Get All My Textboxes In Tabcontrol Tabpage1 To Be Cleared Of Text Thru The For Each Loop

May 11, 2011

Trying to write my program in 2010. I have read my 2 books and have been playing with the code a bit. Got streamreader and writer and My Namespace understood as far as text files go. Now I'm trying to get all my textboxes in tabcontrol tabpage1 to be cleared of text thru the For Each loop.

I've tried various ways and keep getting invalidcastexception error. I even changed the tabcontrol and tabpage modifiers to public. That did not work either.


I thought the code would not only clear all textboxes on tabpage1 but on all the tabpages. The help tells me that "When casting from a number, the value must be a number less than infinity and to make sure the source type is convertible to the destination type. I have three tabpages and that is definitly less than infinity. The source type and destination type puzzle me a bit.

Here is what I got using intellisense, however it not only clears the textboxes of text on tabpage1, but it clears the labels and buttons of text too so it is not a perfect solution.


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TabControl - Set Tabpages - Go From Tabpage1 To Tabpage2 That All Data On Tabpage1 Gets Reseted

Jun 11, 2009

I have 2 questions.

1- Let's I have a form with a TabControle and 2 tabpages, is it possible to set the tabpages so that if i go from tabpage1 to tabpage2 that all data on tabpage1 gets reseted. The same thing if I go from tabpage2 to tabpage1 that tabpage2 is reseted. Also if I press on tabpage1 or 2 that the form changes to a certain height.

2- On the same form I created a button to open a new form. This new form is a notepad look a like. What I want is that the moment I open the second form that al the input from form one is showed on form 2. So that I can save it or print it.

View 22 Replies

Open File With File Name In Tabcontrol's Tabpage1 Name?

May 11, 2009

i have this to open a file:

Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:Documents and SettingsOwnerDesktop esting.html"
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(FILE_NAME)
RichTextBox1.Text = objReader.ReadToEnd

what line of code am i missing to add the file name without the path in the tabcontrol's tabpage1, so instead of saying tabpage1 it would have my filename that i opened..

so much work to do and so many choices to choose from...

View 6 Replies

Textboxes Cleared But Memory Remains Stored

Apr 28, 2009

I am working on completing the Clear event for Button Clear Sub routine. I have been able to clear the textboxes with the code I already have. However, in playing with the application, I noticed that the memory remains stored somewhere in the program. How to both clear the textboxes, and clear the memory?

Private Sub btnReset_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnReset.Click
txtTestScore.Text = ("")
lblNumberOfScores.Text = ("")
lblAverageScore.Text = ("")
lblBestScore.Text = ("")
End Sub

View 3 Replies

Forms :: Loop Set Text To Textboxes?

Nov 15, 2008

Is it a way to set the text in a textbox from a loop? Bad Explained, heres an example
Dim id(10) as string
For h As Integer = 0 To 10


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Textboxes,Tabcontrol And Log In?

Feb 25, 2010

I'm using Visual Basic 2008 and Microsoft Access 2003 database. And I use databind.I have some questions here: 1. When the Staff or Admin will log in(Form1) then in the Form2 there should be a name place in the top left of the form like "Welcome ([code]...

2. When i register products the product id should auto increment =how?and the masked textbox in the unit price should be 2 decimal place = how?i did'nt use textbox because masked textbox accepts only numbers and another is the quantity for example 1 bag, 2 sacks should be dropdown(combobox)=how? [code]...

3. And in my Inventory part. i will categorized each products so I'm planning to use tabcontrol(1st Tab(medicine) 2nd Tab(Insecticide) 3rd tab(Search). question is if i will drag the datagridview of the products table it should only show products that are in the catrgory of medicine in the 1st tab=how?

View 3 Replies

C# - Text Inside Textbox That Must Be Cleared When Clicked

Oct 9, 2009

I am using ASP.NET. I am not sure what you will call this but I would like text to be displayed in my text box called txtName. So when the form load the text box will have faded text that will say "Required". Then when the user click inside the text box i want the user to place a value inside the text box. Is this possible in ASP.NET? If so, how can this be done????

View 5 Replies

Using Streamwriter, Text Cleared For No Apparent Reason

May 14, 2012

So I am trying to change the directory where the files are beeing saved. I've made a file where the location is saved. But for some reason, when I have saved the new location and restart the application, the file is is cleared, leaving it empty.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


View 3 Replies

Stop Text Of Button Control From Being Cleared When I Override OnBackgroundPaint?

Sep 1, 2011

How can I stop the text of a button control from being cleared when I override OnBackgroundPaint?

View 3 Replies

Programmatically Created TextBox Retains Text Value After PostBack Even If Control Is Cleared?

Jan 21, 2011

I have a drop down menu, and based on which item is selected, I call a web service and then dynamically create some text boxes.The first time I drop down the menu and select an item, it works perfectly, and the text boxes are created and populated dynamically. However, the next time I drop down the menu (after the first postback), and select something different..fter the second postback, the original values remain in the textboxes.

View 2 Replies

How To Add Textboxes In Windows Form Using For Loop

Feb 3, 2010

I want to add textboxes in my form as per the input I give. Say, My code will prompt me to enter the no of files I would like to upload... If I give input as "3".... it should generate 3 textboxes to enter the file names....

View 3 Replies

How To Clear Multiple Textboxes (Loop )

Jan 20, 2011

The problem I am having is with a loop that I want to clear multiple textboxes
Dim count as double = 0
dim max as double = 6
Do Until count = max
textcommand = ("Textbox_"+ count +".clear()")
count = count + 1
[Code] .....

View 2 Replies

Looping Through Different Textboxes With One Loop Code

Jun 1, 2010

i know there are no "control arrays" in i do come from vb6, and im trying my way now within, so please be gentel...

if someone could please post a simple code to do the following, it would be great:

i have 3 textboxes called txtBet1, txtBet2 and txtBet3.

i have another 3 texboxes called txtResult1, txtResult2, txtResult3.

so i want to have one loop code, to get the value in txtBet1, calculate somethings, and put it into txtResult1.text.

i know it's basic, but i tried using this sample here as a reference, but its not really understandable for me, because its not really choosing the exact control i want to address...

this is from Microsoft website - a comparison between vb6 and

"' Visual Basic 6.0
Private Sub ClearText()
For i = 0 To Text1().UBound


View 5 Replies

Datagridview - Automatically Open The Tabpage2 When Click On A Specific Row In The Tabpage1

Jun 22, 2009

I have 4 tab pages on a form. and on each tab page a datagridview witch is connected to a specific table from a database located in Microsoft sql server 2005. I am wondering if it's posible to automatically open the tabpage2 when I click on a specific row in the tabpage1..

View 1 Replies

Loop Through Textboxes In And Fill With Array Of String?

Jun 24, 2012

this is my code

Dim str As String = "str1,str2"
Dim array() As String = str.Split(",")
Dim MyListOfTextBoxes() As TextBox = {TextBox1, TextBox2, TextBox3}


i have 5 textboxes. i want to fill just textbox1 and textbox2 with array value. because no i have to word.but when i run the code "str1" repetition on textbox1,textbox2 and textbox3.

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VS 2008 - 10 Textboxes - Set Them Visiable False But Not One By One Through A For Loop

Dec 23, 2011

I have 10 textboxes in my formthey all name the following


What i want is to set them visiable false but not one by one through a for loop how would i do that because how would concatinate numarical value with alphabates (i.e txtLtr and 0, 1,2 and so on)...i.e For t as integer = 0 to 9 txtLtr&t.visiable = false' what shoud i type here, i need this line of code

View 3 Replies

Loop Over All Textboxes In A Form, Including Those Inside A Groupbox?

Jan 12, 2011

I have several textboxes in a winform, some of them are inside a groupbox. I tried to loop over all textboxes in my form:

For Each c As Control In Me.Controls
If c.GetType Is GetType(TextBox) Then
' Do something


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Loop Through Dynamic Textboxes To Assign And Read Values?

Dec 22, 2009

I have 12 textboxes named TextBox1 to TextBox12. How can I loop through these textboxes to assign and read the values? I.e.:
Dim strTextboxName As String
For i As Integer = 1 To 12
strTextboxName = "TextBox" & i
TextBox{i}.Text = ...... ?????

View 9 Replies

Tabcontrol Headers Text Is Gone?

Mar 26, 2012

It's quite strange... The text headers of the tabcontrol's tabpages are gone... Even when I set them again, they are not disappear, design-time nor run-

View 1 Replies

VS 2008 Tabcontrol Headers Text Is Gone?

Dec 24, 2009

It's quite strange... The text headers of the tabcontrol's tabpages are gone... Even when I set them again, they are not disappear, design-time nor run-time.

View 2 Replies

Make TabPage.Text To Appear When TabControl Is Set To OwnerDrawFixed

Mar 3, 2009

In Vb.Net 2005, how is it possible to make the TabPage.Text to appear when the DrawMode of a TabControl is set to OwnerDrawFixed. I have even tried to set the TabPage.Text in the Form_Load event but of no avail.

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Save Labels Text That Is Inside Of A Tabcontrol?

Jan 16, 2011

In the program that i'm working now a button create's a new tab witch contains 5 labels and 2 buttons.Of these 5 labels 3 have fixed text but 2 of them have variable text witch i need to save and reload at startup each time(until tab is deleted)

i figured out how to save tab's and make them reload at startup and suceded on saving the 2 labels text in a specialized stringcollection but on startup it only load's the last memorized string in the selected tab , the other tabs label's are blank.

how to load the other labes text?

View 14 Replies

Adding An Image To 1 Of The Tabs On A TabControl, Blocks My Tab's Text?

Dec 9, 2011

Using Visual Studio 2005 ( (windows forms) on Windows XP, I have a standard Microsoft TabControl.A button click adds/removes an image from 1 of the Tabs.Seems like the image is placed OVER my tab's text, making it unreadable.Why isn't it like it should be: Image on the left. Followed by text on the right.Why is the image being placed OVER my tab's text? Do I need to do some kind of "refresh" or "redraw" before it will appear as it should? I don't see any way to "make the image appear on the left edge of the tab". (NOT the tab-page.) ... and then place the text just to the right of the image. (Just like a normal image+text tab can do.)The code is pretty simple, it just gets an image from my ImageList: cfgTab.ImageKey = "PadLockClosed.png"' Show CLOSED PadLockThe tab's text changes from: This is my tab text to: T(IMAGE HERE)is my tab text The image appears OVER the beginning of my text. But if I move to another tab, then move back, the image appears in the correct position:(IMAGE HERE) This is my tab text

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Make The TabPage.Text To Appear When The DrawMode Of A TabControl Is Set To OwnerDrawFixed

Mar 3, 2009

In Vb.Net 2005, how is it possible to make the TabPage.Text to appear when the DrawMode of a TabControl is set to OwnerDrawFixed. I have even tried to set the TabPage.Text in the Form_Load event but of no avail.

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Forms :: Make The TabPage.Text To Appear When The DrawMode Of A TabControl Is Set To OwnerDrawFixed?

Mar 3, 2009

In Vb.Net 2005, how is it possible to make the TabPage.Text to appear when the DrawMode of a TabControl is set to OwnerDrawFixed. I have even tried to set the TabPage.Text in the Form_Load event but of no avail.

View 1 Replies

TabControl: Show Tabs On Top Right And Left Side With Horizontal Text?

Sep 13, 2010

i use vs 2008. how do i make the tabs stay on the top right hand side and left hand side with horizontal lettering.

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Loading Text File Text Into Two Textboxes?

Feb 2, 2010

I'm having a problem with loading two text boxes from a saved text file. I've built a log in form that saves the user-name and password on separate lines in a text file.I have a save button and a load button. My problem is that I'm new to Visual Basics and I can't figure out how to get the two lines from the file to load into their separate boxes on the form.The code that I have loads both lines from the text file into the User Name Box.Oh the username is on the first line in the text file, and the password is on the second line of the text file. Could someone please help! My Loading code is:

Private Sub btnLoad_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoad.Click
If File.Exists("Login Config.txt") Then
Dim ioFile As New StreamReader("Login Config.txt")
Dim ioLine As String ' Going to hold one line at a time


View 10 Replies

Message Box Pop Up Not Cleared Properly

Aug 2, 2011

I have an application in I am using the msgbox inside the execution of a loop. Now the message box pops up fine, but when i click on "Ok" in the pop up, the message box

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Create A CLEAR BUTTON Loop To Clear All Textboxes?

Dec 13, 2011

this is currently my code to clear my 5 textboxes

Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

End Sub

View 16 Replies - Dropdownlist Is Cleared On Page Postback

Apr 8, 2011

I have a FormView bound to a SqlDataSource on my page. One of the controls on the FormView is a DropDownList, which gets populated on Page_Load (it's being populated with a list of file names from a specific folder).

Everything goes well when the page first loads. I am able to view the list of files, select one and, upon hitting the "save" button, store the correct filename in the database. However, when the page refreshes after the post back - the DropDownList is empty.


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