Get An Array Of Columns And An Array Of Data Types?

Jun 10, 2009

how to parse SQL Text with VB.NET?

Ex: I got a sql file "CREATE TABLE..." i want to get an array of columns and an array of data types.

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Four Columns Of Data In A 2d Array Or Structure Array?

Dec 2, 2009

Here's the data I'm trying to work with

Spark Plugs
column 1: PR214,PR223,PR224,PR246,PR247,PR248,PR324,PR326,PR444
column 2: MR43T,R43,R43N,R46N,R46TS,R46TX,S46,SR46E,47L
column 3: RBL8,RJ6,RN4,RN8,RBL17Y,RBL12-6,J11,XEJ8,H12
column 4L 14K22,14K24,14K30,14K32,14K33,14K35,14K38,14K40,14K44

Here is what i came up with for my code so far

Public Class frmMain
Private strSpark() As String = {"PR214","PR223","PR224","PR246","PR247","PR248","PR324", "PR326","PR444"}
Private strBrands As String(,) = { { } }
End Class

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VS 2008 Jagged Array With Multiple Data Types?

Mar 13, 2010

I have a jagged array.

Dim jaggedarray(numColumns)()
Does this accept multiple data types?

I'm trying to get the results of a SELECT SQL query from Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.Item Are there any better ways of approaching this?

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Way Of Getting A Data Table With Various Column Types Into String Array?

Jun 8, 2010

This should be an easy one, looks like I got myself too confused.I get a table from a database, data ranges from varchar to int to Null values. Cheap and dirty way of converting this into a tab-delimited file that I already have is this (shrunken to preserve space, ugliness is kept on par with original):

' da - DataAdapter '
' dt - DataTable '


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Counting Columns In ASCII Text File To Enter Data Into An Array

Nov 21, 2009

I am using visual basic 2008 and trying to create an application to plot data from text files. I have several data files of various sizes. They have an unknown number of rows and either 2 or 4 columns.I need to put the data into 2 dimensional array, so value(,) becomes either value(lines,3) or value(lines,1) depending on the number of columns.My program needs to be able to count how many columns there are, and redim value(,) appropriately.I have written a piece of code to count the number of lines (rows) in the file using 'While not (EOF(1)) ....' but I'm stuck on how to count the number of columns.I could ask the user to indicate how many columns there are before the file is read, but I would prefer the program to detect the number automatically.

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Search An Array - Search The 4 Columns Of My Array By Using This Click Event

Dec 15, 2009

I am trying to search the 4 columns of my array by using this click event. The column is determined by a radio button as you can see. I changed my code from last time and now it works, but only for the first column. If i try to search out a string in the second or third columns I get an error based on the line highlighted in blue HTML accutally shows and it is green. the error says Index was outside bounds of array

Like i said It works fine for all values in the first column, accually the second (Numbered 1). If i enter a value in the partsnumBox and it is found in the the 2nd 3rd and 4th columns I want the value in the first column (0) of the same row.

Private Sub FindButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FindButton.Click
'Define Array
Dim PartsArray(,) As String = {{"PR214", "MR43T", "RBL8", "14K22"}, {"PR223", "R43", "RJ6", "14K24"},


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Array.Sort Returns Blank Data When Sorting A Structure Array?

Jun 19, 2009

I'm trying to sort an array based on a structure but whenever I do this, it basically erases all the data in the entire array.I have verified that the array is populated correctly, it is when using array.sort that everything returns blank.

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Generic Class Array - Reading In A Excel File And Extract Data To Store In A Array

Sep 9, 2010

I want to reading in a excel file and extract the sCodenumber sDescription ans the sStatus and store them in a array : StatusComposeArray(5200) As MyCompose. After this I need this array for comparing outside this class. But as can you see the array is defined inside the sub: ReadingIn_ExcelFilesCompose [Code]

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Replacing A String With Array's Data Based On Array's Index?

Jul 13, 2010

i have an array contains a-z.Then i have a textbox and when click on the button, it will replace the text inside the textbox to the index number of the array.Example, from "abc" will become "0 1 2" The code below do the to do so that i can replace the text inside the textbox from "0 1 2" back to "abc" based on the array?

Dim txtKey As String = readKeyTxt.Text
readKeyTxt.Text = ""
For Each b As String In txtKey[code].....

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Defining Data Types In SQL Server By Fields Not Columns

May 5, 2011

I am looking to define data types by fields in SQL Server 2005. My source is an Excel spreadsheet and I cannot define by columns because each row requires a set of definitions applied to each field in that row. Ex, row 1 requires field1 to be CHAR while in row 2 field 1 needs to be DATE.

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Array Of List Types

Jun 8, 2010

I'm writing a program and currently have 4 lists called Palette1, Palette2, Palette3, Palette4.Each contain 15 list items of Color type.I was hoping to create an array of lists but have been unsuccessfull in doing so.[code]

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Operator '&' Is Not Defined For Types '1-dimensional Array Of Byte' And '1-dimensional Array Of Byte'.

Feb 26, 2012

I have 9 1-dimensional arrays of bytes and 1 of them is empty, I want to make the empty one equal to the others put together like you would a string:

Dim bla As String = "bla" & "bla" & "bla"
'now bla = "blablabla"
but instead:


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VS 2010 : Copy This Array To A Temp Array So That The Temp Array Has All The Same Values As The Original Custom Array?

Jun 19, 2011

I have an array of people stored in a custom structure array... how can i copy this array to a temp array so that the temp array has all the same values as the original custom array?

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Determine Variable Types In An Array?

Sep 3, 2009

I am having some trouble with an array full of data which I am trying to process. The data has been picked out of an Excel spreadsheet and contains items such as phone numbers. The problem is that when I drop this array back into a spreadsheet, Excel being clever, decides that some of the phone numbers are numbers and removes the "+" from the front.[code]...

I know that adding a ' in front of the + will remedy this. What I need to do is find out which of the numbers in the array are actually numbers and which have spaces/characters in them. IS there a quick way of doing this without having to search through each individual character of each array position?

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Converting A Binary Array To Different Variable Types?

Aug 8, 2009

I'm trying to wrap up a program I wrote in VB.NET and quick. I have a device that I am connected to through a serial port (COM4). It sent me 1056 binary bytes which I have stored in an array called newRecievedData. (see code below)

********** Start Code*********
Dim numberOfBytesToRead As Integer
numberOfBytesToRead = myComPort.BytesToRead
Dim newRecievedData(numberOfBytesToRead - 1) As Byte


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Seaching An Array - Store In A 1d Array A Set Of 5 Place Names And In 2d Array The Distances Between Places

Jul 28, 2010

I am trying to create the following program Store in a 1d array a set of 5 place names and in a 2d array the distances between the places. Ensure that the order of the places is the same in both arrays. When the names are places are input the distance between them is displayed. If they are not both in the table a suitable message is displayed

Dim town(1 To 5) As String

Dim Dist(1 To 5, 1 To 5) As Integer

Dim First As Integer


I think the best way forward is pass a parameter to the function findnumber.

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Using A Structure Array With Multiple Member Names With 2 Types?

Nov 2, 2009

I am using a structure array with multiple member names with 2 types. My question is can you single out one of the member names and add its total? kinda like this...

HTML Code:
structure structureName
dim a as string
dim b as double
dim c as double


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Operator '&' Is Not Defined For Types 'String' And '1-dimensional Array Of Byte'

Feb 15, 2012

i try to put picture in mysql with, first i convert with this function : [code] i try to use that function for storing picture to mysql database : INSERT INTO myImage (image) VALUES ('" & convertImage(PictureBox1.image) & "');and then i have this error : Operator '&' is not defined for types 'String' and '1-dimensional array of Byte'i create a table (myImage) with image field (LongBlob)

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Array From 2 Datatable Columns?

Sep 28, 2011

Since now, I have the following:

Dim x = ( _
(From row In _Obj_DataSet.Tables(TableName).Rows() _


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How To Refer To Columns In An Array

May 7, 2012

I am very new to programming so I apologize if I am asking really basic questions here, but how would I go about referring to a specific column in an array? I am trying to use the prices in one column of my array and multiply that by a quantity, but I am not sure how to extract the price out of the array.


View 4 Replies - Create An Array With Two Columns Of Values?

Apr 11, 2011

I know how to create an array and loop through it normally - but what if I need a multi-column array. e.g. usually I might do something like:

For Each row in NameofArray
Dim name as String = row
Response.Write("Hello " & name & "!")

But what if I want to do something like:

For Each row in NameofArray
Dim name as String =
Dim age as Integer = row.age
Response.Write("Hello " & name & "! You are " & age & " years old!"

If this isn't possible with an array?

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Listview With Multi Columns To Array?

Feb 20, 2009

I am currently using the following code to store all of the items from a listbox control in an array, and then build a string based on the array items, trimming the last two character of the string to remove the ", ". I am looking to do something similiar for my multicolumn listview control but am concerned about how to store the multiple subitems for each item in the array.

Dim myStr (listbox1.items.count) as String
'store all active medications information in an array & build a string
For i As Integer = 0 To listbox1.Items.Count - 1


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Split Text In Columns Into Array?

Dec 19, 2009

i have a map .txt file that I made that contains X, Y coordinates, and an ID. I have been able to manipulate the .txt file just about every way possible except the way that I want to. I want to seperate the three columns at put each column into its own array. See the example below to understand what I am trying to do.


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Sum Rows And Columns In MultiDimensional Array

Dec 12, 2010

I am trying to create a console application that computes the row and column sum and prints the elements with the resulting sums for each row and column.[code]My column sum code is currently showing the row sums.and the rowsum code is showing a continuous sum, rather than a sum for just that row.

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Error Message : Operator '&' Is Not Defined For Types 'String' And '1-dimensional Array Of Byte'

Apr 26, 2010

I am having a problem in the following codes

Problem in "'" & rawData & "'")"

Error Message Operator '&' is not defined for types 'String' and '1-dimensional array of Byte'.

Complete Coding:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim fileSize As Integer
Dim rawData() As Byte


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Runtime Error : Operator '=' Is Not Defined For Types 'Object' And '1-dimensional Array Of DataRow'

Jan 1, 2008

I have set my datasource on my datagridview to be a subset of rows as follows:

dg.DataSource = myDataSet.testTable.Select("id=" & id)

But I get a runtime error that Operator '=' is not defined for types 'Object' and '1-dimensional array of DataRow' There should be an easy way to do this that doesn't involve creating new tables, etc.

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How To Create Array That Store All Columns With Variables

Jul 19, 2011

I have text file that is saved as comma delimited. There are 3 columns with x number of rows. I cannot seem to figure out how to create an array that will store all three columns with the variable intProductArray as the length of the array. I have been opening the file with only one column and putting it into a textbox and using the lines of the textbox as the variable for length. I cannot figure out the array for all 3 columns.

Private Sub btnChoose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnChoose.Click
Dim myFileDlog As New OpenFileDialog()
myFileDlog.InitialDirectory = "c:"
myFileDlog.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*" & _
[Code] .....

View 12 Replies

VS 2008 - How To Create Array From DataTable Columns

May 18, 2011

I have a Datatable consisting of columns with Latitude and longitude I want to be able to pass through each of those values in each row into an array that can then be passed through a function which gets the distance between each row and a static. In short I am trying to get distance between one location and various others that reside in a datatable that will vary in size. Right now with this existing code I am getting 6 different locations into an array:

Public Function GetCoords() As Coord()
Dim myCoords() As Coord
myCoords(0).Lat1 = CDbl(list1_Lat.Text)
myCoords(0).Lon1 = CDbl(List1_Lon.Text)
[Code] .....

If I am on the right track I think I need to create a new array that will accept Lat and Lon from each row in my Datatable? My end goal is to be able to find properties within a certain distance of a property. In other words "return all properties that are within .25 miles of 12 Maple Street". I thought if I had Lat and Lon of a certain property there would be a formula that would give me the max and min Lat and Lon to be within a .25 mile radius. I have searched for how to get a radius, but didnt come up with anything I could comprehend. So instead I thought I would just get each properties (row) return the distance in a new column then loop through the table to return properties within the desired distance .25 miles etc...

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Create An Interface Using Two-dimensional Array With 4 Rows, 5 Columns

Nov 3, 2011

I need to build an interface that allows the user to select a horse from a list. The horses are as follows: horse1, horse2, horse3 and horse4. The application should display the way the horse places with a 1 means the horse won, 2 indicates second place , 3 indicates third and 0 indicates the horse did not place. Application needs to display a summary of each horse's individual performance as well as the performances of the other horses. Table for keeping track of each horse is as follows:

5 races-how each placed
1 2 3 4 5
horse1 0 1 0 3 2


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Forms :: Binding Array Into Separate Columns In DataGrid?

Jul 16, 2009

I have an ArrayList that are separated by the pipe:
colA | colB | colC | colD
How can I bind that array into separate columns in a datagrid each with their own column header?

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