Connect .NET Express To SQLExpress?

Aug 26, 2010

I'm so glad I found this forum. I have been trying for days to connect VB.NET Express to SQLExpress using a very simple, one-table database just for testing with no luck. Then I found this forum and the FAQ and used the template for binding a VB Form to SQL and with a few slight modifications and had success.

I'm connecting using the default instance of SQL (no user instance) and after substituting the the "user Id=" and "password=" section of the connection string with "Integrated Security=SSPI" I was finally able to get data returned from SQL server into VB in a Grid Control.

Now for my question. It's a general thing. Yes, I got that to work but in a complete database scenario, would the connection to the database be done in a Public Sub and left open throughout the duration of the GUI interface (passing in the user ID and password as needed) ..until the user logs off? In other words, the template example closes the connecttion immediately after retrieving the data from the database - and I realize this is an example of simply connecting. So, What is the usual scenario (in the real world for connecting and keeping that connection open for the duration of a user session. Where in the VB app should the connection string really be placed and the connection.(close) be placed?I'm not looking for an extremely detailed answer, just an "in general" scenario.I tend to dive in head first and so, I truly look for answers elsewhere before posting a question but haven't really found an answer to this exact question.

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Connect To A Database On SQL Server R2 Express From Visual Basic Express?

Nov 1, 2011

Is it possible to connect to a database on SQL Server R2 Express from Visual Basic Express? I am following a set of tutorial videos done in SQL Server 2005, but cannot seem to connect to create the database. I have created the database in SQL Server R2 Express, but cannot connect. Is there a work around?

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Async Connect From VB 6 To VB 2008 Express

Dec 21, 2009

I am working on moving a project from VB6 to VB 2008 Express. [Code] When I connect to mysql db in VB6, I connect using adAsynConnect. This way, I have a "Loading..." animation display while a connection is attempted. Is there a way to do this in 2008 Express? Or something similar I could read up on?

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Can't Connect To SQL Server 5 Database From Express

Dec 31, 2007

In the beta version of Beta2 of Visual Studio Professional, when I choose add new connections, I can select a I can select a " SQL Server (SQL Client)" datasource, which works great with my SQL Server Express DB running on the local machine.

In VB2008 Express, though, I can't select a "SQL Server" in the datasource dropdown. I can only try to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server Database File.

When I actually try to connect using the .mdf file that is being managed by my local SQL Server, I get an connection error -- can't make connection to the server (and the usual message about enabling remote connections".

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Cannot Connect To SQL Server Express Using Program

Jan 17, 2010

I am using this connection string to connect to my database and still it won't connect[code]....

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Connect To It From Vb 2010 Express Project?

Jul 29, 2011

I have created a db in sql server 2008. I am now trying to connect to it from vb 2010 express project. When I try to add the data source, I get the error "You don't have permission to open this file". I have change the Auto Close option to True on the db.

After further testing I found if I opened BV as Administator I was able to add the db.

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Connect To MYSQL Database From VB Express?

Jan 12, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to connect to a MySQL Database and manipulate it using VB Express 2008

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VB 2008 Express Connect To Oracle 11?

Aug 30, 2011

Is there a way to use VB 2008 Express to connect to Oracle 11? When I go to add new data source I dont see anything for ODBC

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VS 2010 Connect To SQL Server With .NET Express?

Oct 29, 2010

I try to use my data source and setup a new connection, but i see it wont let me.Is this another features they left out of 2010 express edtions?I just want to setup a connection to sql server with express 2010?

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Use VB 2008 Express And Connect To A DB Of SQL Server 2008 Express?

Jan 7, 2009

'm trying to use Visual Basic 2008 Express and connect to a DB of SQL Server 2008 Express but ... you can tell me why in the Database Explorer and the Data menu of VB only have the following options for data source? Microsoft Access Database File Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Microsoft SQL Server Database File does not have the options Microsoft ODBC Data Source Microsoft SQL Server obs.: I have the Visual Web Express 2008 installed, and there are the options available.

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Connect To An Attached Mdf (SQL Express Local) File?

Apr 7, 2012

I am trying to connect to an attached mdf (SQL Express local) file, where i want to delete all the stored procedures. When i execute my code at executenonquery command i get the error "There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first.".


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Connect A Sql Server Express Database In 2010?

Sep 17, 2011

I want to use a connetction string for connect a databse in sql server express by My code is : Cn1.ConnectionString ="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True" but i when open then connection i see this error Cannot open user default database. Login failed. Login failed for user 'Shahab-PCShahab'.

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Connect To SAP Business One's Database On VB 2008 Express?

Aug 4, 2011

On VB 2008 express, how to connect to SAP Business One's DataBase? The Database is MS sql 2008.

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DB/Reporting :: Connect With VB Express Edition To Mysql?

Dec 7, 2009

I downloaded the free Visual Basic Express Edition to create an application that connects to a Mysql database. I searched for the connection string and found a bunch of different ones.I have no idea which one should I use with Visual Basic Express Edition. I have been using PHP, javascript and mysql for a couple of years, but I have never used Visual Basic and have everything to learn.

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Unable To Connect To A Database From VB Express 2008

Feb 14, 2010

I added a new database using SQL Server Management studio express 2008. I can connect to that database using Web Developer and Visual Studio just fine. But when I try to connect from VB Express 2008 I get an error message "file in use by another program". VB only prompts me for the name of the database, but Web Developer and Visual Studio prompts me for both server instance and database name. I'm sure this is just something simple I'm missing.

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VB 10 Express Connect Via ODBC To Progress Database?

Aug 17, 2010

In the old version Visual Basic 6, my code to connect to our Prophet 21 Progress database was:

Global DBConnect (5) as new ADODB.connection Global DBRec(5) as new ADODB.recordset Public Function Open_P21(SQL_Str As String, Ch As Integer, Status As Boolean)


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Can Visual Studio Express 2008 Connect To MySQL

Apr 8, 2011

I've installed MySQL .NET connector but it's not shown in data source options to connect in Visual Studio Express Edition.

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Cannot Connect To Access 2007 DB Using ADO In VB 2010 Express On Windows 7.

Mar 28, 2011

I am working in Windows 7 Home Premium using MS-Visual Basic 2010 Express. I am having difficulty connecting to an Access 2007 database using ADO. When I try to connect to the database I get the following error:

Error Code: -2147467259

Exception: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application

Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers

I looked at...


There were several reference to compiling the program using x86.

Go to Project menu -> Properties -> Compile tab -> Select "Advanced Compile Options" -> Select "x86" instead of "AnyCPU"

I followed the path and there was not any option to select x86 in VB 2010 Express.

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Connect SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Through Internet In VB?

Feb 12, 2010

I installed MS-SQL Server 2005 Express edition at my home and I want to connect my database from office by using VB/

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Connect A SQL Express 2005 Database To A VB Project In Studio 2008

Feb 9, 2010

I have been learning about working with databases and VB. I have coded the connection string for a MS Access database to my VB project but i cannot establish a connection with my sql mdf database.

The code i used to connect to MS Access is:

<Dim dt As New DataTable()/>
<Dim match As String = ""/>
< Dim connStr As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _


What is the connection code in order to manipulate data from the mdf file. Is it similar to the above code.

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VB 2008 Express - Connect To SQL Server Instance And Select The Database

Sep 5, 2009

I'm trying to connect from VB 2008 Express Edition to a database in an instance of SQL Server 2008. Both, VB and SQL Server are running on the same machine. From a VB project, when I try to define a new Data Connection I find just three Data sources available: [Code] I selected the last one but when I browse for the mdf file I cannot select it because it tells me that the file is in USE. I have stopped all the services but still I'm not able to link the database file.

Two questions: 1. Is there a way to connect to the SQL Server Instance and from there to select the desired database? 2. How to connect using the Database file.

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Connect SQL Server 2005 Express Database With Visual Basic 2008?

Aug 15, 2011

i am new with SQL server 2005 and visual studio do i connect the forms and the tables in the database

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VS 2008 - Downloaded SQL Server Express - Create A Database - Find/connect ?

Feb 26, 2010

I've just downloaded SQL server express and have created a database in there. Now back in my VB.NET application from Visual Studio how do i find/connect to it?

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Add Date From DateTimePicker1 To SqlExpress?

Jul 15, 2011

Iam using this code to add text to sql 2005 table

Dim SavInto
New SqlClient.SqlCommand


now how to add date from DateTimePicker1 to sqlExpress in vb.net2005 using this code?

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Connection Strings To SQLExpress R2?

Aug 20, 2010

I have several programs I have written for my music studio/production company. Many dealing with inventory, customer DB etc. All of my programs are in VB6 and I have started to convert them all to VB.NET. I am getting proficient with VB.NET and connecting to DB using the very simple and generic connection strings, Example:

dbProvider = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"
dbSource = "Data Source = C:/develop/Customer Tracking/resource.mdb"
con.ConnectionString = dbProvider & dbSource


As you can see I am using a basic MSAccess DB and I want to get away from this and start using SQLExpress,

connect to a standard SQLExpress DB? (when I loaded SQLExpress I took the defaults...)

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Create / Edit / Delete From SqlExpress?

Jun 29, 2011

I'm setting up a home database. I'm using sqlexpress. I want to use a programme to manage the database and currently added the database to my data sources. How would I create data for the tables? ( Tables are already set up )


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Export Sqlexpress 2005 Table To .csv?

Aug 6, 2008

I'm trying to export a table called material from a sqlexpress 2005 .mdf file called mydatabase to a csv file programatically in vb2008. i was looking at bcp and the shell command to call it, but simply can't get it to work - i'm calling it like so:

Shell("bcp mydatabase..material out 'c: est.txt' -c -T -S .SQLExpress")is there a way to do this without the shell? i would think it would be a little more professional looking for the app as a whole...

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IDE :: Using SQLExpress Server In A VB Project 2010 B2?

Jan 5, 2010

Visual Basic Project VB 2010 B2 does not allow you to select the SQL server without specifying a local file attachment while Visual Web Developer VWD 2010 B2 does give you the option to specify either.The Enviroment VB2010 B2, OS VISTA Business, SQL2008 Express SP1 with SQL Server Management Studio.

1) In order to access the SQL server enable the TCP/IP, NamedPipes and SQLbrowser on the SQL Server.

2) The VB Project requires "imports"

3) Using SQL Server Management Studio or VBcode in the VB Project create a Server DataBase called "dbName"

4) Using SQL Server Management Studio or VBcode in the VB Project create a Server DataTables

5) The following code updates the SQL server DataBase name dbName from the projects DataSet.

Sub updateDBase(ByVal dbName As String, ByRef aDS As DataSet)
'CODE to access SQL database directly
'Before an Update sqlCommandBuilder creates


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Problem : How To Save Data In Sqlexpress

Jun 2, 2009

I have done this to save it:

Protected Sub AddClient_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles AddClient.Click


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Attaching A Sqlexpress 2005 MDF Via Filename For Bcp Use In Vb 2008

Aug 9, 2008

is there any way to attach a sql mdf by filename but actually make the database name something else?

the problem i'm having is that my connection string attaches the database just fine, but it gives the database a name of it's full path on the hard drive when i pull it up in SSMSE. ie. "c:program filesmy programmy database.mdf" is shown as the name when i do a sqlcmd and issue a select name from sys.databases

the snag is being hit due to the fact that i'm trying to do a "bcp in" and because a: there are spaces in the database name, and b: there's the .mdf extension also added to the database name that when i run my bcp in command it errors out, even if i use the -q option of bcp.

if i start SSMSE and right click the database and rename it, bcp works great - so my question is, how do i correctly format my connection string to attach to c:program filesmy programmy database.mdf, yet have it attach the database as "mydatabase" for use in bcp statements?

i've been to and they only cover the standard connection strings

in summary - i want to attach an mdf file programmatically and specify the name that ssmse see's it as....

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