Find The Value Of The Key Pressed Down In A WPF Project?

May 28, 2009

I am working on a WPF project in Visual Basic. In some textboxes I want to limit what the user should be able to type. The sub roughly looks like this:

Private Sub Intervall_KeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs) Handles Intervall.KeyDown
'Determine whether the keystroke is a digit from the digit keys on the top of the keyboard.


If the I type backspace or delete, keydown doesn't react, so these particular cases I've handled in KeyUp.

There are two problems with this code: The test If e.Key < Key.D0 only checks whether the user has pressed the key that contains 0 at the top of the keyboard. It is also possible to enter some other signs if the user presses shift, and this test doesn't discover whether the user presses shift. I therefore need to extract the actual character that the user entered, not only which key he or she entered, and check if this character is a legal one. This is easy in a Windows.Forms project; there I can use e.Keyvalue, but in my WPF project I don't get that alternative when I enter a dot after "e".

It's necessary to solve this problem in order to do the next step: The user should also be allowed to enter colon, as this textbox describes a time that an action should be performed. If I could check the content of the key pressed, this would be easy. The problem is that the test If e.Key = Key.OemPeriod returns true whether the user pressed shift or not, i.e. whether the user entered a period or a colon, which are on the same key on my keyboard, I don't know how it is on other standards of keyboards.

I have tried hard to find a solution for this on Google, [URL] and MSDN, but I haven't managed to find any articles or topics about this particular problem. Does anyone know how to do this in a WPF project?

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Find Out If Any Key Is Pressed?

Feb 14, 2010

How do I find out if any key is pressed during a certain time?i have a timer to the "certain time" is no problem.But how do I find if any key is pressed?

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Find When No Key Is Pressed?

Jul 1, 2009

I'm looking for a way to find when no key is pressed. I'm creating a game and I have an animated characted. When you press the movement keys he moves and is animated. I need to know when no keys are being pressed so I can tell the animation to stop.

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Forms :: Find What Mouse Buttons Are Pressed?

Apr 13, 2009

How can I tell what mouse buttons are being pressed at a certain time?

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Can Find Code That Is Run When Delete Button On Navigator Is Pressed

Jan 26, 2010

I have a binding navigator in my project and it works just fine.My question is where, if at all, can I find the code that is run when the delete button on the navigator is pressed.My reason for wanting to know this is I want to be able to give the user a second chance when the delete button is pressed.I want to ask the user if they are sure that they want to delete the record by using a msgbox.If the user says yes I will delete if they say no then I do not want the record deleted.I tried putting logic in the BindingNavigator DeleteItem_Click but was not successful.

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Interface And Graphics :: Set A Button So That When It Is Pressed / It Stays In Pressed Down Graphic State

Aug 14, 2008

How can I set a button, so that when it is pressed, it stays in the pressed down graphic state. Then when pressed again it returns to the normal not-pressed visual.Make a button stay like this until pressed again: url....

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C# - Make A Ctrl+Tab When Pressed Works Like Tab When Pressed In A MultiLine TextBox?

Oct 17, 2011

I have a TextBox and set the MiltiLine property to true and AcceptsTab property to false.When the TextBox has focus and i press Tab it works fine and the next control get the focus, but when i press Ctrl+Tab it works as if AcceptsTab property is set to true and makes a tab character into the TextBox.The reason i press Ctrl+Tab.. when switching between forms in my MDI application.Now how to make a Ctrl+Tab when pressed works like Tab when pressed in a MultiLine TextBox?

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Find Out Wherer A Mouse Button Is Pressed When Mouse Pointer Is Leaving A UIElement?

Apr 6, 2011

I've been working on a GUI in WPF which I'm fairly new to, having only used Windows Forms up until now. So far, my GUI is very simple: it contains two rectangles, each of which drops a shadow. The shadow creates an effect of rectangles "floating above the canvas" so to speak.

When one of the rectangles is pressed, the myRectangle.MouseDown event is handled such that the shadow goes away, thus creating an effect of the rectangle being pressed down onto the canvas, like a button.Similarly, when mouse button is released, the myRectangle.MouseDown event is handled such that the shadow reappears and the rectangle "floats" again. This behavior make them resemble buttons. Note, there a reasons I want them to be rectangles and not custom buttons.


If the pointer leaves a rectangle while mouse button is pressed, I'd like shadow to reappear. This is arguable simple, because theoretically in this case, any time myRectangle.MouseLeave is raised, the shadow should come back on, even if it was already there.If the pointer left a rectangle when mouse button was pressed, then came back while before the button was released, I want the shadow to disappear again. This one is what gives me problems. No idea how to do this.

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Cannot Find Controls With In The Same Project?

Nov 22, 2010

I am trying to update a Vs2008 project to vs2010. In one of my projects I have two controls. The controls are not being seen by the form when I open it up in design view. They are friend controls. (No code has changed since I opened it up in vs2010.) But it was running fine in vs2008.

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Find The Project Types?

Sep 9, 2009

Suppose somebody created a solution which contains many projects. How can I find the project types? I mean that how can I know whether a project is a library type or console application and so forth from IDE?

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Having A Find Dialog In Vb Project?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm using Common Dialog in my project but I can't find the "Find and Replace" dialog there, how can I use that?

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VBA: Cannot Find Project Or Library

Oct 4, 2005

I am having a problem running an Excel/VBA program that has been working till this morning. The error I got when I ran a macro I wrote is: Compile error: Cannot find project or libraryWhen I check the references in VBA editor, I find the list of references to be different than when I ran it on another machine. I have some xla libraries on a server that I've linked to the application, and the libraries are being shared among my colleagues. I tried relinking the libraries but that didn't work either. Sometimes, I get another message saying the library is being used by another application.

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Can't Find DynamicDataEntry Project Code

Jun 9, 2012

Find the COMPLETE CODE for the DynamicDataEntry project mentioned in Evangelos Petroutsos book, Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 2010, page 239, theme "Handling Repeated Data Items".

View 2 Replies

How To Find Unused Variables In Project

Sep 22, 2009

In my project there are lot of variables, and some of them are not used at all.I want to clean up the code by removing these unused variables. These variables are not shown as unused when i build the application. The problem is with the global variables, and not with the local varible for a function .Is there a method to find these unused variables?

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Compile Error: Can't Find Project Or Library

May 7, 2010

Does anyone able to advise on abovementioned error? Under Private Sub UserForm_


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Find Total Number Of Warnings In Project?

Aug 15, 2011

I've just converted a project from .net 1.1 to 3.5, and I'm being given loads of warnings in the error list. The program compiles and runs ok, but I think I should probably try to at least reduce this large number of warnings.The trouble is that the error list only tells me about the first 102 warnings. Even when I fix one, the number stays at 102. So I have absolutely no idea how many warnings there actually are. If there are 150, I'd like to get rid of them. But if there are 10,000, I don't have the time to fix them all.Is there a way to see the actual total number of warnings?

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Publishing A Project - Can't Find The Installation Directory

Mar 18, 2009

I am trying to publish a project. Via the publish wizard I have published the project. So I have:Project.applicationSetup.exeand a directory application files in which:Project.applicationProject.exe.deployProject.exe.manifest. When I start the setup it does it's thing (only one question: do you want to install ...etc) and 2 seconds later its done.

1. I can't find the installation directory... (I can find the app in the 'add/remove programs' but not anywhere in program files or ..)

2. there are a few xml and mdb files I want to include in de project (or else the project does not work).

But because of (1) I don't know where to do so. Or beter yet, I would like to include these files in the installer.3. Why doesn't the installer ask me where I want to install?

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IDE :: Cannot Find The Optimization Check Box Or Properties For Project 2010?

Mar 7, 2011

i am trying to add a text file in Debug folder. But when i go to project tab to add a new item, there is no option to add a new item? What part of the setting needs to be changed? Using Visual basicExpress 2010.

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Database Matching Project - Find A Users Criteria Entered

Jun 21, 2009

The application must have basic functionality as to: Insert new customers into the database A search function will be needed to find a users criteria entered The more advanced features would include matching certain criteria with another for example if the data in field 1 is the same then it should match this and return the results. so for example if a person has a hobby of 'football' it will return all the people with the same hobby

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VB6 Upgrade To VB 2005 Failure Could Not Find Project File It Created?

May 30, 2006

I support applications in VB6 and VB2003, and I'm trying to upgrade the VB6 app to VB2005, so I have three versions of Visual Studio on my pc. I ran VS2005 and opened the VB6 app to launch the upgrade wizard. It seemed to run fine until it threw an error saying it could not find the project it just created. The project I'm trying to upgrade is called MGxFromSAP.vbp. The error said it could not find MGxFromSAP.vbproj. The project file it actually created is called MGxFromSAP.vbproj.vs7.vbproj. When I try to open this project in VS2005 it says it was created in an earlier version of Visual Studio and needs to be upgraded.Did it perhaps invoke the VB2003 upgrade wizard instead of the new one? How would I be able to tell?

Should I just let VS2005 upgrade the vs7 project or should I try to deinstall the old VS2003 upgrade wizard and rerun the upgrade from scratch?

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Find A VB Express 2005 2008 Photo Album Tutorial Project From About 3 Years Back

Oct 6, 2011

About 3 years ago i came across a vb project for a photo album, it was on online tutorial and I followed it and after some custom tweaking I found it was quite usefull. Unfortuatly the original sourcecode has long since vanished.The project was fairly easy to follow and I remember the author had a photo image of his sailing boat and a yellow labrador (just trying to jog some memories here) :).

Anyway; I have searched high and low for it but can not find it. I'm pretty sure it was on a msdn or some other microsoft forum and was to do with VB 2005 or VB 2008 edition of Visual studio.

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Unable To Debug Project - Warning    1    Could Not Find Type 'WindowsApplication1.My.Resources.Resources, Time Table'?

Feb 28, 2009

i'm unable to debug my project that i made. i save it and everything, but it just won't playit says Warning 1 Could not find type 'WindowsApplication1.My.Resources.Resources, Time table'. Please make sure that the assembly that contains this type is referenced. If this type is a part of your development project, make sure that the project has been successfully built. C:SchoolIPTTime table, using 2 loopsTime table, using 2 loopsForm1.Designer.vb 123 0 now when i open it up and try to debug it , it comes up with an error, i even try referencing it but it does nothing ,

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Cannot Find The Intrinsic "Server" Object In A .NET 2.0 Project?

Dec 16, 2009

I have a couple of NET 2.0 projects on the go, but in one of them, I can't access the "Server" object to get at its HtmlEncode property.i.e Server.HtmlEncode("xxx") does not work.

I get the following error displayed in Visual Studio design time error log: "Local variable 'server' cannot be referred to before it is declared." I have tried to add a manual reference to System.Web, but although the dll file is present, it doesn't add itself on - or at least it doesn't display on the "Add Reference" dialog as being added. BUT here is what's interesting - I can access other intrinsic objects such as "Request", "Response"...etc. All except "Server" This is only happening to 1 particular project. In other projects, I can access the "Server" object just fine.

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In-project Components Fail If Project Is Opened With In-project Component Used On Initially Open Form?

Dec 20, 2010

Public Class ExtendedDateTimePicker Inherits DateTimePicker

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VS 2008 - Timer - Project A References Project B So Can Open A Large Form In Project B

May 5, 2010

For reasons that are beyond my control, I have three Projects. Projects A and B reference project C. Project A references project B so that it can open a large form in project B. I now need to open that large form from project C, but VB won't allow me to add a reference from C to B because that would create a circular dependency. I found a way around it, though. I created a Timer in A, and when I opened C from A, I passed in that timer. When the user performs a certain action, I enable the Timer from A, and this causes C to open B for me.

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.net - "Find All Tiles Connected To This One" Project?

Jan 29, 2011

Remember MS Paint? The bucket tool? If you used it and clicked on a pixel, all pixels connected to this pixel that are the same are affected. The theory is, I suppose, to check if there is any pixel adjacent to the selected one. If such pixel is the same type as the selected one, check for more adjacent pixels in this one, and so on.

I want to implement something similar in VB.NET. Basically I have a 2D array map which represents the map. Let's assume there are only two types of tile: 0 and 1.Now, I got pretty much everything ready: I got my 2d map and I can tell which tile is clicked and tell what array indexes are the ones that represent such tile.Now for the "painting" process. Whenever I think about it, I can't figure a convenient way to execute such iteration. Can someone help me choosing a correct design/way/tip to achieve this?

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Include Contact Project Into Another Project / Add More Items To Database / Forms In New Project?

May 6, 2009

I have a project that I have created, it something like a contact database.It is complete with its own sql server database, and controls and forms.I kinda of understand that I can include this project into another project.This is the tricky part,Can I include my contact project into another project and add more items to the database and forms in a new project?What I'm after is like using classes.My contact database would be like the base class, and the new project would be adding more features to that project.

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Add Project Setup Project For Project For Visual Studio 2008?

Nov 15, 2010

i was developing Voice Chat Application in visual Basic .NET 2008 i try a lot methods to make installer for it :

1- i add Project Setup Project for my Project for Visual Studio 2008 Deploy & setup Type Projects and make it with output option and detect dependices

2- i try make it with Setup Factory 8.2.1

3- i try with MSI Factory 2.0

4 i try with Setup Factory 6.0

and after making installer copying it to my test virtual Machine or my friend lap and install it i get this error when try to run my application :


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How To See If Any Key Is Pressed

May 5, 2011

Private Sub ContextMenuStrip_ForDisplay_Opening(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles ContextMenuStrip_ForDisplay.Opening
If Utility.IsKeyDown(Keys.S) OrElse Utility.IsKeyDown(Keys.V) Then


I do the above to cancel the menu if S or V is pressed.

I'd like to cancel if ANY key is pressed.

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See What Key Was Pressed

Mar 21, 2010

i have a pocket pc that have some special keys and i need detect when a key is pressed in my program. how can i detect the keys that is pressed? i have tested in a textbox change function the box detect all keys except that special keys there is some api to look for alk keys thats is pressed in pocket pc?

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