Code For A Next Button For A Windows Application?

Sep 26, 2010

when i click on the next button i want the next record to be displayed.

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Code Works In A Windows Forms Application, But Not In A Windows Service

Jan 19, 2010

I'm porting code that I wrote for use in a Windows Forms application to a Windows Service, but for some reason, the code that worked in the Windows Forms application is now throwing errors in the Service

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Create A Back Button For Windows Application?

Nov 10, 2011

I am trying to create a back button for a Windows Application to go from one form to it's previous form.

I know how to go to the next form, just can't figure out the other way.

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Make A Transparent Button In (windows Application)?

Jan 29, 2009

How to make a transparent button in application)

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Use Own Created Icons As A Button In Windows Application?

Jul 10, 2009

How can i use my own created icons as a button in my windows application instead of using the windows application button?

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Code A Click Of A Certain Button In An Application That Was Started From VB?

May 22, 2009

This is my first post..and it is a question. Hope some day I will be able to provide also answers... I started a third-party external application using Process.Start function. Does anybody know how I can code a click of a certain button in that application (the name of which I know)?

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Created A Listbox And Button In Application Using Code

Feb 1, 2009

I created a listbox and button in my application using vb code.When the user select an item in the listbox and click on the remove button, the item will be removed from the listbox. I know how to remove the item in the listbox, but I don't know what coding to add to activate the click event on the button.

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Windows Forms Application Login Code?

Mar 26, 2012

Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK.Click
Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;data source=C:UsersChristopherDesktopCanalside Theatre.accdb")


As a part of a booking system I need to produce for my module, I have to create a login form that connects to a Microsoft Access Database. So far, I've created one that works without error, but it lacks certain functionality I can't wrap my head around.

I have a 'Login table' in my database with three fields: 'Username', 'Password' and 'Manager?', the last of which uses a 'Yes/No' datatype. Currently, the system can check whether or not the details are held in the database, and if so, it will direct the user to a different form.However, is it possible to have it so that the system can check what the database record has for the 'Manager?' field, and to direct the user to a different form accordingly?

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VS 2008 Windows Form Application & Exit Code?

Apr 29, 2009

What is the best way to return a exit code from a windows forms application?

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Write A Code For An Application To Make Use Of Windows Login?

Feb 2, 2009

I would like to know how to write a code for an application to make use of windows login and password to loginto application (single sign-on).

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Force Close Application - Code Is Executed When A Button Is Clicked

Sep 2, 2011

I have a backup script i made in VB. part of the code im having trouble with:



Now this code is executed when a button is clicked, if the folder does exists, it displays a message and continues the backup. however if it does not it displays displays "does not exist box" then i want the application to close.

I played around with the application.exit commands but it seems like the code just skips over it, and continues to try and backup the data, then errors out. how do i make the application close, if the dir does not exist?

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Windows And Web Application - Code Written In VB 2005 Supports In VB 2008 ?

Mar 29, 2009

I have been developing windows and web application using Visual Basic 2005 for a long time. Now i want to change from Visual Basic 2005 to Visual Basic 2008. I would like to know what ever projects i have done in visual basic 2005 will works in Visual Basic 2008. Will the existing code in visual basic 2005 supports Visual Basic 2008 or do i need lot of modification. I haven't used VB 2008 but i hear that most of the code which written in visual basic 2005 supports visual basic 2008. What are the things i need to take care when working the existing projects in visual basic 2008.

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Export & Delete File At A Time In Windows Application Through Button Click Event

Jun 9, 2011

in windows form in button click event how to export the file in a location select by showdialog & it will be delete permanently at a same time.How can i do this! because in .net it will produces error "IO Exception was unhandled" or "The process can not access the file because it is used by anather process." .In button click event how to export the file & delete at same time in windows application.

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Convert The Following Code To Work In A Visual Studio 2008 Windows Form Application?

Feb 15, 2009

I need to convert the following code to work in a visual studio 2008 windows form application, the moment ObjectQuery, ManagementObjectSearcher, ManagementObject and ManagementObjectCollection are not valid.

im objectQuery As New ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE NetConnectionId IS NOT NULL")
Dim searcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher(Scope, objectQuery)


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VS 2005 UserControl Button Not Behaving As A Button In A Windows Form

Sep 3, 2011

I have created a button in a UserControl. I have added that button to a WindowsForm in another app and added a buttonclick event to the code. When running (debugging) the app and clicking on the button; nothing happens. It doesn't act like a button at all.

The code for the button click event in my test app is as follows:

Private Sub Element1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Element1.Click
MsgBox("The button has been clicked")
End Sub

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UserControl Button Not Behaving As A Button In A Windows Form?

Sep 3, 2011

I have created a button in a UserControl. I have added that button to a WindowsForm in another app and added a buttonclick event to the code. When running (debugging) the app and clicking on the button; nothing happens. It doesn't act like a button at all.

The code for the button click event in my test app is as follows:


Private Sub Element1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Element1.Click
MsgBox("The button has been clicked")
End Sub

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Windows Explorer Search Button It Open New Windows?

Aug 25, 2009

I have use VS2005, I have open windows explorer from code. when i click on search button it open New windows, and in this I click on All files and folders in Look in : combo by default C: and D: drives are set.


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Difference In User Clicking The Button OR Calling The Button Click Event Inside The Code?

Aug 23, 2009

I believe there wont be any diff if user clicks the button on the form and the click event is fired OR if we call the button click event / function in the code. Because in one my project, this does make diff. If I click the button on the form, the App works great but same button if I click it thru the form code, the whole process crashes. This happens in Vista /

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Forms :: TextChanged Code And Button Click Code Not Working?

Jul 2, 2009

I have made an application in VB.NET.The Button click codes are working fine. I have made a small modification in the code. I have commented the line 'Me.Close'But still my form gets closed. I think the application is executing from elsewhere.

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Access Denied To The Path While Writing A File In Windows 7 Using Windows Application?

Jul 4, 2011

I am having a windows application. That downloads files from server and write into the local directory. It works fine. When we try the same appliication in Windows 7. IT shows an error Access to the path denied (While writing to the local directory).

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VB 2010 Application Works On Windows 7 Machine But Will Not Work On Other Windows 7 Machines?

Jan 22, 2011

I have developed a VB 2010 express application that works on my windows 7 machine, but when I deploy it to other windows 7 machines the application will not run at all. I created an msi script to install the software on other machines and it includes the .NET 4.0 framework an all of my application dll's and such. Any idea what might be he problem?

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Windows Media Player Not Working On Windows XP Using Visual Studio Application?

Aug 8, 2011

I have embedded the WMP control in my Visual Studio 2010 app which works on windows 7 (Framework 4.0), but installing the app on winXP, I get the following error:

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Interop.WMPLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
File name: 'Interop.WMPLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'


WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftFusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.

Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftFusion!EnableLog].

I guess this is a reference issue, but I have added references to WMP libraries (axinterop.wmplib.dll and interop.wmplib.dll). The WMP works on the XP machine, but not when called from my application.I have searched the web now for 5 days and changed references, and reinstalled the media player on the XP machine, but nothing works.

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Form Controls Changes From The Windows 7 Format To Older Formats On Runtime While Running .net Windows Application

May 15, 2012

I have seen this happen before but am not sure how I resolved it in the past. On runtime the controls of my form change from the windows 7/vista format to an older version format as shown in the attached image.

How to display the controls in the format on the left (new windows format)

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Convert Wia1 Code To Wia2 Code To Use It Under Windows 7?

Jul 18, 2011

Dim wiaManager As WiaClass = Nothing ' WIA manager COM object
Dim wiaDevs As CollectionClass = Nothing ' WIA devices collection COM object
Dim wiaRoot As ItemClass = Nothing ' WIA root device COM object
Dim wiaPics As CollectionClass = Nothing ' WIA collection COM object[code]....

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C# - Windows Form + Database (Sql Server)+ Windows Mobile Application?

Mar 17, 2011

i am doing project of Order Accepting system for five star hotels.Scenario is Waiter will accept order using Window Mobile which is Connected to WiFi present in hotel.I want to communicate to database(Sql Server) present on My Machine (Computer present in kitchen) through WiFi and Add order into table present inside database. This should notify my application present on Compter and should print order. After completion of Order Application from kitchen will notify to waiter about completion. My problem is How to Communicate with database present on Remote computer using WiFi from windows Mobile.

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Forms :: Disabling BackGround In Windows Application Same As Windows Cardspace

Sep 24, 2010

I am making a System Tray Application when i minimize my form its hide itself in the tray but whenever i click on the tray icon my form shows now when my form shows up i would like to disable my Background desktop same as CardSpace when its shows up.

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C# - Adding PostBackURL To Button And Allow Code Behind The Button?

Nov 30, 2009

I am using ASP.NET 3.5.

I have a button called btnSubmit and on this button in the PostBackURL i have a URL the page must submit data to.

<asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" Text="Submit" CssClass="Hand"
PostBackUrl="" />

Now when i have this i cant excecute more code in the button click event like so.....

Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object,
Dim name as String
name = "HELP"
End Sub

Why is this and how can i do a PostBackURL and still excecute code when the button is click?

Note: The Postback URL is located at another compnay who will capture the data

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Get A Code Compiled In Windows XP To Work In Windows 7?

Oct 25, 2011

I have a project that i've published through a click once installation which was compiled in Windows XP the application contains a previous version of True DB grid which is not supported windows 7 so i'm trying to get my application to work in Windows 7 so that the true db grid and other such controls work without any issue. i tried compiling the code in x86 mode

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Get The Current Windows Explorer Path In .net Windows Application?

Feb 15, 2012

how to get the current windows explorer path in windows application?

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IDE :: Disabling BackGround In Windows Application Same As Windows Cardspace

Mar 23, 2011

I am making a System Tray Application when i minimize my form its hide itself in the tray but whenever i click on the tray icon my form shows now when my form shows up i would like to disable my Background desktop same as CardSpace when its shows up.

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