Socket Can't Connect External IP Address

Apr 9, 2012

I started to setup a Server and a Client for personal purpose. When I try to connect the Server by a computer inside a shared network, with local IPs, works but when I try to connect an external IP, doesn't work.[code]

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Usage Of Each Socket Address (protocol/network Address/port) Is Normally Permitted?

Aug 11, 2009

SocketException was Unhandled: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted I get this error every time i click collect a second time.


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Multiple Socket Connections - Address Of Parameters?

Mar 2, 2012

I am writing a socket client into my application. I have multiple socket connections to make to different servers.
ClientSocket(1).BeginConnect(endpoint1, AddressOf Connected, Nothing)
ClientSocket(2).BeginConnect(endpoint2, AddressOf Connected, Nothing)
Both clients call the connected sub... how do I know which one is which?
Private Sub Connected(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)

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How To Get External IP Address

Apr 1, 2012

I want to develop a function that will return the external [public] IP from my router.
Not the Internal [local] IP, something like 192.168.1.X.
But something like this 216.XXX.XXX.XXX

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Socket.Connect() With A Timeout?

Oct 16, 2009

I'm trying to use a socket to connect a TCP stream. The socket connects no problem if the endpoint has a valid IP associated to it. If I give it an invalid one, the Connect method will sit and block (I want it to) for 10-20 seconds before telling me the remote host timed out. Is there a timeout property I can set so I don't have to wait that long for the connect method? Or is there another way of doing it that does implement a timeout?

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How To Connect Socket To Server Rapidly

Jan 23, 2011

I'm using sockets to connect to servers and for some strange reason I can't identify, the socket is taking several seconds (5 maybe 6) seconds to connect when using an IP whereas is instant when using a hostname. Here is my code to connect:[code...]

In the above code, server of course is a string. I've tested this with a friend and she's experiencing the same issue and I'd like to get around it as it's sort of annoying..While debugging GetHostEntry is the line that seems to take forever when using an IP.

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VS 2010 Socket Connect Timeout?

Oct 2, 2011

i need to check if a port is open, apparently i can't ping ports so i need to use sockets, and it seems that there is no option for timeout on the connecting... how can i put a timeout on connect?

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Detecting External IP Address?

Aug 13, 2005

How can I detect the External IP Address of machine which is running my Application. By External IP address means that IP Address through which PC running my Application is accessible through Internet. and not the local IP Address .

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Identify ISP From External IP Address?

Jul 25, 2011

Does anyone know how I could get my app to show the ISP of the machine it is running on, I can get internal and external IP addresses, just need to know if possible and how to look up ISP from this information[url]...

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Find External IP Address - (internet)

Dec 5, 2008

I'm using VB.NET 2003 Application program. i need to get External IP Address (internet). i searched internet and found come codes and tried that...i tried this code... but it returned my internal IP Address...


And i tried this code too...


But its always returns ( instead of (m.Success). so i'm not able to get External Ip address.

Using command window - Immediate, i get values for "r" and "m". and m.success = false...


I don't have fire wall setup in my machine. and i have internet access too...anything wrong in that code.. or anything i'm missing... if anyone have any idea how to find out the External Ip Address.

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Get Local And External IP Address To Display In App

Jul 24, 2011

Need to get local and external IP address to display in my app, but then if possible somehow lookup the ISP using the external IP address got following code to get hostname and local IP address, but it is showing IPv6 address when I would prefer the IPv4 one


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VS 2010 How To Find Out ISP From External IP Address

Jul 26, 2011

Does anyone know how I could get my app to show the ISP of the machine it is running on, I can get internal and external IP addresses, just need to know if possible and how to look up ISP from this information

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Inet1.OpenURL - Obtain External Ip Address?

May 14, 2011

I found this code online on how to obtain my external ip address


but i get a blue line under Inet1

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Use The Address Bar To Send Commands To External Application?

Oct 3, 2009

How can i use the address bar to send commands to a external application?


AOL Instant Messenger -

I havent used this application in a long time. But i remembered if you wanted to add a friend to AIM from their online profile it directed them to a link such as:


and AIM would pick this up and add it the contactID to the application. The link i posted is more than likely not the correct link they use but it shows what im trying to accomplish.

Im looking to achieve something along the lines of:


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Why Client Cannot Connect Remotely With External IP

Apr 1, 2012

I have a server and a client working with sockets. I run the server at my laptop, sending its internal IP to my Hotmail account and I run my client at my desktop. I enter the internal IP and connect fine! But when I tried to connect with my cousin's PC, which is not in my network, I entered its external IP and the client couldn't connect.

Here is the code for the Server (consists of 2 forms):
Form 1 (Server):
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.IO
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Imports System.Net.Mail
[Code] .....

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Connect To External Device Using A Serial Port

May 25, 2010

I'm trying to connect to an external device using a serial port. I found a couple of tutorials with demo code and tried these. Unfortunately they all return the same gibberish unreadible result.[code]I'm sure my port settings are correct (I have the communication protocol of the device.)

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Socket Error "The Requested Address Is Not Valid In Its Context"

Dec 23, 2009

"The requested address is not valid in its context."


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C# - How To Fix Error "Only One Usage Of Each Socket Address Is Normally Permitted"

Jan 23, 2012

I have 1 process that acts as a server (TcpListener) and one or more processes that act as clients (TcpClient). The clients are sending Tcp requests to the server every 1-2 seconds to which the server responds with a result message.

In normal conditions the server will use TcpListener.Stop when it closes, but sometimes the server will crash (for whatever reason) and then this is not done. If I then try to restart then I get the following error:

"Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted"

I only get this error when there are clients running who keep trying to connect despite the TcpListener is not there anymore (crashed).I don't get this error when I first manually close/kill all clients before restarting the server/TcpListener.I'm looking for an automatic recovery procedure that deals with this error/problem. How can this be done?Below you'll find code examples of the server and the client.BTW: Although the codes examples are in VB.NET, I can also handle C# code. That's why I tagged this question with both VB and C#.Code example for server/TcpListener:

Public Shared Sub Thread_TcpListener_GUI()
While True
Dim tcpClient As TcpClient = Nothing
Dim tcpListener As TcpListener = Nothing


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Connect With Other User Through Ip Address And Send Them Message

Jun 21, 2010

I want connect with other user through ip address and send them a message how it will don in

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Connect To SQL And Get Name , Mobile , Last Name , Deaprtment , Address Data From Table1 While Id = 5?

Oct 4, 2009

it's simply connect to SQL and get name , mobile , last name , deaprtment , address data from table1 while id = 5?

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Developing An Application Which Can Connect To An Ip Address To Transfer/receive Data To The Handheld Device?

Aug 25, 2009

I am developing an application which can connect to an ip address to transfer/receive data to the handheld device via gprs network.

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Identify Connection Lost Between Socket Server And Socket Client?

May 21, 2011

I wrote a Socket Client which will send the Socket Server some data and get some response from Server. This process will be running once in every 2 seconds.

Now what I need to know is How we can identify the connection lost between Server and Client?

I need this to be implemented in the Client side. If there is no connection then Client should automatically close the connection. Once the connection with the server is available in the next attempt it should connect automatically.

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VB 2005 Express Make The Web Browser Control Connect Through A Different Ip Address And Port From Default Web Browser?

Apr 29, 2007

Im using VB2005 express and the app im creating uses the web browser control.Basically I want to know if its possible to make the web browser control connect through a different ip address and port from your default web browser.

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Client Socket - Send Message Through Client Socket Receive Specified Argument Was Out Of Range Of Valid Values

Oct 15, 2011

Below is my code, but when i send the message thru client socket i receive Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: size

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim serverStream As NetworkStream = clientSocket.GetStream()
Dim outStream As Byte() = _


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IP Address Filter Or Mask To Only Allow Valid IP Address Before Pinging Or Testing For Network Connection

Jul 6, 2011

Are there any IP Address filters or masks available in Windows Forms as per following screenshot? A backslash shouldn't be allowed or it should be filtered somehow.

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Obtaining Network Address From Host IP Address And Subnet Mask

Mar 8, 2009

Can anyone point me to some code which can help obtain the network address from the host IP and subnet mask?

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Make The Website Address Show In Browser Address Bar?

Aug 6, 2011

I made web browser which consist address bar that I use it to type addressess in it i.ewhen I type [URL] it opens [URL] but when I go to anther page in google it doesnot show it's link in address bar lix InterntExplorer or other international browsers so how to show any link or any sub page's link in my browser address bar ?

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VS 2008 : Use The DHCP API To Retrieve A Computer's MAC Address When Given The IP Address?

Nov 27, 2009

I'm trying to use the DHCP API (using the references on to retrieve a computer's MAC address when given the IP address but I can't get the code to work. I've run all the C# code on through the C#-to-VB converter but I'm stuck now.

Here's what I have so far. The value of res is always 5 (should be 0). Thing is, I can't find any documentation on what the return codes mean

Private Sub GetMACDim client As String = "" Dim server As String = "" Dim si As New NativeMethods.DHCP_SEARCH_INFO si.SearchType = NativeMethods.DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE.DhcpClientIpAddress si.ClientIpAddress = Convert.ToUInt32(StringIPAddressToUint32(client)) Dim res As UInteger Dim oInfo As IntPtr


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Zip A Folder Without Any External Dll Nor Any External References?

Feb 3, 2012

I wanted to know if it is possible to Zip a folder without any external dll nor any external references - just with native features.I've been able to Zip files with System.IO.Packaging, but it does not include folders and I cannot tell it to Zip the parent folder.I know there are external dll and so, but I'd like to know if it's possible to make it from a native way.

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Get Hostname, IP Address And Mac Address Of The Computers By Domain?

Jun 28, 2009

' Use Your work Group WinNT://&&&&(Work Group Name) Dim DomainEntry As New DirectoryEntry("WinNT://Wokgroup") DomainEntry.Children.SchemaFilte


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