Fill A Webpage In Using GetElementById?

Dec 24, 2011

I'm trying to fill a webpage in using GetElementById

Basically, the problem I'm having is that there are two textboxes that have the same name, and because of the way GetElementById works, it inputs the first textbox instead of the second (Which I'm trying to input)

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VS 2008 - Document.getElementById - Take Values & Innerhtml From Some Elements On A Webpage

Sep 8, 2009

I want to make an application that takes values & innerhtml from some elements on a webpage i made. For that i added a webbrowser to the project, and pointed it to navigate to my localhost server where i have some pages. However when i use the document.getelementbyid i don't get nothing on my richtextbox, and i don't know why, i use this function lot in javascript & i think its quite similar, so i don't know why it doesn't work , here is the code i use.


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Use To Fill Out A Form On A Webpage Automatically?

Feb 26, 2010

just looking for more information really as tutorials on the net seem to be lacking on this one. What would you use to fill out a form on a web page automatically? what syntax?

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VS 2010 Fill Combobox In A Webpage?

Jan 19, 2012

this is the code in the webpage:

<select id="topic_id1" class="createSelect" tabindex="3" title="Choose a topic (the best that fits)" name="topics[]">
<option value="">Choose a topic (the best that fits)</option>
<option selected="selected" value="5887581">Arts & Design</option>
<option value="5887601">Books, Poetry & Writing</option>
<option value="5887571">Business & Work</option>


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VS 2008 : Fill Data Into A Webpage And Submit It?

Mar 3, 2010

auto filling data into webpages. I need to write a server side application mostly a console host app that makes some queries to the SQL Server database and gets a list of lets say students and their grades.There is a third party website that gets updated at the moment some peoples working and filling that data manually.

I need to write a program that will basically open that webpage, login if required, navigate to certain page, click on certain tab, fill the data and hit the submit button. I don't think this part is that hard but the trouble comes with a client side dialog box. At the moment there is a client side dialogbox that shows up when you hit the submit button confirming the action and I need to press OK on that automatically.

I am allowed to write a windows application if not a console application and also use the web browser control to load the webpage rather than opening and interacting with the browser. If this makes it easier than so be it.

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Check When Webpage Loaded And Fill In Form Within Loop

May 31, 2011

I am making this program that has a loop that goes to a website and fills in a form within the loop. But first, here is my code thus far

Dim message As String = TextBox3.Text
Dim loopnumber As Integer = TextBox4.Text 'makes the necessary variables
Dim browser As New WebBrowser
Dim url As String
[Code] .....

But what happens is that the loop runs a few times then it errors on the setattribute line (line 19 above) with
NullRefrenceException was unhandled
And I have a feeling that it is not loading the page fully before it tries to fill in the form.

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Make Web Browser Auto-fill In User Name Field In Webpage Window On Load?

Dec 3, 2009

I have some values in the registry to set the user name, I also have a web browser, How would i make the web browser auto fill in the user name field in the web page window on load?

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GetElementById Innertext?

Aug 11, 2011

Okay so this is my html line with the ID: <id="accounttype" class=inline-block"><strong><?=$_SESSION['accounttype']?></strong><br>this is what it grabs

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How To Ignore Unfound GetElementByID

Feb 15, 2012

When I run my program if finds fields fill's them in and submits, but sometimes the page does not have them fields and I just want it to skip them if not found so it continues otherwise it crashes.

My e.g field:
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("subject").SetAttribute("value", TextBox3.Text)

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How To Use XmlDocument.GetElementById Method

Jan 8, 2010

How can i use XmlDocument.GetElementById method? It is always return Nothing

Private mXmlDoc As XmlDocument
Public Sub Read(ByVal strFileName As String)


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Use XML Data In Window Form GetElementbyId?

Apr 21, 2010

At the moment im pulling the xml down and writing it to a file. Im then reading this file with an xmltextreader and displaying the data.

The problem i have is that i dont seem to be able to figure out how to do something similar to "getelementbyid("name")"

I am having to list all the elements for the reader in order, and cant seem to skip to a particular one, this is quite a large xml chunk, and if possible id like to skip bits out i dont need, or need yet.[code]...

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Using GetElementById When The Target Element Doesn't Have An ID

Sep 19, 2011

ok, so i want to invoke a click on this element

<div class="round spacer listTitle" onclick="Travian.Game.RaidList.toggleList(5101);">

however, this doesn't have an ID so i can't simply use GetElementById. if i were in JS i would use a 'GetElementsByClassName' and then set an index to find the element i want to use but i am not sure if has such a function so i thought about trying to call its parent element which does have an Id but this does nothing.


i have also tried using the 'GetElemenetsByTagName' (i actually was using this thinking it was a GetElementsByClassName which is probably why it didn't work, whoops) so i was thinking about using GetElementById to locate the parent element, list5101, and then if possible find the child node i want and triggering it like that. or maybe i could just call the javascript function outright ?

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Clicking A Button Via Webbrowser1.document.getelementbyid?

Sep 20, 2010

stuck on this one basically, im trying to navigate from one page to another iv looked though the HTML code found the input_id and .invokemember("Click")

the line of code i used was WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_btnNext").InvokeMember("click")


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Table Row Count And Contents In HTML Using GetelementByID?

Mar 2, 2009

I'm trying to write a Function that retrieves the number of rows within a particular table on a HTML page. The table doesn't appear to have a name rather has been allocated a class called "messagelist"What I'm trying to do is have the code that will read my email messages in my web mail account andreport to me when its finished. I'm able to log on and access my inbox but are struggling from here on in.

<tr class="control"><td colspan="6"><form method="post" name="messages" action="/horde/imp/mailbox.php?nocache=asdash635"><table class="messageList" cellspacing="1"><tr class="item">I CANT SEEM TO FIND A TABLE NAME --Can I use table class?All the ROWS are coded...<tr id="row42290" class="unseen"> <td> <input id="check42290" type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="indices[]"


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WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById Doesnt Exist?

Jul 19, 2009

I have a working code that works if the element id exists, but what happens when it doesn't. It stops the code read from where it doesn't exist. I don't receieve any errors,. I have tried:

If WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("displayAge") = "" Then <---this doesn't work, needs to check if Element exists if not then exits, if does then it gets attribute


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Javascript Error: '' Is Null Or Not An Object?

Sep 8, 2011

I am getting a javascript error when I attempt to click on my calendar control.

The html code is:
<td align="left" style="width:50%;"><asp:Label runat="server" CssClass="TextFontBold" ID="lblStartDate" Text="Start Date:"></asp:Label>


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VS 2008 Fetching Data By Getelementbyid Using Httpwebresponse And Httpwebrequest Method?

Dec 22, 2010

I have been used getelmentbyid in past in vb6 using webbrowser control and internetexplorer instance But in i tried to fetch webpge using the httpwebresponse Which gives the html / source in the form of sting Is it possible to fetching data by getelementbyid using httpwebresponse and httpwebrequest method ?

View 11 Replies - Microsoft JScript Runtime Error: 'document.getElementById(...)' Is Null Or Not An Object

Aug 17, 2011

I am getting this error when I call a javascript function to display a modal window:

Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'document.getElementById(...)' is null or not an object

The code block is:

else if (action=="officeview") {

The object is this situation, does exist. Error is caused at: document.getElementById line.What else could be causing the error?

Update:Index.aspx is calling the javascript function which is located in sysUtilities.js file. The source file is yet a seperate page (ChangeView.aspx)

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Url - Open Webpage (or Snapshot Of Webpage) Into Another Webpage

Mar 10, 2010

i have an aspx page with back end. in that page i get names and url's from the database depending on different conditions. My requirement is that when i get the url, the code should then use that url and have that webpage in a small preview form on my existing aspx page. so basically i have a table as follows -


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VB - Put The Player On The Webpage And Put The Webpage On The Sever It Cant Play The Video ?

Jan 13, 2009

I making a webpage with the help visual basic. I wanted to put a flv video in it and i used flash control for [URL]. I made the player in flash told it to download the video from the sever. Now when i put the player on the webpage and put the webpage on the sever it cant play the video. But when i just pres the the player which is in swf format it works. It can download the video. But when i put the player on my webpage it cant.

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Make Webbrowser1.getelementbyid("ID")=textbox1.text?

Mar 22, 2011

the code on the page: <div id="currentactivity"> Last seen 47 minutes ago playing db: raging blast <div>

what im trying to achieve is to make textbox1.text = the current activity so that would be (Last seen 47 minutes ago playing db: raging blast)

ex1)webbrowser1.getelementbyid("currentactivity") = textbox1.text
ex2)webbrowser1.getelementbyid("currentactivity").text = textbox1.text
something like that

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Fill Datagridview Or Fill Listbox?

Sep 23, 2009

I just want to display data of a single column from an oracle table into a datagridview or a listbox for readonly with no requirements to make changes to it. Simply display the information.What is the best way forward... To used DATAADAPTER or DATAREADER.s DATAGRIDVIEW SLOWER TO FILL THAN a LISTBOX.i am using the following code to fill datatgridview but for some odd reasons at time it is slow to display the data. I want to use listbox instead

Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim adp As OracleDataAdapter
adp = New OracleDataAdapter("select customer_name from customers")


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Convert An ASP Classic Webpage Into An ASP.NET Webpage?

May 6, 2009

Duplicate:good references or tools available for converting from ASP to ASP.NET?How i can convert an ASP Classic webpage into an ASP.NET webpage?

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Can`t Use WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("Submit").InvokeMember("click")?

Feb 4, 2012

my problem:

HTML source
...<input type="submit" value="buy" name="Submit"/>...

I can`t use WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("Submit").InvokeMember("click") because in this page is more than one form with name="Submit".

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Make A Database Fill It With Tables And Then Fill Tables

Aug 14, 2009

I am trying to make a database, fill it with tables and then fill the tables. I am having problems connecting to the server and am really not sure why. I have posted this thread in two areas of this site because I was not sure what was the best area to put it in. [code]

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Click On Image - WebBrowser1.document.GetElementById("imageid").InvokeMember("click")

Aug 29, 2009

<p><a href="library.php"><img src="images/choose-library.jpg" alt="Choose from the PrankDialer library" width="450" height="175" border="0" title="Our selection of pranks is constantly growing" /></a></p>

That's the code for it but i can't figure out how to make it click it. Usually I'd go with this:


But it won't work in this situation

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Any Way To Fill Two Variables Within One?

Sep 30, 2009

I got a problem dealing with variables: I would like in an if-then-else following
If FZ1_KaskoTextBox.Text = 1 And Grundwert_Kasko <= 10000 And FZ1_BMComboBox.Text = 9 Then PraemieKasko_KFZ1_Var1 = 169.33 And PraemieKasko_KFZ1_Var2 = 169.33 Else
But the variables don't get filled?! is there any possibility to fill two variables within one "then" ...

View 5 Replies - Dropdown Does Not Fill From BLL

Nov 26, 2011

I want to fill a dropdown in the pageload by using a BLL and DAL class. This is the code

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
dropBrand.DataSource = BLLManufacturer.selectManufacturers()


The first dropdown fills up with brands as it is supposed to do, but the second does not. The second dropdown needs to show car models by the chosen brand in the first dropdown. However the dropBrand.SelectedValue always returns 0 whatever brand I select. Without the convert toint16 it doesnt work either nor with convert toint32 or toint64.

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Can't Fill A DataTable

Jan 6, 2012

I can't seem to get a DataTable filled.url...I'm using VB, Visual Studio 2010.I keep getting an error on this line: adapter.Fill(dt)The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object 'Book1.txt'.Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.The name of the file and the path should be perfectly fine, although i did change the code just a bit:[code]I read somewhere that you have to 'drag a data adapter object from the Toolbox onto a form or component'.I don't have a DataAdapter in my Toolbox.I did a right-click and selected 'Choose Items.It is nowhere on the .NET Framework Components.

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Fill Connectioninfo In Vb?

Jul 18, 2012

i was trying to fill my conninfo to apply it to repdocument

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