Executenonquery - Executes Successfully But Changes Not Reflected In The Database?

Aug 9, 2008

im using VS2005. and the built-in sql express.when i run my code in debug mode, i can see that the required number of rows are being affected correctly.but when i actually go and see in the table data, the data has not been inserted/updated.i am using sqlcommand. executeNonQuery() to insert/update data.also, i must add that both executeScalar and executeReader are working perfectly.what could be the possible reason for executeNonQuery although showing the number of rows affected but does not actually do it when seen in the table data?int x = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); // X SHOWS 2 OR 3 depending on the number of rows affected.

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Reflected Method From A Loaded Assembly Executes Before Calling Method?

Jun 9, 2009

When I am loading an Assembly dynamically, then calling a method from it, I appear to be getting the method from Assembly executing before the code in the method that is calling it.It does not appear to be executing in a Serial manner as I would expect. Can anyone shine some light on why this might be happening. Below is some code to illustrate what I am seeing, the code from the some.dll assembly calls a method named PerformLookup. For testing I put a similar MessageBox type output with "PerformLookup Time: " as the text. What I end up seeing is:

First: "PerformLookup Time: 40:842"
Second: "initIndex Time: 45:873"
Imports System


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SendKeys And Datagrid - Change Is Not Reflected In The Database

Nov 9, 2011

I have a datagrid that I am saving to a database. If i am currently in a cell and have changed the value of it, but have not exited the cell or pressed enter the change is not reflected in the database. I think what I have to do is either mimic the Enter key or ALT key command on the activecell in the datagrid, I have tried using


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Sql Server - Data Updation Is Not Reflected On The Database In VB 2008

Jan 5, 2012

I am using the following code for inserting data to the database


this inserted data to database when programs is running but if i close the program and start again previous data i have inserted are lost ....why ?

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Data Is Not Saved In Database And So It Executes "Not According To Specification?

Jan 26, 2012

Program works but data is not saved in database and so it executes "Not According to Specification

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Jet Database (ms Access) ExecuteNonQuery?

May 25, 2010

I have this generic routine that I wrote that takes a list of sql strings and executes them against the database. Is there any way I can make this work faster? Typically it'll see maybe 200 inserts or deletes or updates at a time. Sometimes there is a mixture of updates, inserts and deletes. Would it be a good idea to separate the queries by type (i.e. group inserts together, then updates and then deletes)?I am running this against an ms access database and using vb.net 2005.

Public Function ExecuteNonQuery(ByVal sql As List(Of String), ByVal dbConnection as String) As Integer
If sql Is Nothing OrElse sql.Count = 0 Then Return 0


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Delete A Row In An Access Database Table. It Executes With No Errors, But The Row Is Not Deleted?

Jan 13, 2011

I have the following code to delete a row in an Access Database Table. It executes with no errors, but the row is not deleted.

Dim adpMasterRecipe As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim dsMasterRecipe As New System.Data.DataSet
Dim iIndex As Integer[code].....

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Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() Error When Updating To Database?

Apr 23, 2012

I'm trying to update a record in MS Access database with the code below. But it says 'Syntax error in UPDATE statement and highlights cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()'.


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Show Confirmation Msgbox When Data Successfully Inserted Into Database?

Dec 6, 2010

How to Show confirmation msgbox when data is successfully inserted into database using detailsview in asp.net ?

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Getting An Error In The ExecuteNonQuery() Line When Updating A Record In The Database?

Jun 9, 2010

I'm testing my program, which uses an access database, and it works just fine on:

Windows XP with .Net Framework 2.0 sp2
Windows XP with .Net Framework 3.0 sp2
Windows XP with .Net Framework 3.5 sp1

But in Windows 7 with .Net Framework 3.5.1 I'm getting an error in the ExecuteNonQuery() line when updating a record in the database.

The code I use is:

Dim con As OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
Dim cGebruiker, cWachtwoord As String


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.net - Can A .dll Assembly Be Reflected By C#

Mar 30, 2010

I assume because the CLR this wouldn't be an issue?

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Reflection - Running Threading With Reflected Objects?

Sep 25, 2009

Running into problems creating objects through reflection and then running them on multiple threads.

I just cannot seem to figure out what I need to here:

For Each WorkerNode As XmlNode In oRunSettings.GetWorkerValues
orkerName = WorkerNode.Attributes(SETTING_NAME_ID).Value
Dim oWorkerType As Type = Type.GetType(String.Format("Worker.{0}", sWorkerName))
Dim oWorker As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(oWorkerType)


It is causing errors at the "AddressOf" because Object does not have a method called that. Do I need to do something with an interface?

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Break Whenever Any Line Of Code Executes?

Apr 1, 2010

We can reproduce it to the point it happens whenever we click Tab, but short of putting a break point at the beginning of every method in the project to find out what is executing.

Is there a way to set visual studio to break whenever anything executes?

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Events Executes In Current Thread Or In A New One

May 18, 2010

When an event is raised does the handler executes in the same thread as the main program or in another thread?.

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Events Executes In Current Thread Or In A New One?

Dec 1, 2010

When an event is raised does the handler executes in the same thread as the main program or in another thread?

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SQL Proc Executes But Nothing Is Inserted Into The Table?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a vb.net app using plain old ado.net to run a s'proc on the database server. The proc simply inserts a record that contains binary data.When this executes, I can see the exec call on the proc being made from within sql profiler.ado.net claims everything worked, no errors. However, a record isn't inserted. There are no key collisions or anything like that.I copied the query I saw from profiler and ran it directly within management studio. When I run it there, the record is inserted.For whatever reason, sql server and ado.net were conspiring against me. The user account I was attempting to execute the s'proc under did not have execute rights for it. After I set those rights then it was proceeding as normal.Now, the problem I have is that there should have been some type of warning, error, exception, whatever that said "hey, you can't do this" instead of simply saying "Everything is good" But that's a question for Microsoft.

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VS 2010 F8 (stepping)executes Only First DIM Stmt And That's It?

Dec 23, 2010

'global declaration
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "EventList.txt"
Dim PATH_FILE As String = Environment.CurrentDirectory() & "" & FILE_NAME
'end of global declaration


Using F8 to step through all of the code, it gets to this sub, highlites Dim fs and then hit F8 again it just pops up the form, no message boxes - nothing. Other notes: EventList does exist in stated directory.

Any ideas why it wouldn't complete the sub? the first debug line after hit the f8 is: A first chance exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in mscorlib.dll but the file is there

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Successfully Close An Application?

Feb 8, 2010

ive tried everything:


But the program still executes.

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Where Is Last Successfully Run Program Code?

Jun 8, 2009

A problem developed in a program after some changes were performed. It runs the previously good program. Is it possible to get back the good program's code?

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.net - Function That Takes Other Functions As A Parameter And Executes Them

Apr 29, 2010

Is there a way in vb.net to create a sub/function that will take as an argument some kind of pointer to another function, and allow this new sub/function to execute the passed function? What I have are 10-12 xml-rpc functions I am calling against a remote server. Each of these functions has different argument lists (one takes 1 string, another might take 3 strings and one int, etc). All of them return an object.


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Display Picture Box Before Remaining Code Executes?

Jan 20, 2010

I need to be able to make my animatedBarPictureBox display BEFORE my code executes. With my current code it only displays after all the Call statements execute, even tho I have placed it before the Call statements. Do I need some kind of repaint command to display this picture before it updates my bookmarks?[code]...

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Form Must Finish Loading Before The Function Executes?

Apr 6, 2011

I am using Visual Basic 2005. The program I am creating can either bring up a form (with a bunch of buttons, listboxes and a picturebox) and the user can enter file names onto the form OR the user can drag file names from Windows Explorer and drop the names on the program icon to start the program. During the execution of the program, messages are displayed in one of the listboxes.

All this works fine except for part of the drag/drop scenario. When the drag/drop is done, the form is not fully loaded when the code function starts to put out messages. This means the user may not see any of the messages until all is complete. I have tried putting my executable code in the Form1_Shown() and even added a timer to slow things down a little, but nothing seems to work consistently.

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Simple Button That Executes A Shell Command

Oct 24, 2011

I haven't touched VB or Visual Studio in an incredibly long time, so I appologize if this sounds ignorant.

Right now, my application (pictured below) is a simple button that executes a shell command. I was thrilled that I even managed that, but it got me to wondering if my application could execute that command, rather than sending the process to cmd.exe.

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Testing If Code Executes In Debug Mode?

Aug 12, 2009

How can i test that the code executes in debug mode.

Here is what i would like to do in pseudocode
if not debugMode then
Do something()


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Can Successfully Use The Command-line Arguments?

Jul 15, 2011

I can successfully use the command-line arguments by the code below


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Data Was Not Saved Into Datasource Successfully?

Dec 8, 2011

creating an application using VB 2010 Express. i found data I entered into table were not saved (after I clicked"Save" button)successfully into Microsoft access file which I had added successfully as datasource.These are the codes:



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Datagridview Insert Successfully Message?

Feb 8, 2012

I am uploading an excel data to display in a datagridview and when i click on an update button it updates the database.but I want a code that will look up a column and get a value then display in a message box like "Data uploaded successfully for @ChurchID"where @Churchid is a column in the excel sheet but the id is the same but unique for every excel sheet upload If the upload is not successfull then it should give a failed message for that @churchID


Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To (Me.DataGridView1.RowCount - 1) - 1
Dim Connection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source=C:Documents and Settingsmichael.marteyMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsmyRegistermyRegisterinDebugChurchesRegister.mdb")


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Error: Operation Completed Successfully?

Oct 19, 2009

I made an icon for my program and tried to implement it.Funniest thing though, I get a message with the error icon saying the operation completed successfully.But the icon doesn't change, nor is it my icon drop down box when I click the arrow. Ergo, it didn't complete successfully....I am using ASP.NET 2.0 and have read some about this error but I don't see any fixes I can do, aside from what I've tried already.

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Transfer A Form Successfully From One Project To Another?

Feb 28, 2010

How can i transfer a form successfully from one project to another without messing anything up ?

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Why Timer Wont Successfully Execute Sub

Feb 29, 2012

The problem is when I do through through a push button, it works fine, the file is captured, processed and clicking the button calls StartRecord() to start a new recording which enables the timer to look for the silent period but does not rely on the timer to restart the recording after processing - no issues I can do this over and over without a problem.Having it automated through a timer control it fails, after the first recording the timer should restart the recording by calling StartRecord() again but I get an error "The specified device handle is invalid". I thought maybe it was all happening too fast so I tried sleeping in between the restart for up to a full minute with no change, I removed the ProcessSpeech() sub routine from the timer and just had it record, and sleep for a minute then restart and still fail with same error. I can do the manual button start much faster than a minute with no issue.

Private Sub StartRecord()
Dim fileName As String = "c: est.wav"
Dim stream As Stream = Nothing


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