Get The Subtotals Of Specific Textbox Data?

Nov 23, 2009

i need to be able get the subtotals of specific textbox data

how can i say get textbox1 and textbox2 data to add up , or any variance as the user wishes . i have this so far

Function Total(ByVal ddeptprofit() As Double, ByVal ndept As Integer) Dim dtotal = 0 Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To ndept - 1 ddeptprofit(0) = CDbl(TextBox1.Text) dtotal = dtotal + ddeptprofit(i)


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Point The Textbox As Key-in Data TO Datagridview Specific COLUMN?

Nov 3, 2009

How to point the textbox as key-in data TO datagridview specific COLUMN because some COLUMN i leave them as a BLANK

Exampel :
column 1=ID
column 2=Range
coulmn 3=Name

my question is :i want to key -in data in TEXTBOX1.text to column 3 Normally i use code bellow,


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Calculating Subtotals Based On Values In Two Columns

Jun 1, 2010

I have a monthly forecast showing expense accounts by cost centre so columns headings look like:
Cost Centre, Account Number, Jan, Feb, Mar etc

Using VBA code to automate the process, I need to calculate the total for each month of each account number where the 2 left characters of the cost centre are the same. I have a formula which will calculate this (for one cost centre grouping/account) which looks like this:


I am not sure whether there is a more efficient way than using a formula like that (at the moment this would be used for 12 months on about 6 cost centre groupings with about 500 accounts each - though this would vary). Its not massive, but could be slow to calculate. I don't think the subtotals command is powerful enough, and I haven't used arrays for a long time (especially for what would appear to need a dynamic, mulch-dimensional array).

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Security - Textbox On Form - User Inputs Data ( During Runtime ) Data Remains In Textbox For Good And Textbox Becomes Read Only ?

Jan 8, 2010

Is it possible to have a Textbox on a form that when the user inputs data, ( during Runtime )that data remains in the Textbox for good and the Textbox then becomes read only ? Is it also possible to make it so that the CD with the programme on, is in the PC when the programme is being used. Perhaps writing the Textbox data back onto the CD ?

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VS 2008 Finding A Specific Row And Specific Columns In Data Base File (Access)?

Jul 24, 2011

I wonder if it is possible to find a specific row and specific columns in data base file (Access) . You see , I am using a DataGridView control to show only SOME of the columns (fields) of a table from an Access file . For example , lets say that in the DataGridView control I only show the following fields :Field1 , Field2 and Field3 .Now , when the user selects an entry in the DataGridView control , I want to insert the text from Field4 into a text box on the form .

The problem , however , is that I don't know how to get the specific row in the data base file and also I don't know how to get the text in column (field) Field4 of that row .One thing that might be important is that the index of the row in the data base file is not necessarily the same with the index of the current row in the DataGridView control . This is because in the DataGridView control the rows are order by the contents in the ID Field .ol .

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Assign A Specific Position Across The Line To Have The Printer Print The Data At Without Left Padding The Array Data?

Jul 6, 2011

Ypos = TopMargin + Count * PrintFont.GetHeight(ev.Graphics)
ev.Graphics.DrawString(ROData(x, 3), PrintFont, Brushes.Black, LeftMargin, Ypos, New StringFormat())
Count = Count + CInt(ROData(x, 4))

The above line prints the data contents of the ROData array in position three. I would like to be able to assign a specific position accross the line to have the printer print the data at without left padding the array data.

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Get The Specific Text In Textbox?

May 3, 2012

Assuming I have a Form, a Textbox and a Button like this : And a short text like this :

...<br\/> Baths: -\-<br\/> Sqft: 1,692<br\/> Lot: 7,013...

What I want to be helped is when I copy and paste the text into the Textbox, then I press the Button, it only display the numbers after the "Sqft :"It should be like this :

The texts and numbers are variable, it could be 2,203 or 8,232 or etc..., the "Sqft :" is fixed. Now what code should I use to make the Textbox display only the 4 numbers after the "Sqft :" ?

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How To Focus A Specific Textbox

Dec 19, 2011

I'm making a desktop application in When I click the back button (placed by me) on any form it hides current form and shows previous form but when i go again to the form from which i had hit back button then the focus cue still remains on the back button but I want the focus to be on the first textbox on that form or any specific button on which I want.....How can i achieve this...

I have already used some code to shift focus from one textbox to another when i press enter key...but it doesn't work in the above mentioned case....I'm using in visual studio 2005...This is the code i'm using for shifting focus among textboxes

Private Sub party_code_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles party_code.KeyDown
If e.KeyData = Keys.Return Then
End If
End Sub

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Adding Specific Numbers From TextBox?

Jun 3, 2011

I'm trying to add certain numbers together from a textbox full of numbers from 1 to 10. This is my

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub[code]....

When the button is clicked, it gathers the list of numbers from the test.txt file and displays it in the textbox. Now what I want to do is make a label so that after it streams the data and displays it in it's multi-line text box, is for every 10 and 1 displayed on one line, it will subtract 1 from the number in the label. For every 2,3,4,5,6 I want it to add 1. For every 7,8,9 it will not add anything.For those who can tell I'm a blackjack fan and I was curious on how to keep a running count in a label from a multi line list of numbers.

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Get The Text From A Specific Textbox From A Website?

Dec 9, 2010

what I want to do is get the text from a specific textbox from a website then copy it and paste it into an textbox(into my.exe) .

*With those code i get alway and error that clipboard is not supported ! *

my codes :

Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick


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Highlighting A Specific Line From A Textbox?

Nov 19, 2009

I have two textboxes. Each textbox contains lines, where each line contains comma separated values. When each line of a textbox does not match the number of comma separated values of the other textbox (ie if line 3 of textbox1 has 4 comma separated words and line 3 of textbox2 does not have 4 comma separated values) I want to highlight the line which does not match the other textbox's line.

This is what I got so far (and got stuck!)

For k = 0 To index
test1 = testA.Lines(k).Split(",")
test2 = testB.Lines(k).Split(",")


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Read Specific Lines In A TextBox?

Apr 14, 2012

Assuming I have a Form and a Textbox

and a short text like this :

QuoteJohn B Smith
12345 Mesa, AZ 99999-8888
(123) 456-7890
Age: 65+

What I want is when I copy the text into clipboard and paste it to the TextBox, the Textbox only displays the third line (the phone number). It should look like this :

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Reading A Specific Line From .txt For Textbox?

Aug 18, 2011

I need to read a specific part from my text file to and show it on a text boxI have I have three text boxes.and the text file is written like this

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Specific Keys Input In Textbox Only

Apr 3, 2012

I would need only this specific keys in my textbox. Numeric & [ENTER, Backspace, R, S, F, C, +, -, *, /, & .] Keys.

What I have is this:
Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Integer) As Short
Public Sub New()
tbs = New TextBox() {Textbox1}
'Put all textboxes in here
[Code] .....

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Split Specific Text In A Textbox ?

Jun 23, 2012

I have 2 Textbox and Button1. Textbox1 contains text :

abcdef 1234
zxcv 654321
vbbsg 789
wfgyui 98102198

Now what code should I use when I click the button and Textbox2 turns into this :


What I want is getting only the last numbers in each lines. I know it concerns about Regex.Split but I don't know how to make it into each lines ?

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VS 2008 Get Specific Word In Textbox?

Aug 14, 2011

in textbox ex. DRM100 i want to get specific text "DRM" then if the textbox search it have a DRM in textbox then the textbox2 will be visible is this possible?

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WebBrowser Scroll Down To Specific Textbox

Jun 6, 2010

I have a small problem with my web browser; Here is what I want to do! After my web browser document completes, I want it to scroll down to a specific text box. For example If there is a text box at the end of the page, I want my web browser to scroll down to that text box automatically after the page loads. I managed to do that with this code,

Webbrowser1.Document.Window.ScrollTo(0, 1900)

The problem with this code, this text box is not always at the same coordinate, sometimes its at the button of the page, sometimes at the middle, or top. Now how can I scroll down to wherever the text box is located. That's all I need to do, and this is the html page code

<input type="text" id="response" value="" maxlength="10" name="response" size="16">

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Write Specific Values To TextBox?

Dec 20, 2010

I have a small database from which I need to select specific data for my Windows Form Textbox.I have a table in a database with a few columns: "ID,Date,Val1,Vla2,Val3,OK" (int, date, int, int, int, bool). There are several rows, but only one of the rows has the boolean value as 1 (or 'True').I would like to select all of the information from that row and write it to different TextBoxes.[code]

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Change Value Of Specific Line Of Text In A Textbox?

Dec 29, 2009

How do you change the text of a line in a textbox by integer?

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Changing The Color Or A Specific String In A Textbox?

Apr 29, 2009

I have a project im working on and im trying to change the font color of a specific string basically how vb does while your coding. (eg if i type dim it turns blue).I want to do this with a textbox in a vb application to show a topic of interest. It needs to be dynamic so when a user types it only changes the color of the specified string. I have tried

If TextBox2.Text.Contains("dim") Then
TextBox2.ForeColor = Color.Red
End If

but this changes all the text in the textbox to the color.

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Check For Specific Words/phrase In A Textbox?

Dec 26, 2009

I need to check for specific words so that the program will know what smtp client will be used. For example. If the from textbox will have on it then the program will make use of the smtp for yahoo.

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Find A Specific Text In A Textbox And Remove It?

Aug 10, 2010

im trying to find a specific text in a textbox and remove it . i don't figure a way to do it .

If richtextbox1.text.contains(listbox1.selecteditem) then
' there i dont know how delete the text !!
end if

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Instert Text Into Specific Lines Of Textbox?

Apr 24, 2009

Was just in need of a way to make a code write to different lines of a text box.[code]...

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Open TextBox Content In A Specific Program?

Dec 7, 2011

I am wondering how to open a specific program with the textbox contents. Here is my situation: I want the text in the textbox to be saved to a html file and then open that html file in a specific browser.

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Remove Lines Not Containing Specific Text From A TextBox

Jul 4, 2010

I'm making a button to delete lines not containing specific text.

For example, if the text is "test". I want to remove all lines not containing "test" in it.

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Removing Specific Lines Of A Multiline Textbox

Feb 26, 2010

What I am trying to do is remove lines of a multiline TextBox based on certain criteria, such as the number of characters or words. For example, if I paste a list of phrases into the TextBox, I want to remove all phrases that contain more than 25 characters. Once the phrases are removed, I then want to remove the empty lines that are left behind, but I have commented out the ".Replace(vbCrLf & vbCrLf, vbCrLf)" for the sake of making the results easier to follow (see screenshot from Excel below, which includes a blank cell wherever a phrase has been removed).

Here is my

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim lines() As String = TextBox1.Text.Split(vbCrLf)


Why is it not "blanking" the entire line in ALL cases where the line contains more than 25 characters?

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Save Text In A Specific TextBox As A Txt File

Apr 11, 2011

I am busy with a Project that need to read and write txt files. I have found noumeorous tutorials on how to work with txt files, but none of them explain or or have an example how to do the following:

1) I want to have a button that, when it's clicked, it browse the PC in a specific location for a txt file, and open it in a TextBox1

2) I want to have a button that save text in a specific TextBox as a txt file, and you can name the txt file as you want?

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Search A Textbox For Specific Text Then Replace It?

May 21, 2010

Is there a way to look in a textbox for some text1 and then if its there, it is replaced by text2?

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VS 2005 Getting Specific Text From A String In A Textbox?

Mar 29, 2009

omething i am stuck with. I need to basically remove some specific text from a string in a text box.s be used, so it may be best to use some parsing to get the rest of the text after that specific point.

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Allow Specific Characters In A Textbox Including Backspace And Delete?

Jan 27, 2011

I'm trying to create a BMI Calculator with VB 2010. I have 2 TextBoxes for weight and length. I want to make sure that the user can only enter numeric (0123456789) values and also backspace and delete.

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