Get This DrawingImage To Stretch So That There Is No Cut Off Portion?

Oct 17, 2011

I have a drawing image, Dim DrawingImage as Image = My.Resources.Img, which will be drawn on my form. The DrawingImage is supposed to be 64x64, but the Img.png is 114x114. How can I get this DrawingImage to stretch so that there is no cut off portion?

P.S. Is there a way to BringToFront this DrawingImage?

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Set Stretch Property Of An Image?

Apr 22, 2010

I am trying to control the Stretch property of an Image object in VB (using Visual Studio 2008 if it matters.)Is there a way to do this with VB code?I have added the Presentation Framework reference to the project.I can create a variable to point to an image using dim imgName as Image = Image.fromfile("filename.jpg").After I declare the variable, I can imgName. and get a whole list of properties, but Stretch isn't there.

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Stretch ToolStrip Buttons?

Apr 30, 2012

how can I stretch my toolstrip buttons? The size of my form is 300 x 250

I only have 5 toolstrip buttons, so the buttons only fill up half of my form. How can I make it so that the buttons stretch to the size of my form? So, that I can fill up the whole toolstrip?

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Change Wallpaper To Stretch Style

Jul 22, 2009

i got this code to change the desktop background from a forum.[code]the SetWallpaper function was written by me as the ChangeWallpaper only works on .bmp files.all these code works but my problem is that i need this wallpaper to be stretched because some of my pictures are smaller or larger than 1280 by 800 pixel which is my pc monitor dimensions. i've tried to tweak the ConvertBitmap function (as you can see in the comments) to produce bmp's to my screen size but it doesn't work.i need to set the pictures (.bmp or not) to be stretched and i don't know about dlls and stuff

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Getting A ToolStripProgressBar To Stretch To Fill It's StatusStrip?

Mar 1, 2010

How do you get a ToolStripProgressBar to stretch to fill it's StatusStrip when the form resizes? There is no Dock properties for ToolStripProgressBar. I tried setting ToolStripProgressBar.Width and ToolStripProgressBar.Height in the Form resize event but it doesn't do anything.

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Load Picture And Stretch Image?

Jan 3, 2012

i want to make a load image process if in visual basic i can do it with common dialog.but how in VB.NET.and then how to strecth the image automaticly?

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Make My Image To Stretch Quickly And As It Should Be?

Jan 14, 2011

Im have a form and an image. Imagine the form's backcolor to be black and the image to be a landscape. When you resize the form the image is also resized and streched towars all directions. The point is that as you resize the form the image delays to be resized so the background which is black is showed.

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Stretch Form To Screen Width?

May 14, 2009

This might be a simple question, but how do I automatically have my form adjust it's width to the size of the screen on startup? I also need it to dock on the very bottom of the screen at startup, and it needs to stay above all other open programs.

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VS 2010 Stretch An Image In The Picturebox?

Oct 30, 2010

I get how to stretch an image in the picturebox, that's easy. Now how to make sure it keeps that original ratio, so it's not distorted? Maybe it's as simple as a different setting on the picturebox? Maybe I am mistaken and want to use a different tool?

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Crop / Stretch A Image And Save Using Program?

Feb 21, 2009

I looking for a way to crop/stretch a imagem and save using

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Image Stretch Or Reduced To Fit Inside Button?

Oct 22, 2008

i'm creating 64 button dynamically during run time. and from database i'm getting the description, font color, back color and picture path. and if the picture path is not nothing, then i need to display that picture in that button. if picture path is nothing, then need to display the description as button text using font color and back color.

this button values are not loaded only once. using button click Addhandler, each button values keeps on changing each time.

The Code i used to display is

For Each c As Control In Controls
If c.Name = "ItemBtn-" & x Then
c.Text = ButtonText


while i run the program, the image is diplaying in correct button if picture path exist and button that didn't have the picture path is displaying the text.

but the image is not fitting inside the Button. i can see only half of the image. i need a way to make the Image stretched or reduced to fit inside button.

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UpdateLayeredWindow - Stretch The PNG Images To A Users Preference

Nov 2, 2009

I've been working with a class that was originally coded in C# that allows you to place semi-transparent (alpha) PNGs onto your forms. I'd like to have the ability to stretch the PNG images to a users preference. For this I have used standard code to resize a form using a picturebox as a gripper. On the resize event of the form I call the SetBitmap() sub to re-define the width and height of the image.


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VS 2008 Stretch The Form According By The Users Screen?

Apr 22, 2009

I need to stretch the form according by the users screen. My application has to run maximized, but other users may have different resolutions sat and they won't see the whole program or will see it smaller than their screen.

This may affect the resolution, what code would do that?

maybe something like: get resolution (x:y) and set size width and height but I would still need to stretch all the other controls within the form as well.

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Force A Docked Browser To Stretch Its Displayed Image?

Feb 19, 2009

We have a browser in a panel that gets resized programatically. Unfortunately when the panel is larger or smaller than the nominal size of the web page visited by the browser, we either get a clipped image, or a lot of blank area. We would like to force the browser page to stretch to fill the available space when we dock the browser in the panel.

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Transparent Listveiw Or Stretch Listview Background Image?

Apr 15, 2010

I am making an operating system based game in visual basic. The real problem is that the game runs full screen and when it comes to desktop backgrounds I am having heaps of problems.First I had the desktop as just the forms background image but I needed to add icons to the desktop so I anchered a listveiw onto the background and the problem is that the listview is not transparent and you can't see the desktop background.

I thought that I could fix that problem by setting the background image on the listveiw as the background image but the problem is when i set a background image on the listveiw there is no option to stetch the image. The only option is to tile the background image.

How can I get the listveiw either transparent or set it a stretched background. ( the user gets to choose a desktop background so they all need to be able to stretch to the full desktop of the user's screen resolution.)

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Home Stretch : Combine Csv Files Into Open Excel Sheet?

Jan 21, 2012

My randomised image poll generates 6 csv files. Each csv files have the contents of three listboxes

Private Sub SaveButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveButton.Click
Using sw As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter ("C:\Users\Riz\Pantfile.csv")
For i As Integer = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1


1) how to assign column titles to each column? 2) How do I combine several csv files into an open excel file? I've looked at several things. There are no commas in my csv files. All values in columns.

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Proportional Sizing - Button To Stay Centered Not Just Have The Form Stretch Out

Dec 24, 2009

How can I make it so that when I re-size my program all my buttons and text boxes move with it. I don't know how to explain it, but it's like if I have a button in the center of my form and I re-size my form I want my button to stay centered not just have the form stretch out.

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VS 2008 Stretch A Datagrid's Control Columns So They Would Take All The Space Width Of The Form?

Apr 27, 2009

is there any way to stretch a datagrid's control columns so they would take all the space width of the form?I can set datagrid's dock property to bottom so it will take all the bottom by height but the right side of the data grid will stay empty which is not good.If I set datagrid's dock property to right it jumps all over the form...So I need a way to fill up my datagrid's bottom and right (width) side so I would not have empty space.

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Add The Decimal Portion Of A Number To Another One?

Sep 2, 2010

How can I only add the decimal part of a number to another one?

example: if a number is A = 10.25

Then X = 30

Y = X + 0.25 (Here it added 0.25 which the decimal only NOT 10.25)

Another example, If X = 16.35, A = 102.001

Y = 16.351

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Answered Get Portion's From A String?

May 13, 2009

I was wondering what the easiest way is to get a portion of text from a string for example, you have:


And i need to be able to get all three of the items separate:


The length and number of items will change, I'm using a listview subitem

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Eliminate Portion Of String?

Feb 29, 2012

Lets say I have a variable: varEmail. It contains a variable equal to the user's email address, so it might contain a value likeNow, lets say I want to get just a portion of the email address, e.g. strip off the domain, like so:

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Extract First Portion Of A String?

Sep 7, 2011

I am trying to extract the first portion of a string up to the first SPACE or any non-numeric digit.I thought I could do it but the string may contain an alphabet in the front followed by varying digits of numerals, making it more complicated.Here are some examples of the string to be parsed and the expected results:


I would have to use a series of instr statements but the code would be much cleaner using RegEx.

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Find Directory With Portion Of Name?

Jun 28, 2010

I'm trying to look in the program files for a directory(the gimp directory). I could hard code it but they change the file name and the exe name with the versions. So I only know that the folder contains the word gimp. How do I search for it only knowing a portion of the file name.

My.Computer.FileSystem.FindInFiles(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFilesX86, "gimp", True, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly)

This is the code that I've tried but it just doesn't work.

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Reading A Portion In Xml To Datatable?

Jan 8, 2009

I need to retrieve a portion of xml into a datatable


Now Under product tag there are ProductID, ProductName and ProductFeatures.Under ProductFeatures tag there are three "productfeaturetext" tags.I only need to extract "Features" tag into a datatable to loop it, how this can be done ?

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Save A Portion Of The Screen?

Jan 26, 2012

What I would like to do is to be able to save a portion of the screen, from Start_X, Start_Y to End_X, End_Y, and then use it as a resource as follows:

DrawImage(SavedImage, New Rectangle(Start_X, Start_Y, End_X, End_Y))

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Take A Screenshot Of Only A Portion Of My Picturebox?

Mar 12, 2011

I have a picturebox. I want to at certain points take a screenshot of whatever is in that picturebox and write it to a bitmap variable.The images in the box will be of varying sizes and i will be tracking the sizes using image.height and image.width. I would like to use those to define the area for my screenshot.

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Access Another User's Registry Portion In Win XP?

May 26, 2009

How do i access another user's registry portion in win XP?how do i access another user's HKey_current_user on my machine, in vb2005 or if someone can recommend a software that can already do it.Im trying to make a quick registry repair tool to fix a damaged or corrupted user

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Getting Portion Of The Selected String In The Combobox

Nov 15, 2011

I have a combobox which is filled with items from a table like this: [Code] What Im trying to do is to when I choose one name from the dropdown list the firstname shall go to one textbox1 and lastname go to textbox2. One way doing this may be to use the ID column wich is the the Primary Key. And do a new search in a button with that ID which fills the textboxes. But how can I get just a portion of the selected string in the combobox to a string so I can do a search on it.

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Increment Numeric Portion Of A String?

Mar 26, 2010

I have a sql table with the following fields

ID = PrimaryKey (nvarchar(50))

Name Surname

sample value of ID = RHO-1 How do i automatically increment the numeric portion when adding a new record to the database eg: RHO-2, RHO-3 and so on.

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Take A Snapshot Of A Portion Of The Map And Dump It To A Bitmap?

Feb 4, 2009

I have a third party GIS tool that I'm using to view maps with. Occasionally we have to take a snapshot of a portion of the map and dump it to a bitmap. The third party tool has a function that will give me the upper left and lower right coordinates of the area selected on the map. These coordinates come out as system.drawing.point objects.

The two point objects are then used to generate a new system.drawing.size object that will give the height and width of the area selected. The height and width values are passed to the constructor for the system.drawing.bitmap.All this works fine most of the time. Sometimes, however, when the user selects a particularly large area, the bitmap constructor bombs with a 'parameter is not valid' error. There isn't any documentation on this error, but I'm assuming it means the height and width are too big.

So what I'm wondering is... is there some way to check my height and width values prior to creating the bitmap and make sure they are in acceptable bounds?

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