Check If There Is A 5.00 Entered Into Value Box?

May 20, 2010

I have this code

If ValueTXT.Text.Contains(".") = True Then
Dim r As String = ValueTXT.Text
Dim mv As Integer = ValueTXT.Text.Length - 3
r.Substring(1, mv)
ValueTXT.Text = r
End If

I want to check if there is a 5.00 entered into my value box, if there is i want to remove the .00

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ADVERTISEMENT - Only Check That Checkbox Which Is Entered In Textbox?

Nov 13, 2010

How to only check that checkbox which is entered in textbox ? If i have 4 checkboxes eith text checkbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3 and checkbox4 and 1 textbox if i type in textbox 1,2 then only checkbox1 and checkbox2 would be checked again directly after doing that i type 3,4 in textbox then only 3,4 will be checked and 1,2 will be uncheked.. remember i wanna do this coding for unlimited no. of checkboxes .. so dnt provide coding for 4 checkboxes only.

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Check If The Value Entered In TextBox Is An EVEN Number?

Oct 5, 2011

I want to check if the value in the text box is EVEN NUMBER.else throw an error mssg.

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Check Whether The Entered Ip Is In Correct Format?

Mar 31, 2009

How to validate IpAddress. I mean how to check whether the entered Ip is in correct format?

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VS 2005 How To Check If At Least 1 Phone # Is Entered

Dec 2, 2010

On my form I have 4 Phone Number fields, at least one of them has to have a number entered for contact purposes. I am trying to check and see if at least one is. I declared a form variable;'declare a variable to see if at least 1 phone number has been entered Dim count As Integer = 0..In the text changed event I do this;[code]But when I add a breakpoint as soon as I run the app it says count is 1 on the first phonenumber. What is the error in my logic. Somehow I need to be able to tab through all 4 controls and if they are all empty then let the user know they need to enter at least 1 phone number.

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Check Combo Box Entered Text Against Database?

Jan 7, 2009

I this application, I am retirving data to fill combo box from database.There is a search buttom next to it which takes that selected and search in database and retieve other data related to it.Now in the combo box, one can also enter data (textfield too).So if the person enters wrong things, I want to display a message that " Incorrect value"

My code for the onclick_search is as follows:
Private Sub btn_cylsearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_cylsearch.Click


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Check If The Entered Data Is In The Same Row Inside The Table Using .net?

Jun 4, 2011

check if the entered data is in the same row inside the table using .net?

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Check If User Has Entered All Inputs And Go To The Next Form?

Sep 3, 2009

How do i check if user has entered all inputs and go to the next form.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub


In this code it gives an error, but after displaying the error it jumps to next form.

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Check On Telephone Numbers Entered Into A Textbox?

Jan 6, 2010

I need to do a check on telephone numbers entered into a textbox.I know the regular expression for an email address but not to check a telephone number like such (000)000-0000

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Check Whether The Entered Date Is In The Correct Format?

Apr 29, 2011

I have a textbox where a user is supposed to enter a date. How can I check whether the entered date is in the correct date format?

Like this: 02/02/2008

not like this 022/22/-1
not like this 2009/02/02
not like this 02/Jun/2015
not like this 02/abc/2010

(I don't want to use DateTimePicker or MonthCalender).

EDIT 1 I tried it like this

Private Sub txtHireDate_Validated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtHireDate.Validated
Dim dateString As String = txtHireDate.Text
Dim formats As String = "MM/dd/yyyy"


But its showing some errors?

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Validator Or Expression To Check If The Value Entered In That Textbox

Sep 24, 2009

I am using I am having below code in


Now I want an set validation for mandatoryto the textbox TokenStartingNumberTextBox only If the user had entered the value in DateOfReceivingTextBox.

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VS 2010 Check String Entered Textbox?

Jan 6, 2011

I want to validate a string in a textbox after a period.Lets say that it needs to be ".rad" (whatever). When I enter "radjesh.rad" and press "OK" it should check if the last 4/5/6 (whatever) characters (including period) are in the string. If I'd enter "radjesh" it should fail, but if I'd enter (e.g.) "radjesh.jrkrk" it should work.

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Check Text Entered In Combobox Against The Dropdownlist Generated?

Jan 15, 2009

I have an windows mobile application. In the windows form of it, I have a combo box.I load the values in the combobox on frm_load event.Now we all know what the combo box has the facility that it allows to enter text as well as chose from the dropdown.So when they enter the text, I want to validate it against the list that is in it.If not then msbox error.

My loading of the combo box is here.

Private Sub mainfrm_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim con As New SqlConnection("XXXX")


View 4 Replies

VS 2010 - Do Until Loop To Check Entered Number In Textbox

Feb 2, 2011

I am writing a Do Until Loop to check if the number entered in a textbox is between 1 and 12 in Visual Basic 2010.

View 4 Replies - Check Whether The Textbox1 And Textbox2 Entered Value Is Present In Database Record Or Not?

Jan 12, 2011

My Database field :

ID Name Age
1 Sumit 23
2 Manish 25
3 John 22

i have two textboxes and 1 button and label1 in my webform ...when i enter Sumit in textbox1 and 23 in textbox2 then it validates the database to check whether then value entered in textbox1 is present in Name column of database and 23 is present in Age column of database....then it redirect to ~.Default2.aspx else shows error message in label ...

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Check When String Entered In A Text Box Matches Field In Data Table?

Apr 17, 2010

How to check if string entered in a text box matches a field in a data table

I have a form with two text boxes for users to enter their Username and Password. When they enter their details and click the 'Login' button I want their details to be

checked against data in a data table to see if they match or not. I am using an 'if...else' statement but can't work out the syntax to use. My code is as follows[code]...Check when string entered in a text box matches field in data table?

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VS 2005 Text Validation - Check If The Number Entered Is Valid Or Invalid

Nov 18, 2009

I am trying to mkae sure that there has been 16 numeric digits entered into the masked textbox. If not show errror message and if so to call the fucnction ValidateLuhn. When calling Validate Luhn i want the program to tell me if the number entered is valid or invalid using the code in the function:


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Check VB, Console Application, User Input To Make Sure They Entered A Valid Number?

Feb 2, 2012

Vb is not my language of choice , but I have to do this for school and I'm not having a very easy time with VB's documentation.I'm just creating a very simple console application that accepts user input: degrees in Celsius, and converts it into Fahrenheit. I want to make sure that if the user just hits enter without entering the degrees in Celsius, then an if else statement will catch and write to enter Celsius again.Here's what I've tried:


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DB/Reporting :: How To Check If String Entered In A Text Box Matches A Field In A Data Table

Apr 17, 2010

How to check if string entered in a text box matches a field in a data table.I have a form with two text boxes for users to enter their Username and Password. When they enter their details and click the 'Login' button I want their details to be checked against data in a data table to see if they match or not. I am using an 'if...else' statement but can't work out the syntax to use. My code is as follows:[code]The fields I want to match the textbox strings against in my database table are called 'Username' and 'Password'.

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Implement A Search For The Calendar So A Date Can Be Entered Into A Text Box Which Intern Moves The Calender To Show The Date Entered?

Oct 4, 2011

I am creating a Calender application using the monthly calender control.I am trying to implement a search for the calendar so a date can be entered into a text box which intern moves the calender to show the date entered. I have been try to figure this out with no luck, is it even possible to do?

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VB: Getting Checkboxes On Windows Form To Check If Their Values In A Database Field Is Check (True)

May 10, 2011

This is my problem.I have a field set up in MS Access to Boolean YES/NO, this field is populated when the user check a checkbox on a windows form. If the user check a checkbox, the value is written as checked in the data field (MS Access).The problem is when I search for the user information, I need the information from the Data base to populate(return) to the windows form. Example: If I enter a users phone number and the user data is present, the form gets populated with the information the user previously entered which was store in the database.Example: If the user selected checkbox1 and submits the form. When I search for the user info, the check box should check(populate) because the user had checked it on submit.Here is what I have done:


I am getting the check value correctly in the database using a Boolean.Here is one of the errors I am getting. Unable to cast object of type

'System.Boolean' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.I am having trouble putting the codes in a code tag or block

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Search Data From Database With Some Check Box And Text Box When User Select Check Box Specific Function

Dec 15, 2011

My application is like this : i have to search my data from database with some check box and text box when user select check box specific function go on and then when user enters some range of value in textbox then the result will shown in data grid view after that i can print it by selecting data
my code is as follow:

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class XtraForm1


I m also pasting the demo picture.

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Decimal Value To Store A Nothing Instead Of A 0D If No Value Has Be Entered?

Jan 13, 2011

I want to store a decimal value, but there is the possibbility that no value has been entered. So i would like the decimal value to store a nothing instead of a 0D if no value has be entered is this possible?

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Do While Count Is Less Than User Entered Value?

Oct 12, 2010

I am trying to perform a task while the word count of a richtextbox is less than a user entered value, but the word count keeps coming out miles out, here is what I have:

Dim count As Integer = 0
RichTextBox1.Text = ""
Do While count < NumericUpDown1.Value


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Ensure Data Is Entered?

Jul 11, 2010

How can I ensure that a user enters data in one text box before being allowed to move on to the next text box Example I have four text boxes the user can enter a grade in. I want to lock the other three box until the user has entered a number in text box 1. Once a valid number has been entered in text box 1, that releases or enables text box 2. Once a valid number has been entered in text box 2, that releases or enables text box 3. And once a valid number is entered in text box 3, that releases or enables text box 4.

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Exception Messagebox Come Up Only When A Name Is Not Entered

Nov 15, 2010

Im writing a program that is supposed to display a name, which is one array, and then show the phone number to that persons name, which is another array. What happens is when you enter the name, without any capital letters, it will show the number, then show the exception messagebox that says you have no friends with that name. When you enter a capital for the first letter, it will show the number, then it will show the messagebox with the name and phone number. My issue is 2 things,

1.) I need to have the exception messagebox come up only when a name is not entered, and

2.) I need to have a partial code snippet that will display the correct information even when a full name is not entered. [code]

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Get A Dialog Box To Pop-out With The City Entered?

Mar 23, 2010

I have here a code that will get the address entered. We want a dialog box to pop out with the city entered. Here is the code.

' displays the city name
Const Prompt As String = "Please enter a city name followed by a comma, a space, and a state name."
address As String


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Get If The Date Entered Is In The Right Range

Feb 1, 2011

How to get if the date entered is in the range?

Ex. the month of April, the number of days is only 1 to 30. What if the user will enter the date range of 4/1/2011 to 4/31/2011 in the mask textbox? I am using Mask textbox because datetimepicker will not accept empty value and it cannot be empty either.

I'm asking this because I encountered an error when querying in MS SQL SERVER 2005. It says "The conversion of char data type to smalldatetime data type resulted to in an out-of-range smalldatetime value." I thought it was the casting or conversion problem. I've observed the SQL when transacting and I found no difference with my code.

So then, I just figured it out that my date exceeded the number of days of the April month.

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How To Return Last Entered Item

Jun 12, 2012

I am trying to get the last entry from my database based off the date entered. The sql is not working exactly as I want it. Here is my sql SELECT TOP 1 * FROM BILLS_HITS ORDER BY DATETIMEADD DESC.Can anyone see anything wrong with it? The sql returns a record with the date - "6/6/2012 7:10:11 AM" and not one that is for 6/10/2012.

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Message Box If Not Enough Data Entered?

Feb 16, 2012

I have created a program that solves the right-angled triangle by just needing to input two known quantities. I have adapted this code from some I found on another website, it never actually worked, so I spent two weeks figuring out how to get it to work. I have finally succeeded, what I would like to do is display a message box if the user has not entered the required two inputs and presses the 'Calculate' button (see image). I just want it to say "At least two known quantities are required".I have some code that clears all the text boxes so you can enter new data, but I have tried countless times to find a way of coding so the message box appears.


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