Can't Seem To Find Correct Path To Go Down To Ascertain Best Solution

Sep 29, 2011

I'm trying to read a file on a SharePoint 2010.I am using Visual Studio Express 2010.I have looked at a number of different solutions but just can't seem to find the correct path to go down to ascertain the best solution.I only need to know how to download one file from a SharePoint directory.

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Get A File Path In A Specific Project In A Web Application Solution?

May 30, 2011

I'm writing a Visual Studio Macro and need to read a XML file in my project and write something. i can't get the correct file path! in my web application solution i have to projects for business and UI files. and my xml file named fa.xml located on UI project in a separate folder. i want to use this macro for many solutions. but the structure is the same. How can I get the Path of a file in a specific project in my solution?

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Correct File Path To Use?

May 18, 2011

i am using this as my file path of my information Private strInformation As String = Application.StartupPath & "Information.dat" however, when i deploy the application and install it...i get an error when it tries to access the file, am i using the correct file path?

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Correct File Path For Project?

Mar 15, 2012

i want to have a txt file on my application final .exe the .txt is located at

C:UsersTimhookDocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsWWTBAM WWTBAM inDebughask.txt

thats my project binDebug folder will it include the this hask.txt file after publishing the application?

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Display A Path With The Correct Case?

Dec 14, 2009

I need to display a path with the correct case. I need to change a path like this one: c:documents and settings to a path like this: C:Documents and Settings

Why Path.GetFullPath(ThePath) doesn't return the case correct path is something I don't understand. This seems like a bug to me. I have wasted two days looking for a simple fix to this problem. .net functions returning paths will return the case correct path.

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Correct Path For System.IO.File.Copy?

Sep 10, 2011

i got to do a program in VB.NET that copies a file from a pc to a usb device. I use the method System.IO.File.Copy(FileToCopy, NewCopy) in which i have to specify the destination path. The problem is that when i change pc the destination can change: for example in my pc i read my USB pendrive o G: and on my friend pc i read the usb pendrive on E:. How can i solve that? May i specify a general path to my USB giving it a name or anything similar?

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Open File With Shell - Returns Error On Correct Path

Mar 15, 2010

I need to open a *.py file in the shell (DOS) box, but it returns an error that no file was found at the specified path. But this path is completely correct. Unless Visual Basic are referencing to paths in another matter than C#? 'Cause I am developing in C# and referenced to VB to do this.

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Find Items CheckedListBox - StringArray -looking For Better Solution?

May 11, 2010

I have a CheckedListBox with Items I also have a Stringarray which contains values from a DB All Items in the CheckedListBox ar checked, now i like to uncheck all items if there are in the StringArray.

Normaly i would do 2 for loops like Code is only pseudo - so no need to say it would not work this way
I know

' Loop though CheckedListBox
For i = 0 to CheckedListBox.count -1
' Loop though StrArray
For ii = 0 to Ubound(strArray)


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Finding A Solution For Find String In Listbox?

Nov 21, 2010

I has 4 item on my form.........tow listbox ,one button and one text boxI has a listbox 'A' with many items.....i need a item in a listbox 'B' from listbox 'A'steps are as follow.....that i like to performe...........1)enter a word or character in a textbox2)press a button3)the list appear in listbox 'B'.......that is character or string start in listbox 'A' that is we write in textbox (for matching)

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Can't Find Correct Pattern For Regex?

Mar 3, 2012

I need your help to find the right pattern to extract a string that i need.. The problem is that i have to extract all there is between this caracters:<a href="/url?q=(text to extract whatever it is)& I tried this pattern, but it's not working for me! : /(?<=url\?q=).*?(?=&)/

i'm programming in, this is the code, but i think that the problem is that the pattern is wrong:

Dim matches As MatchCollection
matches = regex.Matches(TextBox1.Text)
For Each Match As Match In matches

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Ascertain If The Tableadapters Underlying Data Has Changed?

Aug 3, 2011

I am retrieving data from my database using a TableAdapter. I was wondering if there is some way I can tell (or be informed) that the data has changed and I therefore need to do another Fill? That way I can just Fill on demand rather than every time the user requests to see the information and I am forced to do a Fill before showing the data because I don't know if is current or not. For the record I am using an ODBC connection string to access a Pervasive PSQL database

EDIT I was thinking I could check the last write time of the MKD file to check if this has changed but this doesn't seem to be reliable as it is not written to until the connection is closed. Does anyone know the circumstances when this is written?

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VS 2008 Create A Dll - Cannot Find The Correct Namespaces

Oct 5, 2010

I am trying to create a dll but I am not sure if it can be done, because I cannot find the correct namespaces.

Public Class CellSelected
Public Shared Sub HideSelectionColours(ByVal DGV As DataGridView)
' Sets Cell Back Colour and Text Colour to Normal


The highlighted text is either not declared in the case of color or not defined in the case of datagridview.

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VS 2010 - How To Find Correct Memory Address?

May 22, 2011

Lately I have been making a program (I guess you could call it a trainer), which would read the process memory to get the character's coordinates in a game. It later makes a simple map and show it in a separate windows. I built this program in, and it works surprisingly well. The only problem is the fact that the memory address where the coordinates are stored, changes every time I restart the game. Could someone please help me find a way, for the program to find the correct address by itself? If it helps, the game I am referring to is Minecraft.

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VS 2010 Click A Button In WebBrowser But Cant Find The Correct ID/TagName

Aug 28, 2010

Im on the final phase of my bot which is to click a submit button.

Name of image is "btn_submit_info_174x28_normal.gif"

Here is the source that should contain that button:


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VBA Code - Syntax To Ascertain If A Chart / Graph / Object Is Positioned Over Data Cells

May 26, 2012

Anyone have VB.Net or VBA code to ascertain if an Excel Object is positioned over (Hiding) spreadsheet data?I have code to create/position a chart object. Where would I begin to determine if there is data "under" an object.

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Can't Find The Database Path

Jun 22, 2010

I have an Access database ubicated in the path: C:Documents and Settings obertoMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsDictionaryDictionaryDictionary.mdb But when I execute the instrucction: stringConnection=System.IO.Path.Combine Application.StartupPath, "Dictionary.mdb") the path where catches the database is : C:Documents and Settings obertoMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsDictionaryDictionaryinDebugDictionary.mdb

That`s is the reason why I am astonished because the insertions and updates in the database are made in this last path. Why having the database path in other path which isnīt inDebug works with this last?

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Cannot Find The SP / Get The Full Path?

Aug 3, 2009

There is a field in the database whose value is the StoredProc name with full path.for example test01.test.dbo.spGetData

test01 is the server name
test is the database
spgetdata is the SP

I am storing this in a variable

Session("GetSP") = objReader(1).ToString() (test01.test.dbo.spGetData)
Dim Command As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(Session("GetSP"), conn)
Command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

I always get an error cannot find the SP and it shows like this test.dbo.spGetData It is cutting of the servername test01 can i get the full path.

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Find Path And Put It In Checkedlistbox?

Mar 16, 2011

Im looking for a way that if the program detect that for exemple the path "C:" is "true" then it will add , for exemple , "Hard Drive" in the checkedlistbox.

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Find Path Of Exe File From App?

Jan 7, 2012

I want to find the path where is installed an exe file. How can i do this if that app is running/not running. I know the name of application. (Visual Basic.NET 2010)

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Find UNC Path On Another Server?

Oct 9, 2009

I'm need of some way of finding the UNC Path of a share via a script or command line or even a custom created program. I'm trying to automate deletion of users and the setup is a bit complicated.

Home folders are set up like this:

We create a folder on a Disk on a fileserver.When this folder is created, a share is automatically created on a lower levelThen the DFS Links are set up towards the newly created share.

Now, when deleting a user, I could just delete the DFS Folder, meaning that the target folder is the one being deleted. But since it's a share, that cannot happen.

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Can't Find Database Path After Exporting

Jul 8, 2010

I have application which is using Vistadb with following connection string. I am able to export data to excel also. But after exporting to report different than to application directory, program crashes and says that database not found in exported directory. i believe that there is something wrong in connection string but I van't find. [cpde]...

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Find A Path Get One Object From One Point To Another?

Dec 11, 2010

I started making a game in VB.NET, but I am stuck on the pathfinder. There are round objects. I want to know how to find a path get one object from one point to another (or at least as close as possible) without any collisions.

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Find File And Folder Path?

Oct 17, 2008

I like to search trough some folders to find files. My code to search trough folders and sub folders are:

For Each Dir As String In FileIO.FileSystem.GetDirectories(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories)

How can I get the path of each folder and subfolder with this code??

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Find Folder Path In Treeview?

Oct 19, 2008

How can i loop trough treeview and get path of directory of each folder in the treeview?I have this code for adding a color to a treeview item, but it seems like its not possible to retrive the folder path...

HTML Code:
'add color to folder in treeview
Private Sub RecurseNodes(ByVal


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Find Install Path / Location Of EXE?

Mar 26, 2011

I want to create a button that opens a supplied word document in their standard word handler like office or openoffice. But how do you find the Location of the exe (Or its folder) and using it to open the Word Document.[code]...

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Find Install Path Of A Program?

Aug 31, 2010

I'm in Visual Basic to create an update center for the software I make.I must find out what the installation path of a program. Eg notepad (which I know), or another program.I can easily find the file of the updater (Application.ExecutablePath).

But how do I install so the path of a program

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Find Path For Installed Application?

Apr 23, 2010

How I can find path for installed application from if i know the name of application exe file?

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Find Path Of Current Directory?

Jun 12, 2009

i want to get path of current directory .

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Find The Path Route From One Directory To Another?

Dec 15, 2011

Given that I have a file in path: C:ApplicationsGeneral UtilsAssembly1Assembly1BinDebugAssembly1.dll

and I am working in the following path:C:ApplicationsUnder DevelopmentApp1App1

is there some easy way to find the dotted path route from the application to the assembly:

General UtilsAssembly1Assembly1BinDebugAssembly1.dll

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.net - Find The File Path From A Namespace.class Name?

Aug 26, 2010

I'm programatically looking ito a .aspx file and getting the file class name declared in its CodeBehind. For example, when analyzing myFile.aspx I read in its Page Directive and found its CodeBehind equals "myApplicationmyPage.aspx.vb". Then I use the code below:


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