't seem to work properly.

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C# - Focused The Next Texbox1 To Textbox17?

Jun 16, 2012

I have a Class(ChorNumbers) and in this class i have a Function that test textbox1...17 is a Character or a Number.I create a WindowsForm that have 9 textboxs. And if i enter 1 in the textbox1 that must jump to next textbox2 (that do this) If i enter A in the textbox2 that must jump to textbo3, but they does not jump. Where is the Problem why it doesnt not Jump?And i want a use one textbox1_TextChanged Function.

private void textbox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
TextBox myText = (TextBox)sender;
ChorNumbers myNR = new ChorNumbers();


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Make A Form Focused Over The Over One?

Feb 2, 2010

I want to beable to make a Form Focused over the over one.E.G. I have 2 Forms Called: MainForm.vb && HelpForm.vb When I Press 'Button1' on 'MainForm.vb' 'HelpForm.vb' Pops-up I want to make HelpForm Focused so that the User cannot continue working on 'MainForm.vb' But when HelpForm is closed i want MainForm to be Enabled again.

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VB2010 Me.Focused = True?

May 28, 2011

Is there anyway for a form to become in focus.. basically something like Me.inFocused = True, In order to print a form, it must be visible and in focus, so I need to focus on it without the user having to click it so that I can send the form to a printer

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VS 2010 Focused On The Sprite?

Apr 9, 2012

I am creating a 2D RPG game similar to the pokemon interface. After solving my problem with walls, I came across another problem. If I make the panel show the whole map, it would be too small. Thus, I tried to increased the size to 1200,1200, but it wouldn't let me because my screen is smaller than that. Then I thought about it and realized that most games limit the sight of the map to the characters surroundings.


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Cannot Be Scrolled Out And Stay Topmost While The Whole App Is Focused

Mar 18, 2010

With that program, it has extra dialogs within it. They cannot be scrolled out and stay topmost while the whole app is focused. How can I do that?

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