Data Is Not Inserted In The Table?

Jun 21, 2010

this is my coding i run no error message but the data is not inserted in the table.[code]......

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ADVERTISEMENT - Get The Last ID Of A Data Row Inserted Into A Database Table

Aug 4, 2011

I'm using to add a record into a table:

With SqlDataSource1
.InsertParameters("Name").DefaultValue = fldName.Value
.InsertParameters("Email").DefaultValue = Text1.Value
.InsertParameters("tContent").DefaultValue = taLE.Value
End With

I now realize that I need to get the id (a Unique Identifier that Auto Increments by 1) of the record I just added.

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Incorrect Data Inserted On Data Table (sql)?

Aug 27, 2009

myCommand.Connection = myConnection
myCommand.CommandText = ("Insert INTO tblStudent (First_Name) Values('" & txtStudFirstName.Text & "')")
myCommand.CommandText = ("Insert INTO tblStudent (Middle_Name) Values('" &


the excution of the program and inserting only happened on this line of the program

myCommand.CommandText = ("Insert INTO tblStudent (Address) Values('" & txtLocation.Text & "')")

i want everything to be entered in on the first row of my sql database?

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Value Not Inserted In Table

Aug 15, 2011

I wrote the following code for inserting the value in table company_db & database is Company_DB but the value are not inserted into the table table shows null values the [code]...

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Only First Char Inserted Into SQL SERVER Table?

May 2, 2011

I have the following code running but it only inserts the first char of each param value into the table.For example: first name is john, only j is inserted.

Dim ColParameter(15) As SqlParameter
Dim dal As DAL.SqlDAL = New DAL.SqlDAL
Dim procname As String = "pr_cust_create"


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SQL Proc Executes But Nothing Is Inserted Into The Table?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a app using plain old to run a s'proc on the database server. The proc simply inserts a record that contains binary data.When this executes, I can see the exec call on the proc being made from within sql claims everything worked, no errors. However, a record isn't inserted. There are no key collisions or anything like that.I copied the query I saw from profiler and ran it directly within management studio. When I run it there, the record is inserted.For whatever reason, sql server and were conspiring against me. The user account I was attempting to execute the s'proc under did not have execute rights for it. After I set those rights then it was proceeding as normal.Now, the problem I have is that there should have been some type of warning, error, exception, whatever that said "hey, you can't do this" instead of simply saying "Everything is good" But that's a question for Microsoft.

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Check The Number Of Records Inserted Into A Particular Table(Users)?

Feb 6, 2012

I have a vb application sitting on sql 2005 database i want a scenario where the application can check the number of records inserted into a particular table(Users) , if the number of records inserted into that table after 1wk since the last insert is less than 100 records it should pop up a warning alert with the total number of records

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Sql Server - How To Get Last Inserted Identity In Formview Inserted Event Using .net

Sep 21, 2009

I am using (FormView and ObjectDataSource) and Sql Server 2005.

I want to get last inserted @@identity in table on FormView1_ItemInserted

Protected Sub FormView1_ItemInserted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormViewInsertedEventArgs) Handles FormView1.ItemInserted

End Sub My issue is that I want to redirect my FormView to readonly mode after FormView1_ItemInserted but for that I need to show the inserted record in readonly mode and that is only possible if I get my last inserted @@identity.

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Ensure That Only Data Entered Gets Inserted Into The Db?

Oct 6, 2011

Please take a look at the code below. I was told by the individual that developed itoriginally that the code only adds the rows of data the user entered. In other words,there 5 rows of textboxes. user can enter data into one row or into all 5 rows. If the user enters data into one row of textbox, that's what gets inserted into the db.I made some minor change to the code so that users can tell when a payment is made by check or cash payment.Since I made that change, whether a user enters data into one row or all 5 rows, all 5 rows get inserted into the db.How can I modify this code to ensure only rows entered get inserted?

For x = 1 To 5 Step 1
dedval = obr.FindControl("ded" & CStr(x))
chckvalflag = obr.FindControl("chck" & CStr(x))


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Save Inserted Data From Vb2010 To Sql Db?

Apr 3, 2012

im trying to save my inserted data from vb2010 to sql db.

This is my New Contact form interface:

This is the message after i inserted all fields:

My "add" in clsDbConnect:
Public Sub AddContactRecord(ByVal cClientName As String, ByVal cCompany As String, _
ByVal cAddress As String, ByVal cFax As String, ByVal cPhone As String, _


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.net - Refresh DataGridView After Data Inserted In DB By Another Dialog

Jun 17, 2012

On my Winforms app, I have a primary form with a DataGridView bound to a database Entity datasource.

The grid is set up not to allow inserts. Instead I have a button on my form that kicks of a second dialog where the insert takes place (ie. with friendlier ui than is possible with the DataGridView).

The insert is working fine.. query of the underlying table in db shows that the record has been inserted. However, I can't seem to get the DataGridView on the primary form to see the new data just created by the second dialog.

I have read many Stack Overflow q & a's and tried various solutions to get the DataGridView to refresh to show new data.. but nothing works.

This must be a common situation ?? Can someone suggest some VB.NET code that will work ?


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EID SDK - See If Card Inserted Into Reader Then Read Out Data

Mar 14, 2010

I am trying to use the eID SDK (for using the belgian ID-card) in VB. It's supported but I can't get it to work. I have never worked with sdk's before. I did manage to get it to work in c++ in console but I really need it in visual basic. Also the VB examples that come with the sdk are made in an older version of visual studio and when my version tries to convert them they don't work. I want to use the sdk to see when a card is inserted into the reader and to read out the data. (both i got to work in c++ console).

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VS 2010 Updating DGV And Dt After Dt Is Updated And Data Is Inserted Into DB?

Mar 9, 2012

I have an issue with a data table that I have updated using the datatable.update command.The datatable is bound to the datagridview using dgv.datasource = datatable.I have used INSERT and UPDATE commands and the INSERT command writes the data back to the database ok. However my problem is that it the dgv is not updated with the primary key (ID field) from the database. So when I save a second time, instead of updating it just inserts the data again.


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IDE :: Data Grid View - Scroll To Inserted Row (bottom)?

Apr 14, 2010

When I have inserted a row to the "data grid view", it inserts it with no problems, except you cannot see it because it's out of the window's bounds. There are scroll bars that you can use to scroll to the row you had inserted, but, my question is: is there a way that the "data grid view" can scroll to the inserted row?

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Clear Text Boxes Once Data Is Inserted Into Database From A Addbtn?

Jul 20, 2010

I have a button that inserts data into a database.With that button I want it to serve two functions.One for insert and one for clearing the textboxes after the insert is done.I did a little bit of digging around and her is a code snippet that i found online:

Dim ctrl As Control
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox Then ctrl.Text = ""


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Datagrid To Be Inserted With Additional Values With The Prior Populated Data?

Nov 11, 2010

i have a Checkedlistbox in a windows form, and have defined 5 values in it.Also the form holds a datagrid in it. i have manually defined 2 columns in it.Now i would like to populate datagrid with some data according to the check list values selection. When any selection was done in the checkedlistbox, some data need to added to the case if i am ticking further selection, i need the datagrid to be inserted with additional values with the prior populated data.

being a beginner, i am not able to get any idea to get this worked.

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Newly Inserted Data Doesn't Display In The Combobox Control?

Jun 29, 2011

I just inserted data into my sql database. Actually, I want to retrieve it automaticallyinto

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Show Confirmation Msgbox When Data Successfully Inserted Into Database?

Dec 6, 2010

How to Show confirmation msgbox when data is successfully inserted into database using detailsview in ?

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Inserted A Dataset And Created A Table Using Design View With Columns "id", "name" And "add"

Dec 3, 2010

in my project i have inserted a dataset and created a table using design view with columns "id", "name" and "add" and used this table in my crystal report.

Now what i want.I want to send details from text box to dataset so that when my report is generated it will show those data. i am familiar with saving data in normal database table Access or sqlserver. but i dont now how to save in the code to save data in dataset from textbox as well as if i want to save from datagridview.

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Filling The Datatable From Three Variable Or Putting The Three Table's Data Into One Variable And Then Producing The Data Table?

Jan 20, 2011

I have three table and I want to put the three table's data in one variable and from that variable i will produce the datatable and then want to write the data in CSV file.I am Following this step..



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Add A Row In Data Table Taking Values From 2 Text Boxes Which Are Not Bound To That Table?

Dec 26, 2010

I have a login form that consists of 2 text boxes: txtUser, txtPass. Now these are not bound to any data table & I don't what them to be bound. When a new user enters his user name & password, I want to add these on a data table that has two columns: User, Pass. Data table information: Data Source = Login.accdb, Data table = LoginTable, Connection = LoginCn. I use visual basic 2010. So how do I do this?

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Code To Edit Data-row Of Table Adapter But Doesnt Update Table

Apr 23, 2009

I have this code to edit the datarow of my table adapter but t doesnt update the table. I think i have a missing code that's why but i cant figured it out. by the way im using vb2008 and SQL as my database. [code]

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Display Data Stored In A Sql Sever DB Table, The Table Has A Field With 6 Values?

Jul 8, 2009

I currently have this working already for one of my combo box's, but when i try to use the same code i get this error ''There is no row at position 6.'' . The are 2 fields in the table asset_type_id, asset_type_name', im trying to dispaly the values in a combo box for the field 'asset_type_name.

the code for ' Friend Sub RetrieveCustomerInformation2()' works but the other friend sub throws the error.
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data
Imports System
Imports System.Data.OleDb


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Display The Data On Terminal B If Inserted From Terminal A?

Dec 8, 2010

my project work on server if inserted data from terminal A i need display the data on terminal B

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Update Unable To Find Table Mapping Or Data Table

May 23, 2010

While am using the below code it was throwing an exception update unable to find table mapping [Customer] or data table customer.


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VS 2010 : Make The Combobox Get Data From One Table And Input It To Another Table?

Jul 7, 2011

I have 1 access database with 3 tables How do I make the combobox get data from one table and input it to another table?ex.I have a table with all my Carriers and another table with jobs that are assigned to Carriers?

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Get Particular Table On Data Grid From Selecting Table Name On Combobox?

Jun 7, 2011

i have a combobox on the form and a datagrid viewer .no i want to display the table which selected on combo box..

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Using A Table Adapter To Insert Data Into Another Table?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a form that fills a table adapter with this:

Me.Scratchpad3TableAdapter.Fill(Me.MDRDataSet.scra tchpad3

and what I'd like to do is when users edit something on this form that they post the changes to a table called exceptionsedit which is not part of that dataset. What I don't know how to do is to how to insert those edits to the exceptionsedit table.

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VS 2010 Copy Data From Table To Other Table

Mar 20, 2012

i need to copy all the rows with data from a existing table to other existing table through button click

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.net - Update A Table Using Data Of Other Table

Feb 17, 2011

I am using Visual Studio 2008 and Sql Server 2005

I want to update a table using values from other table I have written a query but it is giving error

"Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Quantity', table 'Stationarymgmt.dbo.Item_Master'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails."

temp table has following columns


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