Using Streamwriter, Text Cleared For No Apparent Reason

May 14, 2012

So I am trying to change the directory where the files are beeing saved. I've made a file where the location is saved. But for some reason, when I have saved the new location and restart the application, the file is is cleared, leaving it empty.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Form Closing For No Apparent Reason?

May 9, 2009

I have a problem where a form is closing when it shouldn't be. I just don't see why this is happening so I hope someone can see the obvious error that I'm missing.The user is on a form called frmPersonalAddress. If he clicks on a button labled "Add Children", he will open a new form, using the .showdialogue method called frmChildren.FrmChildren contains several text fields that may be filled and a single CLOSE button. When closing, the program will examine the fields. If it finds an error, a Messagebox will display with the error and the form should remain open. If there are no errors, the form will close

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VS 2008 : Client Freezes Up For No Apparent Reason?

Jan 31, 2010

I have created an authentication system in the Server that verifies the user exists and password is valid. Here's the code I use for checking a Connect:
Private Sub messageReceived(ByVal sender As ConnectedClient, ByVal message As String) If message <> String.Empty Then Me.Invoke(New WriteLog(AddressOf WriteMessage), String.Format("Message: {0}", message)) Me.Invoke(New WriteLog(AddressOf WriteMessage), String.Empty) Me.Invoke(New WriteLog(AddressOf WriteMessage), String.Empty) 'A message has


Basically, I follow through the code and I do receive the user list and it is created as needed. But the GUI thread still remains locked up and I don't know why.

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C# - Text Inside Textbox That Must Be Cleared When Clicked

Oct 9, 2009

I am using ASP.NET. I am not sure what you will call this but I would like text to be displayed in my text box called txtName. So when the form load the text box will have faded text that will say "Required". Then when the user click inside the text box i want the user to place a value inside the text box. Is this possible in ASP.NET? If so, how can this be done????

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Get All My Textboxes In Tabcontrol Tabpage1 To Be Cleared Of Text Thru The For Each Loop

May 11, 2011

Trying to write my program in 2010. I have read my 2 books and have been playing with the code a bit. Got streamreader and writer and My Namespace understood as far as text files go. Now I'm trying to get all my textboxes in tabcontrol tabpage1 to be cleared of text thru the For Each loop.

I've tried various ways and keep getting invalidcastexception error. I even changed the tabcontrol and tabpage modifiers to public. That did not work either.


I thought the code would not only clear all textboxes on tabpage1 but on all the tabpages. The help tells me that "When casting from a number, the value must be a number less than infinity and to make sure the source type is convertible to the destination type. I have three tabpages and that is definitly less than infinity. The source type and destination type puzzle me a bit.

Here is what I got using intellisense, however it not only clears the textboxes of text on tabpage1, but it clears the labels and buttons of text too so it is not a perfect solution.


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Stop Text Of Button Control From Being Cleared When I Override OnBackgroundPaint?

Sep 1, 2011

How can I stop the text of a button control from being cleared when I override OnBackgroundPaint?

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Programmatically Created TextBox Retains Text Value After PostBack Even If Control Is Cleared?

Jan 21, 2011

I have a drop down menu, and based on which item is selected, I call a web service and then dynamically create some text boxes.The first time I drop down the menu and select an item, it works perfectly, and the text boxes are created and populated dynamically. However, the next time I drop down the menu (after the first postback), and select something different..fter the second postback, the original values remain in the textboxes.

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Making A Project Which Stores Patients Name, Reason For Visit Etc In A Text File Using Filestreaming?

Jan 18, 2012

I'm using VB 2008. I'm making a project which stores patients name, reason for visit etc in a text file using filestreaming like:

Dim fs As New FileStream("H:/ICS3U Final Project/Betolli.txt", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write)
Dim textfile As New StreamWriter(fs)

Is there any way the doctor can literally open up the text file by a click of a button. I don't mean like : read all lines or a STREAMREADER.I want to physically be able to open the text file which is located on the computer harddrive so the doctor can read it.

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Streamwriter And Strange Charactors - Opening The Streamwriter With Different Character Sets As The Third Parm?

Apr 21, 2010

I am taking in two html files and creating one out of them. To do this I am opening the first html file and not writing out the closing </body> and </html> tag and opening the second file and not writing out the corresponding opening tags, as well as the <style></style>section. I start a streamwriter, and write the lines out to it, and then close the streamwriter. My problem is that the output file is filled with strange characters. I've tried opening the streamwriter with different character sets as the third parm, but all this does is change the characters to different strange characters.It says charset=windows-1252 at the tops of the input files (and the output files for that matter - since I'm just reading stuff in and writing it out - with the exceptions mentioned above).Questions;First, do you think I am properly approaching appending two .htm files together?Second, how can I eliminate these strange characters.


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Appending Text Using StreamWriter?

Feb 16, 2009

This append feature does not seem to work. I've looked in many places to no avail. The other examples below for writing and reading seem to be going fine.

Private Sub ApFile(ByVal textFilePath As String)
Dim objWriter As System.IO.StreamWriter = file.appendtext("textTBD")


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Getting Streamwriter To Write To A Text File?

Sep 3, 2010

encountering a problem when trying to write data to a text file. If I put the output into a messagebox I can see it, but when I attempt to write it to a file it is just blank. What am I missing here? EDIT - This is just a simple winform that I specify a path to a local HTML file in Textbox1 and I'm attempting to parse some HREF tag data.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Public Class Form1


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StreamWriter Add Row To Text File DataFile?

Sep 26, 2011

I need to add a row of data to an exisitng TextFile that is in Tba delimited format. My program currently used ADO to read and update the table but that was creating to many problems with varying 3rd party providers of the Text File.

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StreamWriter Not Writing To Text File

Oct 19, 2009

In the following, Response.Write poduces the expected result of displaying user name and password - but nthing is written to the text file (colocated in the root directory).[code]...

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StreamWriter Not Writing To Text File?

Jun 12, 2011

In the following, Response.Write poduces the expected result of displaying user name and password - but nthing is written to the text file (colocated in the root directory).

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Partial Class getCustomer


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Apparent Bug When Repopulating A Datagridview?

Jul 27, 2011

I am using VS2010 and .NET 4. My form has a DataGridView (dgvTest), and a checkbox (CheckBox1). I am selecting 2 or 3 fields from a table, depending on whether the checkbox is checked (which it is initially). My possible SQL statements are "SELECT ID,strForenames,strSurname FROM tblAlumni" and "SELECT strForenames,strSurname FROM tblAlumni".

I have used SQL Profiler to confirm that these are the queries sent to the DB. All seems well when I load the form (I see 3 fields, in the order I expect), and when I uncheck the box (I see 2 fields, in the order I expect). However, when I check it again, the ID field appears THIRD in the columns of the DataGridView, not first! I have found a couple of reports of something similar to this (mis)behaviour on the Net, but folks just seem to find some other way to do the job rather than ask is this a problem with DataGridView that needs fixed.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System


do your experts agree this is a bug? The "fix" is to wipe the DataGridView between repopulations, but I'm not sure I should have to?

dgvTest.DataSource = Nothing

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Returns In Text File Using Streamwriter And Reader?

Mar 25, 2011

Here's my code to add new lines to my text file:


When the button is pressed the line is written to the file just fine, but if I restart my application, which calls Refresh_OtherLog() onLoad, it displays the lines of the text file as one line with the traditional square character depicting a character return. Why is it not putting that new lone as a new line in the listbox?

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StreamWriter - Doesn't Show The Text Box Items

Nov 1, 2009

When i tried to run this code, it doesn't show the text box items on the text_1.txt. Its only show the tester1, and tester2 as in the quote. What did i miss out?


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StreamWriter - Editing Resource (Text) Files

Aug 3, 2010

All right, here's my issue. I have a resource that is a text file. I'm trying to use a StreamWriter to edit it. I've done it in C# but can't find my example files.

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Streamwriter - Writing Each Line To Text File

May 15, 2012

I am writing each line to a text file:
Dim objWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(filename)
For Each x In tofile
Which works perfectly the only problem is is that when its finished it writes a blank line on the end of the text file which I don't want.

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Use Filestream And Streamwriter / Streamreader To Have A Simple Text Box?

Oct 21, 2009

I am trying to use filestream and streamwriter / streamreader to have a simple text box where the text entered is written to a text file, and then a button can be clicked to read the file and present the text back to the textbox. It works, but the problem I'm having is that if i change the text to something smaller in length (less text) than what is currently in the file, then press the button to read the file, it still contains some of the old text that was previously in the file.

Dim strmReadFile As New FileStream(txtPath.Text, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)
Dim readHandle As New StreamReader(strmReadFile)
'read the entire text, and set it to a string
Dim streamFileContents As String = readHandle.ReadToEnd()


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VS 2008 : Writing Text Files Using StreamWriter?

Nov 24, 2009

I'm getting a problem when writing text files using StreamWriter. The files read fine and they write fine if I'm not overwriting an existing file. They also write ok as long as I'm not writing over a file that only has one digit at the end of the name. For some reason when there are 2 digits at the end it crashes when I'm trying to save over an already existing text file. Here's my code.

StringForTextFile = "C:" & Folder4PS & "" & IDCodewDashOrN & "Series" & Series & "ScreenNumber" & ScreenNumber & ".txt"
LblTesting.Visible = True ' Testing
LblTesting.Text = "StringForTextFile = " & StringForTextFile


above but 've tried all the different Encoding possibilites. Unicode, UTF32, UTF8, UTF7 as well as without those parameters listed where the close parentheses is right after StringForTextFile. I get the same result. If I'm writing a new text file that doesn't exist, then no problem or if I'm writing over an existing text file but it has 0 to 9 at the end then I'm ok but if I'm writing over an existing file and there is 10 or above(haven't tried triple digits or all values) then my application crashes. You see the test label in the code above because I was looking at exactly what file it was trying to overwrite and it is just as it should be.

Should I be using a different procedure? An example of a string that would cause a crash for the string StringForTextFile would be:

C:Name of My AppSeries1ScreenNumber10.txt

If it was being written for the first time then no problem or if the 10 at the end was 0 to 9 then no problem also. I've also tried and originally had it set up where there wasn't an If File.Exists(StringForTextFile) = True Then statement. It just always used the same code whether writing or overwriting and I wasn't having a problem that I remember. For some reason I started having a problem recently and I put the alternate methods of writing in.

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IO.StreamWriter - GUI To Export Verification Data To A Text File

Dec 15, 2011

I am new to the forum I have been working on a GUI to export verification data to a text file. I have it set up to work at home but I would like to adapt the code so that it will write the text file to the directory that I use at work also. I have the areas commented out where things that I have attempted do not work. Here is what I have for code:


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Text File From Online Web Address Readable By Streamwriter?

Sep 3, 2010

Is it possible to use the streamWriter to read a .txt file thats in a web address online?

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Streamwriter - Replacing Specific Values In A Large Text File

Jun 4, 2011

I have some large csv files (1.5gb each) where I need to replace specific values. The method I'm currently using is terribly slow and I'm fairly certain that there should be a way to speed this up but I'm just not experienced enough to know what I should be doing. This is my first post and I tried searching through to find something relevant but didn't come across anything.

My other thought would be to break the file into chunks so that I can read the entire thing into memory, do all of the replacements there and then output to a consolidated file. I tried this but the way I did it actually ended up seeming slower than my current method.

Sub Main()
Dim fName As String = "2009.csv"
Dim wrtFile As String = "2009.1.csv"


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VS 2008 IO StreamWriter -- WriteLine Leaving Blank Text File?

Jan 29, 2010

I'm trying to use StreamWriter to write to a text file; it creates the file fine, but when I open it up, it's still empty. I marked the code below where the writing action takes place.

vb Public Sub BHorse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BHorse.Click
Dim oMarketsReq As New BFExchange.GetAllMarketsReq
Dim oMarketsResp As BFExchange.GetAllMarketsResp
Dim BFWrite As System.IO.StreamWriter
BFWrite = IO.File.CreateText("C:Datamarket.txt")
With oMarketsReq


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Get Around Of The Apparent Issues Of Using The Basic File Saving Dialog?

Sep 28, 2010

Is there any way I can get around of the apparent issues of using the basic file saving dialog to at least allow another way to save files from my program?What I am talking about is possibly a way to be able to drag something from the program to somewhere on the PC saving it there. I know of a few possible ways to get this done already but the ones I know of aren't exactly great, I could stick with the basic save file dialog but it's a bit slower than you could likely do with simple drag & drop file saving, while then I have to do my own code so files that are allowed to be named to have the special characters like "?" which aren't allowed in filenames in windows will be replaced with different characters instead.

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VS 2010 - Create Error Handling MsgBox If No Apparent Internet Connection?

Aug 18, 2010

Using the following
If GeBrowse.DownloadString("URL GOES HERE").Contains("CHECKS FOR TEXT HERE.") Then
Something goes here
If there is no apparent internet connection, how would i create an error handling Message box or something of the sort?

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String Supposed To Find And Replace A Portion Of The Text And Write The Changes Back Out To The File Via Streamwriter

Jul 22, 2010

I have thios code that will load a php file (text file) into a sting via streamreader then its supposed to find and replace a portion of the text and write the changes back out to the file via streamwriter. I put my code together and after running it look at the file and it's unchanged. After looking closer it appears the problem is the find & replace operation I am doing on the string. Here is my code:


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Message Box Pop Up Not Cleared Properly

Aug 2, 2011

I have an application in I am using the msgbox inside the execution of a loop. Now the message box pops up fine, but when i click on "Ok" in the pop up, the message box

View 1 Replies - Dropdownlist Is Cleared On Page Postback

Apr 8, 2011

I have a FormView bound to a SqlDataSource on my page. One of the controls on the FormView is a DropDownList, which gets populated on Page_Load (it's being populated with a list of file names from a specific folder).

Everything goes well when the page first loads. I am able to view the list of files, select one and, upon hitting the "save" button, store the correct filename in the database. However, when the page refreshes after the post back - the DropDownList is empty.


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