Create A Form That Accepts Names (or Any Strings) As Input And Stores Them In A List Object?

Oct 6, 2010

I'm trying to create a form that accepts names (or any strings) as input and stores them in a object. See attached form sample.Form Image:

Operations: ï Initially the NumericUpDown object on the form should be disabled.The user enters a value (string) in the textbox and clicks the Add button or presses the Enter key to activate that button.The application then stores that name in a List object, and displays the last entry in the Label underneath.The NumericUpDown should become enable after the first entry. The user should be able to move between all the values entered using NumericUpDown.

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Create A VBA Script That Can Be Used To Input A List Of Workstation Names?

Feb 5, 2009

I need to create a VBA script that can be used to input a list of workstation names and display the memberOf, Home Server and OU for that workstation?

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Way To Concatenate List Of Strings Into A Comma-separated Strings, Where Strings Are Members Of An Object?

Oct 16, 2009

Say I have a List(Of Tag) with Tag being an object. One member of Tag, Tag.Description, is a string, and I want to make a comma-separated concatenation of the Description members.Is there an easier way to do this than to read the Description members into a List(Of String) and then use the Join function?

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VS 2005 - Login Failed - Input Valid Username And Password In Form Textbox To Input Strings In Php

Sep 25, 2010

I have a problem with the code, I have input the valid username and password in the form textbox to input the strings in php, but it keep displaying the messagebox that says login failed.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
MessageBox.Show("Please enter your username")
ElseIf Textbox2.Text = Nothing Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter your password")


I don't really know why it keep displaying the messagebox that says it failed when I have input the valid strings in the first place.

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Textbox - Create Arrays Of Strings To Hold The Names

Jun 3, 2012

I'm attempting to create a small app that allows a teacher to input 5 students with 5 test scores each. I need to create arrays of strings to hold the five students names, an array of five strings to hold each student�s letter grade, and five arrays of five single precision numbers to hold each students set of test scores.


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String Manipulation - Input A Very Long List Of Dog Breed Names Into A DB Via Phpmyadmin

Jun 11, 2010

I am trying to input a very long list of dog breed names into a DB via phpmyadmin, this will take me for ever manualy and I was thinking if I could work out how to write something quick and nasty to create the sql string for each dog breed it would save me so much time. The sql query for each added forum is in the following format:


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Get A List Of All Object Names In Program?

Apr 10, 2010

For my assignment i need to list all the objects and their names. Surely i can get a list because typing out 150 names seems a bit ?

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VB 2010 Create List Of Strings?

Oct 23, 2011

I'm new in this forum, and I'm a very very very basic user of the VB. How can I create a list of strings? I'm trying to make a chat with a robot. I put 2 labels. And my code is:

Dim mylist As New List(Of String)
mylist = "hello", "bye"
If Not Label1.Text = mylist Then


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Make A Main Menu Which Accepts User Input?

Jul 5, 2011

I'm trying to make a main menu which accepts user input and then checks inputted password for validity against passwords I hardcoded into an array. Firstly, in the for loop, only the first password index is being checked. I'd like the inputted password to be checked against EACH password inside the ValidPasswords() array.

Second, My for loop isn't doing what I want it to do. I'd like to give the user 3 chances to enter a password... If he/she exceeds 3, it tells them they've tried 3 times and exits the form. Right now, it just loops 3 times and exits without giving the user a chance to try again. If I put a return statement in, it just keeps returning and doesn't loop 3 times.

Public Class frmMain
Dim ValidPasswords() = {"1234", "2222", "8918", "9911"}
'Dim ValidPWList As New List(Of String)


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Create A List Of Strings With Integer Appended

Jun 6, 2011

What would be the easiest way for me to create a list of words with a sequential number appended to the string. I need the string and amount of numbers to be a variable. For example:



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Create List Of Child Objects From List Of Parent Object?

Jun 2, 2011

I would like to create list of child objects from list of parent object. Like If i have list of bookingroom which has one member room then i would like to create list of room from it.

eg. code:

Dim BookingRoomList As List(Of BookingRoom) = New List(Of BookingRoom)
Dim RoomList As List(Of Room) = New List(Of Room)
BookingRoomList = BookingRooms.FillGrid()


Is there any short cut method instead of iterating over for earch?

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Ruby Re-create Such List (as An Array) With Such Elements (they Will Be Strings, Booleans And Integers)?

Apr 4, 2011

How would I create a list of elements in VB.NET, save it to a .dat file, and make Ruby re-create such list (as an array) with such elements (they will be strings, booleans and integers)?

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VS 2008 Send An Object Instead Of Strings Which Includes Multiple Unsigned Integers And Strings

Aug 13, 2009

I am working on a UDP Client/Server, and currently i have them sending back and forth strings, which i convert to bytes, and then open the bytes to read. I want to now send an Object instead of those strings, which includes multiple unsigned integers and strings.

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Database With Picture - Create An Application Where It Stores Images As Well As Data

Aug 1, 2010

I am trying to create an application where it stores images as well as data.

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Create An Application That Prompts The User To Enter Today's Sales For Five Stores?

Feb 18, 2009

I have to create an application that prompts the user to enter today's sales for five stores. The program should then display a simple bar graph comparing each store's sales. Create each bar in the bar graph by displaying a row of asterisks (*) in a list box. Each asterisk in a bar represents $100 in sales. I have to make two different versions of this program. One using a "do while ... loop" and the other using a "for ... next loop". Could someone give me a hint on how to do this. I the "do while ... loop" version and I have had some problems, especially with converting the numbers to asterisks.

Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDisplay.Click
'Clear everything


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Create An Application That Prompts The User To Enter Today's Sales For Five Stores?

Jun 5, 2011

this is my first vb. and i have assignment and i have been trying for hours but i couldn't do it right I have to create an application that prompts the user to enter today's sales for five stores. Create a loop to prompt for an amount for the first store using an inputbox and do not exit until you have good data. The inputs cannot be negative or greater than 5000, but may contain decimal values. The program should then display a simple bar graph corresponding to the amount of sales using a row of asterisks (*) in a listbox. Each asterisk represents $100 in sales. Display the total of all the stores by looping this process for each store.


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PayRoll Calculator On Vb - Program That Accepts Input Of Employee Name, Employee Type, And Number Of Hours Worked

Sep 30, 2009

You need to design and create a program that accepts input of employee name, employee type, and the number of hours worked each week for two weeks.

You must be able to select an employee type. An employee of type Trainee makes $10 per hour. An employee of type Regular makes $15 per hour. An employee of type Manager makes $20 per hour.

The program should calculate the employee pay for the week. The employee should receive 1 times the regular pay for any hours worked over the prescribed 40 hours in a week. The program should output the following information:

-The employees name without trailing or leading spaces

-Regular hours worked

-Regular pay

-Overtime hours worked

-Overtime pay

-Total pay

The Problem that i am having right now is "Displaying " the overtime hours on my "FORM VIEW" i mean i did the math right its just when i type (lblOverHrs.Text = CDec(CDec(OvrHrsWrkWeek1.Text) + CDec(txtOvrHrsWrkWeek2.Text))

Its says the "OvrHrsWrkWeek1 and 2" are not Declared which not really sure where i went wrong..

Heres my code


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Create An Application That Will Randomly Select 14 "stations" (strings) From A List Of 33?

Mar 3, 2012

I am trying to create an application that will randomly select 14 "stations" (strings) from a list of 33. My thinking is that I have a for/next loop that randomly selects a number between 1,33 which is then inputted into an array (arrnumber) I then want those random numbers to then be used to call the Station name which is saved in the second array, and then for the selected stations to be populated into a listbox (potentially by storing those names selected in a new array?)

Various people have suggested either using a list (of t) instead of arrays, or a Dictionary(?) or perhaps even a database, though I am not all that confident with VB to be able to know where the best place to start with that is. So if anyone can offer any advice, pointers as to how I can link my 2 arrays (I am pretty sure I know how to make the array populate a listbox) I would be very much obliged.

Public Class Form1
Dim Stationid() As String = {"Cardiovascular Examination", "Respiratory Examination", "Abdominal Examination", "Abdominal Examination with Stoma", "Groin and External Genitalia Examination", "Cranial Nerves Examination", "Arm Examination", "Leg Examination", "Parkinson`s Examination", "Cerebellar Examination", "Speech Examination", "Hand Examination", "Elbow Examination", "Shoulder


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Create A Program That Accepts A Square Array Size 4 By 4

Nov 6, 2010

Trying to create a program that accepts a square array size 4 by 4. Then it should print the totals of the rows and columns. I started with a form and made text boxes and created a print button. I made it so that numbers can be input into the boxes. When hitting the print button, it should print the totals of what was input, however, it isn't doing that. Is there a different way to write the array code so that it will print it? Should i not have text boxes but rather have labels with fixed numbers set in them?

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[2008] Create A Program Which Accepts A Letter Of The Alphabet?

Mar 12, 2009

I'm trying to create a program which accepts a letter of the alphabet. For each letter a corresponding word beginning with that letter should be output, e.g., �a� or �A� input would give Alpha as the output, �b� or �B� would give Bravo and so on to �z� or �Z� giving Zulu.So if the user enters: "abc" for example, what should happen is a list on the right of the window appears with the words starting with those letters when the user presses calculate.I don't have any code apart form the basics below.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
End Sub


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User Input Arrays To Show In List Box On Separate Form?

Oct 27, 2010

I have created a form which has two things a list box and a button which is labeled "Input Values"The user should click "Input Values" and a new form will appear. This new form will ask the user to enter 10 values into a textbox and click ok after each value. These values are to be stored in an array and displayed in the listbox on the previous form.I am having trouble getting the values of the user to store into my array and displaying into a list box. I have this so far.

Private Sub OKButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OKButton.Click


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Create A Combobox Input Form?

Sep 11, 2009

May i know how to create a combobox input form as i know how to create a inputtext box like this [code]...

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Parse Names In Strings

Jun 11, 2011

I'm currently taking a class in VB 2008, with that said I am working with strings and had a quick question. I need to add code to parse the name when the user enters a name and clicks the Parse Name button, this code should work whether the user enters a first, middle, and last name or just a first and last name, before I get decimated by everyone, I am not asking anyone to do my homework because I already have a working solution to this, my question is to see if there is a "cleaner" or more "efficient" way to code this.


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Create Application That Accepts Hindi / Marathi Font In Textbox?

Dec 1, 2011

I want to create a VB.NET application, that is capable of accepting hindi/marathi fonts in the textbox

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Prepend A String To All Strings In A List Of Strings?

Aug 5, 2010

I have a list of strings. For each string in that list, I want to prepend another string. I wrote a method to do it, but I was wondering if there was something already in .NET I could use to do this. It seems like something that could be built in, but I was not able to find anything.

Here is the method I wrote:

Private Function PrependToAllInList(ByRef inputList As List(Of String), ByRef prependString As String) As List(Of String)
Dim returnList As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)
For Each inputString As String In inputList
returnList.Add(String.Format("{0}{1}", prependString, inputString))


It works, but I would rather use built in functions whenever possible.

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VS 2008 Using List Of Strings Or Array Of Strings?

Oct 16, 2009

I'm migrating from VB6 to VB.NET, in hence my questions below:

I have to write a function that returns array of strings.

How can I initiate it to empty array? I need it since I have to check if it's empty array after it returns from this function.

Is list of arrays better for this purpose? If I use a list - Is it empty when it firstly defined? How can I check it it's empty?

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Create Small Windows Forms Application That Accepts Pen-based Handwriting?

May 5, 2012

I am trying to create a small windows forms application that demonstrates how a user can use pen-based input(ona Lenovo X220 tablet PC) to enter text (rather than typing on a keyboard) I am using Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2010.I think the control I want to add to my Visual Basic Project is the Microsoft InkEdit ControlThe instructions I see on other parts of microsoft websites refer to a .net framework componed called InkEdit. The instructions I found so far is to right-mouse click on the tool box, click 'choose items' and then select the Inkedit Control from the .NET Framework components.

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Create A Form That Allows A User To Load An Input File?

Dec 8, 2009

how to create a form that allows a user to load an input file? I'm assuming a form like a windows explorer window will be too difficult, or not? If it is then I guess I could just put a textbox on the form and ask the user to input the directory with file name.

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Set The Column Names To The Same Values As Table Names Yet The Data Is Not Showing In Form Load?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a DataGridView which populates from an SQL query just fine in default mode

using these table names
[firstName] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
[lastName] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,


I have edited the column headers and set the column names to the same values as my table names yet the data is not showing in form load I have set datagridview.AutoGenerateColumns = False I know the data is there if I delete datagridview.AutoGenerateColumns = False then the data is shown with the default headings?

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Create A Remoteable Object With Method That Sums Up Elements In Array List

Jul 27, 2010

I need to create a remoteable object with a method that sums up elements in an array list. How do i go about it?

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