Create Setup For Excel Addin?

Sep 29, 2011

I have a created an excel addin application in using vs2010.The application is working fine while running from IDE. Now I want to create a setup for the application to install the same addin in other system. How can I do this? I created a setup project and added the dll of the addin and created setup file. When I installed it in other machine, installation was succesful. However I could not see the addin in excel when i opened it.

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Excel AddIn - Keeping Windows Form Always Visible While Within Excel

Feb 29, 2012

I'm trying to upgrade an Excel VBA workbook to a VSTO Excel Add-in in VB.NET using VS 2010. In the original (i.e.- VBA) version I have a modeless UserForm (called frmMain) that floats on top and is visible at all times while the user is still within the Excel application, but is not visible if the user moves to another window outside of Excel.

For example, within Excel the user can click on any worksheet tab, select any cell, etc. and the UserForm is still visible. This is exactly how I'd like it. The problem is, that in the new VSTO add-in, I can not get the Windows form to mimic this same behavior. I use frmMain.Show() to show the form as a modeless form, but the moment the user clicks an Excel worksheet (i.e.- activates a worksheet) the form becomes hidden behind the worksheet.


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.net - Excel UDF 'not A Valid Addin' Error

Sep 30, 2010

I am trying to create a custom Excel 2007 function (UDF) using VS 2010 and have gotten to this stage (borrowing heavily from Eric Carter's example at


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Creating MS Project Addin With Exportation To Excel?

Mar 18, 2009

I'm creating an Addin, specifically to MS Project 2007. This Addin create a toolbar with a button that will allow user to export his project to excel sheet in MS Excel 2003 or 2007. My problem is create workbook with worksheet. I already made toolbar and added the button. My button can open Excel Application but i can't add workbook and worksheet.

<script type="text/javascript">
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop


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Office Automation :: OnDisconnection Not Called At Excel Addin

Jan 24, 2011

I wrote a C# Excel automation addin (Excel 2010 64bit, VS 2010) to provide some additional user-defined-functions in Excel. Now, the addin works fine besides the fact that the two methods "OnDisconnection" and "OnBeginShutDown". are not called when I close Excel which is a problem for me. Also, while Excel seems to shut down properly, the instance is still running in the background after the excel-window has disappeared. So, apperently the problem is that Excel is not shut down properly.

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[2005] Pass Excel.Application Object To Shared-Addin By .Net?

Jan 22, 2009

I currently need to build a Automation Add-in for Excel. This add-in will load a recordset from Database to Excel. I would like to have function A() that I input in Cell as a formular. This function A() call a the add-in to load the data from Database to Excel. The data should be a matrix. So that means I would like to set in Excel worksheet a range of data by just calling single function in a cell. (I am sure there should be some way to implement it)As I know if I develop a shared Add-in by VB(or VB.Net) and in the add-in, I can get an Object of Excel.Application. By this Excel.Application object, I can get full control of Excel inside the Add-in. That means if I define a sub that load datamatrix from database and using the Excel.Application object I can populate the data matrix to the Excel.

I have done much research on internet and I now have built a shared Add-in for excel. I should say this add-in works fine without invoke the Excel.Application Object that I have tested. But when I call the Add-in function that invode Excel.Application Object from Excel I got an error as below:

Run-time error '2147467262'(*)
Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type Excel.Application


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Project Addin To Create VB Projects VS 2005 IDE?

Sep 14, 2009

My VS 2005 currently allows to create only Projects in C#. Is there any seperate Add In available for download using whcih I can Create VB.Net Projects.

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VS 2010 Addin For Excel 2010 - Getting The Cursor (4 Arrowheads) For Moving The Form?

May 26, 2010

Basics Details:
VS 2010
Making an Addin for Excel 2010
Win 7

Problem:I am not getting the cursor (4 arrowheads) for moving the form.I am using the Panel1_MouseHover to display the cursor. Right now if I choose any other cursor then it is working but the same cursor also displays when I hover the mouse over any other control. I want the cursor to show only in the areas of the Panel where there are no controls.How do I show Tooltips for the images? The play,stop,next, previous,playlist,Hideme(with the smiley),volume are all images and not buttons?

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Office Automation :: Automatic Deployment Of Excel Automation Addin?

Jan 25, 2011

I have written an automation addin in Excel with C# (addin.dll). To use the addin, I need to 1. register it using "regasm /codebase c:...addin.dll"2. select in ExcelOptionsAddInsExcel AddinsAutomation the respective addin from the list

I would like to automatize 1) and 2), so that the user just needs to run an exe-file in order to use the addin. 1) should be no problem, but how can one automatize 2)?

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Enviroment Setup For Excel Database

May 12, 2011

I have been Google-ing for four days now and still i can find no solution to my problem:(and my brain hurts) i recently made a windows application that pulls data from a mySQL Database and populates my form but when i was told to use excel instead of MySQL thats when the problems started. while setting up vb to connect to MySQL i found a few articles that explained in good enough detail how to set up vb before ever doing any coding

ie.( boot vb, start windows form project, click project/add reference, click on the COM tab and add the MySQL reference then click ok. next click data/Add new data source, chose database click next, click new connection, choose MySQL data source click continue, enter database info(server, user, password, port) click ok. then start coding connection strings and commands ( which i have no problem with)

My problem i can find all sorts of code to work with excel but i feel i need to go through the same environment set up as with MySQL but i cant figure out how to set it up i only need to read data from excel file to populate my form data ie.( text boxes, labels, datagridview, Ect...) does anyone know how to set up the development environment to facilitate my use of excel. or does anyone know of a better way to store and retrieve my data maybe a vb local database ( does that travel with the .exe easily?)

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How To SetUp 'selectCommandText' To Import Data From Excel Worksheet

Jul 26, 2010

I have the function showed bellow to read data from Excel Worksheet.It works nice, but when the name of the worksheet to imported has spaces, it doesn't![code]

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Create Setup Exe For App?

Jul 1, 2010

I've been looking online on how to setup a "Setup.ext" to install my app, but cant seem to find one for 2010 express

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How To Create A Setup

Jan 3, 2012

i have written a code in which makes use of SQL server management studio. i want to create a setup for this software so that i can install it in other pc.

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Create A Setup For An Application?

Apr 12, 2010

I created a small application that uses various things such as .NET GDI Graphics, Text to Speech etc. I want to create a full fledged setup for my application so that the end user would install and start using the application.

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Create A Setup Installer?

Nov 13, 2009

Its two programs that work together called Script Writer and Script. My problem is, I need something that will install it on other peoples machines and will be easy to install and use to make. or possibly a way to manipulate the publish option under Vb 2008 to make a setup.exe for the file that won't install it in a funky place. It also needs to install both programs in the same directory. Because Script pulls its information from output.txt which Script Writer, writes information to output.txt. I can share the Vb scripts if you like. But I'm kinda perplexed on this. I've tried installing it after publishing it, then I go to the installation folder and copy its contents, then paste them in a seperate folder on my desktop. It works on my computer but not other peoples computers. Also when publishing my program from VB 2008 it won't publish anything in my debug folder, so html.txt and output.txt doesn't get published with the setup and doesn't install when the setup is ran. So I'm having a few problems here.[url]...

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Create A Setup Program?

Apr 18, 2011

I must create a setup program and the programm is done with Vb net 2010 + sql server 2008.

Do you know a programm to create a setup, possibly free and that included prerequisites?

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Create My Setup File?

Apr 2, 2009

I am trying to create my exe file, so I go to build and build my project. Then I take the files in the bin else folder and try to run the exe file in another computer and it tells me that itīs missing some files like form designers and even dll files. It is trying to locate those files in the visual studio folder.

How can I make VB to include all the necessary files in the building proccess so I can run my exe file anywhere.

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Deployment - How To Create A Setup

Nov 17, 2010

cn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data source=C:solutionvs10 est estinDebugdb2.mdb;**Jet OLEDB:Database Password=secret**")

''# codes

I used V S 2010 The above is my code u can see that it is Ms Access DataBase(password protection)How i can create a setupb that can be easy to install other computer.

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How To Create Setup By The Codes

Apr 13, 2012


Imports System.Management
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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How To Create Setup File

Jan 14, 2011

I have create a program in vs 2008 ( i finish the program i buildit and i create an msi file with shortcut in the desktop.I have run the setup and everything is gona be OK When i check my program i found an error and when i fix it a buildit again (Same Name) and i create also i new msi and setup file.In the second setup the program Override the old install and create a new shortcut.

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How To Create Setup With Serial Key

Dec 8, 2010

I have develop one project in VB.NET I want create setup file with serial key also i want to install this setup on perticular machine.

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Setup/create A Database?

Dec 15, 2009

1. What tools do I need to set up/create a database?

2. How do I set up/create a database?

3. Lets say I have some sort of "text" in my database. How would I get another one of my programs to connect to my database, and download the "text".

4. How would I "host" my database? I want my program to be able to connect to my database without having my computer on 24/7. must be free

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Cannot Create ActiveX Component - EXCEL - Does Server Have To Have Excel Installed

Apr 1, 2009

I have read some of the other posts on this and seem to be a little different than my situation. Trying to print out some reports into an excel document on the clients machine - of course it works fine on my local (heard that before right). I went in and set my references Ms.Office.Core and Ms.Office.Interop.Excel to 'Copy Local' = True so the .dll are in the servers bin folder.


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Create A File Setup For My Project?

May 12, 2010

I want to create a file setup for my project that combine such as sql express,crystal report and .NET framework.

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Create A Setup Wizzard For Program?

Apr 17, 2009

im using vb2008 exspress edition and just finished my project.I need to create a setup wizzard for my program.

How do i do this? BTW in exspress edition, windows dont let you have Setup And Deployment

Anyone know of any programs that do it for you? ( free )

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Create A Single Setup File?

Mar 7, 2009

i have created a windows application and i have created a windows service i have created two separate setup files .

but i want to create a single setup file which will install the two applications (first the windows form and next windows service)

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Create An Update Setup For An Application?

May 19, 2011

I Created the setup for my vb.Net appliaction and installed it on the client systems. The application uses MS Access as the database. So i manually added the file to Setup project under its application directory.

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Create With A Third Party Program A Setup To App?

Feb 4, 2012

I create with a third party program a setup to my app.Do I need to install this files too?


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Create 2008 Windows Application Setup?

Mar 20, 2009

I want to create a setup for windows application using 2008 including crystal report libraries (DLL files)and should create a icon on desktop

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Create A Setup In .net With A Project With A Database Connection?

Mar 13, 2011

friends i m a newer for dotnet...and i m a student i m creating a project with a simple database connection

i need to make a setup of that project but whenever i create a set up it wont connect with my database

it'll shows a error how to make a setup in with a project with a database connection

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