Display Two Table "subject" And "teacher_subject" In 1 Datagridview?

Mar 27, 2012

Do you have some code that can display two table "subject" and "teacher_subject" in 1 datagridview.

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Control To Display Image / Subject And Description

Jan 1, 2011

I was wondering what control is available that would allow NOTES displayed in list format:
Top Line: small image + title in bold Next line(s): description (multiple lines). I would like the ability to edit the record by clicking the Row, or the Top Line could be a hyperlink.
(Visual Studio 2008 Windows Form app).

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Sql Server :: Display In A Bounded Datagridview A Field From Another Table Related To The Bounded Table?

Jan 20, 2012

i two tables named tblaccess(nID,nRoleID,nModuleID,cAccess) andtblmodule(nModuleID,cModuleName) and i have a datagrid which is bounded to tblaccess. the problem is, I want to display cModuleName from tblmodule instead of nModuleID. please tell me how.

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Display Access Table In Datagridview?

Apr 7, 2010

I have a table in Access called 'tblRealTime' with a few rows of data and I want to display it in a DataGridView object on my form. When I run the program I get no errors but nothing shows up in the datagrid. My code is below:

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
ConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|K0201227Project.accdb;Persist Security Info=False;"


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Display An Access Table With DATAGRIDVIEW

Dec 11, 2009

I am trying to learn my way around VB.NET after working in other languages including VB6.I am trying to display an Access table with a DATAGRIDVIEW. All I get is a blank grid. Can someone help me fix my code? I've been playing with this for a while and don't really know what I'm doing with .NET well enough to find the problem. [code]

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DB/Reporting :: Display Access Table In Datagridview?

Apr 7, 2010

I have a table in Access called 'tblRealTime' with a few rows of data and I want to display it in a DataGridView object on my form. When I run the program I get no errors but nothing shows up in the datagrid. My code is below:

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
ConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|K0201227Project.accdb;Persist Security Info=False;"
SQLStr = "SELECT * FROM tblRealTime"


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DB/Reporting :: Display MS Access Table To DataGridView

May 12, 2009

I have a table I made in MS Access and I want to import/display that table into a DataGridView.I am VERY amateur but I am able to pick apart some code and see what is happening.The thing I know I need is a connection between the two programs but again, have no idea about how to pull it off.I have the free version of VB(2008 Express Edition)

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Display Data Fro Employee Table To DataGridView?

Jan 6, 2010

I'm want to display data fro employee table to DataGridView and i intiate DataGridView and make column BloodType as code bellow


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VS 2005 - Display DataGridView Records And Save To Table

Jun 29, 2010

I managed to displayed records from two tables in one datagridview and the first column being a combobox. Now, I would like to get those records displayed and save it to another table. this what I did.

For i As Integer = 0 To dtgLoad.Rows.Count - 1
Using command As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO tblteachersload (Teacher ,SubjectName) " & _
"VALUES (@Teacher, @Subject)", cnn)
With command.Parameters
.AddWithValue("@Teacher", Me.dtgLoad("Column1", 0).Value)
[Code] ......

I would like to loop through the records of the datagridview and then save the same to a table.

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Display Multiple Table Records In One Datagridview In Visual Basic?

Feb 23, 2012

I am using Visual Basic 2010

i have three tables

Table Names are Students, Customers, Members

fields in Students Table Like Below



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Display Data Stored In A Sql Sever DB Table, The Table Has A Field With 6 Values?

Jul 8, 2009

I currently have this working already for one of my combo box's, but when i try to use the same code i get this error ''There is no row at position 6.'' . The are 2 fields in the table asset_type_id, asset_type_name', im trying to dispaly the values in a combo box for the field 'asset_type_name.

the code for ' Friend Sub RetrieveCustomerInformation2()' works but the other friend sub throws the error.
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data
Imports System
Imports System.Data.OleDb


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Display An Amortization Table To Display The List After Doing The Calculation?

Oct 19, 2009

i have to create a mortgage calculator (I know we have killed this mortgage calculator). Has to display an amortization table to display the list after doing the calculation. Here is the actual assignment:

Write the program in VB.Net (not Web based) and have it accept user input of the amount, term and interest rate. Display the mortgage payment amount. Then, list the loan balance and interest paid for each payment over the term of the loan. The list will be longer than the screen, so use loops to display a partial list, hesitate, and then display more of the list. Insert comments to document the program.

I have created 4 buttons. Calculate, Clear, List, and Exit. The buttons all work, but the list does not. Not sure what i am doing wrong.


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Forms :: WebBrowser Component And Table - Transform This Text Organized As Table Into DataGridView?

Dec 15, 2010

Let's say, I have something like a table in the WebBrowser component, it's not actually a table, because the data organized in flash, but, it's organized like a table, it has like rows and columns. You can see more in the attached file. Can I transform this text organized as table into DataGridView or some another tool that serves as table. like_a_table.JPG

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Show Parent Table And Child Table In Datagridview?

Jun 18, 2009

in DataSet ds I have "tbl1" as parent table and "tbl2" as childtablehow to show both table in datagridview if column id in "tbl1" related to column headerId in "tbl2" ?

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Populate Datagridview Table From Access Table?

Jan 15, 2012

I want to populate my table in datagridview from my access database table

I'm not just trying to bind the table in access to my datagridview...I want to put the data's in my access database to my table in datagridview

so far this is my code.....

Sub filldatagridview()
Dim conn As OleDb.OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(strConnect)


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Display name In Datagridview, Not Id  And Insert Id In Database ,not Display Name?

Sep 12, 2009

i databind combobox with datasource ,set display member=name and value member=id....insert into datagridview and then id value are stored in database that is ok.actualy i want to display name in datagridview, not id and insert id in database ,not display name

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Make A Datagridview Display, Display Last Column?

Mar 26, 2009

I have a datagrdview with a large number of columns, but I want to always display it showing the most right handside data columns, as if the horizontal scroll bar was set to the far right - how do I do this?VB2005 starter

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C# - X509 Certificate With Subject UID?

Apr 3, 2012

I am loading a certificate from string like this:

public static void Test()
byte[] arrayCertificate;


But this certificate doesn't have a "Subject Unique Identifier" Take a look at this:

[URL] (The part of Structure of a certificate)

And I want to know how can I read that value from my .NET code (I looked that I can get SerialNumber, Thumbprints and others but there is no Subject UID anywhere).

If anyone can share an openssl command to include this UID for the certificate :-) (pfx one)

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Select All Mesages But Not If The Subject Id Is The Same?

Feb 10, 2011

i am trying to select all the messages written from a certain from_id but only display the latest message with the same subject id. for example my messaging table looks like this:



each message is created with a unique ID, if the message is in the same message chain i.e. a follow on message the subject id is the same as the message ID. i have the code to select by the current user that's logged in Dim query = From p In db.Messages Select p Where p.From_ID = Userid But i am unsure how to group it by the newest message with the same subject id.

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Datagridview In Application - Datagridview Should Display According To The Windows Screen Size

Nov 2, 2009

Using VB.NET 2008. Am using Datagridview in my application, Datagridview should display according to the windows screen size, Before I used vb6


Private Sub Form_Resize()
On Error Resume Next


Am new to vb.net, How to set a datagridview size according to windows screen size, In Datagridview property itself any option is available or i have to make a code as like vb. If i have to make a code, how to give form_resize in vb.net.

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C# - Getting Subject Line Of E-mail Using WebDAV And .NET

Jul 24, 2009

I am trying to learn more about webDAV and .NET. I have written an app that needs to pull all e-mails from an inbox on the server. I need to load these e-mails into an object that has the following properties:

- From
- To
- Subject
- Body


Is there like a urn:schemas:httpmail:subject or something like that where I can pull the subject line out? this is the way that I have been told to interact with the Exchange server so if anyone can shed any light on how to modify the above code to add a subject node and WHY - I am sure I can figure out how to modify it further to meet my needs.

So just to be clear, my question is this:

How can I modify the above code snippet to also include the subject line of an e-mail pulled off an Exchange server?

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Put A String In An Emails's Subject Line?

Mar 2, 2012

I want to put a string in an emails subject text box.

For eg.

I want "This is Lab flles for test only" to be written into the subject text box of an email on hitting a button.

but again how do I make my program to open up an email?

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VS 2005 Directory Listing W/Subject?

Jan 19, 2010

I have a small program that reads a network drive and produces a simple text file with the names of all documents in the directory - it works great. I need to modify this and add the "subject" property to the listing, such as: DOCUMENT NAME SUBJECT


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Open Outlook With To,cc,subject, Body, Attachment?

Mar 8, 2011

i want to open the outlook from my vb.net application. I want to fill out the To,Subject, Body and Attachment part of mail through my application. here i don't need to send mail . I want to just open the outlook with mail parameter.

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Get Datagridview Table Row When Datagridview Datasource Is DataTable?

Dec 8, 2010

My application must display some data in Datagridview (status of COM ports communication) and i Used .mdb databases before for faster search and Datagridview update. How i understand Datagridview is importing data from DataTable and data in DataTable is imported from .mdb file, so i decided to make shortcut - stop to using .mdb file (data must be erased every time application start and it is useless make .mdb file and erase it every time, becouse it is increasing even when drop is used) and using only DataTable..

I want to row in Datagridview change it color to red when it's Collumn(6).text countains %error% string..

When Error in COM port is starting, i can fast find row in DataTable for that port and write information that Error accured for that port and DataGridview automatically updates:

Dim RRow as () DataRow
RRow = ds.Select("Port = 'COM3')
RRow(0).Item(6) = "Error Opening COM3"

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Forms :: Loop Through And Set Row Color Subject To Status Field

Jul 27, 2010

Below is some code I use to loop through rows in a datagridview and set the row colour subject to a "STATUS" field and also changing font colour and boldness dependant on whether a flag has been set to true.

Is this code optimal / can it be cleaned up somewhat?
Public Sub ColourMyGrid()
Dim varStatus, varBagTemp As Integer
Dim myFont As New Font(grdResults.Font, FontStyle.Bold)
For Each row As DataGridViewRow In Me.grdResults.Rows
varStatus = row.Cells.Item("Status").Value

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How To Make Subject Field Uneditable In MS Outlook While Replying

Feb 16, 2012

I am working on a project in which I have to integrate Ms outlook with it. I am able to send mail but, facing problem when I am trying to send a unique Id with that mail by linking it in subject field so that I can fetch the reply with that unique Id only. But when the user reply me back that subject field become editable and that id may be erased by the user. Can I attach or link any id to ms outlook for sending mail and retrieving mail with same id.

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Subject Size Limit On SMTP MailMessage Class?

Jan 3, 2012

What is the limit on the email subject in MailMessage? It seems to complain around 128 characters?


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Edit JPG File Title, Subject, Comments, And Tags/Keywords?

Feb 3, 2011

How do I edit JPG File Title, Subject, Comments, and Tags/Keyowrds?The Exif information provided was helpful, but in the end did not actually solve the real riddle I was working on. So I'll take another angle at describing the desired result:

I want my VB.NET app to allow me to edit the following details of a Jfile (see image):

Title, Subject, Comments, and Tags/Keyowrds

I had a handy image to include but not enough points to post it. Weak.


Win XP: Select the "Summary Tab" and Look at the "Description" group

Win7/Server 2008R2: "Details Tab" and look at "Description" group

how to edit those fields through VB.net in Visual Studio?

EDIT: The ultimate goal is to use the image viewer/editer that I built, to sort thousands of images of random webjunk I have collected over the years.Upon viewing the image (say "00001.jpg") and figureing out what it is ("ceiling cat sends son" picture of a lol cat), I want to type in the description (already done in the form). When I hit enter I want to rename the file (from "00001.jpg" to "ceiling-cat-sends-son.jpg", then fill in the keywords, title, subject, and comments fields with the same data: "ceiling cat sends son".

local indexing and with my (later) automating a SQL server referential database for use with site wide searches on my website. The ONLY thing I can't seem to figure out is how to modify those four fields as if I had right-clicked the file and added the keywords.

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Open Outlook Message With Prefilled Subject, Attachment And Recipient?

Jun 11, 2012

Im trying to prepare outlook message (with prefilled subject, attachment etc.) and open it for the user in outlook.

Outlook is 2007, Win 7.0.

Problem is, that I cannot instantiate Outlook.Application. Everytime it fall with ActiveX error (cannot create instance) or CLS ID identifier is invalid.

I tried (as reference have outlook 12 and office 12 object library)

Dim objOutlook As New Outlook.Application - CLS ID error
objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") - ActiveX error
objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application", "localhost") - ActiveX error

I found a lot of threads in net, but nothing works for me (always same error on PCs of other developers too).

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