Generate An Interface For The User To Update Parameter Of A PCB Board MCU?

Jul 18, 2006

Currently, I am using a VB.NET to generate an interface for the user to update parameter of a PCB board MCU. However, I found that some data might be having a problem while transmitting.

Previously, I am using a chrW() to change the transmit data before put into the MyRS232.Write(), however, some data have corrupted or changed while I transmit. The signal show the checksum is wrong while sending the set of data.

After I use an oscilloscope to check the signal transmitted. I found out that, when I sent the data is between &H80 to &H9F (&b 100* ****), the signal will change to &H3E (&b 0011 1111). Anyone have any idea why this happened? Now the temporary solution I found for this one is I use a chr() instead of chrW() for the data between &H80 to &H9F.


I am using another function ChrWt instead of Chr or ChrW only. I remember that, I change from Chr to ChrW because some data corrupt also while I sent using Chr only. Did anyone of you having this problem as well? Any suggestion instead of using another function?

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Serial IO - Build Inputs And Outputs Interface Board

Feb 20, 2009

I would like to build inputs and outputs interface board (if you have schematics for the hardware or where I could purchase such thing) I need 9 inputs and 8 outputs, 24 volte DC for the inputs and I want to build a form in visual basic that utilizes the serial port so for example when I press Button1_Click it will make output number 1 goes high in the board and when input 9 goes high in the board label9 or Button3 will change color in the form.

So basically the IO interface and the form will only be used to energize relays and monitor these relays. I am not worrying at this moment about if this input is high make this output high but if this is possible in visual basic currently running Visual Studio 2008 Express.

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Update User Interface From Another Thread

Dec 8, 2009

I'm writing a program in which I'll receive data using serial port using Comport.DataReceived event which I've written in seperate class. Once I receive data from my comport I need to display that data in my listbox in the form. What is the best way to do this?? I don have much knowledge on using delegates. An

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Interface And Graphics :: Create A User Interface In A Game Such As The Application XFire Using VB?

Jan 12, 2010

how to create a user interface in a game such as the application XFire using Visual Basic?

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Interface And Graphics :: Use A Graphical User Interface That Contains A Drag And Drop Form?

Oct 19, 2008

I'm working on a design project where I have to use a Graphical User Interface that contains a drag and drop form. It consists of having a window dropped on a wall. Both of them are images to scale. I would like to know what kind of code I would have to use to show the x and y coordinates of one of the points of my window when dragged so when I drop it, I'm dropping in it on the desired coordinate of the wall.

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Using Double.NaN In Optional Parameter On Interface?

May 27, 2010

I have come across something confusing or potentially a bug in Visual Studio 2010 when defining an interface in my VB application: When defining an interface method with a default parameter of type Double, using the Double.NaN constant as the default value causes the code editor/intellisense/precompiler some issues.The following code underlines "INaNTest" and "INaNTest.DoSomething" claiming that 'DoSomething' cannot implement 'DoSomething' because there is no matching sub on interface 'INaNTest':


where now "NaN" has been divorced from the "Double." prefix and underlined ('NaN' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.) The code editor has inserted invalid code again.Is there a correct solution to using Double.NaN as the default value for a method as defined on an interface, in, or is there a fundamental reason why this is impossible?

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DB/Reporting :: Automatically Generate Update/insert/delete Commands

May 18, 2010

I followed an example from a VB 2008 Wrox book on creating, binding and updating a data set but I am having a problem. The code is supposed to automatically generate the update/insert/delete statements for me (according to the book) but when I call the update command, the data is not saved.

Here is my code

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class FrmAddExpenses


After the form is loaded, I change the EntryDate field (which is a DateTimePicker) and close the form which should save the change but it doesn't work.

View 2 Replies - Getting SQLDataSource Update Parameter From Gridview?

Mar 28, 2011

I am trying to get a parameter for my update from the gridview but it is an ID column that I do not want displayed. If I display the data in a boundfield it works fine but if I set the visibility to false the parameter is no longer sent to the update stored procedure. There does not appear to be a hiddenfield column that I can put into the gridview.I have tried to set the parameters through the code behind but I am not certain on how to access the data I want the following code does not work (It sets the parameter to nothing

Protected Sub grvFacilityDisciplineBillingRate_RowUpdating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridViewUpdateEventArgs) Handles grvFacilityDisciplineBillingRate.RowUpdating
Dim row As GridViewRow = grvFacilityDisciplineBillingRate.Rows(e.RowIndex)


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Update Query Instead Insert Into Using Parameter?

Jun 12, 2011

I want to UPDATE query instead INSERT INTO using this code?

Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO tblPurchase_Order ([Order_Id],[Supplier_Id],[Address],[Project_Id],[dtpDate],[Material_Id],[Material_Name],[Unit],[Quantity],[Unit_Price],[Amount]) VALUES (@Order_Id,@Supplier_Id,@Address,@Project_Id,@dtpDate,@Material_Id,@Material_Name,@Unit,@Quantity,@Unit_Price,@Amount)", conn)


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Generate A .exe To The User Desktop?

Nov 1, 2009

if i have a form called form1 and a button on that form could that button be clicked and then it generate a .exe to the user desktop?

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Generate Unique Id Per User?

Mar 19, 2011

I have a webpage Default.aspx which generate the id for each new user after that the id will be subbmitted to database on button click on Default.aspx...

if onother user is also entering the same time the id will be the same ... till they press button on default.aspx

How to get rid of this that ... each user will be alloted the unique id ..

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Update Some Fields Of A Table Of Access According To The Value Of Parameter?

May 19, 2010

I have to update some fields of a table of access according to the value of parameter. If this paramter is "true" I need to update.



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VS 2010 : Update Boolean Through Parameter Oledb?

May 24, 2012

I have a checkbox named chkFactureren.When I want to save the value of that checkbox to my ms access 2003 DB I get the error: oledbexception was unhandled by user code - data type mismatch in criteria expression

cmdUpdate.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Factureren", CBool(Me.chkFactureren.Checked))

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Generate Buttons And Allow The User To Drag And Drop Them?

Oct 20, 2010

I am trying to generate buttons and allow the user to drag and drop them.I have this sub:Sub Form1_MouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseClick


Also if I declare the nodebtn as a global variable, I do not face this problem, the button is dragable. However when I click to add new buttons, no new button is generated, instead a button is generated with the count on it. Am I tackling this problem of drag and drop in the right manner or am I completely wrong at this.

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Generate Data On Basis Of User Input?

Sep 30, 2009

I want to create a page in website . it has to have one text box . the user enter the productcode in the textbox and click on search . when the user click search i want to display all the information about that product from product table.


View 2 Replies - SQLLite Update Query Parameter Not Accepting System String Value?

Nov 29, 2011

I am having some issues with a parameterized SQL Lite query. I can't seem to get the SQL Lite Parameter to accept the String value

Using cmd As SQLiteCommand = pConn.CreateCommand()
If tblLang = "en" Then
cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE [AT_Strings] SET [Data] = @tblData + 1 WHERE [RecordID] = @ID AND [language] = @tblLang1"
Dim tblData As New SQLiteParameter("@tblData")


The error is as follows....Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteParameter'.Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteParameter'.

Source Error:

Line 283: Dim ID As New SQLiteParameter("@ID")
Line 284: Dim tblLang1 As New SQLiteParameter("@tblLang1")

ERROR on Line 285...

Line 285: cmd.Parameters.Add(dataText)

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Parameter Update Reports 1 Row Updated But No Data In Table Added

Oct 13, 2011

I am getting an incorrect repsonse after an update to a table. In my RowUpdating event I have the following code which builds an Update Parameter to call an SP to update a table. I must be doing something wrong but everything runs fine. My rowsAffected variable reports 1 after the update, but the table never gets the data.[code]I found a solution that is working. On the original DataSource for the update command I needed to add the following.[code]This in essence allows the original data source to call the SP. Note: that the command type needs to stay as TEXT not Stored Procedure as one might think.

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Interface And Graphics - Listbox Update Item

Jul 3, 2009

On my form is a listbox. When the user clicks insert (in the menu) then I add a blank item in the listbox. The user then enters the data and then I want to update my listbox with the value(s) the user entered. The problem is that I don't see the update in the listbox, unless I reload it from the database. [Code]

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Interface Class (IUser) Which Is The Interface Of Class User?

Jan 17, 2009

I have an interface class (IUser) which is the interface of class User. Now, i want to put these into an IList but am confused as to how i should declare the IList:Dim userList As IList(Of IUser) = New List(Of IUser) Dim userList As IList(Of User) = New List(Of User) Dim userList As IList(Of IUser) = New List(Of User) Dim userList As IList(Of User) = New List(Of IUser) when instantiating should you always use its implementation; and when using it as a type use its interface?

And when im creating a new user should i use: Dim myUser as IUser = new User?

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C# - Generate And Handle User Messages Inside Methods?

Aug 5, 2011

What is the best way to handle a function that might occasional fail to evaluate, but even when it does fail does not require a halt of the parent routine, though sometimes might require an explanation to the user?I have such a function, deep in my code, that returns a number. Codingwise, the simplest approach would be to make the function nullable, and return null when it can't evaluate. That way the calling routine can continue while also knowing the function failed to return a number.

However, depending upon the circumstances, sometimes I want to display the reason for the fail to the user so they know what to fix. Obviously just returning null isn't enough information. Should I be raising messages inside the function itself as it evaluates for anonymous listeners to catch, to be displayed if desired?(For those rightfully pointing out that logic functions shouldn't be responsible for creating user messages, I didn't mean to imply the function generates the full text message, just somehow transmits the reason for the problem so that the UI could later parse that into a message)

The other option I suppose would be throw exceptions inside the function if it can't evaluate, then catch and interpret to user messages if desired. However, as stated the inability to evaluate typically does not signify a halt to the routine, and now I'd have to put a Try...Catch block around the function call everytime I use it.

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Write A Program In .net Take Some Input From User And Then Generate Hex File?

Oct 24, 2010

My project is GUI based. I want to write program in take some input from user and then i hav to genarate hex file so that it can be run on microcontroller. I just want to know weather hex file generation in is possible or not?

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Interface And Graphics :: Update Every Millisecond The BackGroundImage Of PictureBox

Aug 11, 2009

I'm trying to update every millisecond the BackGroundImage of a PictureBox. But it don't works. I think that it comes from the figure that I update every millisecond in the PictureBox.[code]

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Dynamically Generate Textbox And Collect Data Entered By User?

Nov 5, 2011

We use a database to create Data Collection forms with dynamic items

I used this code to generate labels and textboxes from a table in database (when the user hits the button "load CRF")

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click[code]...

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Generate An Error Message To The User To Let Them Know A File Doesn't Exist?

May 10, 2010

im trying to generate an error message to the user to let them know a file doesnt exist.So far ive got the user to enter the file name into a textbox, they click search and if successful will load a new form with a PDF file reader built in( AxAcroPDF1 )everytime i enter the right file name i get the file loaded, if enter the wrong name the File page still loads with no pdf and no message saying file doesnt exist.

Sub PictureBox1_Click(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e


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Interface And Graphics :: DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Change To Automatically Update Datagridview?

Jan 24, 2010

I have a standard DataGridView. One of the columns is a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn. When I select one of the ComboBox items, I want to trap the change and add additional columns based on the item selected in the ComboBox. I've tried using CellValueChanged for the DataGridView column, and a bunch of other events, but none of them is fired when the DataGridViewComboBox value is changed. What event can I trap to make this happen?

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Multiple Line TextBox When The User Clicks The Generate Words Button?

Aug 30, 2009

I have been trying to figure out how to do this program for a few days. Here is the question.Write a Windows application that allows the user to enter a seven-letter combination corresponding to that number in a multiple line TextBox when the user clicks the Generate Words button.Avoid phone numbers with the digits 0&1.

I got some help from my instructor but I can't get anything in the listbox?


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Progammatically Generate Executable Files After Taking Custom Parameters From The User?

Apr 22, 2009

I would need samples/hints on how to progammatically generate executable files after taking custom parameters from the user.I have looked into codedom and I almost got it to work except for the little fact that my application launches the console too and it's meant to be a simple windows form.

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Automate Export To Pdf After User Parameter Entered?

Jun 10, 2009

I have a report that requires the user to enter their ticket number, then they click view, and it generates. Pretty standard. What I would like to do is have the report automatically export to a pdf when they click view. Does anyone know if this is possible and how I would approach the matter?

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Coding A User Interface?

Feb 29, 2012

I'm learning how to use visual basic and come from a background in Java. In Java I use the swing class to build my interface and code all of it. Is there a way to do this with visual basic, or is the designer the only way to create an interface?

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How To Make User Interface

Sep 7, 2010

I want input from user and when he click on view report button report should come in report viewer. May be my design is not good but my aspect is to design a user interface so that user should able to pass parameter in all the ways and get desired report.

Drop downlist
Radio Button
Check box
and other countrols

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