Hi can someone show me an example of a multidimensional associative array in vb.net. Need array to hold peoples name, there age and a few other settings. Want to be able to use a Dictionary to use People.Add.
I have an associative arry with key,value pair. I want to set the value of an existing key to some variable that is ok. I can even check whether the value is null or not. But how to check whether the key itself exists or not?
How can I create the following array of associative arrays in Visual Basic (ASP)? array( array('customer' => 'khl', 'city' => 'bune'), array('customer' => 'Kla', 'value' => 'Swa') )
I am working a VB project that requires me to create an "Average" Function. What is the correct format in creating an average function? I tried different ways and gives me an error.
I tried hashtables, dictionary, lists and arrays in .net, all I could get is a simple key=>value array Is there a simple solution if not, is there a class or something for this?
Expected Results: A scalar result of the comparison between Array1 and Array2 such that when Array1>Array2 it is true. See expected array above. Actual Results: When Result(x) is true, all elements become Array1(x) and Array2(x) .What is wrong with the function?
I have a Comma Separated value file in .txt format... simply put, its a bunch of data delimited by commas and text qualifier is separated with ""For example:
"So and so","1234","Blah Blah", "Foo","Bar","","","","" "foofoo","barbar","etc.."
Where ever there is a carriage return it signifies a new row and every comma separates a new column from another.My next step is to go into VB.net and create an array using these values and having the commas serve as the delimeter and somehow making the array into a table where the text files' format matches the array After that array has been created, I need to select only certain parts of that array and store the value into a variable for later use.... how to make the array and selecting the certain info out of it..
my issue could be found simple but I'm founding it difficults in regard of dealing with array concept in oracle and vb.netI will start by showing to you a code done in oracle side1-this script should be executed in hr schema2-create a table and call it job_testas
create table job_test as select * from jobs where 1=2
I developing a roster application (asp.net with VB + sql server) to let user input shift duty record, proposed screen as follows:for the database design, each staff will have one record per day.[code]I want to create a multi dimensional array to bind the gridview.Is that correct that I create a arraylist (for 7 days) and then a subarray for each day? How can I create a 7 dimensional array & sub array under this 7-D array in asp.net + VB ?
i'm working on a system that upgrades a basic version to a proversion but i have a payment gateway . it generates a code in an SQL DB.now i have a form in VB that has a textbox and a button how can i let VB connect to my SQL DB receive the code and then check if that code is correct and if its correct download silence the pro file. from an url.
I'm trying to create a small program where someone would select one of five items from a list box (Hot, Medium, Mild, Sweet, Zesty). When they select this, they then enter in a qtyTextBox the quantity they want, ie.e, 1, 2, 3, 5,... Then they the Calculate Button, which then the total would go into the preDiscountLabel box, where it would calculate the amount they want * the sale price. Here is the Price Listing:
How can I create an array of a class that I have declared? I have this class named partswith properties of frame, engine and date, and i want to know how could I store them in an array .
I need to be able to refer to a set of controls on a Windows form using an array, but I'm having a few difficulties.
The Windows form (WForm.vb) contains two textboxes (TextBox1 and TextBox2).
In Module1.vb I have created an array reference to the textboxes thus:
Public wf As New WForm Public ReadOnly TB() As Control = {wf.TextBox1, wf.TextBox2}
Then, in WForm.vb I have tried to refer to the textboxes via the array:
TB(0).Text = "Change text to this"
I know that the array is referring to the textboxes, because when I hover the cursor over the line 'TB(0).Text = "Change text to this" ' in debug mode, I get the following:
(0)|{Text = "Change text to this"} (1)|{Text = ""}
but for some reason, the text in TextBox1 on the form isn't actually being changed! (There is obviously no problem with change the textbox's text at this point in the code, because I've tried substituting the array reference 'TB(0)' with a direct reference to the textbox 'TextBox1', and the problem disappears.
I need to create an Array of Labels. I am using A With Code block to set the properties of the Labels as well as the Data Binding. I want to set the LabelIndex inside this block as well. How do I go aboute this?
i want to declare an array with a name that is the value of a variable. I need to do this because i want to create arrays from a text file that i'm reading.Basically, if someone could make this work then i should be able to change it to fit my use.
Dim var1 As String = howdy
Dim var1() as Integer
In this case i'd like to be declaring an array with the name 'howdy' that stores integers. In reality i'm looping a bunch of read names and would like to create an array for each name i read- but i'm quite capable of sorting the rest.
I have created a basic query generator which allows a user to select the Select, WHERE and criteria attributes using a number of checkboxes.However i have got stuck. In the results form i have the following code
The program keeps on crashing if the user does not select the corresponding amount of display records from above for the amount of attributes they want for the SELECT part of the query in the intreface in form 1.
How would i go about making something where the number of SELECT attributes selected which are listed in a string create the correct number of textbox fields in the results form (form2)
I'm having a problem at the moment developing my application. What i need to do is find out how many modems they are connected to my system and send data to each one in turn. I have the programme working for one modem at the moment.
So I can send data to a modem that i specify, for example a modem on COM port 1. I have functions already that will give me a list of COM ports that I need to open.My problem is that i want to dynamically create a new modem object along side existing modems and store them in a collection.
I have a group of boxes witch will all hold data input by the user. I am using an arraylist to store these, or atleast I am hoping to. So, the problem I have is getting the data to actually save to the arraylist. It keeps giving the error saying that type string cannot be converted to array list.
[URL]..And put into a dynamic array where each month represents a record in the array with 3 given with C/P, Strike and Settle
The criterion is for every month grab all C/P that have matching strikes thus returning the following for every month. See data below and what I would like to return below. Want to use excel VBA to return the values from array into a sheet in excel. See data below
i am attempting to create and then update data in Labels using VB2005.I create the label when the form is loaded using this for loop
For j As Integer = 1 To count Dim name As String Dim m As String ReDim L(count)
This creates the labels and text boxes in the form. Later in the program I would like to change the text within both the T1310() and T1550() text boxes and I am attempting to do so with the following code.
For j = 1 To count status = OP930_SelectModule(j - 1) status = OP930_SetWavelength(1310)
I get errors on the Blue lines. Everything compiles fine, but when the software goes through the loop I get the error "NullReferenceException was unhandled"
I am teaching myself VB with the use of a basics book, but I can't seem to find help for my project in the book.I am working on a project in which I have to open data from a csv file and use it to make graphs and analysis. The data is displayed in such a manner:
row 1: column titles row 2: units row 3-100: data
what I want to do is create arrays for each column in the csv, populated with the data.
Is it possible to create a routine in VB.NET with a name-based parameter array? The WebMethod attribute built into the framework is used exactly this way: WebMethod(BufferResponse:=False)
Specifically, I'd like to use it in a class' constructor. I'd like something similar to this:
New MyObject(id:=10,buffer:=True)
I'm not even sure what the terminology is for this kind of parameter list, so I can't even find it when searching.
Most of the time when we read the file stream into a byte array, we would write the following code.[code]But here we have to convert Length into an integer type (line 2 of the code above) since we cannot declare a byte array using the long data type (with option strict on). Is this a good practice? What is the work around for this problem?