Find A Simple Spreadsheet Or Grid Control For .NET?

Jun 5, 2009

recommend a spreadsheet control other than the OWC webcomponents with very simple functionality? I just need a 2x100 matrix and the ability for user input. I need this for VB.NET and I need it to be compatible with both 32bit and 64bit systems.

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Find Cell Position In Grid Control?

Jun 23, 2010

I wanted to create a module / tool similar to MS word where user should be able to add controls, resize controls, drag and drop controls.Anyway, I have got lot of references on how to resize control, drag and drop add control main requirement is i need a way to add grid and should be able to add cells to it. When i resize the grid control, the cell height & width should get extended and compressed accordingly. Also i need to save position of the controls to a text file.Saving positon of other controls is easy but most importantly i need to save each cell position of the grid.

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[2005] VSFlexGrid 8: Create A "sub-grid" Inside Existing Grid Control?

Feb 13, 2009

I have a FlexGrid control in my Windows application that contains a row of data. The data in this row is related to even more data that won't all fit on the same row. For Example:The main data row contains Username, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, E-mail Address, Phone Number, etcA secondary row to this might contain user permissions to certain resources, such as File Server Access, FTP Access, Remote Access, etc.Now, I can use the subtotal and outline capabilities of the VSFlexGrid to make a second row, but the column widths are still bound by those set for the main data row. Additionally, I can't put real "headers" on the supplemental data. I have to fake it by creating an additional row, setting the background color of that row to gray, putting the header strings into those fields, and then adding the next row with the actual details.

What I would like to do is create separate grids for these secondary rows and "embed" them in a blank row of the existing FlexGrid control directly under the related main data row. This would give me the ability to use a different number of columns, to format these columns independently of the "parent" FlexGrid settings, as well as put a new header row for the new grid that identifies its data.In other words, I'd like to somehow make a "child" grid that's related to a particular row of the "parent" grid (not the entire grid itself). I don't know if this is possible, and if there is another way for me to accomplish this goal, I'm all ears. However, if it IS possible, I'd love some advice on how to implement it.

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Add Spreadsheet Control To A Form

Jun 28, 2011

I'm trying to add the spreadsheet control to a form in VB but I can't remember what reference or file I need to load to get the object in the toolbox.It has been a while since I used it last and that was in VB 2008.I looked and loaded several microsoft interop files from the .net reference menu but none of the seemed to work.

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Fill Windows Form Spreadsheet Control?

Sep 25, 2010

I have a spreadsheet control on a windows form that I would like to populate with data from an existing worksheet (myworkbook.xls, sheet1). The best solution for me would to be to actually open the workbook on my form (not sure that is possible?), the next best solution would be to fill the spreadsheet control.

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Cant Really Find A Simple Way To Print A Variable

Nov 2, 2011

In VBA one could use the .printout command and was also similar in vb6. but I cant really find a simple way to print a variable in

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Find Toturials For Simple VB Projects?

Apr 2, 2011

Where can i find toturials for simple visual basic projects?

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Excel - Editable Control Should Use To Display My Spreadsheet In Application?

Aug 31, 2011

I have a spreadsheet in excel with three headers:

Project Name The name of a project i'm working on.

Requested Role The job title/profession of the project employee. (example: mechanic, manager, engineer)

The name of the employee.When i click on the Person's name i want another page or tab (specific to this person) to appear showing details about them such as their name, job title, how long they worked, what project they are doing... etc. (similar to a Facebook profile)

When i click on the project name i want another page or tab (specific to this project) to appear showing details about it such as the requirements, the deadline, who is currently working on it... etc.

Furthermore, i would like to set up two levels of access:For the specific pages i was thinking of using the tab control but i want it so that i can search through the list of projects or names, select one, and then it brings up the page about it.The levels of access is the least of my worries.

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OleDbException Saying Spreadsheet Is Full When Inserting To Excel Spreadsheet

Nov 11, 2011

I have a VB.Net program that reads in a flat file, and then parses line by line, formatting the data into different spreadsheets in an excel workbook (each line can be any 10+ different record types so I parse and put in appropriate excel sheet).

For smaller sized flat files (under 10mb), the parser works great. However, I am trying this on a file that is over 120mb (400k+ lines). While running, I will get an OleDBException saying that the spreadsheet is full. Now I am pretty confident that Excel can handle a much larger data set than a flat file. So I assume this exception is not giving me the true story as to what is really occuring.

I open a connection, and then parse each line in the file, inserting each row into the excel file. I assumed it would be bad performance wise to open/close the connection between each insert. Could this be causing the issue? Any ideas what I need to do to handle such a large file? There are cases where the flat file can be over 500mb.

To actually do the insert into excel, I am just doing the following (I construct an sql query based on the type of row and values parsed):

Dim conn As New OleDbConnection()
conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + ExportLocation.Text + "" + importFileName + "-PVF.xls;Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES"""


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Office Automation :: Populate Spreadsheet 11.0 Control With Existing Worksheet

Sep 25, 2010

I have a spreadsheet control on a windows form that I would like to populate with data from an existing worksheet (myworkbook.xls, sheet1).

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Find Selected Index Of Row In Data Grid?

Feb 29, 2012

I have one datagrid with bound items and Radio button.

I want a index of the row which i selected by chacked the

the radio button.

i used Datagrid.selectedindex

but it gives -1 every time.

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Adding Microsoft Office Spreadsheet Control 11.0 To VBA Form Returns Pop Up Error?

Jan 16, 2012

Error: ClassFactory cannot supply requested class.I installed 2003 Add-in: Office Web Components, you can download and install OWC11.exe from the following link:aunched a VB formadded the Spreadsheet 11.0 control and got the above error.

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Make A Simple Find/FindNext/Replace RichTextBox?

Jun 26, 2010

simple and easy code to find/findnext/replace richtextbo

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Find Line Intersection Point With A Grid Of Lines?

Jun 4, 2009

I am suing VB 2008 express edition.

I am trying to solve this problem since many days. The problem seems to be rather mathematical, but I faced difficulties dealing with Grids and how to store them using visual basic.


In my problem, I have a world of 200 x 200 units divided into 4 x 4 grids (Each of 50 units).

There is a line crosses some areas has the coordinates of Point A (Starting Point) of (XA = 12.43, BA = 159.48) and Point B coordinates (Ending Point) of (XB = 112.95, YB = 20.95).

The question is, how can find the length of (A to C1), (C1 to C2), (C2 to C3), (C3 to C4), (C4 to C5) and finally (C5 to B)?

In addition, how can I indicate the square in which the line is inside?

note that the method should work for all conditions (-ve and +ve line slopes) and for different A and coordinates.

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DataGridView - Programmatically Select A ROW Based On Values Find In The Grid?

Nov 19, 2010

I have a DataGridView with 3 columns (metric_key, metric_name, metric_value).There are for example, 6 ROWS in this table (6 different metrics), added programmatically (DGV is not bound in any way)

Now, when I assign values in my grid I do:

dataGridView1.item("Metric_value",0).value = "value of the metric in row 0, in the column named "metric_Value".


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Data Grid Control In .net?

Dec 4, 2011

i have used the following code to bind the data from an access database using datagrid in 2003. But when i execute, it is showing the error as " Object reference not set to an instance of an object". Can anybody guide me to find the error i have done.


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Paging In Grid Control

Jul 31, 2009

how can i create paging in a grid control let say i have 100 records in the database.. upon loading the data to the 1st 10 records of the query should be shown.. then button NEXT and PREVIOUS provides the navigation.if i press next display the next 10 records, previous will display the 10 previous records

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View XML In Grid Control?

May 8, 2009

I'm getting a blank grid when I execute the cod e below, [code]...

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Data Grid Inside A Tab Control ?

Apr 25, 2010

I have a form allowing user to search details of employees. the form allows users to key in 7 search criteria. the results of this search open in a new window. employee details (data) are of following 3 types: personal details contact details additional details

I want to achieve the following with the results window the new window that opens to show the search results has a tab control with 3 tabs for displaying the results for each of the above categories. hence the three tabs would be personal details contact details additional details each tab would display the required data in a datagridview control. on adding the datagridview directly to the tabpages of the tabcontrol the window does not resize to the size of the datagridview that is displayed. i understand that the property AutoResize is not applicable to a tabcontrol or a tabpage, hence 1 added a panel to each of the tabpages and then added the datagridview to it.

However, even this does not help and the results window is still does not resize to the size of the datagrdiview. i have set the AutoScroll property of all the tabpages to, AutoResize of the datagridview and results window all to True. How to do this as the results widow does not rezise even to the size of the tabcontrol that i have added and the tabcontrol ends up with scroll bttons in the window.

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Data Grid View Control?

Dec 19, 2011

I need to restrict the user to enter only integer value in a particular columns in a Data Grid View. How to do this?I tried with "KeyPress", "KeyDown" & "KeyUp" events. But not succeeded. But the same worked well in a text box. (

How to do the same for a cell in data grid view?

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Display Records In A Grid Control ( / .net)?

Oct 18, 2011

I am a newbie to the .net developing world. i want to display a set of records on my page.

On a grid control (gridview, repeater etc), I want to display the list of sales people and the clients that they represent. This is how it needs to look on my asp page:

Employee ID: 123456
Name: John
Last Name: Smith
Phone: 201-123-4567


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Load XML File To A Grid Control?

May 4, 2009

How do you load a grid control with an XML file?, I tried the code below


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Updating Records From Grid Control

May 8, 2009

I am trying to update a databse using a grid control, I've enetered multiple rows in the row and tried to save the data, unfortunately I'm only saving the last row entered, is there a way to save all the rows entered using this approach?

Dim ConnectionString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|aop29.mdb"
Dim objConnection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(ConnectionString)
Dim sql As String = "Select * from Customer"
Dim daaop5 As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sql, objConnection)
Dim ds As New DataSet()
[Code] .....

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Updating Records From Grid Control?

May 8, 2009

I am trying to update a databse using a grid control, I've entered multiple rows in the row and tried to save the data, unfortunately I'm only saving the last row entered, is there a way to save all the rows entered using this approach?

Dim ConnectionString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=/DataDirectory/aop29.mdb" Dim objConnection As New


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Simple Control Bound To An XML Sourced Dataset?

Sep 8, 2009

I have an app that downloads from a networked SQL database to a dataset and also to an XML file on laptops. Laptop users will take their executable and the XML file which the local dataset will read.Although I can get gridviews etc to bind to that dataset syntax such as
"TextBox1.DataBindings.Add("Text", ds, "fname")"

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VS 2008 : EndEdit On Simple Control DataBinding?

Mar 27, 2010

I have bound TextBoxes. When I edit anything, I have to move to the next or previous record before calling the Update Method for that record to be updated. With my DGV, I use


and it will update as expected. So, how would I do something similar to my Simple Controls?

Private Sub UpdateDb()
' Write changes back to db


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VS 2008 Create Simple Calendar Control?

Jan 5, 2012

I want to create a calendar control to display employees vacation schedules for the year. It could be either monthly or scrolling weekly. It will draw its data from Access. I'm just looking for some general input on how some others might accomplish this. I know there are some paid options but my boss said I am on a $0 budget. A couple of ideas I had are:

1. Make a monthly view comprised of labels and textboxes for the actual dates. Populate the texboxes with a series of sql statements

2. Use a datagridview bound to a crosstab query, but I don't know how to have the datagridview show one week after the other.

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VS 2010 Simple Version Control Guide?

Apr 10, 2012

I'm a novice who does not need installers yet and does not collaborate and I was hoping someone might be able to point me to a simple guide for incrementing versions and backing up the source files so that if I ever needed to I could get back to the previous versions. I just don't want to get into Visual Source Safe, Team Builder, or other big hairy version management software. Also my VB Express book only talks about using the ClickOnce solution which doesn't seem like it's a fit for my needs. I'm thinking I should be able to do a build manually incrementing the version and manually archiving files or folders to a certain location.

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Caching - Create A Simple App In VB 2008 That Uses A WebBrowser Control

Mar 10, 2009

Have experience with web scripting languages and SQL but am still getting used to VB.Currently using VS2008 to create a simple app in VB 2008 that uses a WebBrowser control. The user navigates to a web page, hits a button, and then every minute the web browser automatically refreshes, gets the page length, and alerts if the page length has changed by more than 100 chars.Unfortunately, I am noticing that VB uses the cached version of the page when it refreshes (I am using WebBrowser.Refresh, but have also tried using WebBrowser.Navigate(same page as before)). Is there any way that I can delete just that page in the cache without clearing the whole thing from my application before it reloads and calculates the new page length?

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Create Simple User Control + Click Action?

Feb 9, 2011

create a simple control. The control have 1 label and 2 panels with images. The control needs to be clicked, the problem is i can create the click action for the control, i can only use internal click events. how to use it out of the control.

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