How To Create A Simple Program That Monitors What Programs Are Opening
Nov 10, 2010
I am wanting to create a simple program that monitors what programs are opening and if necessary close one or two. I would also like to know if it is possible to get the window title (using a simple function/sub) and check with a stored list of programs,
whether that particular program is allowed to be open and if so before the program can be opened a password dialog will appear asking the user to enter the defined password in order to continue opening the program. Is this possible? Also should the password entered not match up, the program/process will not be allowed to open and will be closed/cancelled.
some code or point to the part of the microsoft site that has information on getting window titles and how to close current programs open etc
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Apr 13, 2011
I have created a program that takes a users input of a bunch of fields. Now what i want to do is create a word document using the information that was entered so users can print a page with the information and save it as well.
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Aug 7, 2011
I would like to create a program that would install a program depending on the checkbox selected.
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Jan 4, 2012
Im trying to create a program with a simple gui that enables me to search for and select parent folders containing child folders containing multiple files and then validate those files based off of constants i set per child folder and file.
User selects Parent FolderX
Parent FolderX > (ChildFolder1 ( Constant for ChildFolder1 says open file 4 ) > File 4
Compare multiple strings of text in a specific order based off of file name to constants i have set for that named file Then continue to ChildFolder2 ( Constant for ChildFolder2 says open file 16 ) > File 16 Compare multiple strings of text in a specific order based off of file name to constants i have set for that named file If there is any constants not read in one of the files after all have been checked, return msgbox with a notification and write .txt log with child folder and file names to specified directory?
View 4 Replies
Apr 26, 2012
I am trying to create a simple DVD Player with Visual Basic 2008 (Express). But I am trying to find this item for the Toolbox-"MSWebDVD".
Does anybody have, like a download link to get it for VB 2008? If you do provide me with a download link, then I would kindly ask to tell me on how to apply it.
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Mar 5, 2012
I would like to create a simply shortcut to a specified program. All of the codes I've tried use the WshRunTime library and it seem to throw an exception every time.
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May 27, 2011
I am sure this can be done, as Visual Studio is basically built this way. What I want to do is simply make a class that my other workmates can use. But rather than have it in a code form, I want to build it (partially), and then my workmate can add it into their programs (sort of, like the add reference for the .NET stuff).
View 4 Replies
Oct 19, 2010
I am trying to make a tabbed notepad in vb.netWhat I want to do is associate .txt, .rtf, .html, ect. so that when you double click on them, the notepad starts up and loads the text file in one of the tabs. So far I can only get the files to open by using an openfiledialouge
View 7 Replies
Nov 13, 2010
i want to open progream in my Form,like:(The picture edited in Photoshop)
View 2 Replies
Dec 4, 2009
I am writing a program that stores filenames, along with a lot of information about the files in a database. I need to be able to open these files in three different programs from my application. One of these programs, AutoCAD is the default program for the files, but the other two are more difficult. These two need to open the file in a program that is not the default for the file type. Eventually, I'd also like to allow users to point the application to the instance of AutoCAD, MasterWorks, or FeatureCAM that they want to open. I have found articles that explain how to open a file in a default application and articles that tell me how to open any application with a file name, but only 1 suggestion of how to control the program used to open the file. For some reason I cannot get AutoCAD to recognize the file I feed in if I use this method though, so I think it's wrong. This is the method I found that doesn't work:
Start("D:Program Files (x86)AutoCAD 2007acad.exe", file)file is a variable that contains my file name. Since this works fine when I take the program path out, I know the filename is correct, but AutoCAD says it is not.
View 2 Replies
Jun 15, 2009
I want to make a program where I can open a program, and my vb program starts with it. My VB program will then use a timer to count to an hour, and then close out of both programs. So i started experementing with things and this is what i came up with:Dim myprocess As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe")
That opens my program fine, but I dont know how to close it from there. Also I want my vb program to start automaticaly, not hit a button and my other program shows up.
View 5 Replies
Sep 3, 2010
im trying to create a simple program that send string data through winsock, there are hundresd of tutorials allover the web, but non of them seem to work! I am fairly new to visual basics but i undersatnd the consept of winsock and 'all that stuff'. [code]
View 5 Replies
Apr 24, 2010
I wanted to create a simple Visual Basic 2008 program that can log me into my email with a click of a button...what would a the code for the button look like?
View 1 Replies
Aug 26, 2010
I need to create/get a simple program that opens up a webpage, writes to a log if it is successful or not, logs out and repeats 5 minutes later.I'm not a coder myself, and I have no coders available at my work, I do on the otherhand have access to Visual Basic .NET 2010.
View 5 Replies
Jan 22, 2010
could anyone please help me with this1.Create a simple Times Table program which will allow the user to enter an integer value n (between 1 and 20) into a textbox. On the click of a button output to a label the n times tables. Use a For Next loop to perform the repetition.i can output them to a list box but only last one to a label ive been stuck for 3 days.
View 8 Replies
Mar 15, 2010
How can I create a simple application to send timed controls to an external device?
What I need is to create a very simple application that sends control signals or voltages out to an external device connected via serial perhaps. The external device will in turn trigger some electromechanical devices. There needs to be 24 independent controls each with a simple command equivalent to on or off. What is important is being able to control the timings of the on and off on each control.[code]....
View 1 Replies
Aug 23, 2011
Im learning Visual Basic 2010 on my programming class and we reached the part of file handling. Here i tried to make a simple program that can create a text file with the content of what i type on the textbox, basically i create the file if it doesn't exist, and if it already exists i append the content to it. Once the file is saved i can read it using the "Open" button. Unfortunataly, whenever i try to create the file, the compiler gives me an error saying that it cannot modify a closed file, although i've followed up the execution instruction by instruction and i can't find the error.
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim body As String
View 6 Replies
Mar 23, 2010
I'm looking to create a simple program with 1 text field, 1 button, and an area to display what is happening and if there were any errors.My goal is to be able to delete user profiles stored on a network drive by simply putting in the users ID and hitting the button.I'll use my own id as an example:If I put mdesieno in the txt box and hit the button, I'll need the button to map to the network drive and delete mdesieno.corp and mdesieno.v2 I would like the bottom half of the window to display text like:
"Deleting User Profile mdesieno.corp" SUCCESSFUL
"Deleting User profile mdesieno.V2" SUCCESSFUL
To me this seems pretty simple, but as I said, I do not know VB yet. Is there code out there that is already written to do something like this?
View 11 Replies
Feb 27, 2012
how to create a program that can access information held in an excel database and show it in a simple form.
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Oct 10, 2011
I am looking to write a program that runs in the background that monitors the USB ports on a PC. If a specific device gets unplugged I want a message box to come up saying so. Is this possible. I am guessing I would need to query the usb devices for their ID and then write a simple If then statement, however I do not know how to get the IDs of the usb devices.
View 7 Replies
Aug 13, 2011
If at all possible, how can my app detect the number, physical location, and size/resolution of monitors in use so as to define the program's parameters? Secondly, I have created a stopwatch variable ("Count"). I can't seem to get it to function properly unless using full seconds. In the following code, I have tried to use a fraction of a second (like .5) and using "count.elapsed.milliseconds = 500" and the program doesn't act like the code is even there...
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
If count.Elapsed.Seconds = 1 Then
End If
End Sub
View 15 Replies
Dec 30, 2009
I have created a security program that monitors the keystokeswebsitesprocesses... I want to FIRST ask if this is a legal question; for, my purpose in this program is security reasons (eg. following up on employees to make sure that they are doing what they are paid to do. They all know this is running, and have been warned not to go to sites and enter information they do not want reviewed).
Second, I want this program to be hidden so that techy persons cannot go into task manager and end the process, then go on to some porn site! How could I make this app hidden, or at the very least make it 'un-end-able' from the task manager?
View 5 Replies
Jan 8, 2010
In class i saved my program in with load of other test programs for the same assignment and got everything mixed up i finally figured out what was what and loaded the program in Visual Basic. Now my program doesn't recognize one of my forms when i try to access the design view of it. I hit run for the hell of it and the program runs with errors of course but the form1 "the missing one" shows up with all the buttons etc and i can use it.
Heres the link to the files. [URL]
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Jan 19, 2012
I have a finished project and I was wondering what software was available to make this into an exe with a nice profesional looking installer? I am using express.I have already had a look into cyberinstaller suite, it is ok, but generaly it is turning my half mb project into a 4.8mb project.
View 12 Replies
Sep 2, 2011
I am making a program that NEEDS to be password protected, so i made a textbox with a code so that when the user enters the right password it lets you in. But if the user/person enters a wrong password 2X it will kick you out. So is there a way to keep the
View 3 Replies
Dec 21, 2011
I'm working on a program, just to learn a bit more about programming. The program's function (if I manage to do it) will be to accept drag/drop files and create a link to them within the program itself. For example: I drag and drop the .exe to a game I have installed; the program then creates a shortcut within itself; the shortcut is displayed in the program with the name/icon; if I click the icon within the program, game launches.I've already manually coded something to this same effect, but it doesn't automatically add new shortcuts/buttons so I have to keep going back in and reprogramming another button every time I install a new game/program. I'd like to be able to just drag/drop and be ready to go. Any ideas on how I can get this function? I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
View 9 Replies
Dec 3, 2009
does anyone know how to get my program to scan for a program such as ie then add it to a toolstrip as a button then when i click it it opens ie??I like..... Understandable Answers
View 1 Replies
Nov 16, 2010
I want to make a simple window which would contain a list of some free programs available for download. The program list would be derived from a web page that has download links to the programs. My program would check this webpage, and provide the download links so that the user could download the programs in-window.
View 3 Replies
Mar 21, 2011
opening a program and type something in their textbox or click on button of program if you can tell me refrence or .net platform class that can i access to another filed program
View 12 Replies
Sep 14, 2009
I want to have a link in an email with an ID number. Then, when the user clicks on the link in the email, it either launches my program, or brings the program to top, depending on whether it is opened or not, and then loads the record for that ID number from the link (the software is a record lookup tool).If I can figure out how to "send" the program the ID, I can figure the rest out.
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