Datagridview Heading Spans 3 Columns?

Aug 3, 2009

I have looked at websites all day trying to understand this can someone point me in the right direction

Have one column heading Called "Monday" under this I want to to have 3 sub headings.

Monday 3rd August
O/H Stock | Production | Orders

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Center Heading In A Column On A DataGridView?

Dec 29, 2010

I have a strange problem and it's probably a simple fix, but after much research, I cannot seem to find a solution.

I have a DataGridView on which I'm trying to center the column headings, but the result is a left bias in the centering—almost like an indenting problem. I've seen a few posts on this issue on a site or two, but never a solution.

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Change The Text In A DATAGRIDVIEW Column Heading?

Jan 15, 2010

How do I change the text in a DATAGRIDVIEW Column heading? (bound grid) DATAGRIDVIEW.Rows(0).Cells(0).Value = "my text" gives me an error?

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DataGridView, Set Up Columns, Populate Data Table, Bind, But Not Using Columns Created In Code?

Oct 26, 2011

I'm using 2005. I have working programs that I populate DataGridViews with something like the following:


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.net - Filtering SQL By Correct Time Spans?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a table that has two time columns. One is a login time one is a logout time. I would like to be able to filter between the two, basically greater than the minimum selected and less than the maximum selected. I am using a monthly calendar to get me the spans of time but it is not working correctly. From there I would like to add the 4 columns in the table to a gridview. The date in the DB is the in following format:

2/23/2010 11:17:01 AM

I know how to get single elements from the table, or a column but not entire rows.

So i guess I have 2 problems, getting the filter for the SQL correct then binding the results to a table.

Here is my code so far:

Dim cn As OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
Dim str As String


SLaks has answered most of my question, one problem remains. I need to figure out how to make it so the monthcalendar can select just one day and return that days values. Seems like the time is an issue since it is in the DB as stated above. Just comparing the dates is not enough.

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How To Measure Time Spans Accurately

Aug 9, 2011

I have a VB.NET application that executes a test when the user clicks a "Start" button. The application communicates back and forth with a USB device and eventually stops when the USB device sends back a specific trigger, or if the user chooses to cancel the test. I would like to measure the time elapsed during each test and display it to the screen.The program is significantly complex and I have several timers that control sampling rate, the frequency of the output, the frequency of signals in a calibration method, etc.I tried two approaches so far, both of which led to invalid time measurements. I say they're invalid because I used several stopwatches I know to be accurate in addition to the system clock (the clock with a second hand that pops up when you double click the time in the bottom right hand corner of Windows XP) to measure the actual time of each test. Consistently, my program will indicate more time has passed than actually has.I tried simply dividing the number of samples I took by the the sampling frequency. I got back a time that was about 1.33 times greater than the actual time. This ratio would change with different frequencies, and even with the same frequency from day to day.

I tried using the DateTimePicker in my main form to measure the time passage. At the start of the test I'd record the start time, startTime = DateAndTimePicker1.value, at the end of the test I'd record the end time, endTime = DateAndTimePicker1.value, and then I'd set the text of a label equal to their difference, TestDurationLabel.text = (endTime - startTime).ToString. I initialized startTime and endTime as Dates. I get back a time that is about 1.2 times greater than the actual time.

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VS 2008 : Making A Large Form That Spans Two Monitors?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a button that will run a video file in the Windows media player box, first up, is there a way for that video to display full screen on a secondary monitor?My plan was to have a large form that spread across the two screens with the control buttons on one side and the video on the other, is there an easier way to do this? Otherwise I think I might have to look at making an individual form for each screen and then somehow getting the buttons on say form1 to do the work on form2. Again is this hard to do?

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Show A Large Amount Of Data That Spans Across Multiple Forms And Text Boxes?

Jan 15, 2011

I am trying to find a way to show a large amount of data that spans across multiple forms and text boxes. I am making a somewhat summery of the input strings.

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Link Columns In One Datagridview To Another Datagridview?

Aug 2, 2010

I have 2 datagridviews on different tabs of a tabcontrol.The user can input names into datagridview1 column1.I want these names to automatically appear in datagridview2 column1, in such a way that when rows in datagridview1 are added and removed the same rows are added and removed in datagridview2.I also want the column sort function to effect datagridview2.

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Change Dialog Heading Font?

Aug 30, 2011

How can I change the Font of a Dialog Heading.

I have triyed setting the Font in the properties window, but that changes the font all the controls on the Dialog, not the Dialog Heading.

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Finding The Heading (NSEW) Given Two Points?

Feb 29, 2012

A 2D object has an x/y location, x/y direction, and a velocity.During each update, its location = (location + (direction * velocity)).
This enables it to travel in any and all directions at varying speeds.Using this information, how would you find the angle (in degrees, from 0 to 360) between it's current location, and it's next location, and then use that to determine it's heading (N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, or SW)?

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Formatting A Combo Box To Include A Heading?

Jun 10, 2010

there a way to format a combo box so that the data returned from the database can have a heading. Example:ID Name 1 Franks2 JaneSo basically, programming in the heading information before the data is returned. The only data return from the database is ID numbers and Names, not the heading. Lastly, I did not to use a Rich Textbox because the user needs to make a selection in order to perform deletion

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Copy And Paste Heading And Body Text?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a 150 page word file for work that i need to go through. What i would like to do is automate this since i rather not copy and paste all 150 pages.There are headings 1 2 and 3 in this file. Both Headings 2 and 3 may have body text.What i need to do is copy the Heading 2 and the body text that follows it and paste it in an excel document for some comparison.

heading 1
heading 2
Body text


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Data Grid Print Heading Missing?

Aug 6, 2011

I have manage to take print of the contents of datagrid but now i have one problem when i click on print button it prints the document very fine but The headings of the all columns is not printing here is my code what changes should i made to resolve the issue here is my print class

< Imports System
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Collections


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Datagridview And Its Columns?

Jun 22, 2010

is there an easy way to make the size of a datagridview expand dynamically (like say it is not long enough to display all the data it will grow in width), or do i have to implement this functionality manually?

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Specify Datagridview Columns By Name?

Nov 30, 2009

I'm using the follow code to grab values when a row is selected on my datagridview:


in this case for the first column. I am doing this for several columns. What I would like to do is switch to specifying the columns by name so the code won't have to be changed if columns are moved around. I have tried several things that didn't work. Can anyone supply me with the code to retrieve the value of a column on a selected row by the name of the column?

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Make Report Heading Repeat On Overflow Pages

Jun 1, 2011

I am using report.rdlc components in my application. I have one report where I have a tablix table embedded in a tablix list. The top of the list above the table contains all the group variables, eg customer name, customer address; the table contains the details, eg order details. I need to display the customer information again when there are too many order details to display on one page and I also need to display the order detail column headings again on the new page. So far I have played around with the Tablix properties and the Static row properties but no matter what I have tried I cannot get the headings to repeat.

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Columns Dissapear In DataGridView?

Jan 5, 2010

I have a simple DataGridView that I fill in with data from a SQL server source. The query is fairly simple and after the grid gets populated I manually add several new columns and then iterate through each row and fill in the columns with appropriate data. all that works well. but now when i click on a column header to arrange the data the data in the columns that were manually added disappears. is that suppose

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Datagridview - How To Disable Columns

Jul 31, 2010

2 of the columns have data added to them separately from 2 textboxes so I want to disable these 2 columns and also have it so that when I tab through the cells the cursor does not enter the disabled columns but goes directly to the next enabled column of the row

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Datagridview Contains 20 Columns And Several Raws?

Apr 22, 2012

i have a datagridview (editable) dataset is bind with datagridview datagridview contains 20 columns and several raws but when i use dataset1.writeXML(location) it writes XML of only first 7 columns and all raws

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DataGridView Is Displayed With Four Columns?

Jul 18, 2010

I am workinng on an aopplication using the DataGridView.My intent is that the DataGridView is displayed with four columns, the user clicks on a row in any column and the complete record for the selected item is displayed and the DataGridViewis no longer in view.

The code to do this is in the event "dgvCollections_CellContentClick" and the function works exactly as I want it to.The problem is that when I want to sort by a specific column I click on the column header and not only does it sort , it calls the 'CellContentClick' event and the details form is displayed, which I do not want to happen.Is there a way around this problem other then using the "dgvCollections_CellContentDoubleClick" event to select the detail? This was what I did as I sterted this project and I found that the double click was very sensitive and often did not work. The single click is much better for the eventual user.

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Formatting Columns Datagridview

Jan 8, 2010

I have formated a column : "N2" but when it is : 1,2 or 1,3 or 2,3 .... then it OK BUT IF IT IS 0,1 OR 0,2 OR 0,.... THEN MY PROGRAM DETERMINE IT IS LETTER BEHIND ZERO , NAMELY THEY ARE 1 OR 2 OR 3.... I want it should be exactly 0,1 or 0,2...

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Get Product Of 2 Columns In A Datagridview?

Jun 7, 2011

I need to get the product of the 2 columns in the same row but my problem is the values of my datagridview come from database and the number for rows is not fixed.

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Multiplying Datagridview Columns?

Jul 15, 2009

(All of this is in a datagridview) i would like to know if it would be possible to say, take Columns 1 and Column 2 and multiply the value of each row and post it to a Column 3 with each row in Column 3 reflecting the multiplied values of the previous 2 columns..

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My Datagridview Is Not Filtering Columns

May 24, 2012

I have a datagridview.I fill my datagridview using csv file. I need to filter it using 2 datetimepickers. The filter must display only the columns which are the start date, range of columns between start date and end date, end date. I give you the code and the screenshots that how my program result must look like. My code is not working here even after click the button1 it not filters. Please can any check this. sorry for bad english.Here are my csv file,code and images. My result must look like image2. here the tportera column must not be filtered. it must remain there.[code]...

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Preserve Columns At DataGridView?

Sep 1, 2011

I�m migrating a project from VB6 to VB.NET 2010 Express. Im replacing msflex grid with datagridview. But i�m not quite familiar with it. Im not using datasource. This will be done (far) latter.

So far i�m filling datagridview by code reading a recordset from mdb. Works fine.

The problem is that, I have defined the columns at visual studio designer mode, without using any code. When I open my mdi child form for the first time it works. But If I close this form and open it again a error occurs because it loses the defined columns.

how to preserve columns defined at design after close de form?

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RE DataGridView - Remove All Columns In .NET?

Mar 26, 2010

My MS-Access database contains 30 "table" files with identical formats (e.g. Composer, Arranger,Lyricist, etc.) and I use a common VB.NET form and DataGridView for displaying and editing any one of the 30 tables. When a user makes a menu choice, the menu program puts the file name and its first field into two global variables and then shows a form that contains an unbound DataGridView. This other form then loads a dataset from the appropriate database table and programatically binds the DataGridView to the DataSet. (I clear the dataset before filling it.)

All goes well and three DataGridView columns are displayed for the first time. However on subsequent operations, the DataGridView retains the columns that were previously generated along with their column headings (but no data) and I get six DataGridView columns. On the third operation I get nine DataGridView columns.

I have unsuccessfully tried to obtain a count of the number of DataGridView columns so that I can remove them from the DataGridView but it always gives me a column count of zero.How can I accomplish the simple task of removing all columns from the DataGridView?


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Remove Datagridview Columns?

Aug 28, 2011

How can I chanage the code below to work with a datagridview:

Public NotInheritable Class DataColumnCollectionExtensions
Private Sub New()
End Sub


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Resize Columns In Datagridview?

Aug 5, 2009

during design time i cannot figure out how to resize the datagridview columns in!

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Set The Width Of Columns In Datagridview?

Oct 21, 2009

I have a datagridview and few testbox. User types in the details into the text box and when pressed enter it adds to the datagridview. Now the question is user will be allowed to save the rows into a text file but it in not saving in a proper format ie i am getting as:

Quantity Name Rate
12 wers 30
2323 ertd 40


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