Errors : Could Not Determine The Dependencies Of The COM Reference "PAGEOBJECTMODELLib"?

Jun 6, 2011

im doing my project and whenever i edit it, i cant see my changes when i debug it, and i always get these frustrating errors:Could not determine the dependencies of the COM reference "PAGEOBJECTMODELLib". Error loading type library/DLL.(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80029C4A (TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY)) WindowsApplication1

Could not determine the dependencies of the COM reference "CRQUERYENGINE". Error loading type library/DLL.(Exception from HRESULT:0x80029C4A (TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY)) WindowsApplication1

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Are The C# Reference Dependencies Different To VB

Oct 22, 2011

Consider we have 3-tier app and have got three projects named P1, P2, P3.

Dependency: P1(Data) << P2(Business Logic) << P3(Presentation)

P2 has got a base class X that was inherited in an other class Y in P2. So, we add the ref P1 to P2. However, P3 uses P2.Y and doesn't use P1.X directly.

To do this we have to add ref P2 to P3. But there is a difference between VB and C#.

In VB, we add ref P2 only to P3. P2 uses P1 but it doesn't matters for P3. We don't need to add ref P1 to P3. This is enough!

But, in C#, we have to add ref P1 and P2 both to P3 even if the P3 doesn't use P1.X . If you don't add ref A to C you get the error below:

The type 'P1.X' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'P1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

Why must we add two projects in C#?

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Errors Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Aug 23, 2011

im sure it is something really simple. Im by no means comfortable with VB. The below code is not mine but i have altered it for my needs. However im getting a couple of errors.

Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference. I have underlined the errors in the code and they all refer to the above description


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Copy A Form Without Getting Duplicate Reference Errors?

Apr 15, 2009

copy a form without getting Duplicate reference errors that you would have to fix.So This is what i did and i felt i should share it now that i figured it out

File > Export Template > Item Template > Select Form To Copy
Solution Explorer > Right Click on project title > Add Item > Select Exported Template > Rename file > Add Item

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DB/Reporting :: Sick Of Object Reference Errors?

Jul 7, 2010

I have an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error that does not make any sense.I have a form with 2 datagrid views, (dgv1) and (dgv2).During the form load, I load the data for dgv1 and dgv2 without any problems. After the form load is complete, I get an error on the follwoing code.


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Application - Reference Quite A Few Pictures And Strings From My.Resources - Error - "There Were Several Build Errors

Feb 24, 2011

I'm making a project for school with a group of classmates. It is an application that needs to reference quite a few pictures and strings from My.Resources. I don't know what the problem is but, whenever I run the program, I get a message that reads this: "There were several build errors. Would you like to continue and run the last successful build?"

And then below in the Output:

----- Build started: Project: Wilkes-Barre Virtual Scavenger hunt, Configuration: Debug x86 ------

COM Reference 'WMPLib' is the interop assembly for ActiveX control 'AxWMPLib' but was marked to be linked by the compiler with the /link flag. This COM reference will be treated as a reference and will not be linked.

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.NET Inheritance With Collections "Object Reference Not Set..." Errors?

Nov 7, 2010

I am constructing a collection of objects, and need to use inheritance on a base class - I have been trying for hours in various ways and can't get this to work whatsoever - the error is always "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." The idea in the example below is that an object is instantiated, and within that lies a collection of Students when I try to access the oDemo.Students(0).Name property the error is raised. Otherwise the object appears to have instantiated OK.Here is the code being used to instantiate and access the class (from ASP.NET).

Dim oDemo As New MyDemo.Students
lblTest.Text = oDemo.Student(0).Name
Here is the sample code from the class library:


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ASP.NET UpdatePanel Timeout And 500 Errors With Custom Errors?

Sep 23, 2011

I have a .net application that uses customerrors web.config module to display meaningful messages for errors. It works without any issues for 500 errors/exceptions caused by non-ajax and ajax components (updatepanel). However, in a scenario where updatepanel's asynchronous request times out, there is no error raised at all. I was able to see the timeout in firebug and come up with a solution that would at least display the error message as an alert and then redirect the user to the 500 error page using javascript but it's not quite doing what the rest of the application does in case of an unhandled errors like these. I basically just want everything to go through "LogEvent" mechanism so based on the severity of the error, it does the necessary work.This 500 error page doesn't have anything in the Server.GetLastError() for these timeout scenarios. Is this an expected behaviour? Can it be changed so I do have access to these timeouts in Server.GetLastError() OR maybe just run this error through "LogEvent" mechanism? Is there a better/more graceful way to handle this issue?

Below is my code to give you an idea, not exactly what I have in my application but pretty close.

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Errors/ErrorUnknown.aspx" redirectMode="ResponseRewrite">
<error statusCode="500" redirect="~/Errors/Error500.aspx" />


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What Dependencies The Client Will Have

Nov 26, 2010

This is my first project and I am curious how am I suppose to know what dependencies will be required by the client. I had them download the .NET framework and that didn't seem to help. How do I know if I need something extra?

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Add External Dependencies .lib File?

Mar 11, 2012

how to add External dependencies .lib file in

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Check If Application Has Any Dependencies?

Aug 28, 2010

Is there any way to check if my application really has any dependencies?

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Working With Dependencies Using Reflection?

Mar 10, 2011

I'm trying to read all dependencies of one dll file in a known path. To do this I'm using reflection as this code shows:

For Each AsmName As AssemblyName In asm.GetReferencedAssemblies()
Log += AsmName.Name & " : " &


All files that starts by IM2_ are the files what i want to get the path.

I've observed that the files wich can't find has PublicKeyToken=null. I've googled by this and it's because I didn't serializaed the classes when were compiled.

The target is get all filepath of all dependencies of a dll file.

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C# - Eliminate These Order Dependencies From Code?

Sep 23, 2009

In ASP.Net Web Forms there are cases that I've come across that create order dependent code. As an obvious code smell I'm looking for solutions to solve this problem.

A pseudo-code example would be: Calling Code :: Page.aspx

protected void Page_Load(...) {
var control = LoadControl("ControlX.ascx");
// Ugly since the control's constructor is not used by LoadControl


LoadControl has two signatures, the one used above accepts a string for the control classes physical location and correctly creates the child controls. Whereas the second signature accepts the control class as a class type, and any parameters for the constructor, however the child controls are not created as detailed in TRULY Understanding Dynamic Controls.

So how can I eliminate this order dependency in the cleanest way? My first thought is that if I dynamically created the child controls in ControlX, but then that can be cumbersome for larger controls.

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C# - Task/activity Precedences/dependencies?

Jul 9, 2010

i am looking for some .net based library/piece of code to implement task/activity scheduling like microsoft project scheduling in following cases...

Finish to Start
Finish to Finish
Start to Finish


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Could Not Load File Or Assembly Or One Of Its Dependencies

Feb 15, 2012

I recently added hsProgressbar.dll to my Program, it worked fine, but then I decided to remove it from my Computer and also remove it from the references...however..the Warning is still there? How can I completely remove it, so that I don't get the error anymore?

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VS 2010 - How To Include Dependencies In Project

Oct 26, 2011

How to include Dependencies in my project made in Visual Basic 2010.

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Add Flash Dependencies (flash10c.ocx) In The Setup File?

Dec 12, 2009

How to add Shockwave Flash Object (flash10c.ocx) reference in windows application.

My application works fine in vs 2005 and also in 2008

But when I try to build setup of the application,

It gives Error

"The following files may have dependencies that cannot be determined automatically. confirm that all dependencies have been added to the project."


But i have already installed flash player and the above file exists.

while registration of flash (Regsvr32 flash10c.ocx) following error occurs

"LoadLibrary("flash10c.ocx") failed - The specified module could not be found"

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Crystal Report Viewer Dependencies In .net 2005?

Apr 22, 2010

I'm facing one problem with crystal report viewer. which is developed .net 2005 as class library.

Registered this dll using Regasm as follow:


Calling method from myCRviewer.dll via referenced this .tlb in VB6.0 working perfectly where ever .net 2005 installed machine. But it is not working if .net 2005 not installed machine.

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Deployment :: Dll Files Require Dependencies To Be Identified?

Nov 22, 2009

I am trying to create a setup deployment file, but some dll files require dependencies to be identified.

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How To Break Dependencies Without Modifying Production Code

Jun 17, 2009

From my initial readings on unit testing it is wise to put all of your setups and tests in a separate project from the code being tested.I've recently begun reading The Art of Unit Testing, trying to discover how to break dependencies on things such as database calls.The methods offered involve changing areas of the test code, such as adding specific interfaces and "stub" methods to the production code.This seems to defeat some of the good things about keeping tests and production code separate.Is there any recommended dependency-breaking technique that doesn't involve changing production code?

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IDE :: Could Not Load File Or Assembly 'sorttbls.nlp' Or One Of Its Dependencies?

Aug 26, 2009

when I start up my lap top I get the message "Could not load file or assembly 'sorttbls.nlp' or one of its dependencies". I use sage act 2008 crm system and it seems to have stopped this working completely. It has also caused windows media player manager to frequently stop working.

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VS 2008 Including .NET Framework Dependencies Manually?

Dec 30, 2009

I need to include my application in a custom Preinstallation Environment I am creating. The problem is that in order to include the framework within my PE would require a ton of extra work plus increase the size by a huge amount.I know that you can use an application like XenoCode to include the framework dependencies, but the cost of their software is pretty high.

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Castle Windsor 3 Beta 1 - ArrayResolver Dependencies Not Injected?

Nov 18, 2011

I'm having an issue with Castle Windsor 3 Beta 1. I'm using the ArrayResolver which has been added to the installer like so:objContainer.Kernel.Resolver.AddSubResolver(New ArrayResolver(objContainer.Kernel, True))

From there I am registering a component and trying to inject an array of IWorkers. The IWorkers have their own dependencies. In the case where only one IWorker is specified, its dependencies are resolved- but when multiple are passed in this does not happen.

This won't work:objContainer.Register(Component.For(Of Services.INotifiableService).ImplementedBy(Of Services.MyService).Named(GetType(Services.MyService).Name).DependsOn(Dependency.OnComponent(GetType(Services.Resolvers.IResolver), GetType(Services.Resolvers.MyResolver).Name), Dependency.OnComponentCollection(Of Services.Workers.IWorker())(GetType(Services.Workers.IWorkerImplementationA),


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Could Not Load File Or Assembly... Or One Of Its Dependencies VB 2010 : Error

Apr 28, 2012

I am trying to code an Auto clicker in visual basic and i am having issues that i believe involve user32.dll..

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Create A Database That Uses Object Dependencies For Five Different Related Tables?

Feb 9, 2011

I have trying to create a database that uses object dependencies for five different related tables.

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Error : Could Not Load File Or Assembly 'WindowsApplication1' Or One Of Its Dependencies

Oct 31, 2010

Error while trying to run project: Could not load file or assembly 'WindowsApplication1' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected ro contain an assembly manifest.

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Error: Component Mscomctl.ocx Or One Of Its Dependencies Not Correctly Registered

Jul 13, 2009

I've been trying to open a program called 'idump'. I've been getting this error message when I try to open the program "Component 'Mscomctl.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid". I also try the instructions but another error message pops up which says,

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Filename Or One Of Its Dependencies, Requires A Later Version Of The .NET Framework But Only In VS2010?

Dec 17, 2010

I can create a brand new empty console app in Visual Studio 2008 and add a reference to c:myfilesCrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Framework.dll and verything works just fine.If I do the same thing with the same file in Visual Studio 2010 (after changing my targeted framework to 3.5), I get the error that "CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Framework.dll or one of its dependencies, requires a later version of the .NET Framework than the one specified in the project." In Visual Studio 2010 it won't work unless I change my targeted framework to 4.0. How is it possible that a DLL could be incompatible with version 3.5 of the framework in VS2010, but compatible in VS 2008?

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Setting Windows Service Dependencies With System.ServiceProcess

Jan 26, 2011

I figured out that i could use Dim serv() As ServiceController = System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.GetServices(".") to get my services.

Now i want to set (change) the depending services for some.

how to use DependentServices.SetValue.

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VS 2008 Could Not Load File Or Assembly 'airGreenClient (aGC)' Or One Of Its Dependencies

Jan 12, 2010

I crate program with Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition. And it works about 2 days. Then it get error:

Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition

Error while trying to run project: Could not load file or assembly 'airGreenClient (aGC)' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.

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