Get The Contents Of A Listbox (from Other Application) To The Current Application?

Dec 1, 2010

I need to get the contents of a listbox (from other application) to the current application that I'm developing. I searched and from
what I've found you can do that using the handle. I manage to get the handle using spy++ (dragged the finder tool over it) , but i dont know what to do next now that i have found the handle. I am coding in 2008 language ...

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Pass Current Web Credentials From Web Application To Windows Client Application

Nov 20, 2011

I'm developing a web application that requires the user to log in using forms authentication. inside the webpage you need to download a desktop application that requires to login to the same system too. Is there a way to transfer the current logged credentials from the web application to the windows desktop application without need to login again?. Both applications shares a Login object from an interface.I tried to save the IP address in the Database but that don't work for me because the website needs to be accessed inside and/or outside of the company and the user cannot login twice in different machines.

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Creating A New .exe In From Current Application?

Jun 28, 2010

how to create a new .exe from my application. Basically I have a form with a textbox and a create button, when I hit create I want to create a new .exe with, well whatever code I want for example MsgBox(text1.text). So when I run the new .exe I get just the message box with the text from the previous application.

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Check If Current Application Is Running?

Dec 21, 2009

I have created a control and have some code in constructor. This code should only run when application is running, but it also runs when i load form. Can I have some check if application is running or not?Faisal Saleem (Software Engineer)

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Host Another Windows Application In My Current?

Jan 9, 2012

I have two windows application in my solution.I have a screen left is a button and right is a panel

Now on button click i want to open another application(in my solution) in that panel as a parent of that app.

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Create An Application That Adds The Contents Of A Till To A Database?

Jun 12, 2012

I am trying to create an application that adds the contents of a till to a database. (Does this on two forms into two different sets of db columns) and can pull that back up at a later stage. At the moment, I'm stuck at the first section?

BODda.Update(BODds, "Data")

Is where I get an SQL error stating:Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.I have not been able to find a way to insert via SQL?

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IDE :: Calling WebHelp From Application And Displaying Table Of Contents?

Oct 28, 2010

In my application I call the main page of WebHelp using



The web page displays just fine, but the Table of Contents, Index tab and Search tab do not display at all.How do I get them to show when calling help from

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FilePath For Current Application's Default Configuration?

Jun 4, 2009

FilePath for the Current Application's Default Configuration

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FilePath For The Current Application's Default Configuration?

Jun 4, 2009

FilePath for the Current Application's Default Configuration .I am writing several DLL's that each have their on configuration file. I am trying to set the Application Default Configuration to be the DLL's Default Configuration - not the EXE's Default Configuration. How can I determine the pathfile for the current Application Default Configuration??I have tried using FILEPATH of SYSTEM.CONFIGURATION.CONFIGURATION but can not get the syntax correct.

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Change The Contents Of A Text File While Installing The Application In To The System?

Dec 2, 2009

I have devloped a small applicaiton in Now i have a requirement where i have to change the contents of a text file while installing the application in to the system

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Modify Contents Of App.config File At Runtime After Starting Application?

Mar 29, 2011

Is there a way to modify contents of app.config file at runtime after starting application?

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VS 2005 Create An Application(.net Or VBA) Which Will Convert Text File Contents Into Excel?

Jun 2, 2010

i need to create an application( or VBA) which will convert text file contents into excel. u the contents fromt he text file have delimiters(special characters).The condition is while converting it should remove all the delimiters and paste teh content between two delimiters in to one cell.For Eg:

Text fiel content
Excel sheet content:

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Make A Button Open Up An Application That Is NOT In The Current Project?

Aug 13, 2009

I'm making a application but I want it to be as small as possible also if you use the FormWhatever.Show function, if you close the parent window, everything closes. Is there a way to make a button open up an application that is NOT in the current project?

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Unable To Clear The Contents Of A Text Box (Visual Studio 2010, .net Windows Application)?

Mar 18, 2011

What I have is on my form there are several text boxes. These text boxes are for user input and attached to each text box is a Private Sub txtBox1_KeyPress function. In that function I have some validation code to check that the user is inputing only what I want them to. And if it doesnt it will pop up a message box telling them so, then it is supposed to clear the text box so the user can try again. But no matter what I try, the text box does not clear it still keeps the last character typed (the invalid one).

Here is the code for one of the text boxes.

Private Sub txtLanIp_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtLanIp.KeyPress
Dim strEmpty As String = ""
If Char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) = True Or Char.IsPunctuation(e.KeyChar) = True Or Char.IsControl(e.KeyChar) = True Then
'do nothing


The commented methods at the bottom are some of the other things ive tried to make this work. The txtLanIp.text.clear() is what ive tried from the beginning. I have also tried setting the text to "", I even created an empty string and set the .Text value to it but no matter what it wont remove that character. I have also tried various trim(), len(), Select() functions, most either give me an 'index out of range error', a 'length cannot be less than zero' error or a general ExceptionOutOfBounds error. I am just tearing my hair out as to why the simple way doesnt work, there is no logical reason why and it gives no error it just doesn't clear the box.

I have also tried moving the validation to a _LostFocus but e.KeyChar isnt a valid method or property for that declaration, which doesn't surprise me but I wanted to try everything.I dont see how it would matter in this case but I am running Windows XP Pro SP3, though I also see the same behavior in Windows 7 64 bit ultimate sp1 and windows 7 64 bit pro.

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Get Current Line And Column Numbers In A RichTextBox In A Winforms Application?

Mar 11, 2010

How do I get the current line and column numbers in a RichTextBox in a Winforms application?

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VS2010 To Monitor Net Usage And Calculate The Current/total Download And Upload While My Application Is Running?

Dec 22, 2011

Is there a way in VS2010 to monitor net usage, and calculate the current/total download and upload while my application is running?

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Obtaining Content Of Other Application's ListBox?

Feb 28, 2010

Obtaining content of other application's ListBox

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POS Application - Add Up Items In A Listbox And Output Them?

Oct 21, 2011

I am extremely new to programming and have been asked to create a simple point of sale receipt application using VB.NET. Here are my tasks. > the application adds items to a sales receipt one at a time using an input text box and an Add to Receipt button(done)each time the Add to Receipt button is pressed, the new item price is added to a list box control which acts as the receipt and the input text box is cleared for the next entry(done)> the application should also contain output labels for subtotal, sales tax (13%), and total that should be updated whenever an item is added to the receipt(not done)> the program should use a constant for the sales tax(done)> the application should be formatted with dollar symbols and two decimal places (for cents)(done)> the application also includes a clear button which when pressed clears everything and allows the user to start a brand new sales receipt.(done)> the application also includes an Exit button that will shut down the application when clicked


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Created A Listbox And Button In Application Using Code

Feb 1, 2009

I created a listbox and button in my application using vb code.When the user select an item in the listbox and click on the remove button, the item will be removed from the listbox. I know how to remove the item in the listbox, but I don't know what coding to add to activate the click event on the button.

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Get A Listbox To Show Information On A Different Form On The Same Application

Jun 7, 2011

Im suppose to make an application that tracks electric motors in a manufacturing plant. It needs to have

MotorID:Five-digit string, such as "02340"
RPM: Integer, values in the range of 10 to 10000


I was thinking about doing this part in radiobuttons

The application should be able to store at least 10 motor class objects in an array, create an input form in the application that allow users to input new motor records to be added to the array and create another form that displays all the motors in the array in a list box. This is what I got so far, I know its not much, but whats really puzzling me is how am I suppose to show all the data in the listbox in the second form.

This is whatI got for the first form

Public Class Form1
Dim range As Integer = 0
Dim voltage As Integer = 0


and the second form I really dont know where to even start on that one.

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Populate Listbox With The Name Of All The 'open Application Windows'

Aug 16, 2009

I'm trying to create a form with just a button and a listbox. The listbox needs to be filled with the names of all the open application windows. The button needs to refresh the list. All I can find on this topic points me to win32api but I can't find what I need. I'm using Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition on Vista. I've managed to do this for the 'running processes' using the following code:


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Application Crashes For Some (but Not All) Customers When Clicking A Listbox After Printing?

Feb 3, 2011

We have a rather large VB.NET accounting application that crashes occasionally for some customers. I have now been able to reproduce this particular almost 100% in my test nvironment using certain data. The crash happens when clicking a list box after printing a report. The form involved has a list box listing available reports. You select one or more reports from the list box and click the print button. After printing, if you click the list box again, the program crashes, with an exception that does not seem like one VB.NET should even be able to produce.The exception message is: "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt."The call stack is:

1. System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.CallWindowProc(IntPtr wndProc, IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
2. System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.DefWndProc(Message& m) [IL offset: 0x3e]


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Save A List In A Listbox And It Keep Saved When Close The Application?

Jun 11, 2011

My application is suppose to save the information that I put in the application that is in a listbox in form2. All the information is in form1, but I got it to save it in the listbox in form2 and I can see it when I load up the form2. Im suppose to make 10 different list for it, (it says it should be in arrays, but I dont know how to do it) and I should be able to save them everytime I put a new one in, but when I put a new list in the listbox and close the application and then reopen it, its erased, how do I save it and keep it in the lstbox so it doesnt get erased?

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VS 2008 Clipboard Application To Store All Data On A Listbox?

Nov 17, 2010

I am just wondering if there is any way I could copy a bit of text using whatever application, but having a clipboard application of my own to store all of those on a listbox? So if it possible, how can I catch a value when I the user copies some text? I could make a cool application that would be quite handy... is there any event that could catch the data when something is copied onto the clipboard?

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Supposed To Be Fullscreen In WPF Touchscreen Application Is Moving When Inner Listbox Is Scrolled?

Jun 30, 2010

I am writing a GUI application to run on a touchscreen device using VB.NET and WPF--it must be full screen at all times, like a kiosk app; the window must not be able to resize or move in any way. The window contains a ListBox that users can currently scroll through by dragging across the list. The problem I'm seeing is that when the user drags across the list, the whole window moves a bit, exposing the desktop underneath, then springs back into place once the user stops dragging. I have not been able to figure out how to keep the window stationary while still allowing users to drag across the ListBox to view all list items. Here is a somewhat simplified version of my code:


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Get The Current Windows Explorer Path In .net Windows Application?

Feb 15, 2012

how to get the current windows explorer path in windows application?

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Error_1_Value Of Type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListBox' Cannot Be Converted To ...." Application

Mar 10, 2011

Im trying to write a sub where a item from the first listbox (listbox1) is transferred to the second listbox(listbox2). When I try to call it on the button handler I get the following error:


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Get User Id Of The Current Login User In Application

Sep 16, 2010

In my application I have a several type of user could be log in. My purpose is to have a restriction with other menu to show on or off. In php I used a session to handle that user id. In how can assign user id and retrieve anytime I need it in every user that has been logged in, so that I can check the user type and do some action.

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Add Array Contents To A Listbox?

Feb 24, 2009

I am getting an error that I can't track down.

Elsewhere in the project:

Public teamname (numteams) as string.

In this form as a form load event

For i = 1 to numteams
Listbox1.items.add (teamname(I))
next i

I get an error message to try new but I can't figure out what it means.

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Check Contents Of A Listbox?

Mar 14, 2012

The user enters information into a textbox, and if it is present in the litsbox an error message will be displayed, if it is not already in the listbox then it will be added to it.

I save what the user enters as a variable and i am wondering if its possible to check the exact contents of a listbox?

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