Highlight The Text Using With Regex Method?

Jan 5, 2010

I was wondering that if it possible to highlight the full text from the webpage using with regex match method and input the text in the label??

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How To Highlight String Using With Regex Method

Jan 2, 2010

I am working on my project using with regex method, but I have difficulty to get the proper strings in each line which it doesn't work in the right way. However I want to use a different way, like find the regex value then highlight the full text from one line, copy and paste the full text to input them in the label text. For e.g:


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Regex Builder That Actually BUILDS RegEx From A Highlight

Nov 17, 2011

I've been working straight since yesterday trying to get this to work. I'm a noob to RegEx and I've tested out about 5 different RegEx "builders" but each of them require you to navigate through the options to build the Regex...each of them has failed when I try to use them.Is there an application out there free/paid where you select the line you want to grab and the RegEx is auto generated from that highlight rather than having to try to build the line of code? [code]

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Regex: Take Text & Some Special Characters Between The Xml Tags Using Regex On C#.net?

Feb 23, 2012

I want to take the text and some special characters between the xml tags.. My input file contains:


now i want the Regex to take text and the special characters between the tags <line>,<inline>..

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Change Password With Formview And Regex Method?

Oct 18, 2011

I am using a Formview for Change Password funciton in my project. It works OK with update and validations.I am now trying to add code for Strong Password as follows:

Private Sub FormView1_ItemUpdating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormViewUpdateEventArgs) Handles FormView1.ItemUpdating
Dim password As String = CType(FormView1.FindControl("PasswordTextBox"), TextBox).Text
Dim score As PasswordScore = PasswordAdvisor.CheckStrength(password)


In the class, the Match.Success always returns "False" and also, irrespective of the validity of the password entered, it gets updated in the database. Is there any way to control the Update function of Formview, so that the password is updated only if it is valid?

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Regex - Regular Expressions - Escape Method?

Jul 4, 2011

Is there a way to escape all metacharacters in a string with the exception of "*"?

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Highlight A Text (outside The Application (like A Word Text))

Sep 9, 2010

i need to create an application that when i highlight a text (outside the application (like a word text) ) and i click on control + f it prints it in a message box

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Highlight Text In VB?

Oct 29, 2010

I've a program in which I've a richtextbox and I want to highlight like it is done is Visual Basic 2008(or 2010) when the richtextbox cursor(and not mouse) is upon a certain word all the instances of that word in the code is highlighted.

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Asp.net - Highlight Text In .NET, .Select() Isn't Available

Jun 4, 2009

I have a Web Forms textbox in a gridview and I want to higlight the text on a button click. textbox.select(start,end) doesn't work. Here is the code:

Dim row As GridViewRow = TryCast(DirectCast(sender, ImageButton).Parent.Parent, GridViewRow)
Dim txtdays As TextBox = row.Cells(2).FindControl("txtDays")
Dim lbldays As Label = row.Cells(2).FindControl("lblDays")


.Select works on Windows Forms textboxes but not Web Forms textboxes.

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Highlight Certain Text In Listbox

Dec 6, 2010

Im currently faced with a problem. I have a textbox whereby the user would enter a word, my program would then match the word within a text. If there is a match, the program would display the word and the line that contains the matched word in the listbox. My problem is I want to highlight that particular word when the line is displayed in the listbox but I could not find any syntax that could perform that function.

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Highlight Text In WebBrowser?

Jul 30, 2009

I'm using a WebBrowser control and I'd like to highlight text that the user enters. It's supposed to be kind of like what you get from Ctrl+F in Firefox. I initially tried this:

Me.webHelp.DocumentText = Me.strOriginal.Replace(Me.txtSearch.Text, "<span style=""background-color:#44F; color:#FFF"">" & Me.txtSearch.Text & "</span>")

However, if the user types "body" it replaces every instance of "body", even ones inside tags, which hoses the HTML. How could I separate the page text from the tags(and everything else) and just do a replace on that while maintaining the integrity of the HTML?

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Highlight Certain Text Inside A RichTextBox ?

May 28, 2012

I am currently making a Syntax Highlighter.How can I highlight certain text inside a RichTextBox ? I am Currently Using This Code :

Public Function Highlight(ByVal highlightcolor As String, ByVal ParamArray WordsToFind() As Object)
'Loop through all the words you specified:
For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(WordsToFind)[code].....

but it will only Highlight 1 of the word I set / Change the whole text into the selected colour

Example :

'I wanted to Highlight "Hello"

'I put this code into RichTextBox_TextChanged:


'And It will Only highlight The First "Hello" inside my Text :

'Hello my name is XXX, Hello

And, can I Highlight text between certain text / after certain text

Example :

'Highlight After the '
Or :

<!-- Highlight between these 2 tags -->

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Highlight Part Of A Text In A Label?

Mar 24, 2011

I've got a textbox and a label. In the label, I've got the string "alberto". What I want to do is, I want the charactes I write in the textbox to highlight in the label, so, for example, when I write "al" in the textbox, the first two characters will be highlighted.

So, the real question is: how can i highlight only some characters in the label instead of the whole text?

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Highlight Text In A Cell Of Datagridview?

Oct 1, 2009

If it is textbox then i can [code]...

I want to do so in datagridview with a currentcell.

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Highlight Text In Two Textboxes At Same Time

May 2, 2012

in order to select text in a textbox you need to focus into it.The problem is, after focusing and selecting the second textbox, it deselects the text in the first textbox.

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Highlight Text On Textbox Focus

Aug 4, 2011

I'm trying to highlight the text when the textbox gets focus, like an address bar of browsers. I'm using this code so far:


And it works fine, but I'd like to do the same thing on the click event. Here's my problem. The same code of enter event in text box, apparently doesn't work on mouse down and mose up.

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Highlight Text Within Textbox Programmatically / Via GUI?

Dec 30, 2011

How may i highlight the text when say, after a textbox is enabled after the click of a button? (programmatically or via the GUI) Missing out something very obvious here

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Backspace - Delete Text In The Textbox Using This Is To Highlight And Hit DEL?

Jun 5, 2010

Here's my code snippet:

Private Sub txtLogin2_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtLogin2.KeyPress
'// Ceci empêche l'utilisateur d'écrire des caractères ASCII ou même des espaces..
e.Handled = Not Char.IsLetterOrDigit(e.KeyChar)
End Sub

It works fine and dandy except for one issue... the only way to delete text in the textbox using this is to highlight and hit DEL... But what if I wanted to simply back space... Any suggestions?

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C# - Changes Highlight In Asp.net (like Beyond Compare): Text Or HTML Comparison

Mar 5, 2010

I need to highlight changes(diff) between 2 database text fields in a asp.net application. I'm used to "beyond compare" text compare, so the Ideal solution will do something like it, but if it just highlight the differences, that would be OK. [URL] The content is HTML, so if it could compare the HTML rendered text, it would be even better. So, i need a link or a control (free if possible) to do that job.

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C# Search And Highlight Founded Text In Textbox 2

Mar 18, 2012

i need code how to highlight founded words into textbox 2 and remove from textbox 2.

do not list all those which are not founded and highlighted leave only matching keywords and highlighted.

I want to highlight only those keywords i type from textbox 1 and add just those which are matching but not others.

this is not a richtextbox or notepad this is my link parser using only 2 text boxes.


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Datagridview : Find Text In Any Column And Highlight Row?

Jul 19, 2010

I have a datagridview and the user wishes to key some text in a text box and press a find button.The text to be looked for could exist in any columns in the grid (I want to exclude hidden columns).The search is to start at the row the user is currently at. If it gets to the bottom of the grid and still not found the the search would start from the first row of data.

If a match is found then the row with a matching value is to be highlighted.I've looked at using the position and find properties of my binding source but I think this will only let me find on one column and only from the top?Do I need to programmatically loop through the rows in the datagridview and search for the text or may there be a better method?

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Detect Highlight Text Inside A Texbox?

Mar 15, 2011

Is there a way to detect whether text inside a textbox is highlighted from a user using a mouse either by double clicking or click and drag inside a textbox? I'm able to use the mouse doubleclick event as a way to detect the double clicking. However, i am stuck with click and drag to highlight for more than two characters.

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Find Text In Listbox And Highlight All Those Keywords?

Jul 29, 2011

I have a small code and i want to highlight not only one found item in listbox but to highlight all items found under typed keywords.

Example: i typed vb.net programming and i wanna to find it all keywords under these names and highlight only those sites and put those keywords in textbox2 from textbox1.

I want like this:

Here is the code.

For i = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
If ListBox1.Items(i).ToString.ToLower.Contains(Trim(LCase(TextBox1.Text))) Then
ListBox1.SelectedIndex = i


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Highlight Text Inside A Datagridview Cell?

Feb 15, 2008

Does anyone know how to highlight or change the color of text inside a datagridview cell? Not change the back or fore colors of the whole cell, but only for a particular word inside the cell. This is to make the search results more visible to the user.I tried doing it in the Cell_Formatting event of the datagridview but I'm only seeing options to change values of the entire cell (e.CellStyle). If there was only a way to select text inside the cell and set the selected text's properties. Or if I could use some formatting tags around the text.

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How To Get A RicHTextBox To Multi Highlight Selected Text

May 1, 2009

How can I get a RicHTextBox to Multi Highlight selected text? [code]

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Search And Highlight Founded Text In Textbox 2

Mar 18, 2012

i need code how to highlight founded words into textbox 2 and remove from textbox 2. do not list all those which are not founded and highlighted leave only matching keywords and highlighted.I want to highlight only those keywords i type from textbox 1 and add just those which are matching but not others.this is not a richtextbox or notepad this is my link parser using only 2 text boxes and a lot of codes

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Search In Listview And Highlight Found Text

Jun 11, 2011

I can search for items in first listview column using FindItemWithText. I wonder is it possible to search in other listview columns and highlight found text, not all item line? My Listview contains multiple items and each item has 9 subitems. I would like to search in column 4.

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Search The Gridview For Data Given In A Text Box And Then Highlight It

Nov 27, 2010

I have a datagridview with three columns (ID, Name, Address). It's bound to a database that contains around 500 items. I want to be able to search the gridview for data given in a text box, and then highlight it. If possible, pressing the Next button should find the next match, and the Reset button should clear all selections (nothing highlighted).

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User To Be Able To Highlight Text And Apply An Attribute?

Apr 2, 2009

So - I have some text in an RTF control. I want the user to be able to highlight text and apply an attribute. The following code is placed into a button called BOLD and seems to work nicely:

If rtfText.SelectedText.Length > 0 Then
rtfText.SelectionFont = New Font(rtfText.SelectionFont, FontStyle.Bold)
End If

The code above will turn the selected text bold.

But then the user selects the Same text and with the following code placed into a button called ITALIC it removes the bold attribute and replaces it with italics.

If rtfText.SelectedText.Length > 0 Then
rtfText.SelectionFont = New Font(rtfText.SelectionFont, FontStyle.Italic)
End If

Since the users actions are separate - I can not know that they want BOLD and ITALIC, so how do I make sure I keep the existing attribute on the selected text (which, by the way could be part bold and part not-bold) and add italic?

Somehow I need to add the italic attribute to the selected text, not simply replace all attributes with italic.

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When Select The VB Code Tags It Wants To Highlight Some Text?

Apr 18, 2009

How do you post VB code so it's color coded? I use the Code tags and it's all black when I select the VB Code tags it wants me to highlight some text?

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