Connecting To A Web Service That Returns A System.xml.xmlnode

May 30, 2010

I'm connecting to a Web Service that returns a system.xml.xmlnode. How can I convert that to a datatable?

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Cannot Convert System.Xml.XmlNode To System.Xml.Linq.XElement

Nov 24, 2010

I´m gettin the error Calling the fuction GetListItems but is kind weird because it works in Visual Studio 2008 Express but no in Visual Basic 2010 Express:

Dim ndQuery As XmlNode = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Query", "")
Dim ndViewFields As XmlNode = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "ViewFields", "")
Dim ndQueryOptions As XmlNode = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element,


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Unable To Cast COM Object Of Type 'System.__ComObject' To Class Type 'System.Xml.XmlNode'

Jul 30, 2009

Code: Dim dom As New DOMDocument30 dom.async = False
dom.Load(serverAddress & "/App/filelist.jsp?type=content")
For i = 0 To dom.childNodes.item(1).childNodes.length - 1 downloadfile(dom.childNodes.item(i), mcount, currentpath) Next

The above code is activated upon clicking of a button. i have the server address declared. and using the domdoc to load the jsp file to generate the xml data. and using for loop, i call the download file function which accepts the following parameters

Code:Public Sub downloadfile(ByVal domdoc As Xml.XmlNode, ByVal totalcount As Integer, ByVal currentpath As String)

The totalcount and currentpath work fine, but when i pass in the dom.childNodes.item(i) , error pops up.

--------------------error message------------------------------------------Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to class type 'System.Xml.XmlNode'. Instances of types that represent COM components cannot be cast to types that do not represent COM components; however they can be cast to interfaces as long as the underlying COM component supports QueryInterface calls for the IID of the interface.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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C# - Non-invocable Member 'System.Xml.XmlNode.Attributes' Cannot Be Used Like A Method

Apr 12, 2012

I am new to C# and trying to convert a VB.NET app. Using this code:


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Calling Web Service Which Returns XML Data

Aug 11, 2011

I have been given the task of calling a web service which returns an xml data feed which I am doing like so:
For Each r As DataRow in SomeDataTable
Dim msFeed As String = string.format("[URL]?param={0}", r!SOME_VAL)
Dim x As XDocument = XDocument.Load(msFeed)
This is all fine but as you can see x just gets overwritten with every iteration. What I need is create an xDocument and add each feed from my loop but I am unsure how to proceed.

Dim xAllFeeds As XElement = New XElement("Feeds")
For Each r As DataRow in SomeDataTable
Dim msFeed As String = string.format("[URL]?param={0}", r!SOME_VAL)
Dim x As XDocument = XDocument.Load(msFeed)

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Silverlight Service Callback Returns Null

May 31, 2012

I'm trying to get data with the methods below and I get null response and can't figure out why. I'm just trying out a different way of using a wcf service from silverlight and I don't understand something that I should.[code]...

The employee object will stay null. If I put a break into the service call and follow through the code it finds the correct record from the database and the return statement shows an object with the correct data but still the employee object in silverlight side will remain null.

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Using FindWindow Function In A Windows Service Returns 0

Feb 11, 2009

This same (Identical ) code works well in another program but does not in windows service... Returns 0 for window handle ...?

Public WindowStr As String = "ImagSrvWindow"
Protected Overrides Sub OnStart(ByVal args() As String)
'necessary to get control to paint Pic&Txt boxes in stream of Browser navs


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Warning1 The Service System.ComponentModel.Design.IInheritanceService Already Exists In The Service Container

Mar 15, 2010

I got this warning that I don't know what it means.Warning1 The service System.ComponentModel.Design.IInheritanceService already exists in the service container.Parameter name: serviceType00

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Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey Returns Nothing When Called From A Service?

Oct 25, 2010

In a VB.NET application that runs as a service, I am getting a value of "Nothing" returned when I use Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(). The same code executes correctly when the application runs in desktop mode. I am not much on VB.NET and unfortunately, this is not my code.

Dim regURL As String = "SoftwareMyCompany" + _
System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly.GetName.Name + _


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Error In Windows Service When Connecting To SQL

Aug 5, 2009

I've installed a windows service on a Windows 2008 machine, that is attempting to connect to SQL 2005. The service starts succesfully, but can't see the database. The event log has the following entry. The description for Event ID 0 from source SU4.ESMR.DAL.Job.FillPriorityJobByType(oJobDS, TypeID: 3 cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.

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System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes Faills (Insufficient System Resources Exist To Complete The Requested Service)?

Dec 17, 2007

In a windows forms application I am attempting to read a file from a share into a filestream.I then start impersonating and write the stream to another share that only my impersonation account has access to.This works fine for small files. But if I attempt this on a 90 meg file I recieve a "Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service" error on the following line:


Full Example:
Dim ImageData As Byte() = Nothing
Dim fsAttachment As IO.FileStream = Nothing[code].....

View 10 Replies

.net Remoting Returns System.BadImageFormatException?

Aug 4, 2011

I am working on a .net remoting project (VS 2008). I have a .dll hosted in IIS 6 windows server 2003 r2.

When i try to test it in internet explorer "http:localhost/hellone/test.rem", it shows the following error

System.BadImageFormatException: The format of the file 'SimpleTest' is invalid.File name: "SimpleTest"
at System.Reflection.Assembly.nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Boolean isStringized, Evidence assemblySecurity, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Assembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark) at System.Reflection.Assembly.InternalLoad(AssemblyNa me assemblyRef, Boolean stringized, Evidence assemblySecurity, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)


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Listbox Returns System.datarowview?

Jan 3, 2011

why does my listbox returns System.Data.Datarowview?can you tell me what i need to change or adjust?

Sub txtAchternaam_TextChanged(ByVal
sender As System.Object,


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WNetGetConnection Returns System Error 487

Jun 3, 2009

I've been trying to get the UNC path for a mapped drive in a web application written in 2005. I was able to get this code working[code]...

I tested this code out in a test application - just a simple web page. But when I plug the code into my actual project, it doesn't work. In my testing of other examples, I figured out that WNetGetConnection returns a system error of 487 - ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS. But I don't understand why it would work in my test application but not my actual project application.

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App Occasionally Returns System.IO.FileNotFoundException On Ico File?

Oct 28, 2009

We have a vb application with many forms that contain a "lookup" button that has an icon called find.ico. Once in a while, a user will open one of these forms and get the below error but not every time. Has anyone else run into a similar situation? Since it is not consistent, it's been very difficult to track down.

Exception Source: System.Drawing

Exception Type: System.IO.FileNotFoundException

Exception Message: find.ico

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System.Environment.UserName Property Returns Nothing After Publishing Application?

Oct 19, 2011

I have windows application in which I get currently windows logged in username using following environment property

System.Environment.UserName But when I ran application using visual studio, it works without any problem. But when I publish application & try to run it, it get System.Environment.Username value as nothing.

cause of this issue? Or any other alternative to get current system logged in username.

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Query - Access Db Returns Null After Changing Operating System Date?

May 8, 2012

I have a select statement which was returning the required values but when I changed the OS date from English(US) to English(UK), it now returns null. I believe the problem is concerned with date since in the query am selecting values where the date from the database is the same as the date in a combobox but I don't know what else I can do. It almost looks like the dates in the combox and in the database are not the same and yet the date in the combobox is actually retrieved from the database and has been returning values fine until I changed the system date format.Here's my select command:

cmd4.CommandText = _
"SELECT sum(brought_qtty), recieved_qtty from brought_coffee, centre_weigh where brought_date=#" & _
dtComb.Text.Trim & "#" & _[code].......

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How To Walk Across XmlNode

Oct 24, 2009

I need to walk or interact across all nodes and child nodes with VB.NET 2008 and display thru debug.print.

View 1 Replies - Getting XMLNode Attribute's Values

Jan 31, 2012

I am working on application. I have a function like this:

Public Function ExtractText(node As XmlNode) As String
End Function

I need to pass following XML as input to above function:

<myrequirements Id="7743" Type="tcg_Concept20_sc_323256419566173_context" StartNode="2724" EndNode="2869">

Then I need to get StartNode and EndNode attributes values.

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Fetch XMLNode From XPathNavigator?

Mar 10, 2010

We have a scenario where we want to fetch XMLNode from XPathNavigator object.

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Passing Xmlnode To Function

Jan 31, 2012

I have function in my application with following signature:Public Function ExtractText(node As XmlNode) As String..I want to call it/pass xmlnode. How to create an Xml node with value:<mynode Id="7743" Type="context" StartNode="4356" EndNode="1234"></mynode>

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Tree.SelectedNode = Tree.Nodes(0) 'returns Error With System Reserved Partition?

Jun 12, 2011

I am not the original author of this software project and the code is poorly documented. I am mainly a Java/C++ developer.The program displays the tree structure and allows files and folder to be selected. The program is getting errors with FileSystemTreeView when trying to return nodes on a system with a reserved partition.Here is what is happening: tree.SelectedNode = tree.Nodes(0) 'returns error with system reserved partition.calling, GetDriveList() will properly return all the drive letters - and not throw an error. Only when trying to get a tree.Node() or tree.load() is the error occurring.

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IDE :: Window Service -System Timer Not Firing?

May 7, 2008

I have a Windows Service -which contains a System.Timer -which get enabled and started in the OnStart event handler.In the Timer Elapsed event -I make a call to a routine within another DLL. The problem is that the Timer Elapsed event never fires... I have a test application -which works fine. This is written in VB.Net 2008 framework 3.5

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Install A .NET Windows Service - This Is Not Available In The Client's System?

Feb 8, 2006

I have written a VB.NET windows service application. I installed it in my system using the Installutil.exe. But this is not available in the client's system because the .NET is not installed in that system.Is there any way to install the .NET windows service application without the Installutil ?

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Retrieve The User32.dll Getlastinputtime From A System Service

Jun 9, 2011

I am trying to write a system service that can detect whether the user is active and then launch a process if not. I am using a service because I want this to work if the user is logged in or not. I have been trying to hook into the user32.dll API and retrieve the time since last user input. However the integer being returned is always 0 so I don't think it is working correctly. Is this not possible when running as a system service?

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Service Running As 'Local System Account'?

Apr 15, 2011

I've a service running under Windows Server 2008R2. I'm using the system.IO to do some copying & deletion of files and directories.This is working fine as long the service is using an user account. If I set the selection to 'Local system account' then it is not possible anymore to delete or copy files.

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System.BadImageFormatException When Deploying Windows Service?

Dec 17, 2010

I'm trying to deploy a service created in VS2010 and am continually getting this error, along with the description that is expecting an application manifest, when trying to use installutil (.net 4.0)to install the service.I've developed the service both in a 32 and 64-bit environment, and tried installing in both a 32 and 64-bit environment. This does not seem to have an effect.

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Determine If An XmlNode Has A Specific Attribute?

Mar 9, 2009

I would like to place an if condition within the sub that will tell it to run when the xml node STORE with attribute TEST="test.doc" does not exist.

Sub InsertNode(ByVal doc As XmlDocument)
Dim City As XmlNode = doc.DocumentElement
Dim Location As XmlElement = doc.CreateElement("store")
Location.SetAttribute("test", "test.doc")


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Insert - Add A Xmlnode In A Particular Position Of Xml File Using .net?

Jun 27, 2012

write nodes to existing xml file to a particular position using



here i want to insert a node just after the node person which contains value a for the node name.



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VS 2005 Put Some Xml Nodes In A List Of XmlNode?

Oct 14, 2010

I need to put some xml nodes in a List Of XmlNode.

'get all records
globalXmlNodes = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("BankStatement")
'this is a no go


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