Find External IP Address - (internet)

Dec 5, 2008

I'm using VB.NET 2003 Application program. i need to get External IP Address (internet). i searched internet and found come codes and tried that...i tried this code... but it returned my internal IP Address...


And i tried this code too...


But its always returns ( instead of (m.Success). so i'm not able to get External Ip address.

Using command window - Immediate, i get values for "r" and "m". and m.success = false...


I don't have fire wall setup in my machine. and i have internet access too...anything wrong in that code.. or anything i'm missing... if anyone have any idea how to find out the External Ip Address.

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VS 2010 How To Find Out ISP From External IP Address

Jul 26, 2011

Does anyone know how I could get my app to show the ISP of the machine it is running on, I can get internal and external IP addresses, just need to know if possible and how to look up ISP from this information

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VS 2010 Temporary Internet Files - Get The Internet Address Property?

Jan 31, 2011

I've been looking for a way to do this for like two days now, and no luck.

What I want to do is get into the temporary internet files, find a certain file....

(^^^ I can do that just fine (using specialfolders, etc) ^^^)

and get the internet address associated with it.

See the attachment if you don't get my meaning.

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How To Get External IP Address

Apr 1, 2012

I want to develop a function that will return the external [public] IP from my router.
Not the Internal [local] IP, something like 192.168.1.X.
But something like this 216.XXX.XXX.XXX

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Detecting External IP Address?

Aug 13, 2005

How can I detect the External IP Address of machine which is running my Application. By External IP address means that IP Address through which PC running my Application is accessible through Internet. and not the local IP Address .

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Identify ISP From External IP Address?

Jul 25, 2011

Does anyone know how I could get my app to show the ISP of the machine it is running on, I can get internal and external IP addresses, just need to know if possible and how to look up ISP from this information[url]...

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Get Local And External IP Address To Display In App

Jul 24, 2011

Need to get local and external IP address to display in my app, but then if possible somehow lookup the ISP using the external IP address got following code to get hostname and local IP address, but it is showing IPv6 address when I would prefer the IPv4 one


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Socket Can't Connect External IP Address

Apr 9, 2012

I started to setup a Server and a Client for personal purpose. When I try to connect the Server by a computer inside a shared network, with local IPs, works but when I try to connect an external IP, doesn't work.[code]

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Inet1.OpenURL - Obtain External Ip Address?

May 14, 2011

I found this code online on how to obtain my external ip address


but i get a blue line under Inet1

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Use The Address Bar To Send Commands To External Application?

Oct 3, 2009

How can i use the address bar to send commands to a external application?


AOL Instant Messenger -

I havent used this application in a long time. But i remembered if you wanted to add a friend to AIM from their online profile it directed them to a link such as:


and AIM would pick this up and add it the contactID to the application. The link i posted is more than likely not the correct link they use but it shows what im trying to accomplish.

Im looking to achieve something along the lines of:


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Fill A Web Form On An External Internet Explorer Browser?

Feb 14, 2011

I have a page open on Internet Explorer, the site uses the Server.Redirect method which basically keeps the page reading "" even when you move to different pages.. so with that said I really can't load it within a web browser on my form application.

I need to auto fill out the fields on an external Internet Explorer, not really in need of actually processing the page.

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Connecting To A Remote SQL Server Via (Internet) IP Address

Feb 10, 2010

i need to know what will it take for me to access, insert, update and delete data to a database on a remote SQL Server. I already made some configurations to the SQL Server 2005 that I want to access by following the steps coming from this link -> [URL]. But somehow I am still getting an error. My primary concern is "What connection string should I use on my client VB.NET application to connect to the remote SQL Server?" Since I will be connecting to the SQL Server via Internet and not by LAN, I am wondering which IP Address and Port am i going to put on the 'connection string'? How can i get my 'TRUE' Ip address? Or is there any other way to go through with this? It will be very helpful if you could share your insights and knowledge. Here's my sample connection string:


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FTP Upload Overwrite Existing File / Internet IP Address Query

Jun 27, 2011

I have a text file that needs to be uploaded to a ftp , however it needs to overwrite any existing file with that name.the filename will never change but data inside does, thats why we need to upload it to provide the most current data.filename = rawdata.txt..I have a basic form with a timer or button to send the file, I just need the code. In the mean time im messing with my last post code to see if there is a way to modify it to upload files but not having much luck.You Know Your Addicted To Computers When - Your main computer is a 7 terabyte, Core2Quad 3 Ghz +, with 4 or more gigs ram, over 200 programs installed, and you would rather sit with it programming than go to the movies!I've got 13 PC's in the House and 7 are in my bedroom and my main one exceeds this set of stats. Does anyone know a good psychologist?

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VS 2008 - Change MAC Address And Clear Internet Explorer's Cookies Using VB?

Mar 13, 2010

1. Is it possible to change your MAC Address using VB?

2. How do I clear Internet Explorer's Cookies via VB?

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Find The Notes On The Internet?

Oct 7, 2009

Where can i find the following notes on the internet (MIDDLE) C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C,D C #, A G #, A B#, G F# ????? ITS FOR A PIANO im making for school, ON SCREEN :) ADDITIONAL NOTES:DOWNLOADALE I like..... Understandable Answers 1 2 3 4 5 - - - - Rate yourself And Have A Kitkat 5 5 5 5 5?

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Find Remote MAC Address?

May 3, 2012

I need to find the mac address of a remote pc on our lan to enable me to execute a wake up WOL the, PC will be switched off is this possible ?

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Find The Default Internet Browser?

Sep 9, 2009

How would I find the default internet browser like IE, Or Firefox on any computer?

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VS 2008 Find External Window, Object Text?

Aug 5, 2011

i have an external form, and it has a label, which his name is: Static62 how do i read the label into my program?

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[2005] Find Replace External Comp Error

May 2, 2006

My code worked find until new .NET(?).Using word interop code (Word 2003) to make word do a mail merge via VB.NET code. I need to search and replace some string. Now this has worked fine before but now whenever the code reaches assigning the string value to the .Selection.Find.Text or .Selection.Find.Replacement.Text it stops dead with SEHexception external component causing error - see full error below.


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Find And Display MAC Address From .TXT File?

Jan 28, 2012

This file i have have created by using dos cmd i.e. "ipconfig /all >> d:mac.txt".

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Find The Local Network Ip Address?

Jul 26, 2011

I have a .net network application , and as part of improving the performance of the software i would like to find the shortest route to the server . When i have more than one network , i need to find the local network ip from these current ip list .

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VS 2008 Find Out Local IP Address?

Jul 15, 2009

I need to find out the local IP address of my computer. I made this function which seems to do it decently but I was wondering if there are any better ways of doing it.

Function GetLocalIP() As System.Net.IPAddress
Dim localIP() As System.Net.IPAddress = System.Net.Dns.GetHostAddresses(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName)


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Building URL To Find Address Using Bing Maps

Oct 13, 2011

I have a button in my visual basic application that finds an address on a Bing map. It then launches the browser, passing the address of the property on the URL. Used to work just fine, but it doesn seem to work anymore and I don't know why. For example, if I cut/paste the following URL into my browser, bing maps comes up but does nothing.


However, when I bring up bing maps and cut/past just the address into the search box, if finds the parcel. if an address can still be passed on the URL?

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Communications :: Find Device On Network By Its Mac Address?

Feb 6, 2009

I have a small embedded web server and to setup its network parameters I use a serial port, however this is giving me a lot of trouble due to USB to serial adapters (in some computers work in other doesn't).

However the other day I saw that Buffalo has a little program to find their NAS boxes (or network drives) when you don't know their IP address or got the wrong one so I assume they do it by looking for mac addresses.Is there any way of doing this with VB 2005 or higher? Basically I don't know the IP of the embedded server so I need to find it on a network, how do I find it?

a) I could do a general IP scan assuming it is on the same subnet than the host computer
b) if it has a different subnet... a general IP scan is not going to work, is it?

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VS 2010 - How To Find Correct Memory Address?

May 22, 2011

Lately I have been making a program (I guess you could call it a trainer), which would read the process memory to get the character's coordinates in a game. It later makes a simple map and show it in a separate windows. I built this program in, and it works surprisingly well. The only problem is the fact that the memory address where the coordinates are stored, changes every time I restart the game. Could someone please help me find a way, for the program to find the correct address by itself? If it helps, the game I am referring to is Minecraft.

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C# - Find Through Which Network Device User Is Connected To Internet?

Apr 1, 2011

Using the code below i will get all network interfaces wich are enabled and functional on the machine.

Private netIntrfc As NetworkInterface() = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()
For i As Integer = 0 To netIntrfc.Length - 1
If netIntrfc(i).OperationalStatus = OperationalStatus.Up Then


But my problem is how to get the default one, the one(ethernet adapter) through wich user is connected to internet?I need to change some settings of default(through wich user is connected to internet) adapter. settings i change through registry so i could sample add same settings for each network interface but that could cause problems and makes no point then?

EDITED:for now i have done like code below, so if this can help someone other...

Dim u As UdpClient = New UdpClient(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName, 1)
Dim localAddr As IPAddress = CType(u.Client.LocalEndPoint, IPEndPoint).Address
Private netIntrfc As NetworkInterface() = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()


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Communications :: [VB2008] Find The IP Address Of A Game Server

Mar 17, 2009

I whould like to find the IP address of a game server that sends UDP packets to my PC. Of this server I know the fixed Port number, but not the IP address

I can read the netstat -anp udp data and store them in a text file... but this command don't displais the IP Address and the Port number of the external servers, only lots of asterisks

the question is: how to retrieve this IP address?

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Button To Find A Local Directory - Select It And Then Add The Address To A Textbox

Feb 3, 2012

In html it's easy to get a button to get an file on your local hard drive but I can't seem to find or remember how to do it for a VB application (using Visual Basic 2010). What I would like is for the button to find a local directory, select it and then add the address to a textbox.

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Forms :: Visual Basic Code To Find SMTP Address?

Jan 12, 2011

Is there a way i can write this into a command button?

In a CMD Prompt if you type:
set type=mx
set timeout=30

it will give you the outgoing mail server address is there a way i can write that into a command button and display the results into a textbox?

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IP Address Filter Or Mask To Only Allow Valid IP Address Before Pinging Or Testing For Network Connection

Jul 6, 2011

Are there any IP Address filters or masks available in Windows Forms as per following screenshot? A backslash shouldn't be allowed or it should be filtered somehow.

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