i want to validate my textbox so that a user can only add letters of the alphabet and not anything else. so far the code that I have allow alphabetic entries but does not allow to delete and backspace
I want to validate my textbox so that a user can only add letters of the alphabet and not anything else. so far the code that I have allow alphabetic entries but does not allow to delete and backspace[code]...
we're doing a hangman game in VB 2008 and we are using an input box to enter a word that will be stored in the variable "word".How do I set it that the input box will only except letters of the alphabet. We are dealing with manipulating strings in class.I tried using the KeyPress event but that failed miserably.
basically just trying to use if statements for my code so people cannot enter the wrong information like letters into the account number box
If (txtAcountNumberInput.Text = "") Or (txtTelephoneNumberInput.Text = "") Or (ComboBoxPhonePlan.Text = "") Or (txtCallDuration.Text = "") Or (txtCallDate.Text = "") Or (ComboBoxCountryBeingCalled.Text = "") Or (txtTimeAsCustomer.Text = "") Or (ComboBoxEveningCall.Text = "") Then
so you see up the top i have if all any fields ="" then error that's fine it's a problem i need to so if statements so "account number" and hone number" cant be letters etc and if they are a error box will come up how i have done it does do that but ti still continues down the code hence cashing when getting to declaring things how to fix this?
here is my problem, I'm using a textbox to enter only letters, no number, so i'm using a loop with a decision structure to tell me that the input data is wrong and prompt to input the data again but when I enter the correct data in the input box, vb2010 display this error "Conversion from string to type 'Double' is not valid.", this problem is making me crazy.
When my program is looking at the keys it capitalizes all the keys and keys like enter, space, alt, and other keys are not registered so they dont come out correctly. I am writing information to a "RichTextBox1" and I need to know how to register all keys to this.
1. I need to know how to decapitalize all the letters.
2. How to make shifted letters work.
3. Make keys like enter, shift, and tab show up as text.
I'm wanting to make a program that translates binary code into numbers/letters and numbers/letters into binary code. I know the general system of binary code, but I dont know how to translate anything with VB.net. Is there a general command I need to use or can someone link me to a good tutorial about translating?
I'm keeping track of some things that are numbered and others that are lettered; while NumericUpDown is perfect for selecting numbered things, I need an analogue for selecting lettered things. The obvious choice would be a listbox that just contains all the letters of the alphabet. But I need to show only the appropriate range of letters, so if I want to use a listbox, I need to write a function that populates the listbox with the first n letters of the alphabet; if n > 26, it should continue with aa, ab, and so on. How do I do this?
I am using the given code to copy my database files...it works like a charm in debug mode but as soon as I create a setup, it stops working. The error is
"Database Detach Failed"
I tried checking the code line by line and found that the code does not enter the IF block.I have no idea why.
Public Sub bk() Try Dim strDatabasePath As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.CombinePath(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, "LIC.mdf")[code].....
im just made a webbrowser on cisual studio 2008 to enter automaticly to a link but me i want the webbrowser to enter to the link and wait 10 sec then click on Tab key then click on ENTER key Then ENTER key again , then wait 10 sec and close the webbrowser automaticly i want the clicks to be inside the webbrowser for exemple i open the webbrowser the open a auther program for exemple i open a calculator i dont want the clicks to be on the calculator but i want it to be on the webbrowser
i am trying to make it so that when you are typing a url into the url box on my web browser, you can click enter to search like on comercial browsers instead of having to click the actual search button, im trying to do the same with the web search(google, bing, yahoo!). it worked before, but i've added a tab system to the browser and now it's not letting me click enter to search.
my code:
Private Sub urlgo_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles urlgo.KeyDown If e.KeyData = Keys.Return Then CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser).Navigate(urlsearch.Text)
How do you enter in a code for an overall letter grade from a percentage given? I have a seperate box for the letter grade and a seperate one for a the percentage grade . I have it setup when an overall grade and possible grade is entered into boxes it will give me a grade percent but not a letter grade. How is that added? I am doing this for my course project but dont undersatnd the coding very well. I am just trying to pass the class.
Currently working in VB 2008 Pro. I have a web site connected to an SQLExpress database. I have a databound form that needs to calculate some basic math. I have a button Click event in code behind file, when I try to enter code intelisence not active and fields not available. I tried to work the math in the select query SqlDataSource, but form would not update only insert.
I've been looking through the book I own and I've been looking online but I just don't understand what code would I write to have it check the text box or input box for the right letters in a word?
I wanted to basically rearrange the alphabet with a keyword infront as I am doing a simple substitutional cipher. I have kind of worked out the logic of doing that but I am a bit stuck on the coding side.
What I wanted was something like:Dim key = "keyword"
For i = 0 to 26 'insert keyword and put in A to Z after without duplicating characters Next 'output: keywordabcfghijlmnpqstuvxz
Because I need to get all the characters of the alphabet OF AN ARBITRARY (variable) LANGUAGE, and that in the correct ordering sequence.
How can I do that without knowing the alphabet of every possible culture/language? System.Gobalization.Cultureinfo for example has information on date format, and a sorting method, and codepage info. But not info on the alphabet itselfs. Forthermore 'A' to 'Z' ordering iterating won't do, because German for example has characters such as ÄÖÜ, which are after 'Z' in the codepage numbering, but follow after aou when sorting.
Can I somehow use the codepages to get all the characters, and sort them somehow ? By 'all the characters' I mean all letters, including numbers, but not punctuation marks. And possibly only upper XOR lowercase.