Handle That Is Fired When The Computers System Time Is Changed?

Nov 3, 2010

Is there an event that I can handle that is fired when the computers system time is changed?

My program timestamps things, and I want to make sure the time is correct. So when the program starts, I will run a query (SELECT GETDATE()) from my SQL server, and record the difference, in seconds, between the SQL server time, and the time returned from NOW(). Then when I timestamp things, I will just adjust the time. I cannot run a query every time. But, if someone changes the clock on the computer, that would throw the timestamp off. So I need a way to know when this has happened, so I can recalculate the difference.

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Object Handle Events Fired In Other Objects Without A Special Sub?

Jul 28, 2010

I've been thinking about my options when it comes to events in vb.net.What I'd like to do is to track events that are fired in an application without explicitly declaring them with 'handles' sub. Here is a pseudo-[code]....

Yeah I know, not quite working, but is there any way of implementing something like this in vb.net? My end game is really to be able to monitor events fired in many objects from another object, isn't there a more maintainable way to do that then to add a special sub in each object that handles the event that I want to catch? I need some way to let one object handle events fired in other objects without a special sub, the AddHandler goes a long way, but I can't really use that dynamically like so:[code]....

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Implement Trigger That Fired Based On Time?

Mar 9, 2012

i want to implement trigger in my vb.net project i am using sql server 2005 that come with vs 2008. all that i need to do is i want to create database trigger that fired on every day at say for ex. 9:00 a.m.

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32 Bit Or 64 Bit Operating System In Network Computers?

Aug 10, 2010

I am writhing a program to replace a file in network computers. but the problem is in our network there is 32 bit systems and 64 bit systems. There are different files to be replaced for 32 and 64 bit systems. I have written a program to replace the file.if we give the target of the location (eg \drd001-dsk1C$Documents and SettingsAdministratorPlayerfilename where drd001-dsk1 is the computer name in the network) Is there any way to check if the system that i need to replace the file is 32 or 64 bit

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System.DivideByZeroException ERROR (just On Some Computers)

Feb 13, 2011

I made a downloader program which allows you to download files from the internet.I made the program using VB 2008 and a pc running windows 7 professional 32-bit. I also tested the program on a pc running windows vista home 32-bit, on another one running windows 7 pro 64bit, and on another one running Windows XP 32 bit. It works fine on all of them.

But today I tried it for the first time on other three different PCs running:

-Windows 7 starter (32-bit)
-Windows 7 Home (64-bit)
-Windows XP (32-bit)

On all three of them it gave me an error right after I click the download button:


this is the exact error (sorry it is in italian):

************** Testo dell'eccezione **************
System.DivideByZeroException: Tentativo di divisione per zero.
in WindowsApplication1.Form1.Download_DownloadProgressChanged(Object sender, DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs e) in C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopdownloaderForm1.vb:riga 221


The thing is that right now it gives me a problem with the download speed! If I stop the download and then restart it (from the beginning) the download speed get crazy and it goes like 1kb/s, 2kb/s, 3kb/s, 4kb/s, 5kb/s, 6kb/s,.. and so on.The program works fine on four different PCs but then it gives that error on three others! I cannot believe that it just random works on some computers and on some other it does not.

One more thing I would like to add is that the versions of windows where the program works are all in English language while the version of windows where the program does not work are all in Italian. Can this make the difference? If so, how can I fix it? I also tried to rebuild the exe on the one pc running windows xp in italian but it did not help! I also tried to rebuild it using visual studio 2010 but no luck?

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Handle An Object's Object Property Changed Event In .NET Windows Forms?

Jun 7, 2012

I know how to handle a single objects property changed event very easily. I want to handle a objects property changed event that is part of another object.

Given Object:

[ObjectY = Y]
+ Public WithEvents X As ObjectX

I would like to do something like:

Private Sub XPropertyChanged() Handles Y.X.PropertyChanged

Right now I need to create a object that equals the object inside that object and then handle this variable pointers property changed, but that is just annoying.

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Asp.net - Inserting Records From Multiple Computers In The Same Database At The Same Time In SQL Server 2005?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a web portal designed in ASP.NET in which we ask customers to enter the data. On the click of submit button all i have done is, just read the data and called a stored procedure which inserts that into a table. There seems to be a problem in SQL Server 2005 while inserting the data from multiple computers at the same time. We have tested in our lab with three computers, result is that we get the data inserted successfully in only one machine and on the other two machines we get error on page. I have used transactions in the stored procedure and also tried setting the isolation levels to READ_UNCOMMITTED, SERIALIZABLE and SNAPSHOT. Nothing seems to work properly.

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Text Changed Based On Time Of Day?

Dec 13, 2011

I have a couple properties and functions that I use to determine which shift it is, and also use it to control the input during break periods.

Imports EfficiencyPlus.EfficiencyPlusBasic
Public Class ShiftChanger
Private ReadOnly Property shiftStarts As List(Of Date)


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Check If The Date Time Picker Has Been Changed?

Apr 2, 2010

Is there a way to check if the date time picker has been changed? I have a date time picker set to allow a person to put in their date of birth and I have it set to no greater date than 12/1/1992, but I need to check that the user has actually selected a date before the form is submitted. Can it be checked?

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How Does DotNet Handle Parametrized Dates Where Programmatic Date Has No Time But Sql Date Has Time

Jul 16, 2010

Thought I'd see if Stack overflow is quicker than me testing something while I get a thousand interruptions from other work :)

I'm updating an old VB net application and trying to refactor some of the logic as I go. The app looks for data from a single date across a few tables and writes that view to a file.

Writing the query in SQL I'd get the equivalent of

WHERE CAST(FLOOR(CAST(table.date AS float))AS datetime) = '15-Jul-2010'

Ideally I'd use

SELECT * FROM table WHERE date=@input

and add a date object as a parameter to a System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand instance

Are those two comparable? Will I get the results I expect?

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Stop Combo Selected Index Changed While First Time Winform Load?

May 22, 2012

Notice that everytime the winform first loads, it will trigger 2 comboboxes ( each tabs each comboboxes ) selected index changed event from,

trying to find possible way to stop combobox selected index changed from winform first load, only trigger combobox selected index changed event after selecting the specific tab,

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Commented Code Won't Work - Time The Thread Start, The Variable CurrentFarm Have Changed.

Mar 1, 2011

Vb.net For each currentFarm in ......

If urlQueue.Count > 0 Then
Debug.Assert(currentFarm.isBusy = False)
Debug.Assert(currentFarm.WebClient.IsBusy = False)


The commented code won't work. That's because by the time the thread start, the variable currentFarm have changed. So I create a new function and cache the currentFarm in the function parameter. No there will be a cache of currentFarm address (object is always a pointer) on a stack and that address is the one being passed to the System.Threading.Thread constructor.

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VS 2008 - Multithreaded Crawler - Each Time A New Thread Accesses One Of The Lists The Content Is Changed

Mar 18, 2010

I have written a multithreaded crawler and the process is simply creating threads and having them access a list of urls to crawl. They then access the urls and parse the html content. All this seems to work fine. Now when I need to write to tables in a database is when I experience issues. I have 2 declared arraylists that will contain the content each thread parse. The first arraylist is simply the rss feed links and the other arraylist contains the different posts. I then use a for each loop to iterate one while sequentially incrementing the other and writing to the database. My problem is that each time a new thread accesses one of the lists the content is changed and this affects the iteration. I tried using nested loops but it did not work before and this works fine using a single thread.

Here is my

SyncLock dlock
For Each rsslink As String In finallinks
postlink = finalposts.Item(i)


Finallinks and finalposts are the two arraylists. I did not include the rest of the code which shows the threads working but this is the essential part where my error occurs which is basically here postlink = finalposts.Item(i) i = i + 1

ERROR: index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name:index

I tried copying it to a new list but dosent work.

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Show Messagebox/play Sound When System Time = Time Displayed In Listview?

Nov 13, 2010

Basically i'm trying making a task manager program for myself. I want to know how I can display a message box and or play a sound when system time = time displayed in listview. I have used a dropdown box for the user to select which option they would like to select - sound or message box to popup. The data for the task will be stored in a listview box. I want it so that when the date and the time is = to the date and time set for the reminder the action will follow.Here is my code so far:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim notext As String = ""
If TextBox1.Text = notext Then[code]....

View 12 Replies

Get SNTP Time - User Can Changes The System Time Of His Computer To A Advancing Date?

Jan 24, 2012

I'm using

Days = Dat2.Subtract(Dat1).Days


Dat2 = today

Dat1 = installed date

to trace the days of a program installed in user's computer.However, the user can changes the system time of his computer to a advancing date. How can I get a SNTP time from internet to solve this problem?

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Timers.timer Lossing Time When Compared It To System Time

Mar 19, 2012

When I run my app at first its keeps time accurately for the first minute or so there after it starts loosing seconds, and by the end of the day its minutes behind.I've created a class called ServerTimeTimer that has a timers.timer object that elapses every second and adds a second to a dateTime variable, and a property to retrieve the date time.[code]

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Why Can't A Sub Implement An Interface And Handle Event At Same Time

Apr 12, 2011

Why can't a sub implement an interface and handle event at the same time? The following gives my a syntax error:[code]I know I could handle this kind of logic with another method, but that is not the point. I just want to understand the reasoning behind this.

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Now() Function Returns Date And Time Which Is Different From System Time

Nov 24, 2009

The Now() function in VB.NET returns date and time which is different from the system time that I see on the right-bottom on the notification bar. It is 15 hours slower than the system time. Has anyone ever met this problem? I'm using .NET 2.0.

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Random Exceptions: System.IO.IOException: The Handle Is Invalid

Dec 27, 2011

I have a relatively simple VB.NET app. It targets framework 2.0 from Visual Studio 2010. The app works fine most of the time, except that the users sometimes receive the

following exceptions. The error is completely random and somewhat rare. I haven't been able to trap it while in a development environment. It also doesn't appear to be

pointing at my code. My app continues to run if the users ignore the error. How would I trap and handle this error?

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Forms :: Load Event Only Fires One Time (Loosing Handle)

Jul 17, 2011

I have a form for which the form load event only fires one time. When the program starts. It will not fire again until I end the program and restart. I have tried .show and .showdialog, but it acts the same. I have read about form load events loosing the handles, but my code looks exactly like it should.

Here is the load event code
PrivateSub frmBilling_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesMyBase.Load
LoadCPT() EndSub

Here is the code that calles the form.
PrivateSub BillingToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BillingToolStripMenuItem.ClickfrmBilling.Show()

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Prepare An Application Which Can Calculate Free Time Of The Team Which Handle?

Jul 2, 2009

My motive to prepre a application which can calculate free time of the team which handle. I have written a code which updates the username and current time in an access database. How can i run the code on windows lock event.

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VS 2008 Handle Click Event Of Component During Design-time

Feb 10, 2010

I have a UserControl with a Panel (Panel1). The UserControl has a property Items (type ControlCollection) that returns the Controls collection of Panel1.Via a custom CollectionEditor, I tell the designer that it should add my custom controls called Item (inheriting Control). For the sake of example, the Item control is just a control with a random background color:[code]The custom CollectionEditor creates new Item controls using the DesignerHost service (and its CreateComponent method), so that they appear as actual components in Panel1, selectable during design-time just like any other control.It might be a little hard to see (because the colored Items are docked to the top), but I have selected the red item, which can also be seen from the Properties list.

As you can see in the code, I attach a Click event handler to each item as it is added to Panel1. When clicked, a MessageBox shows the color of the item. Obviously this is just for the sake of this example, but the point is that I need to be able to click an item and something then needs to happen.This works fine during run-time. I can click each item, and the MessageBox shows.The problem is that it does not work (quite obviously) during design-time. When I click it during design-time, it is simply selected (as any other control) and of course does not register any Click (nor MouseClick) events.But, I need the Click event to fire even when in design-time! Clicking an item corresponds to selecting it, and when selected (even in design-time), some other panel (not shown in this example) should be brought to the front so it gets visible. Now, I have created lots of things very similar to this (clicking an item during design-time), but there has always been one major difference: those items were not actual controls on the form. Instead, they were drawn manually on to their parent (and they only looked like separate controls). Obviously there was no design-time support for those 'items' (as they weren't controls), but I could handle clicking them quite easily: by handling the MouseClick event of the parent, I can check the location and see if it falls within an item. If so, that item was 'clicked' (artificially).This time, the items are actual controls, and this method does not work (the parent does not receive a MouseClick event either).So, does anyone know of any way to do this? The only way I can think of right now (although I have no idea how to implement it) is to somehow 'listen' to changes in the designer selection.

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File.readalllines - Program To Handle Only A Medium Chunk Of Data At A Time?

Feb 27, 2012

Say I have a 5 GB file. I want to split it in the following way.

First 100 MB is on the file

The rest go some reserve file

I do not want to use readalllines kind of function because it's too slow for large files.

I do not want to read the whole file to the memory. I want the program to handle only a medium chunk of data at a time.

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VB 2008 .suo File Needs To Be Changed/recreated Because A Path Has Changed. All Other Files Are OK

May 5, 2012

I changed my Username on my computer from i.e. "xxxxxx x xxxxx" to "Dennis"

VB 2008 during a compile gave me the following error: Error reading icon 'C:Usersxxxxxx x xxxxxAppDataRoamingMicrosoftVBExpress9.0VSProjectApplication.ico' -- The system cannot find the path specified.

The file "VSProjectApplication.ico" is in 'C:UsersDennisAppDataRoamingMicrosoftVBExpress9.0'

Somewhere in the VB2008 "configuration" files I believe that I need to manually change the old path to the new path.

I found the old path in the ".suo" file. The ".suo" file is not a text file. How can I edit the .suo file, save it so that it will work?

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Saving Changed Data Before DataViewGrid Selection (Row) Changed?

Jan 20, 2010

on my Form I have a DataViewGrid and some textboxes with a save button (they are filled with additional data of the selected row).Save is disabled first, when I change something in the textboxes the save button is enabled.When the user changes a gow in the grid, I want to ask before changing the grid row, if he wants to save (if the button is enabled).I am using RowEnter but this is too late, then the selected row already changed (and my textboxes already got new data)...What event can I use to ask if I should save stuff before the user changes a row?Something like BeforeRowChanging with a chance to cancel changing the row?

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C# - Why Is Attached Property Property Changed Event Only Firing One Time

Nov 27, 2010

I have a listbox binded to a list of objects. For each list item I wanted to have a rectangle whose fill color is determined by a few properties of the binded object. So I did the following:

Made sure INotifyPropertyChanged was implemented on my object.Created a class to expose the properties I am interested in as attached properties.Binded the properties of the object to the attached properties of the rectangle Created a style that uses triggers to set the rectangle fill based on attached properties.

This works, but only the first time the property of the object changes. After that, the attached properties do not seem to be receiving notification when the data object's property changes. I have double checked and my data object is raising the INotifyPropertyChanged event.

<Rectangle Style="{StaticResource RecordStateRectangleStyle}"
Width="10" Height="10" Stroke="Black"
local:RecordAttachment.RecordState="{Binding Path=RecordState}"
local:RecordAttachment.IsDeleted="{Binding Path=IsDeleted}" />


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Getting Date Into A Label Every Time Date Is Changed

Jan 25, 2011

I am using this datetimepicker by Trent Richardson, I can get the date time picker to work, however after the date is changed i need it to be put into a hidden asp.net control that is in an update panel. So how can i make it so everytime the user changes the date and time it is sent to a label. url...

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Check To See If The System Time Is Equal Or Not Equal To A Specific Time?

Mar 8, 2012

How does one check to see if the system time is equal or not equal to a specific time? So, say I want to perform an action if your system time is between 6pm and 6am. Or something similar?

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Automatically Recognize And Handle Changes Of An Item In A "System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection"

Feb 4, 2011

I wanted to create a custom control with a custom Item-Collection in it.(Similar to the ListView Items, but with other properties)I wrote a Class that holds properties of a single Item data (ClassItemData) and another class that "Inherits System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection(Of ClassItemData)". The Collection class contains a public event (ItemCollectionChanged) which is raised when "ClearItems", "InsertItem", "RemoveItem" or "SetItem" is called. (I used "Overrides" on all these functions and added the Raise Event to them.) The event is handled in the custom control itself and causes the control to refresh/repaint itself. The collection class contains also "Default Public Overloads ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal index As Int32) As ClassItemData" which returns the Item at the speciefic index.

The control refreshes itself when I place the control on a form and use code like: ControlName.Items.Add("TestItem") Unfortunately the control does not refresh itself when I use: ControlName.Items.Item(0).Visible = False The value of the Item itself has changed after this, but the control does know about the changes and does not refresh itself. If I do a manual repaint/refresh of the control, it looks all fine, but it does not work automatically. Does anyone know, what I have to add, so I can handle an event or something in the control when a property in the ItemData class has changed? How do I recognize changes in existing items and raise an event in the custom event?

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Get The GMT Time Of The System?

Jul 24, 2009

I want to get the GMT time of the system. how to find it?

I tried in 2 ways.here below i am writing the the way through which i tried

TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(Date.Now).To String()

I tested the above functions by changing the TimeZones of my system clock. in these both ways i got the GMT time.but here i am facing once problem.its giving correct GMT time for some Time zones.but not in many of the time zones.here below i am mentioning some of those zones fo which GMT time not came correctly.

(GMT-09:00) Alaska
(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time
(GMT-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan-New
(GMT-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan-Old


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