VS 2010 - How To Find Correct Memory Address?
May 22, 2011
Lately I have been making a program (I guess you could call it a trainer), which would read the process memory to get the character's coordinates in a game. It later makes a simple map and show it in a separate windows. I built this program in VB.net, and it works surprisingly well. The only problem is the fact that the memory address where the coordinates are stored, changes every time I restart the game. Could someone please help me find a way, for the program to find the correct address by itself? If it helps, the game I am referring to is Minecraft.
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Nov 5, 2011
I want to know on how to scan for the memory address by using its value.I am developing a small app that acts like a advance process viewer that shows all the address with the same values in a program.....
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Aug 28, 2010
Im on the final phase of my bot which is to click a submit button.
Name of image is "btn_submit_info_174x28_normal.gif"
Here is the source that should contain that button:
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Jul 26, 2011
Does anyone know how I could get my app to show the ISP of the machine it is running on, I can get internal and external IP addresses, just need to know if possible and how to look up ISP from this information
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Dec 7, 2011
I have a small app, that takes items in a listbox, and loops through them..Ive noticed that the memory usage just keeps getting higher and higher and higher until it crashes, how can i track where its no relasesing the memory?I am using the web browser control, and anytime i go to a new page, the memory useage goes up, and stays up..All other loops i have wont make the memory usage go up, only when i use the web browser.
View 4 Replies
Mar 19, 2012
I've ported an old piece of unmanaged code that used Crypto API to 100% managed .NET code. The code used DES algorithm, and had to maintain it for several reasons. Since the CryptoAPITransform instances got from the CreateDecryptor and CreateEncryptor methods are marked as reusable, I thought of just creating an instance of them and use them whenever needed.
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Aug 4, 2010
Using this
TxtBox = New TextBox()
With TxtBox
.Name = "T" & reader("area").ToString
.Visible = True
The name would come out like "T3" Now I want to put a value into that textbox.How can I address the correct Textbox?
View 8 Replies
May 1, 2012
How is this possible?
For example, the following address: "00775BD7" shows
How HP has a player in the game Counter Strike 1.6
So how do I get the value?
If it is not clear;
I want to read only
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May 22, 2009
What's the best way to monitor a specific address in memory? And is it possible in theory to block a certain address being written to?
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May 4, 2009
I'm trying to pass a business object from one WinForm to another WinForm for modification, and then repopulate the text boxes, etc. on the first form with the updated values.However, it seems that the object values set in the second form are not "sticking" when the code control returns to the first form.Is there a way to view the memory location of an object in VB.NET? I want to first make sure that the object variable on the second form is pointing to the same memory address as the object on the first form. Then I can take it from there.
In a separate VB project, I passed a simple object to a second form, modified the values, and re-displayed the object's values on the first form. It worked fine. In my real app, I'm passing an object that is a property of another object, which may be why it isn't working.SOLUTION: The problem was that I was using a DeepCopy() function that I found to simplify copying the properties of one object to another. Removing that function and manually setting the values to the passed object on the second form (ex. obj.property1
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May 9, 2010
read and write on other process float memory address w/ pointers and offsets
i do have a module well it works with 4bye and long but for some reason it doesnt work with float address
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Mar 15, 2011
I am experimenting with more effective ways to generate forms. My experiments goes into the possibility to link strings, and other types, directly by their class reference and use it to update the original values without any strongly typed code.
I have been using GCHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject to get the memory address of the string, but it gives the the memory address of the string data, not the string class/reference that i need to change to allow me to use this approach.I am aware that strings are immutable and can not be changed (Actualy, you can, but its not recomended), but I do not want to change the actual strings, but change the reference to it (the string object).Is there some other way to get the address of a string object reference?
View 2 Replies
Jun 22, 2009
I need to make a program for my school (I`m the principal), that reads the text in the memory address of the program and write it down in a txt. I already have the address numbers. For more information, I use VS 2008.
I was trying to make one code to get the memory address. So, after I succeed this, I'll make the correct program.
The code I made(adapted from [URL] returning-0 ):
Public Class Form1
Private Declare Function ReadProcessMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Integer, ByVal lpBaseAddress As Integer, ByRef lpBuffer As Single, ByVal nSize As Integer, ByRef lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Integer) As Integer
View 1 Replies
Jun 20, 2009
I need to make a program for my school (I`m the principal), that reads the text in the memory address of the program and write it down in a txt. I couldn`t find a professional here in my city so, I already have the address numbers. For more information, I use VS 2008. I was trying to make one code to get the memory address, and after I succeed this, I'll make the correct program.
1. It only gets the first 4 bytes(is it?) of the memory address. I want it to get all of them.
2. I haven't discovered how to convert each byte(?) into a character. Is there a function for this?
3. When the program runs, after clicking ok on the MsgBox, it highlights the Next and debuggs:
Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
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Dec 31, 2009
I'm basically reading a memory address of Notepad using a module I got from a example... Then I'm displaying the text value of the memory address in a MsgBox. Everything goes well, I'm able to retrieve the text value and everything, but this happens.Lets say the value of the memory address is "Notepad". When the MsgBox comes up, it comes up a lot of times, displaying it like this...
1st MsgBox displays "N"
2nd MsgBox displays "No"
3rd "Not"
4th "Note"
and so on...
Here's my code, Module first, then Form1 code.
[Code] .....
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May 30, 2010
Ive basically got 2 problems I need to solve.1) I am trying to determine if a certain process is running on the user's machine at the same time as my program.2) I am also then,if the process is running, trying to edit a specific memory addresses value. I have already found the memory addresses for the program, but how do I tell VB.Net to basically read the current value stored in that memory address, and then write a new value to that address
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Jun 7, 2010
Is there a way to get my own process' memory range? For example, I want to read all memory of my own process:
But I always get an AccessViolationException, because, of course, I'm using IntPtr.Zero instread of my own address and 1000 instead of my own memory size. Is there a way to get these?
View 26 Replies
May 21, 2009
searching through memory at a given address range, and match a string of bytes specified i.e.
FindArrayOfBytes(Byval str as String, Byval range_start As Integer, Byval range_end as Integer) As Integer
The function should return the address start of where the array of bytes was found.
View 7 Replies
Jan 14, 2009
I have got some code that is working as i have edited the game.exe at a certain address, now i know the code can find the address, but I don't know how to make it stop searching for it if it isn't there.
here is the:
So what I want to know, is how to stop this code, if the address doesn't exist.
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Mar 3, 2012
I need your help to find the right pattern to extract a string that i need.. The problem is that i have to extract all there is between this caracters:<a href="/url?q=(text to extract whatever it is)& I tried this pattern, but it's not working for me! : /(?<=url\?q=).*?(?=&)/
i'm programming in Vb.net, this is the code, but i think that the problem is that the pattern is wrong:
Dim matches As MatchCollection
matches = regex.Matches(TextBox1.Text)
For Each Match As Match In matches
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Sep 29, 2011
I'm trying to read a file on a SharePoint 2010.I am using Visual Studio Express 2010.I have looked at a number of different solutions but just can't seem to find the correct path to go down to ascertain the best solution.I only need to know how to download one file from a SharePoint directory.
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Oct 5, 2010
I am trying to create a dll but I am not sure if it can be done, because I cannot find the correct namespaces.
Public Class CellSelected
Public Shared Sub HideSelectionColours(ByVal DGV As DataGridView)
' Sets Cell Back Colour and Text Colour to Normal
The highlighted text is either not declared in the case of color or not defined in the case of datagridview.
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May 3, 2012
I need to find the mac address of a remote pc on our lan to enable me to execute a wake up WOL the, PC will be switched off is this possible ?
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Jan 28, 2012
This file i have have created by using dos cmd i.e. "ipconfig /all >> d:mac.txt".
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Dec 5, 2008
I'm using VB.NET 2003 Application program. i need to get External IP Address (internet). i searched internet and found come codes and tried that...i tried this code... but it returned my internal IP Address...
And i tried this code too...
But its always returns (m.fail) instead of (m.Success). so i'm not able to get External Ip address.
Using command window - Immediate, i get values for "r" and "m". and m.success = false...
I don't have fire wall setup in my machine. and i have internet access too...anything wrong in that code.. or anything i'm missing... if anyone have any idea how to find out the External Ip Address.
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Jul 26, 2011
I have a .net network application , and as part of improving the performance of the software i would like to find the shortest route to the server . When i have more than one network , i need to find the local network ip from these current ip list .
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Jul 15, 2009
I need to find out the local IP address of my computer. I made this function which seems to do it decently but I was wondering if there are any better ways of doing it.
Function GetLocalIP() As System.Net.IPAddress
Dim localIP() As System.Net.IPAddress = System.Net.Dns.GetHostAddresses(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName)
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Apr 12, 2011
Create large size files for a customer. The more we use ram memory as faster the program will run.
Is there a way to global find out in vb 2008 how much free ram is available?
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Oct 29, 2011
We are busy to create large size files for a customer. The more we use ram memory as faster the program will run.Is there a way to global find out in vb 2008 how much free ram is available?
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Oct 13, 2011
I have a button in my visual basic application that finds an address on a Bing map. It then launches the browser, passing the address of the property on the URL. Used to work just fine, but it doesn seem to work anymore and I don't know why. For example, if I cut/paste the following URL into my browser, bing maps comes up but does nothing.
However, when I bring up bing maps and cut/past just the address into the search box, if finds the parcel. if an address can still be passed on the URL?
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