Ensure That Only Data Entered Gets Inserted Into The Db?

Oct 6, 2011

Please take a look at the code below. I was told by the individual that developed itoriginally that the code only adds the rows of data the user entered. In other words,there 5 rows of textboxes. user can enter data into one row or into all 5 rows. If the user enters data into one row of textbox, that's what gets inserted into the db.I made some minor change to the code so that users can tell when a payment is made by check or cash payment.Since I made that change, whether a user enters data into one row or all 5 rows, all 5 rows get inserted into the db.How can I modify this code to ensure only rows entered get inserted?

For x = 1 To 5 Step 1
dedval = obr.FindControl("ded" & CStr(x))
chckvalflag = obr.FindControl("chck" & CStr(x))


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Ensure Data Is Entered?

Jul 11, 2010

How can I ensure that a user enters data in one text box before being allowed to move on to the next text box Example I have four text boxes the user can enter a grade in. I want to lock the other three box until the user has entered a number in text box 1. Once a valid number has been entered in text box 1, that releases or enables text box 2. Once a valid number has been entered in text box 2, that releases or enables text box 3. And once a valid number is entered in text box 3, that releases or enables text box 4.

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Parsing Data In Silverlight - Ensure The Data Is Secure?

Sep 7, 2010

I have a design question about parsing data in Silverlight. I need to allow my users to validate their csv data (they paste ten rows into a textblock), but I am not sure if I should attempt to do it on the client side where I don't have access to the textfileparser class or send the data to a webservice for validation. If I send it to a webservice how do I ensure the data is secure?

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Add A Record To This Data Table And Ensure That It Is Always At The End Of The List?

Mar 6, 2012

I have a listbox that is sorted and the data table that is bound to it is also sorted. I am trying to add a Record to this data table and ensure that it is always at the end of the list. Is there a way to do this using specific character combination?

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Sql Server - How To Get Last Inserted Identity In Formview Inserted Event Using .net

Sep 21, 2009

I am using VB.net (FormView and ObjectDataSource) and Sql Server 2005.

I want to get last inserted @@identity in table on FormView1_ItemInserted

Protected Sub FormView1_ItemInserted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormViewInsertedEventArgs) Handles FormView1.ItemInserted

End Sub My issue is that I want to redirect my FormView to readonly mode after FormView1_ItemInserted but for that I need to show the inserted record in readonly mode and that is only possible if I get my last inserted @@identity.

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Ensure That Operator Cannot Accidentally Enter Data In Output Areas

Jan 24, 2010

1.Ihave to produce an application that enables the user to enter an integer rate of pay and an integer nr. of hours. On clicking a button the application should display rhe pay due. Amend the application:rate of pay to be entered as a real number;Employees are taxed at emergency rate of 40%. Amend to display GrossPay and NetPay.

2.Ensure that the operator cannot accidentally enter data in output areas!!!

The application is to be amended so thet the employees are paid overtime at time and a half for working more than 8 hours in any one session and all data enter by user should be checked to ensure that it is in a valid format and that the values are acceptable. [code]

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Incorrect Data Inserted On Data Table (sql)?

Aug 27, 2009

myCommand.Connection = myConnection
myCommand.CommandText = ("Insert INTO tblStudent (First_Name) Values('" & txtStudFirstName.Text & "')")
myCommand.CommandText = ("Insert INTO tblStudent (Middle_Name) Values('" &


the excution of the program and inserting only happened on this line of the program

myCommand.CommandText = ("Insert INTO tblStudent (Address) Values('" & txtLocation.Text & "')")

i want everything to be entered in on the first row of my sql database?

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Data Is Not Inserted In The Table?

Jun 21, 2010

this is my coding i run no error message but the data is not inserted in the table.[code]......

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Asp.net - Get The Last ID Of A Data Row Inserted Into A Database Table

Aug 4, 2011

I'm using ASP.net to add a record into a table:

With SqlDataSource1
.InsertParameters("Name").DefaultValue = fldName.Value
.InsertParameters("Email").DefaultValue = Text1.Value
.InsertParameters("tContent").DefaultValue = taLE.Value
End With

I now realize that I need to get the id (a Unique Identifier that Auto Increments by 1) of the record I just added.

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Save Inserted Data From Vb2010 To Sql Db?

Apr 3, 2012

im trying to save my inserted data from vb2010 to sql db.

This is my New Contact form interface:

This is the message after i inserted all fields:

My "add" in clsDbConnect:
Public Sub AddContactRecord(ByVal cClientName As String, ByVal cCompany As String, _
ByVal cAddress As String, ByVal cFax As String, ByVal cPhone As String, _


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.net - Refresh DataGridView After Data Inserted In DB By Another Dialog

Jun 17, 2012

On my Winforms app, I have a primary form with a DataGridView bound to a database Entity datasource.

The grid is set up not to allow inserts. Instead I have a button on my form that kicks of a second dialog where the insert takes place (ie. with friendlier ui than is possible with the DataGridView).

The insert is working fine.. query of the underlying table in db shows that the record has been inserted. However, I can't seem to get the DataGridView on the primary form to see the new data just created by the second dialog.

I have read many Stack Overflow q & a's and tried various solutions to get the DataGridView to refresh to show new data.. but nothing works.

This must be a common situation ?? Can someone suggest some VB.NET code that will work ?


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EID SDK - See If Card Inserted Into Reader Then Read Out Data

Mar 14, 2010

I am trying to use the eID SDK (for using the belgian ID-card) in VB. It's supported but I can't get it to work. I have never worked with sdk's before. I did manage to get it to work in c++ in console but I really need it in visual basic. Also the VB examples that come with the sdk are made in an older version of visual studio and when my version tries to convert them they don't work. I want to use the sdk to see when a card is inserted into the reader and to read out the data. (both i got to work in c++ console).

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VS 2010 Updating DGV And Dt After Dt Is Updated And Data Is Inserted Into DB?

Mar 9, 2012

I have an issue with a data table that I have updated using the datatable.update command.The datatable is bound to the datagridview using dgv.datasource = datatable.I have used INSERT and UPDATE commands and the INSERT command writes the data back to the database ok. However my problem is that it the dgv is not updated with the primary key (ID field) from the database. So when I save a second time, instead of updating it just inserts the data again.


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Write Code For Application, In Which Data Is Get By User And Entered Data Is To Print In A Particular Format?

Mar 2, 2012

i just write code for application, in which data is get by user and entered data is to print in a particular format?give me a code for vb.net button by which after click on it will print entered data?

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IDE :: Data Grid View - Scroll To Inserted Row (bottom)?

Apr 14, 2010

When I have inserted a row to the "data grid view", it inserts it with no problems, except you cannot see it because it's out of the window's bounds. There are scroll bars that you can use to scroll to the row you had inserted, but, my question is: is there a way that the "data grid view" can scroll to the inserted row?

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Arrays - Get The Data From The Datagrid After The User Entered Data In Textboxcolumn?

Mar 5, 2011

Possible Duplicate: DataGridView - Validating for Cell?i have a requirement. i dont know how to get the data from the datagrid after the user entered data in textboxcolumn. i also want to validate the entered text in datagrid cell.

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Clear Text Boxes Once Data Is Inserted Into Database From A Addbtn?

Jul 20, 2010

I have a button that inserts data into a database.With that button I want it to serve two functions.One for insert and one for clearing the textboxes after the insert is done.I did a little bit of digging around and her is a code snippet that i found online:

Dim ctrl As Control
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox Then ctrl.Text = ""


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Datagrid To Be Inserted With Additional Values With The Prior Populated Data?

Nov 11, 2010

i have a Checkedlistbox in a windows form, and have defined 5 values in it.Also the form holds a datagrid in it. i have manually defined 2 columns in it.Now i would like to populate datagrid with some data according to the check list values selection. When any selection was done in the checkedlistbox, some data need to added to the gird.in case if i am ticking further selection, i need the datagrid to be inserted with additional values with the prior populated data.

being a beginner, i am not able to get any idea to get this worked.

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Newly Inserted Data Doesn't Display In The Combobox Control?

Jun 29, 2011

I just inserted data into my sql database. Actually, I want to retrieve it automaticallyinto

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Show Confirmation Msgbox When Data Successfully Inserted Into Database?

Dec 6, 2010

How to Show confirmation msgbox when data is successfully inserted into database using detailsview in asp.net ?

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Add Data In Data Grid Without Replacing First Entered Input

Jun 2, 2011

i have a problem with the sales transaction. i need to show all the product purchase and i need to show it on the data grid but everytime i input a product it keeps on replacing the data i entered. need code for adding data in the rows of data grid.

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Message Box If Not Enough Data Entered?

Feb 16, 2012

I have created a program that solves the right-angled triangle by just needing to input two known quantities. I have adapted this code from some I found on another website, it never actually worked, so I spent two weeks figuring out how to get it to work. I have finally succeeded, what I would like to do is display a message box if the user has not entered the required two inputs and presses the 'Calculate' button (see image). I just want it to say "At least two known quantities are required".I have some code that clears all the text boxes so you can enter new data, but I have tried countless times to find a way of coding so the message box appears.


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Reading And Writing Files On External Hard Drive, Code To Ensure SQL Or Data Read/write Execution In Case Of Periodic Drive Reconnect?

Dec 18, 2010

The drive is connected via USB and the problem I'm having is that, periodically, while my code is executing, the usb drive seems to disconnect and reconnect. (Nothing to do with the program, but the drive itself).I want to find a way to prevent these temporary drive reconnects from interrupting my code. IE, i want to insure that whatever read or write that is requested is actually executed even in the case of a temporary drive interruption.

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Go From Disable To Enabled After The Data Is Entered?

Mar 7, 2012

Having issues getting my summary textbox, and tool strip to go from disable to enabled after the data is entered

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Insert Data That Has Been Entered Into Textboxes?

Jun 22, 2010

i have written my code to to insert data that has been entered into my textboxes n my form into my access database. i am gettin an error message saying: OLEDBEXEPTION OCCURED...Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.

i was wondering if someone could look over my code and tell me where im going wrong
the code is written for when the button on the form is pressed.

my code is...
OleDbInsertCommand1 = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand
OleDbConnection1 = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
OleDbInsertCommand1.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Admin,(Employee_Forename,


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Save The Data Entered In Forms?

Feb 12, 2011

I made my first app today. The point is to enter a password and then get into a screen that displays info, and you can edit it by typing in the text box. Is it possible to save the data typed?

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Update The Database Only If NEW Data Is Entered?

Dec 29, 2011

I have an application in which I want to update only if new data is entered. If no data is entered, then it doesnot update.Any way I can check in the database? If it doesn't update, then it will not give a message that the records updated.

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Check If The Entered Data Is In The Same Row Inside The Table Using .net?

Jun 4, 2011

check if the entered data is in the same row inside the table using .net?

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Datagrid Keeps Displaying Previously Entered Data?

Jun 19, 2012

I'm having this weird problem with my windows application, I have fields for entering data into an underlying access database, my problem is after clicking the submit button upon entering the first data it shows neatly in the datagrid but subsequent data entered repeats what was initially entered into the datagrid.

Private Sub BtnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnSubmit.Click
'Sets Null Fields to 0


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Reloading User Entered Data At First Run Logic

Aug 20, 2011

Ok so I have designed a program to figure out commissions for phone sales at my company. Since the devices we sell and their associated prices change over time, I had to make that data within my program dynamic. I have a form within my program (frmprice) that has 160 textboxes - 80 for the devices and 80 for the associated prices. Now I hard coded the .text members with default values for our current stock of phones and prices.

I also added code so whenever that form with the phones and prices (frmprice) closes it saves any changes that have been made to either the phones or prices and when the form loads it overwrites the default data with any data that the user had entered at last run.

HERE is my logic problem. At the very first run the program is overwriting the default hard coded values with "" because no user data has ever been entered before. So when the form with the prices loads, it passes the user entered data from last run which is null because it has never run before. If I test to see if default value <> the user entered data before it executes the code to pass the user entered values it will always test to be true because the user entered data is null at first run. If I test to see if the default value is = to the user data it will always at first run test to be false because there is no user data yet.

HOWEVER once the user entered data is initialized (anytime after the first run) I need the program to pass the user data from the previous runs back in. Just NOT at the first run. Here is the code i am using: (in the code below the variables ending in "val" are the ones that are of the type string and are saved in the application settings) The frmprice_Load Event:


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