Get The Current Write-position Using The BinaryWriter?

Mar 19, 2012

How do I get the current write-position using the BinaryWriter. I need to store the position in order to read from that position afterwards. (I know it would give the position where the next write would start, that will be taken care of).

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C# - Using BinaryWriter Class To Write A Binary File To Disk?

Oct 8, 2009

I am using BinaryWriter class to write a binary file to disk. When I invoke the Write method, passing an unsigned short value, it writes it in little-endian format. For example:


writes the value in the binary file as 0x00 0xA0. Is there a way to make BInaryWriter use Big Endian? If not, is it possible to create a new class, inheriting BinaryWriter and overload the Write function to make it write big endian?

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Get Current Key Position In Text Box?

Jun 19, 2011

In winform's textbox, how to get the current key-in position?

For example -

textbox.text = 3056.98

If I type '7' after '0', current key-in position is 3.

In, which textbox event or keyword could I get this position value?

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Find A Character At A Current Position?

Oct 31, 2011

I am trying to develop a HANGMAN game and i need to implement a button where the user can click on it to "buy" letters. So, i designated 2 text boxes (one visible containing stars and another one not visible containing the word that should be guessed), and i wrote the following piece of code so that once the user presses the button any of the stars will turn to the correct letter. My question is, i found the index of "*" and removed it, and now i want to insert the corresponding char with this index (WordInLetters). How can i find what char is at index "index" in

Private Sub picBuyLetters_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles picBuyLetters.Click
Dim index As Integer = txtWordinStars.Text.IndexOf("*")


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Make NOT Start From 0,0 But Current Position?

Mar 30, 2012

Private Sub Button7_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


oook so this when button7 clicked it will move my mouse to the X:700 and Y:700, but will start from the X:0 and Y:0 but i tried making start from my current mouse position but idk how not working:

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Start A For Loop From Current Position?

Mar 29, 2012

i have a for loop "for each val in values" I want to within this loop some how check positions ahead of the current position for a condition. I am unsure how i can do this however apart from having an inner for loop to loop from the current position. If that is the case I am not sure how i can get the current position.I have attempted this with this code below, the inner for loop.

If creditPoints = "10" Then
Dim valcount As Integer = Val.Count
For intLoopIndex = valcount To Values.Cou


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VS 2008 : Get The Current Mouse Position?

Oct 2, 2009

How would I get the current mouse position?

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VS 2010 Current Position And Duration?

Apr 20, 2010

Imagine that I have a timer checking the current position, and always checking if it is equal to the duration of the sound.

View 13 Replies

Bindingsource.position/current. After Data Been Updated?

Oct 13, 2010

Bindingsource.position/current. after data been updated

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Forms :: Get The Current Position (x And Y Coordinates) Of Cursor?

Feb 5, 2011

how can i get the current position of the cursor in real time inside a picturebox?

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Monitor The Current Position Of The Mouse Cursor?

Apr 21, 2009

I'm trying to create a hook to monitor the current position of the mouse cursor. Nothing important, I just need to count some pixels during interface design and wanted to learn how to create a hook, so I decided to go for a hard way instead of a sane way.

I've found example code which declares the following function:

<DllImport("User32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, _
CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _
Public Overloads Shared Function SetWindowsHookEx _


But Appdomain.GetCurrentThreadID generates the warning: "'Public Shared Function GetCurrentThreadId() As Integer' is obsolete: 'AppDomain.GetCurrentThreadId has been deprecated because it does not provide a stable Id when managed threads are running on fibers (aka lightweight threads). To get a stable identifier for a managed thread, use the ManagedThreadId property on Thread."

I've tried using ManagedThreadID, but that doesn't work. The thread ID returned seems to be the logical thread ID of the thread, as it runs in the .net runtime, rather than the Win32 thread identifier.

Calling the function ith AppDomain.GetCurrentThreadID works, but I really would like to have a "stable identifier" for my thread.

Can someone explain to me whether it is possible to use ManagedThreadID in this context (I assume not) and, if not, the things I need to avoid in order to stop the AppDomain.CurrentThreadID from becoming "unstable"?

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VS 2010 - How To Click Mouse At Current Position

Feb 27, 2012

Well, How can I click the mouse at it's current position in Visual Basic .NET 2010?

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AxWindowsMediaPlayer - Current Position And Play Time Difference?

Jan 10, 2012

I'm using VB 2010 Express with two instance of AxWindowsMediaPlayer in order to sync two videos (the videos are of the same thing but from two camera angles). Because the videos were started at slightly different times I've manually set the start time of each one using the following

AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols.currentPosition = 314.5093196
AxWindowsMediaPlayer2.Ctlcontrols.currentPosition = 237.1639908

The problem I'm having is that whilst the WMP clock initially displays the above times in each AxWindowsMediaPlayer, when I play the videos each starts a few seconds out from the stated currentPositions.

The video files are around 300MB each and when testing with smaller video files the problem does not seem to happen. I'm guessing the large file size is causing some delay and hence causing the problem.

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DB/Reporting :: Bind These Textboxes With Current Datagridview Position?

Apr 10, 2008

On one of my forms i have a datagridview binded to an Access database. It displays only first and last names of my customers in a datagridview.What i want to do now is, when i double-click on one of the customers another form will open and display details for this customer (detailed view - textboxes).

What i have accomplished so far is that when i double-click on a customer in datagridview a form opens with details (linked to the same binding source as datagridview). But the problem is that it always opens the first record even if i dobule-click second or third in datagridview.I don't know how to bind these textboxes with current datagridview position?

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Way To Simply Save Current Scroll Position Of Listivew As Point

Mar 19, 2009

Without using TopIndex, EnsureVisible, etc., is there a way to simply save the current scroll position of a listivew as a point, then reset the scroll position to that point after reolading the listview?

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VS 2008 Write Bytes To File At Specified Position?

Nov 28, 2009

I have 10 parts of a file. Each part is 10,000 bytes.Now say I receive these parts out of order meaning I cannot simply just write them in order as I receive them, but I am able to detect what part it is.

If I received part 3 how would I write those bytes in the 20,000-30,000 byte section of a file?

View 14 Replies

Write A Function To Print The Fibonacci Value At A Given Position?

Mar 11, 2010

Write a function to print the Fibonacci value at a given position in the should write two versions of the function both of wich must be named Fibonacci(overload functions).the first version should be implemented using a for loop.the second version should be implemented using do until.

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Write Current URL To TextBox?

Jun 10, 2009

I am trying to send The current URL that the WebBrowser is on (webbrowser1) to the Textbox (textbox1) . I dont use the textbox to send the data, only read the current URL the browser is on.

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BinaryWriter Inside StreamWriter?

Jul 27, 2009

I need to write a file that will be built mostly from simple text and divided by "|" but in one of its fields i must to use BinaryWriter to store the string as binary and not a simple text, is there a way to do it?

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VS 2008 BinaryReader / BinaryWriter

Oct 13, 2009

Can you delete stuff inside of a file after you have committed it to the binary file? I noticed that you can still read the stuff inside of a binary file.Also is there a step by step tutorial for the binaryreader and writer

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.net - ArgumentOutOfRangeException Writing File With BinaryWriter?

Oct 21, 2010

I have function on client side that get file, make a byte array from it and send that array to the web service on server!This is the function on client side:


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Paste A File Using The Binaryreader And Binarywriter?

Mar 5, 2011

I created a subroutine to copy and paste a file using the binaryreader and binarywriter. It works fine from what I can tell. The file sizes match up any how but I was wondering if anybody had an idea on a better way to get the amount of bytes that should be copied in one set.

binwriter.Write(binread.ReadBytes(100000)) I want to make the readbytes as large as possible without crashing the users computer.

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VS 2008 When Is StreamWriter / BinaryWriter / Serialization Most Useful?

Jun 16, 2011

Okay, this actually relates to some work I'm doing that I already have something in place. So if a change is necessary down the road, I'm in no hurry... But I did a dangerous thing and began reading. As I began reading about ways to stream file data, I became curious as to when it is a good idea to one method or the other.


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Response.write Oldvalues Error - An Unhandled Exception Occurred During The Execution Of The Current Web Request

Jul 27, 2009

Why am I getitng the following error? Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Source Error:

Line 9: Dim entry As DictionaryEntry

Line 10: For Each entry In dictionary


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Binary -store/retrieve Bit Data From File Using BinaryWriter?

Apr 11, 2012

I need to store/retrieve a bit from a data table of 3.268.760 bits long.

Using w As New BinaryWriter(File.Open("test.bin", FileMode.Create))
for x = 1 to 3268760
For i = 1 To 3268760[code]....

the w.write(?) stores a boolean value meaning 0/1 for false/true values, but seems to use an whole byte to store this data which is too expensive for my table (3.268.760^2).Is there a pratical way to store/retrive single bits from a file using (meaning as little as possible conversion to other types).

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Saving Window Size And Position Multiple Monitors Toolbar Position Etc.

Aug 24, 2009

I have looking for a tutorial or class that demonstrates more than a trivial example of saving a windows position on closing. The ones I have found don't seem to work on all systems because of:

1. Multiple monitors. (and resolution between those monitors)

2. Toolbar size and position (toolbar is only on the primary monitor, well sometimes)

3. Sometimes the programs dont open on the right monitor they were closed on.

Is there an extensive class or tutorial on all the stuff a programmer needs to get right to have a window size and position persisted between executions?

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VS 2008 BindingSource.Position - Event To Fire Only Once After The Position Command

Dec 5, 2010

I am using the following code to populate data in Textbox1:


I have few functions assigned in TextBox1_TextChanged event. The problem i am facing is this event is fired twice, once after the Fill command and another after the Position command whereas i want the event to fire only once after the Position command. What should i do?

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C# - Binarywriter.flush() Also Flush The Underlying Filestream Object?

Jun 1, 2010

I have got a code snippet as follows:

Dim fstream = new filestream(some file here)
dim bwriter = new binarywriter(fstream)
while not end of file
read from source file
end while

The question I have is the following. When I call bwriter.flush() does it also flush the fstream object? Or should I have to explicitly call fstream.flush() such as given in the following example:


A few people suggested that I need to call fstream.flush() explicitly to make sure that the data is written to the disk (or the device). However, my testing shows that the data is written to the disk as soon as I call flush() method on the bwriter object.

View 1 Replies - Clicking Link To Replace Current Frameset Contained In Current Window

Dec 28, 2011

I have following link in a.aspx file:

<a href="a.htm" target="iframe">A</a>

I want to set link from a.aspx.vb page according to what person is viewing the page. How can i change this so that if user clicks on link it will replace current frameset contained in current window with a url provided according to user?

Or in another way:

How will i replace href code in aspx page by giving it value from aspx.vb page?

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Get Current Enumerator (iterator) In LINQ Query / Like A Current Index In For Loops

Sep 20, 2011

Is that possible to get current Enumerator (...or iterator? Don't know which tern is the correct one) in a LINQ query ? For example, I try to create a XML output (via LINQ to XML) of all currently loaded assemblies. [code] is it possible to somehow get current "index" (counter?) from LINQ's Selects? I would like to use it in XML. [code]

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