Clearing The Text In A Dropdownlist Combo Box?

Aug 26, 2010

I have a combo box that is set to dropdownlist. After a user enters and saves the data, the data for all non-dropdownlist fields auto clears. How do I clear the data for this type of field? I have tried combobox.text = "" but that does not work. There are no data bound items with this combo box.

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Fill A Combo Box/DropDownList?

Jul 9, 2009

I am trying to fill a combo box from SQL Server 2008. Getting the Combo Box to populate isn't the problem. What I need to do is have the text field read the field value that goes with a specific id that I search by, while keeping all other fields available to chose from to change the value for that specific id and save back to the database. I know this isn't clear here is the best example I can think of:

COMBOBOX --FieldValue------->
--DropDownField1--> Ten
--DropDownField2--> Twenty


I seriously might have to infest in some Rogaine if I have to spend another ten minutes on this. I do know that I am missing an id to compare to but when I add the id into the sql statement the combo box only fills with the one value that it equals to without the option to chose from the several others to change.

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Clearing List Boxes And Combo Boxes?

Mar 20, 2009

what is the syntax to clear a combo box and also a list box?

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Use A Databound Combo Box To Display One Field In The Drop Down And Another As The Combo Box Text On Roll Up?

Feb 21, 2012

How to use a databound combo box to display one field in the drop down, and another as the combo box text on roll up? Using VS 2005... For example, I have a datatable that has 2 fields. One called "ShortDesc" and one called "LongDesc". I want to be able to see the "LongDesc" column values in the drop down on the combo box. When I make a selection, I want the text in the combo box to read the corresponding "ShortDesc" value.


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Once Again With Clearing Just The Text Boxes?

Apr 19, 2011

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Public Class formFat


i have discovered a way to clear just errors in text boxes involving =>0 using if statements. if i could use the same and state if <> numeric then etc.

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Clearing Multiple Text Fields

Aug 2, 2010

I tried searching for a solution, but couldn't find anything, so if I am re-asking a common question, don't beat me too badly. For a class, I have to create a form that allows someone to enter in the names of six students, as well as five test scores each. It also averages the scores, and displays them in a label.

What I am wondering is if there is a way to clear the text from all 36 text fields, as well as the 6 labels without having to do everything individually?
I could certainly go through, and write out txtField1.text = String.Empty 36 times, but it seems there would be a more elegant solution. Also, if there is a way to do so, would the same would apply for putting the data entered into an array, or saving it to a file?

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Clearing Text Of Cell In DataGridView

Jun 18, 2012

I am new in VB2008. How I can programmtically delete/remove/clear the content of a cell of DataGridView? Say, for example, I have the following code that populates with data in DataGridView. Now,how can I clear/delete the "Test4" text from the cell of DataGridView? The GridView is not bound to any database.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim dt As New DataTable
[Code] .....

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SQLCommand Not Clearing Text In Loop

Mar 3, 2010

In a for each loop I am adding rows to a table for a cross reference. Using the following code:

For Each cp In pCheckPoints
If cp <> String.Empty Then
Dim insertSQL As New StringBuilder
With insertSQL
.Append("INSERT INTO [CheckpointMessage] ( ")

Without the objCommand.CommandText = String.Empty line the CommandText is appending the insertSQL but that doesn't make any sense to me because I would expect the objCommand's commandText to be empty since it is in a using block.

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Clearing Needless Text From IRC Server Input

Feb 21, 2011

I'm making a simple IRC client for myself because I really don't see the need for a lot of mIRC's functionality, but I'm having problems cleaning up the input from the server.

Right now, on connect, I'm getting the following:
[16:37] NOTICE AUTH :** Looking up your hostname... NOTICE AUTH :** Found your hostname
[16:37] :DE7AED31! PRIVMSG Logan :VERSION 451 PING :You have not registered .....

I've read the IRCP (RFC 1459) and I understand the formatting of the server input, but I can't seem to strip out the unwanted stuff... A friend suggested loading the input into an array and deal with each item individually, but I can't seem to make it work. I have tried, but it doesn't seem to make a difference...

Here's my code
Public Function recv() As String
Dim mail As String
Dim Data(4096) As Byte
sock.Receive(Data, 4096, Net.Sockets.SocketFlags.None)
[Code] .....

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Clearing Text Fields On Project Vs2008

Apr 28, 2010

web page has a few fields to allow the user to enter payments. After the system processes the payments, the fields weren't cleared my task is to simply clear them out.[code]The procedure is writing an HTML receipt into the strBody and displaying it to the user.They see the 'File download, do you want to open or save this file' and can open the receipt in ms-word. Without those three lines, the resetting works. So clearly they are messing up something, I just don't understand what.I've got a workaround, but I'd like to know what is going on.Even to the tune of is this a correct way of creating/downloading a document.This in an inherited system, the original designer is long gone.

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Clearing Text From A Cell Based On A Condition?

Feb 17, 2011

write a macro that removes the letters "TBD" from any cell it is in in a range of cells (J5:PJ421)n a different worksheet. This is probably very simple, but I am new to VBA and can't figure it out.

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Problem : While Clearing Drop Down List Box Displaying Text

Sep 5, 2011

When an item is selected from the list it displays in the text field of the combo box and I want to clear it without clearing the items in the list. I've tried [dropdown list_name].text = ""[Eg:- CBSelect.Text = ""] but it doesn't work since the text entering field in a drop down list box is read only.How should I do that. By the way, I'm coding in VB.NET 2005 so please give answers in VB.NET 2005.And my selection is from combobox its clear. same combobox property ( DropDown style = DropDown List ) text is not clear.

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Browser Compatible Code To Disable A Dropdownlist When Another Dropdownlist Is Clicked Or A Checkbox Is Checked?

May 26, 2011

I have a window having 2 dropdowmlists(schemename-SN and propertyno-PN) , one chkbox ,one "VIEW" button.SN has options "all" with value=0 and many other options with respctive values.Now,i want the code should behaves as follows:

1.0n window onload, SN must b visible bt PN nt.

2.if i select SN other thn All...the PN shud b visible and if i select "All" ,PN hides.

3.when check box is checked- PN hides,and if it is unchecked- PN visible..

Important:-This whole ddl n chk box are in updatable panel,button is nt in that.I want a browser compatible code so javascript can't b used directly(cz they give problem in mozzila and chrome).Right now, i have done this JavaScript and its is working fine.

function window.onload()


but this code is not browser onload,onkeyup and onclick functions are used , but they dont work in other browsers except internet explorer.

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Text In A Dropdownlist?

May 27, 2010

n't know where to put this

<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"
DataSourceID="AccessDataSource1" DataTextField="maerke"
DataValueField="maidnr" ToolTip="Vælg mærke" style="height: 22px">


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Dropdownlist Text Property Not Working?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a dropdownlistbox in a webform. When the page loads, it displays the initial text, that is ok. When selection is made, it works ok. But when i tried using the text property ie msgbox(cbomodel.text), what shows in the previous text. The newly selected item is never recognized. Is there a way to bind the text to the listbox after a selection is made?

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Check Text Entered In Combobox Against The Dropdownlist Generated?

Jan 15, 2009

I have an windows mobile application. In the windows form of it, I have a combo box.I load the values in the combobox on frm_load event.Now we all know what the combo box has the facility that it allows to enter text as well as chose from the dropdown.So when they enter the text, I want to validate it against the list that is in it.If not then msbox error.

My loading of the combo box is here.

Private Sub mainfrm_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim con As New SqlConnection("XXXX")


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Predictive Text - How To Display Records From Database Into DropdownList

Mar 30, 2011

How to query a record in using combo or textbox via linq to sql like the search engine? Just like when you search in google or youtube, once you typed in the initial string on the textbox or combo box it will show a drop-down list. I tried to use it in my application using linq method but the problem is it would duplicate on the first string that you entered on the dropdownlist if that record exist on your database after you press the space key. I used the code below which duplicates the records on the drop-down list when you type in your string after the space key.

I just want it to be like in any search engine that when you type in the string or your initial string, it will display on the drop-down list all the records from the database that contains the string you entered without duplication. In my case, I'm trying to query a name from my database. This is how it should work, For example, if you type an initial string in the textbox or combo box a named 'Mark', it should display all the names from the database containing 'Mark' into the drop-down list before it changes into its final string that you entered.

Here is the codes I used:
Private Sub ComboBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim db As New MultipleDatabaseOperationDataContext
Dim search As String
search = ComboBox1.Text
[Code] .....

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Selected Text Not Showing For Dropdownlist Control (Windows App)?

May 6, 2010

I have a autocomplete dropdownlist(ddl) in my app. When ever I click on the ddl and start typing to find the item I am looking for in the ddl. The ddl is expanded to show all the orders when typing. After I press the enter key to go out and get the order information for that order the Order number in the ddl is missing but here is the weird part. When I don't have the ddl expanded but still have focus on the ddl. When I find the order I need and press enter. The order number is showing in the ddl as the selected one after it has loaded up the order information.

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Save Multiple Text-boxes And A Combo-box To A Text File

Nov 20, 2010

I need to to able to save multiple text-boxes and a combo-box to a text file. the thing is, when I go to save, I check out the .txt file manually and its saved all in one line, no spaces. when I go to "read" it with the 2nd part (<-----this is a 2 part Challenge) it even reads all from that one line in the text file. What i'm asking is how can I make my text-boxes saved in the text file on different lines. [Code]

View 10 Replies - Populate DropdownList Based Upon Other DropDownList VB?

Jun 1, 2009

I have found a couple of examples on the internet to do this but really struggling to get it working in VB. (Tried a converter but had mixed results) I need the selection options of a Dropdownlist to be populated based upon the differing values in the first dropdown list.

Can anyone help with a releativley simple example in VB? Not fussed if the values are "hard coded" in the script. Or a SQL bit that pulls the data from a table

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Javascript - Open New Window Passing The Text And Value Of A Dropdownlist On OnClientClick Of Button In Aspx Page

May 25, 2011

I am making my site compatible to all browsers.For that on one page i am selecting the name from dropdownlist and on click of VIEW(button),i want to open a new window .i also want to send the value and text of ddl on new window. all of this i want to do on onClientClick or onClick of button...

for getting the value i hv tried this code:-

input name="button1" type="button" id="btnview" style="cursor:hand" class="Buttons" title="View" value="View" onclick="alert(document.all('<%=ddlScheme.ClientID%>').value);"


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Get A Combo Box To Add Text To Box?

Oct 21, 2011

Get a combo box to add text to box?

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Add Image And Text To Combo

Feb 9, 2009

I can see the images but no text:


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Combo Box Matching Text?

Nov 29, 2011

In VB6 datacombobox there was a property that you could set that filtered the item list as you typed in the combo box (extended matching I think it was called) so that as the user typed more characters in the box the filtering progressively narrowed down the number of items in the list.The .net control does not seem to have this facility, or does it?Do we have to programatically do it now?

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Forms :: Getting Combo Box Text Value

Feb 8, 2009

I'm trying to get the text portion of the combo box when a value is selected. I can get the selected value, but if I look at the selectedText or Text property the value is "".

I'm using the following

Private Sub cboVendorSearch_SelectionChangeCommitted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboVendorSearch.SelectionChangeCommitted
clsVendor.ID = Me.cboVendorSearch.SelectedValue


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Set Selected Text In Combo Box?

Jun 11, 2011

I have a form (, VS2010) which retrieves product orders and displays the result to a datagridview and text fields. I also have a combo box which displays a list of all products in a product file. I need to set the displayed text of the combo box to match the product name of the ordered product.[code]...

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Sql Insert Into From Text Box's And Combo Box's

Sep 22, 2011

i have the following code

Private Sub btn_AddRecord_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_AddRecord.Click


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Text Displayed In A Combo Box

Oct 13, 2009

I am working in Visual Studio 2005 in Visual Basic. I have some combo boxes with the following list in the dropdown menu:Pick 1 > New CommentPick 2 > PassPick 3 > FailPick 4 > Recommend ReplacementWhen the user chooses one of the options, I only want the text after the ">" to be displayed in the combo box's text area.[code]When I run my program, it still displays "Pick 1 > New Comment" in the text part of the combo box.

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Populate Dropdownlist From Another Dropdownlist?

Jan 15, 2012

I'm trying to write a program that selects an item (Area Code) from a combobox and this list gets the city that was associated with this area code (another comnbobox list)

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Combo Box Text Horizontal Alignment?

Jun 18, 2009

On my form I have a Combo Box with long text strings. These are accomodated fine by DropDownWidth property. However, when an item is selected from the list, it appears aligned to the Left not the Right as I would expect.

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