Creating Checkers In .net 2008?

Jul 18, 2010

I am creating checkers in 2008. I am allowing the pieces to be moved through the click and drag event. I used this tutorial to help and it works great [URL].What i am wondering is the tutorial says that to add another object to be draggable you have to add the objectname.event to each of the events. does that mean create new event classes or just add the name to each class?

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Checkers Game - Moving In All Squares?

May 12, 2008

I have been working on a checker game. So far I have code that allows all the white checkers to move properly. The only problem is that this code is about 5000 lines long. I am sure there is a quicker and easier way to do it.

Here is the code for one checker to move in all squares possible for it to go into:
elect Case str1
Case 1
If picCheckers1.Location.X < 271 And picCheckers1.Location.Y > 114 And Open5 = True Then
picCheckers1.Location = square5
str1 = 5
Open1 = True
[Code] .....

The case is the square that the checker is currently in. I also will attach a zip file of the game so that you can understand it more. There are no errors and everything is working fine but I am trying to find a quicker way to code that doesn't take another 5000 lines of code
Attached File(s) (430.85K)
Number of downloads: 1266

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VS 2008 Creating Reports Using .Net Express 2008?

Apr 24, 2009

Is there any way to design and print reports using VB.Net Express 2008 If there is no solution, my backend is Access 2000 - so can I open & print a stored A2000 report from within VB.Net 2008 Express ? How

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Creating A DLL 2008 That Can Be Used By VBA

Jun 21, 2010

I created a new class project. I added a new COM object.The .ddl contains a single Public Function and one Public method. The method contains one line of code, a msgbox.I have "Register for COM interop" checked in the Project>Configuration>Compile page.I have ComVisible(true) in the AsseblyInfo.vb file.I use RegAsm to register the .dll and the .tlbI have used RegAsm to create a .reg file and then imorted successfully into the registry. If I open Excel, and go to Macro I cannot add the .dll as a refernce. The exact message I get is "Can't add a refernce to a specified file".I can reference the .tlb file and the Intelisense works. However, when the Excel Macro code runs I get the error, "Can't find file".I don't really expect anyone to download it to solve my problem. But if you become as frustrated as I am, I thought it might help to see the actual files. Be aware that I enclosed the .reg file from the RegAsm process. You can view it by opening notepad first and browsing for it. Do not click on the .reg file as I think that might modify your registry.

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Creating An Exe In VB 2008?

Jun 29, 2011

I have researched this question before and found a few things to try and none of them worked. I am developing a program in Visual Basic 2008. It is working and I am ready to install it in production. It will be ran on a schedule so I need an exe for it to execute. I took the exe and copied it to the Server it is going to run but it will not work. If I publish it and run it it works. However the file created is not an exe. I thought if I published it and installed it, it might work. I am concerned it might upgrade the .net framework. Any ideas on how I can get an exe created that will run.

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.net - Creating A COM Dll In VB 2008 And Using It In A C++ Project?

Jul 28, 2011

create a COM dll in Visual Basic. [URL]I now want to use this dll in a C++ project. I used OLE/COM Viewer to create an .idl file as is described in the second half this tutorial.[URL]I compiled the .idl with the midl compiler and included the .h file that was created in my c++ project.Here is my Visual Basic Code

<ComClass(MyComClass.ClassId, MyComClass.InterfaceId, MyComClass.EventsId)> _
Public Class MyComClass
#Region "COM GUIDs"


I receive the following errors when I compile my c++ project

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _CLSID_MyComClass
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol IID_MyComClass

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Creating A Clock In VB 2008?

Nov 7, 2009

I have created a clock in visual basics 2008, BUT it is 24 hour format (13:01:19). Here Is My Code:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick


How can I change this to 12 hour (1:01:19 PM)?

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Creating Activex DLL In VB 2008?

Jan 15, 2010

I have looked all over the web for a way to create an activex DLL in VB 2008. I have seen instructions for VB 2005 and VB 6. They both mention that I need to create a new project and use the template Activex DLL for the project, but I do not have the option "Activex DLL" for a template. Is there a way around this or can i download the template from somewhere? The background to the problem is that I have a DLL file (compiled in Delphi) that I can load and use correctly in VB 2008. I want to use VB 2008 to make this an Activex DLL so that it can be used with I have had no such luck. I have created a DLL using the Class template, but this DLL cannot be registered with the regsvr32.exe for usage with

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Creating EXE In VB 2008 Express?

Jun 5, 2011

I have just completed my project in VB 2008 express edition.Now I want the project to be converted to .EXE so that I can deploy it on other computer / laptop.

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Creating Structure In 2008?

Apr 3, 2012

how to create a structure in Visual Basic?r example:

Dim szReader As String 'reader name
Dim pvUserData As Long 'user defined data


I'm using Microsoft Visual Basic 2008.

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VS 2008 Creating A New Record?

Jan 20, 2010

I created a windows form to create, modify or delete a record in using VB 2008 using SQL 2008 as backend.Below is the code which I use to create a new record

Private Sub AddBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddBtn.Click
flag = 0


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VS 2008 Creating A Self-updater?

Jul 30, 2009

I have created a application that I have installed on the user computer. However, I want the application to be self-updating. But I am not sure if this would really update the application.The application will download all the files from the web server, and replace the files in the directory where the program as been installed to. The user will restart the application.I am just want to be sure, because I can't replace the installed files with the updated ones. As the application will be running. So really the application cannot delete/replace itself.So, I was thinking that I could download into another directory, if the program is installed in this directory 'program files/application/1.0.0' then I could download the files to 'program files/application/1.0.1'.However, when the program restarts, how can it know that it has to execute from the 1.0.1 directory?

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VS 2008 Creating An Installer?

Jun 9, 2010

I am currently in the process of creating a simple installer to copy files that come with my program and move them into another directory (a game, which I modded, I decided to create an installer to make it easier for people to install). However, I am looking around and trying to find out if it's possible to compile the files into one .EXE instead of a .EXE and a folder containing the files. Whether VS 2008 can do this, I don't know. If it doesn't, is there another program which can compress it into a standalone .EXE?

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VS 2008 Creating An N-Tier?

May 20, 2009

I'm creating an N-Tier (or at least I think its N-Tier!) solution where I have the following:

WPF client side application (presentation layer)
WCF service hosted in a windows service (data access layer)
SQL database (data layer)

Now bearing in mind this is the first time I've tried to design anything like this, I might be going about it completely the wrong way...I've created 3 examples classes that would be my 'business objects' (im not quite sure where that fits in within the layers I listed above, because these business objects would be defined in a DLL that would be used by both the presentation layer and the data access layer). You can see them here:So then in my WCF service (data access layer) I would have methods like this that would be exposed to the WPF client:These are just examples but you get the idea. Is this the right way to do something like this?I saw one design that someone had posted somewhere that basically looked to me like it merged the Business Objects and the DAL together because in their class that represented an order, they had properties like you would expect for Order Number etc etc but then they also had methods like "GetOrders" within there too.I dunno I'm still very new to this type of design but I thought that the idea of the business objects was that they just represented business items, such as orders etc, so I thought they would just purely hold properties/fields and no methods or anything like that

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VS 2008 Creating An Over-Lay Window

Dec 17, 2011

I was wondering if it is possible in VB8 to create a GUI that over-lays over a full-screen application (IE, a movie full screen, games or something that takes over the entire screen)

What I want to know is it possible to be watching a movie and click a button and without minimizing or losing focus on the movie a GUI is displayed. This could be handy in many ways to me to create say.. a clock that I can display so I don't have to minimize etc. to check.

I don't want to interact with the GUI, just display it!

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VS 2008 Creating Dataset Fom XSD?

Jan 11, 2011

I have a XSD file and I must create an XML file with data,I read schema but dataset doesnt have any table(I debug code ),how do I get XSD file into dataset,I use this code :

Dim wds As New DataSet

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VS 2008 Creating New Tab Look For Tab Control?

Oct 23, 2009

how I would change the look of my tabs in my tab control. For instance the default is a rectangle.. while in the VS2008 IDE the tabs have the left corner slanted.

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Creating A Circular VB Form - 2008?

Jan 31, 2010

Is it possible to create a circular visual basic form. I see plenty of tutorials on how to do this for VB6 but none on Visual Basic Express.

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Creating A Password Generator In VB Using VS 2008?

Jun 21, 2010

creating a password generator in VB using VS 2008.What I want to do is have a front end which has a text box (to enter password length), a button (to generate a password) and a label (to display the password).I have been successful in creating random numbers; however a password containing just numbers isn't sufficient. So I would like random characters including uppercase and lowercase letters.

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Creating A Worksheet In Excel From 2008?

Aug 30, 2010

I am attempting to create a worksheet in an existing excel spreadsheet from visual basic 2008 but it does not create it. My code is below.

Dim strFilename = "C: est.xls"
" [" & strFileName &
";].[Sheet2] ;"


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Creating FTP Server And Client In 2008?

Aug 26, 2009

procedure to create a FTP Server and Client program in VB 2008 with sample code?

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Creating Line Graph In 2008?

Apr 4, 2010

I'm looking for some assistance on creating a line graph in VB 2008. Not sure where to start. Can some one here point me to the right direction?

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Creating Setup In .net 2008 With Access Db?

Sep 30, 2009

Actually i have created setup but when it comes to connecton string that for access db i have written

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VS 2008 - Creating Animation Using Timer

Oct 30, 2009

I want to make an application witch involves logging into google. It is basically a small application to always have your gmail with you without always having to go to the web browser and log in. Basically what I want to do is, when the person signs into their google account (or the page url changes) I want the webbrowser to refresh and go to a new point in the form and create an animation using a timer. I dont need advise with the animation, I just need to know how to link it together with the person signing into google. And also, If it's possible I would like to have the person log in without the actual google web interface, but with 2 textboxes and a button. I am using Visual Studio 2008.

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VS 2008 - Creating Form That Can Be Modified

Jul 6, 2009

I am trying to create a form that can be modified by other developers. For example kind of like firefox, developers can make extensions/toolbars and firefox uses them. How I can write my code so that other developers can add controls/toolbars to my form.

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VS 2008 - Creating New Schema (XSD) Files

Jan 22, 2010

I recently started having problems when creating new schema (xsd) files inside Visual Studio 2008. When I create a new schema file, the only file that is created is the xsd file itself. Neither the designer.vb or xsc files are created, which of course makes it unusable. The problem seems to be caused by the fact that the CustomTool property in the property grid is missing. If I change the CustomTool property to MSDataSetGenerator, then it immediately runs and creates the missing files noted above. How do I reassociate the CustomTool with Schema files?

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VS 2008 : Programmatically Creating Controls?

Sep 24, 2009

I have a panel that is a set size and has its Autoscroll property set to True.I am parsing text files and then adding them to the panel. I'm extracting specific lines and then adding them to labels and text boxes that are in the panel.When my app runs, it can parse anywhere from 0-10 files at a time.If there are no files to parse, I don't want any controls in the panel. I'll be creating the controls based on how many text files I have. For each text file, I'll have 3 controls.

I'll count the text files before I parse them, and insert the controls into the panel.The problem is that I don't know how to place the controls based on the location of the panel/form. I know the panel will always have a permanent spot, but I won't know if the location parameters of the panel have changed because I won't know how many controls there will be before the app parses the files.

However, I will know the size of the controls that I'm inserting.So, with all of that, is there a way to insert the controls inside of the panel, and then based on that information, insert the others?

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VS 2008 Creating 'custom Code'

Aug 6, 2010

I have a form that is populated with specific data for each user. The user chooses this data themselves.I plan on saving this data in the application settings or via xml serialization.What I want to do, is allow users to generate a unique code for that data so that they can supply this code to others and all they will have to do is copy and paste it into their client and that data will populate for them.I could just allow users to trade XML files, but I want it to be easier than that.The form is basically setup this way;

Picture - Data 1, Data 2, Data 3, Data 4
Picture - Data 1, Data 2, Data 3, Data 4

The pictures correlate to pictures that are numbered anywhere from 0-600. The data can be any integer value from 0 - 200.

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VS 2008 Creating 'windows' In Forms?

Jul 6, 2010

Just looking for a bit of advice really on the best way to go about something.I am creating a new freeware game in which I am creating like OS for the game. So far I have the OS Home screen (Desktop) with a menu a bit / time / date etc.hat I am trying to do (and not sure the best way to do it) Is I want to be able to create windows within my virtual desktop 'form' as Windows does essentially for instance clicking on 'start' and going to 'Internet Explorer'I have turned the boreder style to no the desktop form and any other thing I do so its my look and feel but I am not sure the best way to go about this. I possibly thought creating my 'windows' as panels and just showing and hiding them but that doesn't appear to work when I overlay them.

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VS 2008 Creating A Base Form?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm working on a simple base form in which all the other forms in the project will inherit.This base form only adds 5 properties (at the moment) dealing with painting a gradient background. The problem I'm facing right now is when I change a property on Form1 (the test form) and click run it doesn't show that change. I also checked the .designer.vb file and when I make a change it's not added to the code behind file, I'm at a loss right now to why

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