Way Of Getting A Data Table With Various Column Types Into String Array?

Jun 8, 2010

This should be an easy one, looks like I got myself too confused.I get a table from a database, data ranges from varchar to int to Null values. Cheap and dirty way of converting this into a tab-delimited file that I already have is this (shrunken to preserve space, ugliness is kept on par with original):

' da - DataAdapter '
' dt - DataTable '


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Data Types - Decimal - Move That Value Into A SQL Server Data Table Column Defined As A "Float"?

Aug 7, 2010

SQL Server has a Data Type of "Float". Visual Studio has a Data Type of "Decimal". In other words, if I have a variable in a VB.Net app that is defined as a "Decimal" ...can I move that value into a SQL Server Data Table column defined as a "Float"?

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IDE :: How To Make Column In Table To Accept Only 2 Types Of Input

Aug 17, 2009

I am having a problem on setting the SQL CE table column a field type. What field type does a column that only accepts only two inputs..
Example: If a table has a column named Gender..it should only accepts two types of input...like Make or Female.

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Get An Array Of Columns And An Array Of Data Types?

Jun 10, 2009

how to parse SQL Text with VB.NET?

Ex: I got a sql file "CREATE TABLE..." i want to get an array of columns and an array of data types.

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Operator '&' Is Not Defined For Types 'String' And '1-dimensional Array Of Byte'

Feb 15, 2012

i try to put picture in mysql with vb.net, first i convert with this function : [code] i try to use that function for storing picture to mysql database : INSERT INTO myImage (image) VALUES ('" & convertImage(PictureBox1.image) & "');and then i have this error : Operator '&' is not defined for types 'String' and '1-dimensional array of Byte'i create a table (myImage) with image field (LongBlob)

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Error Message : Operator '&' Is Not Defined For Types 'String' And '1-dimensional Array Of Byte'

Apr 26, 2010

I am having a problem in the following codes

Problem in "'" & rawData & "'")"

Error Message Operator '&' is not defined for types 'String' and '1-dimensional array of Byte'.

Complete Coding:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim fileSize As Integer
Dim rawData() As Byte


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VS 2008 Jagged Array With Multiple Data Types?

Mar 13, 2010

I have a jagged array.

Dim jaggedarray(numColumns)()
Does this accept multiple data types?

I'm trying to get the results of a SELECT SQL query from Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.Item Are there any better ways of approaching this?

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VS 2008 - Fill An Array With Whole Column From Database Table

Sep 6, 2009

I need to fill an array with whole column from database table, so i have used reader to read the values from that column, but can not figure out how to put them into array (code below doesn't work) [Code]

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Get A Specific (row, Column) Field Value String From A Sql Table?

Nov 21, 2009

I'm a beginner developer using VB 2008 Express Edition and SQL Server 2008 Express. I have tried my simple problem using many different ways and also have searched the web, LINQ to SQL, SQL commands, MSDN library, MSDN Forums, 'How do I' help document, and ... but come up empty. In my simple Table.mdf (see below), I have created some tables (T1, T2, T3, ...) which none is joined together. What I try to do upon request is to get a value string of specific row and column of table?


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Import/Merge A Particular Column With Data From One Data Table To Another?

Apr 6, 2011

I want to merge or import a column of data from one data table created in VB.NET to another data table's 'same-named' column.The destination data table has all the required columns created before hand but the source data table contains one column at a time, whose name is the same as that of one of the columns in destination data table.Whatever coding I have done for the same till now, results in blank rows at starting. The destination data table looks like this:And I want it to be displayed it as:

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Add An Array Of String To A Datagrid Text Column

Mar 12, 2012

[Code] This is the coding i have used to a datagrid with textbox and combobox column. But for the first column i have to generate a unique name for each item and display in the first column of the data grid. I used array of string and tried to add that array value to the first column. But it is showing the error " Object reference not set to an instance of an object". how to add the unique name column to my datagrid.

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Looping Datagridview To Get An Array Of String From Certain Column Value?

Jun 21, 2010

how to get an array of string from certain datagridviewcolumn,i try using this code,it doesn't work..

For Each row As DataGridViewRow In dgvPaketRow.Rows
If Not row.IsNewRow Then
Dim str() As String = New String() {row.Cells(0).Value}
Dim strRes = String.Join(", ", modCommon.str)
End If

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Get Column Value From Data Table To Textbox?

May 14, 2012

how to get selected row column value from data table to textbox in vb 2010?

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Adding A Column To An Access Data Table Through VB?

Nov 22, 2011

I have already binded a data source from Access to my visual basic program but need to add a True/False column to two of the tables. I could do this manually in access and re-bind the sources but that would take up too much of my time so I wanted to know if I'm using the proper code to add a column to the data table directly from VB? Here is the code I want to try but I don't know where to place it?

OleDbCommand = OleDbCommand("ALTER TABLE tableName ADD
FieldName DataType");
(something).Connection = OleDbConnection;


I'm not sure what goes into the "something" parenthesis and where this code must go. I already tried editting through the data designer but although it shows the column in the DataGridView, it does not save any data or the column into the actual access file.

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Run A SQL Statement To UPDATE A Column In A Table With New Data?

Apr 27, 2012

Attempting to run an SQL statement to UPDATE a column in a table with new data. The column being updated is defined as varchar(40) and the new data is 41 bytes (varchar(41)). I get a generic 'data will be truncated' error message, but no detail on which column caused the problem. I've attached a sample VB program to illustrate the issue. In this scenario, Company is defined as varchar(40).

My question: Can I get a more detailed error message? i.e. can I get an error message that tells me the row and column that the truncation occurs in? Often times, I may be updating hundreds or thousands of rows and only one value in one column from the source file is too large for a database cell. As a related question, does each OLEDB provider create its own error messages. i.e. will the MS SQL Server OLEDB provider potentially give different text in the error message than say the MS Jet OLEDB provider?

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Module Module1
Dim cn As OleDbConnection


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VB - Display In A Column Table Data Sum From Another Tabel?

Jun 12, 2011

have a little problemn. I have to tables codMP and Content.Display like this.codMPnameInx? - 20 - here i want to sum the column from the second table wherecodMP = with what is in the column codMP. The same for the

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Replacing A String With Array's Data Based On Array's Index?

Jul 13, 2010

i have an array contains a-z.Then i have a textbox and when click on the button, it will replace the text inside the textbox to the index number of the array.Example, from "abc" will become "0 1 2" The code below do the job.how to do so that i can replace the text inside the textbox from "0 1 2" back to "abc" based on the array?

Dim txtKey As String = readKeyTxt.Text
readKeyTxt.Text = ""
For Each b As String In txtKey[code].....

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Convert A Bidimensional Array (of String) In A Xml Table?

Dec 14, 2010

how do you convert a bidimensional array (of string)

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VS 2008 : Create SQL Table From A String Array?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a string array that represents the field names for a table I need to create. Given that the first field type is date, the second is time, and the rest are floats, what is the easiest way to create the table? I am currently using the following code, but it seems there may be a simpler, less convoluted way

'read the column names from the OPC server
Dim colNames() As String = GetFileColumnNames().Split(","c)
'build command string used to create the table


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DB/Reporting :: Adding A New Column To Data Set From Another Table With Criteria?

May 25, 2008

I'm realy new to this VB & Db programming#..I have two tables, one has the Vendor details, the other has all past and current PO details for each Vendor.[code]This needs to be done befere the 'For Each objDataRow In objDataTable.Rows. As the Dataset values will also populate another check Boxlist for 3rd Party.[code]

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Adding 2d Array Column Data Together?

Mar 4, 2011

if you could possibly point me to the right direction, that would be great. i have tried researching about this but found no solution.i have a 2d array which holds student name and 3 grades (eng, maths, science.)student array (24,3)Now, i would like to use the data which is held within the array to create averages.I need a total class average for: maths column, eng column, and science. I also need an overall average for all subjects.the code i have used, so far, brings some odd results.

studentarray(i,1) / count
studentarray(i,2) / count
studentarray(i,3) / count


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Declare An Array Of Mixed Type [e.g.] Column 1 As String, Columns 2 Through 5 As Integer?

Oct 18, 2010

1] Is there a way to declare an array of mixed type [e.g.] column 1 as string, columns 2 through 5 as integer.

2] Is �Dim myArray( ,5 ) as type� a valid statement and if so will it result in a 5 column array of unspecified length?

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Asp.net - Gridview Not Updating Table When Column/cell Starts With No Data?

Dec 5, 2011

UPDATED: Here is the SP, it doesn't match exactly because of ongoing testing, but you get the jist. Some fields are commented out because of testing...


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C# - Update A Specific Column Of Dataset's Table Data To SQL Database

Oct 15, 2011

I have a gridview loaded with data from my database and a gridview swapping function which after exchanging data between rows with a column call "Priority", I want to save these changes back to my database. Only the "Priority" column value will be change, how do I update only that Column of my dataset table to my SQL database?


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Determining Weather Data Table Column Is Varchar Or Nvarchar?

May 15, 2011

How Can I determine if my data table column is varchar or nvarchar?

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IDE :: Set Auto-complete For A Textbox Using Data From A Column In A Table An Access Database?

Aug 13, 2009

I am trying to set autocomplete for a textbox using data from a column in a table an Access database. Some of those records in the table have no values. I have set the AutoComplete Mode property to SuggestAppend and the AutoCompleteSource property to CustomSource. When I run the application nothing happens when I type into the textbox. The dataset is called DatabaseDataSet and the table name in the database is called Simple and the specific field/colum is called SIM_TAG1

'Create customsource for tag textboxes to suggest tag terms based on what is in database
Dim oTag As New AutoCompleteStringCollection()
For Each term As DatabaseDataSet.SIMPLERow In Me.DatabaseDataSet.SIMPLE


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Subtract A Value From Column Quantity(data Type Is Integer = 18) In Inventory Table?

Jun 12, 2011

i would like to ask how do I subtract a value from my column Quantity(data type is integer = 18) in my inventory table if a customer will want to have 2 orders and of course 18 - 2 will be 16. how will i do this?

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Multidimensional Array - Multi-column Data Variable Object?

Sep 25, 2009

I want to create an in-memory object in VB.Net with multiple columns. What I am trying to do is create an index of some data. It will look like:

Row 1: 23 1
Row 2: 5 1
Row 3: 3 38

I know I can use a rectangular array to do this, but I want to be able to use indexOf opearations on this object.

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VB 2010 - Array Versus Data Table?

Mar 22, 2011

I am interested in the pros and cons of data tables and arrays in VB 2010. I programmed decades ago in FORTRAN and used arrays extensively.However, I frequently see data tables in code snippets and don't know when they should be used in lieu of an array.

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VS 2005 Data Table - Index Was Outside The Bounds Of The Array

Jan 17, 2011

Has anybody ran into this error before?

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