Error Checking And Cleaning Program?

May 5, 2012

I've rearranged the error messages to different spots with no luck. The txt row need to be a number 1 to 10. The txtSeat need to be A,B,C, or D and the txtPassenger shouldn't be left empty.

Public Class Form1
Dim seat(9, 3) As String
Dim waitingList(9) As String
Dim passengerNames(9, 3) As String


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ADVERTISEMENT - Error Handling Using Events, Checking If An Error Happened And React Accordingly?

Sep 8, 2009

I have an object, say Order where if an error occurs, it raises the ErrorOccurred event. If I'm running some code in say, the codebehind for a .aspx page with an public Order registered as WithEvents and I want to check to see if an error has occurred before I run more code, how do I do this? I can't simply check theOrder.ErrorOccurred. Do I have to create a local boolean flag that switches over in the event handler (OnErrorOccurred)?


Public WithEvents theOrder As New Order
Public Sub DoStuff()
If theOrder.ErrorOccurred Then


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.net :: Cleaning Up A String?

Feb 7, 2011

I have the following string which I need to get onto one line for database storage and retrieval purposes:

{"id":8,"heading":"heading goes here","content":"<p>
content goes here</p>


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Cleaning Up If Statements?

Jul 20, 2010

Basically if i wanted my controls to be checked at startup id use a setting obviously

'UI Settings
chkCloseToTray.Checked = My.Settings.CloseToTray
chkAlwaysShowSystemTrayIcon.Checked = My.Settings.AlwaysShowTrayIcon


View 3 Replies - .net - RsData / Cleaning Up Code?

Mar 21, 2012

I have a question regarding and the use of rsData connections to an SQL database.Basically we have a few inline pages that will display course information of courses that my institution runs. The code will connect to an SQL DB and pull through live data directly in the following format.

html += "<tr><td>" & rsData("M_Start") & "</td><td>" & rsData("WEEKS") & "</td><td>" & rsData("DAYSTIME") & "</td></tr>"

Now I was wondering if people would suggest pulling directly from an open DB connection or map the RsData results to strings? All data connections open and close after they have done their required portions and we have around 5 different procedures that occur within the page.

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Cleaning A String And Dots?

Jun 22, 2009

if i have a string like 12.4.23 how can i clean the dots? i want 12423

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Cleaning And Sorting Out Game

Nov 21, 2011

I've been making a game using a Console Application as the main window, for the it. The game requires you to make the right choices in a mini Hacking adventure, but I'm rather stuck in an area where the player is required to enter the name of the file they would send and the program does not recognize the right one, also I was wondering how I could tidy up my code as It seems to be growing at a unnecessary rate.[code]

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Cleaning Up Code With Functions?

Nov 28, 2010

I am just starting out with a practice VB project which involves selling donuts and coffee. I have written out the code which the program works but the code is very messy. This program contains functions and radio buttons to calculate a subtotal, tax, and total due. There are four variety of donuts in Group Box 1 listed as: Glazed at .65 each, Sugar at .65 each, Chocolate at .85 each, and Filled at $1.00.

The coffee choices in Group Box 2 are listed as: None at 0.00, Regular at $1.85, and Capuchino at $2.50 each.I want the cashier to be able to select a radio button to choose between the donut choice in group box 1 and then choose one coffee choice in group box 2. A textbox calculates the subtotal, a textbox calculates a tax of 3%, and a textbox calculates the total due adding the subtotal and tax.

Everything works fine but Ias I said before it is quite messy which I keep making it worst.I need to write one function to calculate the donut, one function to calculate the coffee, and one function to calculate the sales tax. Then I need a sub procedure to clear the subtotal, sales tax, and total due amounts when a radio button is clicked.I have been working on this for the past month ,code I have so far:

Class frmMain
Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click

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Cleaning Up Open Programs

Sep 11, 2009

first, what is the base minimum that windows needs open to run... ex. svchost.exe, explorer, etc.

Second. is there an easier way to close all programs except the ones i want to stay open, i want to keep the needed basics open and my program, which will open other programs, but i want to make sure nothing else is running so that things will go as smoothly and as fast as possible. I just don't want to manually check what processes need killed and place them in the program one by one, i want to kill all but a few.

Extra credit... stopping all unneeded windows services would be nice too, but that would probably be too long of a process to worry about, and not really worth it considering the benefit of speed it would give.

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Cleaning Visual Basic Code?

Jan 6, 2012

however there is a portion in this code that can be simplified more (the if orelse statements). I know it has something to do with a collections class or an array, but I'm stumped on how to change it.

Function GetLastName(ByVal accountName As String) As String
Dim lastName As
Dim stringArray As Array = accountName.Split(" ")


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VS 2008 Cleaning Up A Nested For Each-loop?

Dec 3, 2009

I'm comparing a temporary table to an another table, to check for changes in the cells. The way I'm doing it, is that I'm using three loops; one to loop trough the temporary, one to loop trough the other table and a last one to loop trough each column. Here's the
For Each row As DataRowView In View
For Each drow As DataRowView In view2


"emitid" is the column I use as a reference to be sure that I'm comparing the correct rows, and the column order will always be the same in both tables.

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Checking Of Syntax Error Using VB?

Apr 1, 2009

it is so difficult to handle and code in vb in grammars and creating rules in visual basic. i need help in order to know what are the basic steps in creating this grammars and rules, in checking syntax errors.

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Error Checking On Datagrid

Aug 13, 2009

I need to validate that a user doesn't leave the name field blank when they add a record in a datagrid. See code below that I wrote to accomplish this. It works fine if the code is under the 'saveitem' event. However, I want to check it each time a row has been entered (the user may add several records before clicking on the save button). I tried putting it under the 'Row Leave' event but apparently that event "fires" when you click the add button and throws up the error message immediately. I thought about doing it on 'cell' leave but then could not figure out how to determine which cell column you are leaving in order to check the appripriate field.[code]...

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Checking To See If Another Program Is Running?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a program that when youpress a button it opens another program then after that it opens a 2nd program. How can get my program to check the system processes and wait until the first program closes before the 2nd one runs?

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Program Builded With VB6.0 - Run Uncertain Time - Program Will Crash - Oleaut32.dll Error Message (Error Code: 0x00048f9) In Event Viewer

May 5, 2011

The program has errorhandle and write log function, however, it could not catch the error message in the program.

The following error message in Event Viewer. Error Module: oleaut32.dll ,version 5.1.2600.5512, error code: 0x000048f9

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Reusing And Cleaning Up User.config Files?

Nov 11, 2010

Not sure if this has been asked before (couldn't find an answer), but is there a way to reuse a user.config file from a previous version of the application? For example a user.config file is stored in:

C:UsersJohnnyAppDataLocalCompanyApplicationName.exe_Url_wxcnyrmstqy3oj1qwckdjq3gjqkq4fel1.0.0.0user.config After a new version is installed it gets stored in:

C:UsersJohnnyAppDataLocalCompanyApplicationName.exe_Url_wglmejvw01nagu5t1y5yl12chynjomny1.0.0.1user.config The user then has to enter all settings again, even if the new version does not save more settings. An other problem is that although the user.config file is very small, it does get messy after a while when newer versions of the application get installed. Is there a way to clean up the unused user.config files and their folders?

It's the same problem with System.Windows.Forms.Application.LocalUserAppDataPath, that I'd like to use to save other files (containing Listview data), which points to:

C:UsersJohnnyAppDataLocalCompanyApplication1.0.0.0 The Listview data and other files created by the app can't be used anymore.This can be solved by getting the user's appdata folder with Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) and creating a new folder there with the name of the application. But this means there's one folder where the application is installed (user can choose this folder in the installer), one folder to save my own files to and one folder where VB stores the user.config file.

Can something be done about this "mess" or is this just something I have to live with?

View 2 Replies - Checking For Rows Using Any() Returns Error?

Apr 12, 2012

I have the following function:

Public Function CheckHasRoom(people_id As String, semester As String, year As String)
' Don't let folks already registered for a room register for another.
Dim RoomSelected As String


But it is bugging out at hasroom.Any() saying, "Input string was not in a correct format." Any thoughts on why? This is returning a collection of rows just like where I use this same code elsewhere without issue?

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Error Checking On An Insert Statement

Apr 1, 2012

I am currently trying to make an insert statement that will first check for exceptions before it is sent to the SQL server, I am new to this and would like to know what errors I should be looking out for and also what code should I use to ensure the errors will be caught. [code]This is a continuation of a previous was getting kind of long and the initial issue was resolved so i decided to open a new thread..

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Error Checking On An Insert Statement?

Apr 1, 2012

I am currently trying to make an insert statement that will first check for exceptions before it is sent to the SQL server, I am new to this and would like to know what errors I should be looking out for and also what code should I use to ensure the error will be caught.


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VS 2010 Checking For An Error Before It Happens [TcpListener]

Aug 10, 2011

Basically, in my Tcp Library I'm working on, whenever the system is told to "Stop", the OnClientConnected() Routine fires off, which is only raised under two circumstances: When a Client connects (obviously) When the server is told to shutdown

Now, the first one is handled just fine. But the second one is not. In fact, it has caused me a great deal of headache because it keeps throwing exceptions on this line in particular:

Dim _tcpClient As System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient = _tcpListener.EndAcceptTcpClient(IR)

When I hover over while debugging, I can see a few members that reveal exception data I could utilize; but unfortunately those members are private and I don't want to utilize reflection unless I have to since it could slow down performance where there may not be a real reason to.

I have thought of writing in a Boolean check to see if the server received a shutdown signal and that would indicate that it's time to not accept anything, but I want to avoid that if possible.

Is there any way to see if the TcpListener is no longer accepting connections and has had .Stop() called without reverting to catching the ObjectDisposedException that is raised? (because the Socket that is "accepted" is actually a disposed one)

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VS 2010 Error Checking With List Box?

Jan 24, 2012

I am working on a program that gathers test scores from the user in the form of a list box (array preferably). I need to be able to check the user's entries to validate they are between 0-100. I have tried using If statements with a error message.When the user enters an invalid entry the error messagebox pops up but after selecting ok the program moves on to the next test score.

The GetTestScores procedure gathers the students test scores from the user
Sub GetTestScores(ByRef intTestScores() As Integer)
Dim intCounter As Integer = 0


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Checking If Program Is Running For The First Time

Nov 17, 2009

I'm making a new program so I won't be able to post my code here yet.

But I wanted to ask you fine folk how I can check if a program is running for the first time.


Just start the program normally and when they click the menubar ask for the password they set in the first time

if it's a little iffy on my side but I just started this project and I've only made the GUI and I have no idea what so ever how to do this.

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Checking If A Program Is Closed And Shut Down Computer?

Jul 23, 2009

I'm making a simple app that checks if Windows Media Center is open, if it is open and the program receives the close command from windows, make my application shut down the computer. I was wondering if this was the most efficient way of doing this:


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C# - Excel Range Usage (cell Error Checking)

Mar 4, 2010

I have the following error for every cell: "the number in this cell is formatted as text or preceded by an apostrophe" To duplicate the error: I have to store this results that come from a Web services as strings array: Sample: (3 by 3 array)


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Process Checking Not Working When Program Is Minimized To Tray

Sep 21, 2010

I wrote code for checking whether a particular process (Outlook.exe, in my case) is running or not. It is working fine when the Outlook window is open or minimized. But, when the Outlook is minimized to tray (which on the right side of taskbar), my code is not identifying the process.Could anyone please suggest me a way to get the process of Outlook (or any other program) that is minimized to tray?

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Checking For Duplicate In Listbox Item Turns Out Weird Error

Apr 21, 2011

I'm trying to add a string to a listbox if there is none exact string existed inside, but it turns out a very weird error. Look at this.
On form_load, I have this:
AddHandler Server1.OnUserLoggedIn, AddressOf HandleUser

And then,
Public Sub HandleUser(ByVal username As String)
'Here, you handle adding the text to a text box.
Me.Invoke(New PrintMessageDelegate(AddressOf AddUser), username)
End Sub
[Code] .....

The output is when I connect the first client, it works fine. But, when I try to connect the second client, it prints out three times both the listbox1 item and the txtDisplay. It's like get caught in loop, but I have tried other kind of loops like for each and other string comparison too, still work that way.

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Checking The Return Code Set By A Task / Thread / Process / Program?

Apr 16, 2010

A long time ago, on a PC far, far away from Windows, one MS-DOS program (the father) could run / execute / spawn another MS-DOS program (the son). When the son terminated, it could set a return code which could certainly be interrogated by an MS-DOS batch program or, I think, by any father program that invoked it (depending on the language in which that program was written). I have a small utilility which I want to invoke from my application, and, since that utility sets a return code, I would like to interrogate it in my application when the utility terminates. I've looked through the MSDN Library but could not find anything that seemed to cover this situation. Is there a way to do this in Visual Basic 2008 Express

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Program Use Only Section That's Needed For Current Execution Instead Of Checking Every Argument Every Time?

Dec 6, 2009

FIRST = arguments checked against each other

SECOND = arguments checked against each other but are irregardless of the FIRST arguments.

If (FIRST and (FIRST or (FIRST and FIRST))) OR (SECOND or (SECOND or SECOND or (SECOND and (SECOND or SECOND)))) then As the program processes this line over a million times during the execution, only FIRST or SECOND section is needed during an execution, never both. How do I make the program use only the section that's needed for the current execution instead of checking every argument every time? Is there a way to turn a string into an argument list for an IF...THEN statement? [code]

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VS 2010 - Program Checking The Colour At A Specific Coordinate - Switch Between Windows ?

Apr 16, 2011

Basically what I want to do is create a program that every now and then (maybe 10 minutes) switches between either, all the windows currently open, or a selection of all the windows currently open, then checks the colour of a location on the screen. At the moment I have the program checking the colour at a specific coordinate, so that's all good. The problem I have now is how to switch between windows.

I've thought up a few ways to do this. The windows that I care about checking all have the same name, the same process class, but different process IDs. I already managed to stick all the process IDs into an array of integers hoping that I could use them but I don't have a clue how to bring a window to front using just the process ID. So the first method would work if I could figure out a way to do that.

My second idea, which is a pretty rubbish way of doing it, would be to simply simulate pressing Alt+Tab however many times to change between windows.

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VS 2005 Catch Media Player Error - Checking The Extension Of Each File Before Paying

Jul 13, 2009

I m selecting the folder & playing all the files in the media player, of that folder. As u know folder contains all types of files including text,zip,image & so on. So I want that when URL that is assigned to Media Player is .txt,then i assign any default image from resources. I do not want to check extensions- Currently I m checking the extension of each file before paying but i dont want dat.


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